Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: move.py Proyecto: sovaa/sire
def move(id, newcat):
    from sire.misc import Misc
    from sire.printer import c
    import sire.dbman as dbman
    import sire.helpers as helpers
    import sire.printer as printer
    import time, sys

    # User didn't specify what category to move to, try to use the default value.
    if newcat is None:
        # Try default for current category.
        newcat = helpers.config_value("move." + helpers.get_category_from_id(id))
        if not newcat:

    if not helpers.config_value("categories." + newcat):
        printer.text_error(Misc.ERROR["nocat"] % c(newcat))

    newdate = str(int(time.time()))
    helpers.enforce_duplicate_policy(helpers.get_title_from_id(id), newcat)

    result = dbman.get_item_with_id(id)
    if len(result) == 0:
        printer.text_error(Misc.ERROR["item"] % c(id))

    dbman.update_category(str(id), newcat)
    dbman.update_date(str(id), newdate)
    title = result[0][1]
    times = result[0][3]

    printer.print_info("move", (id, printer.format_text_out(title), newcat, result[0][2], times))
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: change.py Proyecto: sovaa/sire
 def db_and_print(val, i):
     # sql friendly
     val = format_text_in(val)
     old = dbman.get_title_with_id(i)
     dbman.set_title_with_id(val, i)
     text_note("Changed item with ID '%s' from '%s' to '%s'." % (c(i), c(old), c(format_text_out(val))))
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: list.py Proyecto: sovaa/sire
def list_duplicates(cats):
    from sire.printer import text_note
    from sire.helpers import cnr_parser

    cats = cnr_parser(cats)
    results = dbman.get_duplicates_in_categories(cats)
    if not results:
        return text_note(Misc.ERROR["nodupe"] % c(str(cats)))
    # each item returned by that last query up there only returns one of the duplicate items,
    # so get all matching titles and print their IDs and categories
    for item in results:
        text_note("%s entries found for '%s':" % (c(str(item[2])), c(item[1])))
        dupeids = dbexec(db, "SELECT id, cat FROM item WHERE title = '%s'" % item[1], None, False)
        for id in dupeids:
            print "  ID '%s' in category '%s'" % (c(str(id[0])), c(id[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def format_category_out(category):
    from sire.helpers import config_value
    from sire.shared import opt

    cattitle = config_value("categories." + category)
    if not cattitle:
        text_error(ERROR["catdesc"] % c(category))

    if not opt.get("color"):
        return "  %s ('%s')\n" % (cattitle, category)

    color = config_value("colors." + category)
    if not color:
        color = config_value("defval.color")
    if color in C:
        color = C[color]

    return "  %s%s%s ('%s')%s" % (C["bold"], color, cattitle, category, C["default"])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def print_info(type, values):
    from sire.helpers import format_time_passed, config_value
    from sire.printer import text_info, c

    style = config_value("general.printstyle")
    if type is "delete":
        words = ("Deleted", "from", "red", True)
    elif type is "add":
        words = ("Added", "to", "green", True)
    elif type is "move":
        words = ("Moved", "from '%s' to" % c(values[4]), "green", True)

    # default value
    if not style or style == "0":
        text_info(text_color(words[0], words[2], words[3]))
        text_info("ID       : %s" % c(values[0]))
        text_info("Title    : %s" % c(values[1]))
        text_info("Category : %s" % c(values[2]))
        if values[3]:
            text_info("Age      : %s" % format_time_passed(values[3]))

    elif style == "1":
            "%s item with ID '%s' and title '%s' %s category '%s'"
            % (words[0], c(values[0]), c(str(values[1])), words[1], c(values[2]))
        if values[3]:
            text_info("It was in that category for %s" % format_time_passed(values[3]))

    elif style == "2":
        text_info("%s '%s' '%s' %s '%s'" % (words[0], c(values[0]), c(str(values[1])), words[1], c(values[2])))
        if values[3]:
            text_info("Age was %s" % format_time_passed(values[3]))

    elif style == "3":
        text_info("%s '%s' '%s' %s '%s'" % (words[0], c(values[0]), c(str(values[1])), words[1], c(values[2])))

        text_info("%s '%s'" % (words[0], c(str(values[1]))))

Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: list.py Proyecto: sovaa/sire
def list(cats, colw_score = 7, colw_id = 5):
    from sire.helpers import cnr_parser, config_value, sort, is_young
    from sire.printer import text_warning, text_note, table_head, format_category_out, format_text_out, bold
    alldbs = dbman.get_all_categories()
    cats = cnr_parser(cats)
    if not cats:
        cats = [config_value("defval.list")]

    if not cats:

    # only care if it's set and not 0, and if newline is not... newline, dont show the table
    if config_value("general.showtable") and opt.get('newline') is '\n':
        colw_title = 0
        for cat in cats:
            dbsel = dbman.get_items_with_category(cat)
            for id, title, date, cat, score in dbsel:
                if len(title) > colw_title:
                    colw_title = len(title)
        table_head(opt.get('id'), opt.get('score'), [colw_title, colw_id, colw_score])

    output = ''
    for cat in cats:
        if cat not in alldbs:
            if config_value('warn.emptycat') in [None, 1]:
                text_warning(Misc.ERROR["emptycat"] % c(cat))

        # get all items in category 'cat' and sort them if sorting is specified
        dbsel = sort(dbman.get_items_with_category(cat))

        # (--no-category, -C) was used
        if opt.get('category'): 
            formcat = format_category_out(cat)
            if formcat:
                output += formcat + opt.get('newline')

        for id, title, date, cat, score in dbsel:
            # (--days-ago, -y) was used
            if not is_young(date):

            # Make titles aligned.
            id = str(id)
            sid = ' '*(colw_id - len(id))
            sscore = ' '*(colw_score - len(str(score)))

            # uuh, you probably don't want to touch the next few lines; it -works-, okay?
            l1 = ['1', None, False]
            l2 = ['0', False]
            gscore = config_value("general.showscore")
            if config_value("general.showid") is '1' and opt.get('id'):
                output += bold(id, opt.get('color')) + sid + ': '

            # break it down: gscore is the CONFIG value that tells us to PRINT scores or not,
            # opt.get('score') is the COMMAND LINE value that tells us to NOT PRINT (double negative)
            # the command line have higher priority than the config
            # remember: 'command' here is double negative, so NO is YES, ignorance is bliss, war is..., sorry
            # config + command = 
            #   NO   +    NO   = YES
            #   NO   +    YES  = NO
            #   YES  +    NO   = YES (not necessary, since config already sais 'print ahead, dude'
            #   YES  +    YES  = NO
            if gscore in l1 and opt.get('score') in l1 or gscore in l2 and opt.get('score') in l2:
                output += bold(str(score), opt.get('color')) + sscore + ': '
            output += format_text_out(title) + opt.get('newline')

    output = output.strip()
    if len(output) is 0:
        return text_note(Misc.ERROR["itemnotfound"])
    if output[-1] == ',':
        output = output[:-1]

    print output