Ejemplo n.º 1
def toENDF6( self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo ) :

    LAW, LEP = 1, 2
    EInInterpolation = gndToENDF6Module.axisToEndfInterpolationFlag( self.axes[1] )
    E_ins = [ [ EpCl.value, {} ] for EpCl in self[0].EpP ]
    for l_EEpCl in self :
        for indexE, EpCl in enumerate( l_EEpCl ) :
            if( EpCl.value != E_ins[indexE][0] ) :
                raise Exception( "E_in = %s not in list E_ins" % EpCl.value )
            for Ep, Cl in EpCl :
                if( Ep not in E_ins[indexE][1] ) :
                    E_ins[indexE][1][Ep] = []
                    for l in xrange( l_EEpCl.l ) : E_ins[indexE][1][Ep].append( 0. )
                E_ins[indexE][1][Ep].append( Cl )
    ENDFDataList = [ endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, 0, 1, LEP, 1, len( E_ins ) ) ]
    ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( [ len( E_ins ), EInInterpolation ] )
    for Es in E_ins :
        NA, data = 0, []
        for key in sorted( Es[1] ) :
            LegendreSeries = Es[1][key]
            NA = max( len( LegendreSeries ) , NA )
            data += [ key ] + LegendreSeries
        ENDFDataList.append( endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, Es[0], 0, NA - 1, len( data ), len( data ) / ( NA + 1 ) ) )
        ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList( data )
    gndToENDF6Module.toENDF6_MF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, LAW, self.productFrame, ENDFDataList )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def toENDF6( self, flags, targetInfo ) :

    MT = 5
    EInInterpolation = gndToENDF6Module.gndToENDF2PlusDInterpolationFlag( self.interpolation, self.interpolationQualifier )
    EpInterpolation0 = gndToENDF6Module.gndToENDF2PlusDInterpolationFlag( self[0].interpolation, self[0].interpolationQualifier )
    if( EpInterpolation0 == 1 ) :       # flat interpolation
        LEP = 1
    elif( EpInterpolation0 == 2 ) :     # lin-lin interpolation
        LEP = 2
    else :
        raise 'hell - fix me'
    ENDFDataList = [ endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, 0, 1, LEP, 1, len( self ) ) ]
    ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( [ len( self ), EInInterpolation ] )
    energyInFactor = PQUModule.PQU( 1, self.axes[3].unit ).getValueAs( 'eV' )
    energyPFactor = PQUModule.PQU( 1, self.axes[2].unit ).getValueAs( 'eV' )
    for energyIn in self :
        if( not( isinstance( energyIn, multiD_XYsModule.XYs2d ) ) ) : raise 'hell - fix me'
        EpInterpolation = gndToENDF6Module.gndToENDF2PlusDInterpolationFlag( energyIn.interpolation, energyIn.interpolationQualifier )
        if( EpInterpolation != EpInterpolation0 ) : raise 'hell - fix me'
        NA, data = 0, []
        for energy_p in energyIn :
            if( not( isinstance( energy_p, series1dModule.LegendreSeries ) ) ) : raise 'hell - fix me'
            NA = max( len( energy_p ) , NA )
            coefficients = [ coefficient / energyPFactor for coefficient in energy_p ]
            data += [ energy_p.value * energyPFactor ] + coefficients
        ENDFDataList.append( endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, energyIn.value * energyInFactor, 0, NA - 1, len( data ), len( data ) / ( NA + 1 ) ) )
        ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList( data )
    LAW = 1
    return( LAW, ENDFDataList )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def toENDF6(self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo):

    endfMFList[1][MT] = [
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'], 0,
                                       1, 0, 0)
    endfMFList[1][MT] += [
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, 0, 0, len(self), 0)
    endfMFList[1][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(
        self.coefficients) + [endfFormatsModule.endfSENDLineNumber()]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def toENDF6(self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo):

    data = []
    for xy in self.copyDataToXYs(xUnitTo='eV', yUnitTo='eV'):
        data += xy
    NE = len(self)
    EInInterpolation = gndToENDF6Module.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(
    ENDFDataList = [ endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, NE ) ] + \
            endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( [ NE, EInInterpolation ] )
    ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(data)
    return (standardsModule.frames.labToken, ENDFDataList)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def toENDF6(self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo):

    if (MT == 502): MT = self.ancestor.ENDFMT
    Z = targetInfo['ZA'] / 1000

    endfInterpolation = gndToENDF6Module.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(
    data = []
    for xy in self.copyDataToXYs(xUnitTo='eV', yUnitTo=''):
        data += xy
    endfMFList[27][MT] = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'],  0, 0, 0, 0 ),
                           endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, Z,  0, 0, 1, len( data ) / 2 ) ] + \
                           endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( ( len( data ) / 2, endfInterpolation ) ) + \
                           endfFormatsModule.endfDataList( data ) + [ endfFormatsModule.endfSENDLineNumber( ) ]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def LTP_oneSubParsing(LTP, LIDP, nuclear, interferenceReal,
                          interferenceImaginary, lineData):

        if LIDP:
            NL = len(nuclear) - 1
            NW = 3 * NL + 3
            NL = (len(nuclear) - 1) // 2
            NW = 4 * NL + 3
            endfFormatsModule.endfContLine(0, nuclear.value, LTP, 0, NW, NL))
        legendreDat = nuclear.coefficients
        for j, r in enumerate(interferenceReal.coefficients):
        lineData += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(legendreDat)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def toENDF6(self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo):

    fSubform = self.fSubform.data
    rSubform = self.rSubform.data
    aSubform = self.aSubform
    if (not (aSubform.isEmptyASubform())): raise 'hell - FIXME'

    outgoingInterpolation = set([val.interpolation for val in fSubform] +
                                [val.interpolation for val in rSubform])
    if len(outgoingInterpolation) != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Only one outgoing interpolation supported when writing Kalbach-Mann to ENDF-6"

    LEP = {'flat': 1, 'lin-lin': 2}[outgoingInterpolation.pop()]
    ENDFDataList = [
        endfFormatsModule.endfContLine(0, 0, 2, LEP, 1, len(fSubform))
    ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList([len(fSubform), 2])
    EInUnit = fSubform.axes[2].unit
    EpUnit = fSubform.axes[1].unit
    fUnit = fSubform.axes[0].unit
    EInFactor = PQUModule.PQU(1, EInUnit).getValueAs('eV')
    EpFactor = PQUModule.PQU(1, EpUnit).getValueAs('eV')
    fFactor = PQUModule.PQU(1, fUnit).getValueAs('1/eV')
    for i1, fAtEnergy in enumerate(fSubform):
        rAtEnergy = rSubform[i1]
        if (not (isinstance(fAtEnergy, XYsModule.XYs1d))): raise 'hell - FIXME'
        if (not (isinstance(rAtEnergy, XYsModule.XYs1d))): raise 'hell - FIXME'
        value = fAtEnergy.value
        if (value != rAtEnergy.value): raise 'hell - FIXME'
        value *= EInFactor
        coefficients = []
        for i1, (Ep1, f1) in enumerate(fAtEnergy):
            Ep2, r1 = rAtEnergy[i1]
            if (Ep1 != Ep2): raise 'hell - FIXME'
            coefficients += [EpFactor * Ep1, fFactor * f1, r1]
        length = len(coefficients)
        ENDFDataList += [
            endfFormatsModule.endfContLine(0, value, 0, 1, length, length / 3)
        ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(coefficients)
    gndToENDF6Module.toENDF6_MF6(MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, 1,
                                 self.productFrame, ENDFDataList)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def toENDF6( self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo ) :

    EInInterpolation = gndToENDF6Module.axisToEndfInterpolationFlag( self.axes[0] )
    independent, dependent, qualifier = self.axes[1].interpolation.getInterpolationTokens( )
    if( dependent == standardsModule.interpolation.flatToken ) :
        LEP = 1  # interpolation for Eout
    else :
        LEP = 2
    ENDFDataList = [ endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, 0, 1, LEP, 1, len( self ) ) ]
    ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( [ len( self ), EInInterpolation ] )
    for energy_in in self :
        NA, data = 0, []
        for w_xys_LegendreSeries in energy_in :
            NA = max( len( w_xys_LegendreSeries) , NA )
            data += [ w_xys_LegendreSeries.value ] + w_xys_LegendreSeries.coefficients
        ENDFDataList.append( endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, energy_in.value, 0, NA - 1, len( data ), len( data ) / ( NA + 1 ) ) )
        ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList( data )
    LAW = 1
    gndToENDF6Module.toENDF6_MF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, LAW, self.productFrame, ENDFDataList )
Ejemplo n.º 9
def toENDF6List(self, targetInfo):

    interpolationFlatData, multiplicityFlatData = [], []
    counter = 0
    lastX, lastY = None, None
    for region in self:
        ENDFInterpolation = gndToENDF6Module.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(
        data = region.copyDataToXYs(xUnitTo='eV')
        if (lastX is not None):
            if (lastY == data[0][1]): data = data[1:]
        counter += len(data)
        for xy in data:
            multiplicityFlatData += xy
        lastX, lastY = data[-1]
    return (interpolationFlatData, counter,
Ejemplo n.º 10
def toENDF6(self, MT, endfMFList, targetInfo, level, LR):
    Convert self into ENDF format

    :param int MT: The ENDF reaction designator, MT
    :param endfMFList:
    :param targetInfo:
    :param level:
    :param LR:

    ZA, mass, QI, QM = targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'], targetInfo[
        'Q'], targetInfo['QM']
    if ('EFL' in targetInfo):
        QM = QI
        QI = targetInfo['EFL']
        if (QM is None):
            if (MT in (2, 5)):
                QM = QI
            elif (MT == 4):  # Q should be 0 except for excited-state targets:
                QM = 0
                if (hasattr(targetInfo['reactionSuite'].target,
                    if (targetInfo['reactionSuite'].target.getLevelIndex() >
                        QM = QI
                QM = QI + level
    interpolationFlatData, crossSectionFlatData = self[
        targetInfo['style']].toENDF6Data(MT, endfMFList, targetInfo, level)
    MF = targetInfo['crossSectionMF']
    endfMFList[MF][MT] = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZA, mass, 0, 0, 0, 0)]
        endfFormatsModule.endfContLine(QM, QI, 0, LR,
                                       len(interpolationFlatData) / 2,
                                       len(crossSectionFlatData) / 2))
    endfMFList[MF][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList(
    endfMFList[MF][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(crossSectionFlatData)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def toAngularLegendre(angularSubform, targetInfo, insertSENDL):
    """This should only be called from this module."""

    NM = 0
    interpolation = gndToENDF6Module.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(
    energyConversionFactor = PQUModule.PQU(
        1, angularSubform.axes[-1].unit).getValueAs('eV')
    ENDFDataList = []
    start = 0
    if targetInfo.get('skipFirstEnergy'): start = 1
    for energy in angularSubform[start:]:
        NW, NL = len(energy) - 1, 0
        if (targetInfo['doMF4AsMF6']): NL = NW
                0, energy.value * energyConversionFactor, 0, 0, NW, NL))
        ENDFDataList += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(energy.coefficients[1:])
        NM = max(NM, len(energy.coefficients[1:]))
    if (insertSENDL):
    return (interpolation, len(angularSubform[start:]), 0, 1, NM, ENDFDataList)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def toENDF6(self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo):

    n, data = self.order + 1, {}
    for i in xrange(n):
        data[i] = []
        for index, label in enumerate(self.labels):
            d = self.data[label][i][0]
            u = 0
            if (self.hasUncertainties): u = self.data[label][i][1]
    list = []
    for i in xrange(n):
        list += data[i]

    endfMFList[MT][458] = [
        endfFormatsModule.endfContLine(targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'], 0,
                                       0, 0, 0)
        endfFormatsModule.endfContLine(0, 0, 0, self.order, 18 * n, 9 * n))
    endfMFList[MT][458] += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(list)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def toENDF6(self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, energyUnit='eV'):

    if (MT == 502): MT = self.ancestor.ENDFMT
    Z = targetInfo['ZA'] / 1000

    endfInterpolation, data = [], []
    counter, lastX, lastY = 0, None, None
    for region in self:
        ENDFInterpolation = gndToENDF6Module.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(
        regionData = region.copyDataToXYs(xUnitTo=energyUnit, yUnitTo='')
        if (lastX is not None):
            if (lastY == regionData[0][1]): del regionData[0]
        counter += len(regionData)
        for xy in regionData:
            data += xy
        lastX, lastY = regionData[-1]

    endfMFList[27][MT] = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'],  0, 0, 0, 0 ),
                           endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, Z,  0, 0, len( endfInterpolation ) / 2, len( data ) / 2 ) ] + \
                           endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( endfInterpolation ) + \
                           endfFormatsModule.endfDataList( data ) + [ endfFormatsModule.endfSENDLineNumber( ) ]
Ejemplo n.º 14
def toENDF6( self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo ) :
    In ENDF MF=6, some distributions should really be treated as uncorrelated: NBodyPhaseSpace, and also 
    Legendre expansions when only L=0 is listed.
    For GND we split these into uncorrelated angular (isotropic) and energy distributions.
    Must put back in original format when writing back to ENDF.

    frame = self.productFrame
    energySubform = self.energySubform.data
    angularSubform = self.angularSubform.data
    if( isinstance( energySubform, energyModule.NBodyPhaseSpace ) ) :
        energySubform.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )
    elif( isinstance( energySubform, energyModule.energyLoss ) ) :
        frame, ENDFDataList = energySubform.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )
        gndToENDF6Module.toENDF6_MF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, 8, frame, ENDFDataList )
    elif( targetInfo['product'].getAttribute( 'ENDFconversionFlag' ) in [ 'MF6', 'MF26' ] ) :
        if( isinstance( energySubform, energyModule.constant ) ) :
# BRB - this needs to be checked.
            if( targetInfo['product'].name != 'gamma' ) : raise ValueError( 'This logic is only for discete gammas' )
            energyForm = energyModule.form( self.label, frame, energySubform )
            angularForm = angularModule.form( self.label, frame, angularSubform )
            energyForm.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )
            angularForm.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )
        elif( isinstance( angularSubform, angularModule.isotropic ) ) :                # Change to energyAngular with Legendre
            if( not( isinstance( energySubform, energyModule.XYs2d ) ) ) : raise 'hell - fix me'
            axes = axesModule.axes( rank = 4 )
            axes[3] = axesModule.axis( 'energy_in', 3, 'eV' )
            axes[2] = axesModule.axis( 'energy_out', 2, 'eV' )
            axes[1] = axesModule.axis( 'l', 1, '' )
            axes[0] = axesModule.axis( 'C_l(energy_out|energy_in)', 0, '1/eV' )
            energyAngularSubform = energyAngularModule.XYs3d( axes = axes, interpolation = energySubform.interpolation,
                    interpolationQualifier = energySubform.interpolationQualifier )
            EInFactor = PQUModule.PQU( 1, energySubform.axes[2].unit ).getValueAs( 'eV' )

            for EIn in energySubform :
                if isinstance( EIn, regionsModule.regions1d ):
                    # writing to MF6 LAW=1, LANG=1 doesn't support multiple regions, must recombine.
                    if( len( set( [ ein.interpolation for ein in EIn ] ) ) != 1 ) :
                        raise NotImplemented, "ENDF MF6 LAW=1 LANG=1 doesn't support multiple E' interpolations!"
                    xyvals = EIn[0].copyDataToXYs()
                    for region in EIn[1:]:
                        xynew = region.copyDataToXYs()
                        xynew[0][0] *= 1.00000001
                        xyvals.extend( xynew )
                    EIn_copy = EIn[0].copy( value=EIn.value, axes=EIn.axes )
                    EIn_copy.setData( xyvals )
                    EIn = EIn_copy
                multiD_2d = energyAngularModule.XYs2d( value = EIn.value * EInFactor, interpolation = EIn.interpolation )
                EpCls = EIn.copyDataToXYs( xUnitTo = 'eV', yUnitTo = '1/eV' )
                for e_out, Cls in EpCls :
                    multiD_2d.append( energyAngularModule.Legendre( [ Cls ], value = e_out ) )
                energyAngularSubform.append( multiD_2d )
            form = energyAngularModule.form( '', self.productFrame, energyAngularSubform )
            if( targetInfo.dict.get( "gammaToENDF6" ) ) : return( form )
            form.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )
        elif( isinstance( energySubform, energyModule.XYs2d ) and isinstance( angularSubform, angularModule.XYs2d ) ) :

            LANG, LEP = 12, 2
            if( energySubform.interpolation == standardsModule.interpolation.flatToken ) :
                LEP = 1  # interpolation for E_out
                LANG = 11
            elif( energySubform.interpolation in (standardsModule.interpolation.loglinToken,
                standardsModule.interpolation.loglogToken ) ) :
                LANG = 14
            MF6 = [ endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, 0, LANG, LEP, 1, len( energySubform ) ) ]
            EInInterpolation = gndToENDF6Module.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag( energySubform.interpolation )
            MF6 +=  endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( [ len( energySubform ), EInInterpolation ] )
            for indexE, EEpP in enumerate( energySubform ) :
                EMuP = angularSubform[indexE]
                if( EEpP.value != EMuP.value ) : raise Exception( "EEpP.value = %s != EMuP.value = %s" % ( EEpP.value, EMuP.value ) )
                NA, NEP = 2 * len( EMuP ), len( EEpP )
                MF6.append( endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( 0, EEpP.value, 0, NA, NEP * ( NA + 2 ), NEP ) )
                data = []
                for EpP in EEpP :
                    data = [ EpP[0], EpP[1] ]
                    for muP in EMuP : data += muP
                    MF6 += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList( data )
            LAW = 1
            gndToENDF6Module.toENDF6_MF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, LAW, frame, MF6 )
        else :
            raise Exception( 'uncorrelated.toENDF6 not supported for energy subform = %s and angular subform = %s' %
                ( energySubform.label, angularSubform.label ) )
    else :                          # original data is in uncorrelated form
        if( MT not in [ 527, 528 ] ) :
            angularForm = angularModule.form( "", frame, self.angularSubform.data )
            angularForm.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )
        energyForm = energyModule.form( "", frame, self.energySubform.data )
        energyForm.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )
        if( MT == 527 ) : endfMFList[26][MT][0]