Ejemplo n.º 1
        def real_space_grid(v, grid_unit, density):
            import sisl

            # Create a temporary copy of the geometry
            g = self.geometry.copy()

            # Set new sc to create real-space grid
            sc = sisl.SuperCell(
                [self.xmax - self.xmin, self.ymax - self.ymin, 1000],
                origo=[0, 0, -z])

            # Move geometry within the supercell
            g = g.move([-self.xmin, -self.ymin, -np.amin(g.xyz[:, 2])])
            # Make z~0 -> z = 0
            g.xyz[np.where(np.abs(g.xyz[:, 2]) < 1e-3), 2] = 0

            # Create the real-space grid
            grid = sisl.Grid(grid_unit, sc=g.sc, geometry=g)

            if density:
                D = sisl.physics.DensityMatrix(g)
                a = np.arange(len(D))
                D.D[a, a] = v
                if isinstance(v, sisl.physics.electron.EigenstateElectron):
                    # Set parent geometry equal to the temporary one
                    v.parent = g
                    # In case v is a vector
                    sisl.electron.wavefunction(v, grid, geometry=g)
            del g
            return grid
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def wannier_on_grid(self, i, k=None, grid_prec=0.2, grid=None, geom=None):
        Projects the wannier function on a grid

        #all_coeffs = DataArray(self.ewf.wannR, dims=('k', 'orb', 'wannier'))
        wannR = self.ewf.wannR

        # Use the geometry of the hamiltonian if the user didn't provide one (usual case)
        if geom is None:
            geom = self.model.ham.geom

        # Create a grid if the user didn't provide one
        if grid is None:
            grid = sisl.Grid(grid_prec, geometry=geom, dtype=complex)

        # Get the coefficients of that we want
        #coeffs = all_coeffs.sel(wannier=i)
        coeffi = wannR[:, :, i]
        #if k is None:
        #    coeffs = coeffs.mean('k')
        #    coeffs = coeffs.sel(k=k)

        # Project the orbitals with the coefficients on the grid
        wavefunction(coeffs, grid, geometry=geom)

        return grid
Ejemplo n.º 3
def real_space_grid(geometry, sc, vector, shape, mode='wavefunction', **kwargs):
    """ Create real space `sisl.Grid` object for a `sisl.Geometry` and a `sisl.Supercell`

    g : sisl.Geometry
    vector : numpy.array
        vector to expand in the real space grid
    shape: float or (3,) of int
        the shape of the grid. A float specifies the grid spacing in Angstrom, while a list of integers specifies the exact grid size
        (see `sisl.Grid`)
    sc : sisl.SuperCell
        supercell object of the grid
    mode: str, optional
        to build the grid from sisl.electron.wavefunction object (``mode='wavefunction'``)
        or from the sisl.physics.DensityMatrix (``mode='charge'``), e.g. for charge-related plots

    See Also

    # Create a temporary copy of the geometry
    g = geometry.copy()

    # Set new sc to create real-space grid

    # Create the real-space grid
    grid = sisl.Grid(shape, sc=sc, geometry=g)

    if mode in ['wavefunction']:
        if isinstance(vector, sisl.physics.electron.EigenstateElectron):
            # Set parent geometry equal to the temporary one
            vector.parent = g
            # In case v is a vector
            sisl.electron.wavefunction(vector, grid, geometry=g)
    elif mode in ['charge']:
        # The input vector v corresponds to charge-related quantities
        # including spin-polarization understood as charge_up - charge_dn
        D = sisl.physics.DensityMatrix(g)
        a = np.arange(len(D))
        D.D[a, a] = vector
    if 'smooth' in kwargs:
        # Smooth grid with gaussian function
        if 'r_smooth' in kwargs:
            r_smooth = kwargs['r_smooth']
            r_smooth = 0.7
        grid = grid.smooth(method='gaussian', r=r_smooth)

    del g
    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def init_func_and_attrs(self, request, siesta_test_files):
        name = request.param

        if name == "siesta_RHO":
            init_func = sisl.get_sile(siesta_test_files("SrTiO3.RHO")).plot
            attrs = {"grid_shape": (48, 48, 48)}
        elif name == "complex_grid":
            complex_grid_shape = (8, 10, 10)
            values = np.random.random(complex_grid_shape).astype(
                np.complex128) + np.random.random(complex_grid_shape) * 1j
            complex_grid = sisl.Grid(complex_grid_shape, sc=1)
            complex_grid.grid = values

            init_func = complex_grid.plot
            attrs = {"grid_shape": complex_grid_shape}

        return init_func, attrs
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def init_func_and_attrs(self, request, siesta_test_files, vasp_test_files):
        name = request.param

        if name == "siesta_RHO":
            init_func = sisl.get_sile(siesta_test_files("SrTiO3.RHO")).plot
            attrs = {"grid_shape": (48, 48, 48)}
        if name == "VASP CHGCAR":
            init_func = sisl.get_sile(
                vasp_test_files(osp.join("graphene", "CHGCAR"))).plot.grid
            attrs = {"grid_shape": (24, 24, 100)}
        elif name == "complex_grid":
            complex_grid_shape = (8, 10, 10)
            values = np.random.random(complex_grid_shape).astype(
                np.complex128) + np.random.random(complex_grid_shape) * 1j
            complex_grid = sisl.Grid(complex_grid_shape, sc=1)
            complex_grid.grid = values

            init_func = complex_grid.plot
            attrs = {"grid_shape": complex_grid_shape}

        return init_func, attrs
Ejemplo n.º 6
def solve_poisson(geometry, shape, radius=2.0,
                  dtype=np.float64, tolerance=1e-12,
                  accel=None, boundary_fft=True,
                  box=False, boundary=None, **elecs_V):
    """ Solve Poisson equation """
    error = False
    elecs = []
    for name in geometry.names:
        if ('+' in name) or (name in ["Buffer", "Device"]):

        # This is actually an electrode
        error = error or (name not in elecs_V)

    if len(elecs) == 0:
        raise ValueError(f"{_script}: Could not find any electrodes in the geometry.")

    error = error or len(elecs) != len(elecs_V)
    if error:
        for name in elecs:
            if not name in elecs_V:
                print(f" missing electrode bias: {name}")
        raise ValueError(f"{_script}: Missing electrode arguments for specifying the bias.")

    if boundary is None:
        bc = [[si.Grid.PERIODIC, si.Grid.PERIODIC] for _ in range(3)]
        bc = []
        def bc2bc(s):
            return {'periodic': 'PERIODIC', 'dirichlet': 'DIRICHLET', 'neumann': 'NEUMANN',
                    'p': 'PERIODIC', 'd': 'DIRICHLET', 'n': 'NEUMANN'}.get(s.lower(), s.upper())
        for bottom, top in boundary:
            bc.append([getattr(si.Grid, bc2bc(bottom)), getattr(si.Grid, bc2bc(top))])
        if len(bc) != 3:
            raise ValueError(f"{_script}: Requires a 3x2 list input for the boundary conditions.")

    def _create_shape_tree(xyz, A, B):
        """ Takes two lists A and B which are forming a tree """
        AA, BB = None, None
        if len(A) == 1:
            AA = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[A[0]])
            if len(B) == 0:
                return AA

        if len(B) == 1:
            BB = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[B[0]])
            if len(A) == 0:
                return BB

        # Quick return if these are the final ones
        if AA and BB:
            return AA | BB

        idx_A1, idx_A2 = np.array_split(A, 2)
        idx_B1, idx_B2 = np.array_split(B, 2)

        if not AA:
            AA = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx_A1, idx_A2)
        if not BB:
            BB = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx_B1, idx_B2)

        return AA | BB

    # Create grid
    grid = si.Grid(shape, geometry=geometry, bc=bc, dtype=dtype)
    class _fake:
        def shape(self):
            return shape
        def dtype(self):
            return dtype

    # Fake the grid to reduce memory requirement
    grid.grid = _fake()

    # Construct matrices we need to specify the boundary conditions on
    A, b = grid.topyamg()

    # Short-hand notation
    xyz = geometry.xyz

    if not device_val is None:
        print(f"\nApplying device potential = {device_val}")
        idx = geometry.names[elec]
        idx_1, idx_2 = np.array_split(idx, 2)
        device = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx_1, idx_2)
        del idx_1, idx_2
        idx = grid.index_truncate(grid.index(device))
        idx = grid.pyamg_index(idx)
        grid.pyamg_fix(A, b, idx, device_val)

    # Apply electrode constants
    print("\nApplying electrode potentials")
    for i, elec in enumerate(elecs):
        V = elecs_V[elec]
        print(f"  - {elec} = {V}")

        idx = geometry.names[elec]
        idx_1, idx_2 = np.array_split(idx, 2)
        elec_shape = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx_1, idx_2)

        idx = grid.index_truncate(grid.index(elec_shape))
        idx = grid.pyamg_index(idx)
        grid.pyamg_fix(A, b, idx, V)
    del idx, idx_1, idx_2, elec_shape

    # Now we have initialized both A and b with correct boundary conditions
    # Lets solve the Poisson equation!
    if box:
        # No point in solving the boundary problem if requesting a box
        boundary_fft = False
        grid.grid = b.reshape(shape)
        del A
        x = pyamg_solve(A, b, tolerance=tolerance, accel=accel)
        grid.grid = x.reshape(shape)

        del A, b

    if boundary_fft:
        # Change boundaries to always use dirichlet
        # This ensures that once we set the boundaries we don't
        # get any side-effects
        periodic = grid.bc[:, 0] == grid.PERIODIC
        bc = np.repeat(np.array([grid.DIRICHLET], np.int32), 6).reshape(3, 2)
        for i in (0, 1, 2):
            if periodic[i]:
                bc[i, :] = grid.PERIODIC
        A, b = grid.topyamg()

        # Solve only for the boundary fixed
        def sl2idx(grid, sl):
            return grid.pyamg_index(grid.mgrid(sl))

        # Create slices
        sl = [slice(0, g) for g in grid.shape]
        new_sl = sl[:]

        # One boundary at a time
        for i in (0, 1, 2):
            if periodic[i]:
            new_sl = sl[:]
            new_sl[i] = slice(0, 1)
            idx = sl2idx(grid, new_sl)
            grid.pyamg_fix(A, b, idx, grid.grid[new_sl[0], new_sl[1], new_sl[2]].reshape(-1))
            new_sl[i] = slice(grid.shape[i] - 1, grid.shape[i])
            idx = sl2idx(grid, new_sl)
            grid.pyamg_fix(A, b, idx, grid.grid[new_sl[0], new_sl[1], new_sl[2]].reshape(-1))

        grid.grid = _fake()
        x = pyamg_solve(A, b, tolerance=tolerance, accel=accel)
        grid.grid = x.reshape(shape)
        del A, b

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 7
def solve_poisson(geometry, shape, radius=2.0, dtype=np.float64, tolerance=1e-12, boundary=None, **elecs_V):
    """ Solve Poisson equation """
    error = False
    elecs = []
    for name in geometry.names:
        if ('+' in name) or (name in ["Buffer", "Device"]):

        # This is actually an electrode
        error = error or (name not in elecs_V)

    if len(elecs) == 0:
        raise ValueError("{}: Could not find any electrodes in the geometry.".format(_script))

    error = error or len(elecs) != len(elecs_V)
    if error:
        for name in elecs:
            if not name in elecs_V:
                print(" missing electrode bias: {}".format(name))
        raise ValueError("{}: Missing electrode arguments for specifying the bias.".format(_script))

    if boundary is None:
        bc = [[si.Grid.PERIODIC, si.Grid.PERIODIC] for _ in range(3)]
        bc = []
        for bottom, top in boundary:
            bottom = bottom.upper()
            top = top.upper()
            bc.append([getattr(si.Grid, bottom), getattr(si.Grid, top)])
        if len(bc) != 3:
            raise ValueError("{}: Requires a 3x2 list input for the boundary conditions.".format(_script))

    def _create_shape_tree(xyz, A, B):
        """ Takes two lists A and B which are forming a tree """
        AA, BB = None, None
        if len(A) == 1:
            AA = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[A[0]])
            if len(B) == 0:
                return AA

        if len(B) == 1:
            BB = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[B[0]])
            if len(A) == 0:
                return BB

        # Quick return if these are the final ones
        if AA and BB:
            return AA | BB

        idx_A1, idx_A2 = np.array_split(A, 2)
        idx_B1, idx_B2 = np.array_split(B, 2)

        if not AA:
            AA = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx_A1, idx_A2)
        if not BB:
            BB = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx_B1, idx_B2)

        return AA | BB

    #add_A = []
    #add_B = []

    print("Constructing electrode regions for fixing potential")
    elec_shapes = []
    xyz = geometry.xyz
    for elec in elecs:
        print("  - {}".format(elec))
        # Get electrode indices and coordinates
        idx_elec = geometry.names[elec]
        idx_1, idx_2 = np.array_split(idx_elec, 2)
        elec_shapes.append(_create_shape_tree(xyz, idx_1, idx_2))
        #assert len(add_A) + len(add_B) == len(idx_elec)

    # Create grid
    grid = si.Grid(shape, geometry=geometry, bc=bc, dtype=dtype)
    class _fake(object):
        def shape(self):
            return shape
        def dtype(self):
            return dtype

    # Fake the grid to reduce memory requirement
    grid.grid = _fake()

    # Construct matrices we need to specify the boundary conditions on
    A, b = grid.topyamg()

    # Apply electrode constants
    print("\nApplying electrode potentials")
    for i, elec in enumerate(elecs):
        print("  - {}".format(elec))
        idx = grid.index_fold(grid.index(elec_shapes[i]))
        idx = grid.pyamg_index(idx)
        V = elecs_V[elec]
        grid.pyamg_fix(A, b, idx, V)
        del idx
    del elec_shapes

    # Now we have initialized both A and b with correct boundary conditions
    # Lets solve the Poisson equation!
    x = pyamg_solve(A, b, tolerance=tolerance)
    grid.grid = x.reshape(shape)

    del A, b

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 8
def solve_poisson(geometry, shape, radius="empirical",
                  dtype=np.float64, tolerance=1e-8,
                  accel=None, boundary_fft=True,
                  device_val=None, plot_boundary=False,
                  box=False, boundary=None, **elecs_V):
    """ Solve Poisson equation """
    error = False
    elecs = []
    for name in geometry.names:
        if ('+' in name) or (name in ["Buffer", "Device"]):

        # This is actually an electrode
        error = error or (name not in elecs_V)

    if len(elecs) == 0:
        raise ValueError(f"{_script}: Could not find any electrodes in the geometry.")

    error = error or len(elecs) != len(elecs_V)
    if error:
        for name in elecs:
            if not name in elecs_V:
                print(f" missing electrode bias: {name}")
        raise ValueError(f"{_script}: Missing electrode arguments for specifying the bias.")

    if boundary is None:
        bc = [[si.Grid.PERIODIC, si.Grid.PERIODIC] for _ in range(3)]
        bc = []
        def bc2bc(s):
            return {'periodic': 'PERIODIC', 'p': 'PERIODIC', si.Grid.PERIODIC: 'PERIODIC',
                    'dirichlet': 'DIRICHLET', 'd': 'DIRICHLET', si.Grid.DIRICHLET: 'DIRICHLET',
                    'neumann': 'NEUMANN', 'n': 'NEUMANN',si.Grid.NEUMANN: 'NEUMANN',
            }.get(s.lower(), s.upper())
        for bottom, top in boundary:
            bc.append([getattr(si.Grid, bc2bc(bottom)), getattr(si.Grid, bc2bc(top))])
        if len(bc) != 3:
            raise ValueError(f"{_script}: Requires a 3x2 list input for the boundary conditions.")

    def _create_shape_tree(xyz, A, B=None):
        """ Takes two lists A and B which returns a shape with a binary nesting

        This makes further index handling much faster.
        if B is None or len(B) == 0:
            return _create_shape_tree(xyz, *np.array_split(A, 2))

        AA, BB = None, None
        if len(A) == 1:
            AA = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[A[0]])
            if len(B) == 0:
                return AA

        if len(B) == 1:
            BB = si.Sphere(radius, xyz[B[0]])
            if len(A) == 0:
                return BB

        # Quick return if these are the final ones
        if AA and BB:
            return AA | BB

        if not AA:
            AA = _create_shape_tree(xyz, *np.array_split(A, 2))
        if not BB:
            BB = _create_shape_tree(xyz, *np.array_split(B, 2))

        return AA | BB

    # Create grid
    grid = si.Grid(shape, geometry=geometry, bc=bc, dtype=dtype)
    class _fake:
        def shape(self):
            return shape
        def dtype(self):
            return dtype

    # Fake the grid to reduce memory requirement
    grid.grid = _fake()

    # Construct matrices we need to specify the boundary conditions on
    A, b = grid.topyamg()

    # Short-hand notation
    xyz = geometry.xyz

    if not device_val is None:
        print(f"\nApplying device potential = {device_val}")
        idx = geometry.names["Device"]
        device = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx)
        idx = grid.index_truncate(grid.index(device))
        idx = grid.pyamg_index(idx)
        grid.pyamg_fix(A, b, idx, device_val)

    # Apply electrode constants
    print("\nApplying electrode potentials")
    for i, elec in enumerate(elecs):
        V = elecs_V[elec]
        print(f"  - {elec} = {V}")

        idx = geometry.names[elec]
        elec_shape = _create_shape_tree(xyz, idx)

        idx = grid.index_truncate(grid.index(elec_shape))
        idx = grid.pyamg_index(idx)
        grid.pyamg_fix(A, b, idx, V)
    del idx, elec_shape

    # Now we have initialized both A and b with correct boundary conditions
    # Lets solve the Poisson equation!
    if box:
        # No point in solving the boundary problem if requesting a box
        boundary_fft = False
        grid.grid = b.reshape(shape)
        del A
        x = pyamg_solve(A, b, tolerance=tolerance, accel=accel,
                        title="solving electrode boundary conditions")
        grid.grid = x.reshape(shape)

        del A, b

    if boundary_fft:
        # Change boundaries to always use dirichlet
        # This ensures that once we set the boundaries we don't
        # get any side-effects
        periodic = grid.bc[:, 0] == grid.PERIODIC
        bc = np.repeat(np.array([grid.DIRICHLET], np.int32), 6).reshape(3, 2)
        for i in (0, 1, 2):
            if periodic[i]:
                bc[i, :] = grid.PERIODIC
        A, b = grid.topyamg()

        # Solve only for the boundary fixed
        def sl2idx(grid, sl):
            return grid.pyamg_index(grid.mgrid(sl))

        # Create slices
        sl = [slice(0, g) for g in grid.shape]
        new_sl = sl[:]

        # One boundary at a time
        for i in (0, 1, 2):
            if periodic[i]:
            new_sl = sl[:]
            new_sl[i] = slice(0, 1)
            idx = sl2idx(grid, new_sl)
            grid.pyamg_fix(A, b, idx, grid.grid[new_sl[0], new_sl[1], new_sl[2]].reshape(-1))
            new_sl[i] = slice(grid.shape[i] - 1, grid.shape[i])
            idx = sl2idx(grid, new_sl)
            grid.pyamg_fix(A, b, idx, grid.grid[new_sl[0], new_sl[1], new_sl[2]].reshape(-1))

        if plot_boundary:
            dat = b.reshape(*grid.shape)
            # now plot every plane
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            slicex3 = np.index_exp[:] * 3
            axs = [
                np.linspace(0, grid.sc.length[ax], shape, endpoint=False)
                for ax, shape in enumerate(grid.shape)

            for i in (0, 1, 2):
                idx = list(slicex3)
                j = (i + 1) % 3
                k = (i + 2) % 3
                if i > j:
                    i, j = j, i
                X, Y = np.meshgrid(axs[i], axs[j])

                for v, head in ((0, "bottom"), (-1, "top")):
                    plt.title(f"axis: {'ABC'[k]} ({head})")
                    idx[k] = v
                    plt.contourf(X, Y, dat[tuple(idx)].T)
                    plt.xlabel(f"Distance along {'ABC'[i]} [Ang]")
                    plt.ylabel(f"Distance along {'ABC'[j]} [Ang]")


        grid.grid = _fake()
        x = pyamg_solve(A, b, tolerance=tolerance, accel=accel,
                        title="removing electrode boundaries and solving for edge fixing")

        grid.grid = x.reshape(shape)
        del A, b

    return grid
Ejemplo n.º 9

        # Check that transforms = ["cos"] applies np.cos
        assert np.allclose(
            np.cos(new_grid.grid).mean(axis=tuple(ax for ax in [0, 1, 2]
                                                  if ax not in axes)))

# Generate a complex-valued grid for testing
complex_grid_shape = (8, 10, 10)
values = np.random.random(complex_grid_shape).astype(
    np.complex128) + np.random.random(complex_grid_shape) * 1j
complex_grid = sisl.Grid(complex_grid_shape, sc=1)
complex_grid.grid = values

class TestGridPlot(GridPlotTester):

    run_for = {
        # Test with a siesta RHO file
        "siesta_RHO": {
            "plot_file": osp.join(_dir, "SrTiO3.RHO"),
            "grid_shape": (48, 48, 48)
        "complex_grid": {
            "init_func": complex_grid.plot,
            "grid_shape": complex_grid_shape