Ejemplo n.º 1
    def help(self, args):
        from sip.account import Account
        def print_help(cmd, fun, long=False):
            txt = list()
            txt.append("\n %-10s" % cmd)
            if fun.__doc__ is not None:
                doc = fun.__doc__.strip().split('\n')
                txt.append("- %s" % doc[0])

                if long:
                    for line in doc[1:]:
                        txt.append(' '*4+line.strip())

            return ''.join(txt)

        if len(args) > 0:
            if not hasattr(Account, 'do_'+args[0]):
                repl.error("Unknown *%s* command!" % args[0], place=repl.INBETWEEN); return False

            fun = getattr(Account, 'do_'+args[0])
            repl.info(print_help(args[0], fun, long=True), place=repl.AFTER)
            return True

        # list all available commands
        helps = list()
        for name, fun in sorted([(name, obj) for (name, obj) in Account.__dict__.iteritems() \
                                if name.startswith('do_')]):
            helps.append(print_help(name[3:], fun))

        repl.info(''.join(helps), place=repl.AFTER)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def handle_request(self, req):
            A request is incoming on a socket used to send data to the server (generic socket).
            Must be redispatch to correct account (based on To header user)
        username = req.headers['to'].user
        if username not in self.accounts:
            repl.error("Unknown targeted '%s' account" % username); return False

        return getattr(self.accounts[username], 'req_'+req.method.lower())(req)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def handle(self, cmd):
        """Handle command from CLI

                101 register
                101	dial 102
                101 ack 458d54ef452a

        #NOTE: filter remove multi-spaces
        cmd = cmd.strip()
        if len(cmd) == 0:
            return True

        parts = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, cmd.split(' '))
        if parts[0] == 'help':
            return self.help(parts[1:])

        accnt = self.accounts.get(parts[0], None)
        if accnt is None:
            repl.error("Unknown *%s* account" % parts[0], place=repl.INBETWEEN); return False
        if len(parts) < 2:
            repl.error("No action specified", place=repl.INBETWEEN); return False

        action = parts[1].lower()
        if not hasattr(accnt, 'do_'+action):
            repl.error("Unknown '%s' action" % action, place=repl.INBETWEEN); return False

        repl.debug("", place=repl.INBETWEEN)
            return getattr(accnt, 'do_'+action)(*parts[2:])
        except TypeError:
            repl.error("Invalid number of arguments for '%s' action" % action, place=repl.INBETWEEN)
            return False