Ejemplo n.º 1
def basic():
    Basic statistics from the default index page
    statistics = db_statistics(db)
    adv_stats = adv_db_statistics(db)
    return dict(statistics=statistics, adv_stats=adv_stats)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def basic():
    Basic statistics from the default index page
    statistics = db_statistics(db)
    adv_stats = adv_db_statistics(db)
    return dict(statistics=statistics, adv_stats=adv_stats)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def index():
    Kvasir welcoming index page.
    response.files.append(URL(request.application, 'static', 'js/jquery.tagcloud-2.js'))
    response.files.append(URL(request.application, 'static', 'js/highcharts.js'))

    statistics = db_statistics()
    adv_stats = adv_db_statistics()
    graphs = graphs_index()
    return dict(statistics=statistics, adv_stats=adv_stats, graphs=graphs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def index():
    Kvasir welcoming index page.
    response.files.append(URL(request.application, 'static', 'js/jquery.tagcloud-2.js'))
    response.files.append(URL(request.application, 'static', 'js/highcharts.js'))

    statistics = db_statistics()
    adv_stats = adv_db_statistics()
    graphs = graphs_index()
    return dict(statistics=statistics, adv_stats=adv_stats, graphs=graphs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def report():
    Genereate a HTML-report with fields from statistics, hosts, vulns, and summaries from the wiki

    statistics = db_statistics()
    adv_stats = adv_db_statistics()
    graphs = graphs_index()

    customer = settings.customer
    assessment = settings.assessment_typed
    start_date = settings.start_date or 'START DATE'
    end_date = settings.end_date or 'END DATE'

    # grab the filter type and value if provided or from the session
    if session.hostfilter is None:
        f_type = request.vars.f_type or None
        f_value = request.vars.f_value or None
        f_type = session.hostfilter[0]
        f_value = session.hostfilter[1]

    # this is a little hack to ensure a record is either blank or None
    # use it as "if variable not in notin:"
    notin = [None, '']
    unknown_cpeid_counter = 0

    hosts = []
    vulnerabilities = {}
    # go through each host, adding the os, services and vulns accordingly
    query = create_hostfilter_query([(f_type, f_value), False])
    for host_rec in db(query).select():
        host = {}
        host['ipv4'] = host_rec.f_ipv4
        host['asset_group'] = host_rec.f_asset_group
        if host_rec.f_ipv6:
            host['ipv6'] = host_rec.f_ipv6
        if host_rec.f_macaddr:
            host['macaddr'] = host_rec.f_macaddr
        if host_rec.f_hostname:
            host['hostname'] = host_rec.f_hostname.decode('utf-8')
        if host_rec.f_netbios_name:
            host['netbios_name'] = host_rec.f_netbios_name.decode('utf-8')

        # build the os information using the highest certainty record
        highest = (0, None)
        for os_rec in db(db.t_host_os_refs.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            if os_rec.f_certainty > highest[0]:
                highest = (os_rec.f_certainty, os_rec)

        if highest[0] > 0:
            # add os element to the host
            record = highest[1]
            host['os'] = record
            host['os']['certainty'] = str(highest[0])
            if record.f_class not in notin:
                host['os']['class'] = record.f_class
            if record.f_family not in notin:
                host['os']['family'] = record.f_family

            # since some os records may not have a cpe id we'll mask them with
            # using their title, replacing spaces with underscores
            t_os_rec = db.t_os[record.f_os_id]
            if t_os_rec.f_cpename in notin:
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_title.replace(' ', '_')
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_cpename

            host['os']['id'] = cpeid

            # if the id isn't in os_records, add it
            # if 1:
            #     os_rec = db.t_os[highest[1].f_os_id]
            #     host['os']['id'] = cpeid
            #     host['os']['title'] = os_rec.f_title
            #     if os_rec.f_vendor not in notin:
            #         host['os']['vendor'] = os_rec.f_vendor
            #     if os_rec.f_product not in notin:
            #         host['os']['product'] = os_rec.f_product
            #     if os_rec.f_version not in notin:
            #         host['os']['version'] = os_rec.f_version
            #     if os_rec.f_update not in notin:
            #         host['os']['update'] = os_rec.f_update
            #     if os_rec.f_edition not in notin:
            #         host['os']['edition'] = os_rec.f_edition
            #     if os_rec.f_language not in notin:
            #         host['os']['language'] = os_rec.f_language

        # snmp strings
        snmp_recs = db(db.t_snmp.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select()
        if len(snmp_recs) > 0:
            host['snmps'] = []
            for record in snmp_recs:
                snmp = {}
                if record.f_community not in notin:
                    snmp['community'] = record.f_community.decode('utf-8')
                    snmp['version'] = record.f_version
                    snmp['access'] = record.f_access

        # netbios information
        netb_record = db(
            db.t_netbios.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select().first() or None
        if netb_record:
            host['netbios'] = {}
            if netb_record.f_type not in notin:
                host['netbios']['type'] = netb_record.f_type
            if netb_record.f_domain not in notin:
                host['netbios']['domain'] = netb_record.f_domain.decode(
            if netb_record.f_lockout_limit not in notin:
                host['netbios']['lockout_limit'] = str(
            if netb_record.f_lockout_duration not in notin:
                host['netbios']['lockout_duration'] = str(

            if netb_record.f_advertised_names is not None:
                for name in netb_record.f_advertised_names:
                    host['netbios']['advertised_name'] = name.decode('utf-8')

        # build the services and vulnerabilities
        host['services'] = []
        for svc_rec in db(db.t_services.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            service = {}
            service['proto'] = svc_rec.f_proto
            service['number'] = int(svc_rec.f_number)

            if svc_rec.f_name not in notin:
                service['name'] = svc_rec.f_name.decode('utf-8')
                service['name'] = T('unknown')

            if svc_rec.f_banner not in notin:
                service['banner'] = svc_rec.f_banner.decode('utf-8')

            # service configuration records
            svc_info_recs = db(
                db.t_service_info.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_info_recs) > 0:
                service['configs'] = []
                for info_rec in svc_info_recs:
                    config = {}
                    if info_rec.f_name not in notin:
                        config['name'] = info_rec.f_name
                        if info_rec.f_text not in notin:
                            config['text'] = info_rec.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # vulnerabilities
            svc_vuln_recs = db(
                db.t_service_vulns.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_vuln_recs) > 0:
                service['vulns'] = []
                for vuln_rec in svc_vuln_recs:
                    vuln = {}
                    vuln['status'] = vuln_rec.f_status
                    vuln['proof'] = vuln_rec.f_proof

                    vulndata = db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id]
                    vuln['vulninfo'] = vulndata
                    vuln['id'] = vulndata.f_vulnid
                    vuln['title'] = vulndata.f_title
                    vuln['severity'] = str(vulndata.f_severity)
                    vuln['pci_sev'] = str(vulndata.f_pci_sev)
                    vuln['cvss_score'] = str(vulndata.f_cvss_score)
                    vuln['cvssmetrics'] = cvss_metrics(vulndata)
                    vuln['description'] = vulndata.f_description
                    vuln['solution'] = vulndata.f_solution

                    # find vulnerability references and add them
                    vuln_refs = db(db.t_vuln_references.f_vulndata_id ==
                    if len(vuln_refs) > 0:
                        vuln['refs'] = []
                        for ref_rec in vuln_refs:
                            ref = {}
                            record = db.t_vuln_refs[ref_rec.f_vuln_ref_id]
                            ref['source'] = record.f_source
                            ref['text'] = record.f_text.decode('utf-8')

                    # find vulnerability exploits and add them
                    vuln_exploits = ''  #db(db.t_vuln_references.f_vulndata_id == vulndata.id).select()
                    if len(vuln_exploits) > 0:
                        vuln['exploits'] = []
                        for ref_rec in vuln_refs:
                            ref = {}
                            record = db.t_vuln_refs[ref_rec.f_vuln_ref_id]
                            ref['source'] = record.f_source
                            ref['text'] = record.f_text.decode('utf-8')

                    if (int(vuln['severity']) > 0):

                        vuln['hosts'] = []
                        vulnhost = {}
                        vulnhost['ipv4'] = host['ipv4']
                        if 'hostname' in host:
                            vulnhost['hostname'] = host['hostname']
                            vulnhost['hostname'] = host['ipv4']
                        vulnhost['svcproto'] = service['proto']
                        vulnhost['svcnumber'] = service['number']
                        vulnhost['status'] = vuln_rec.f_status
                        vulnhost['proof'] = vuln_rec.f_proof
                        vulnhost['url'] = ''
                        if svc_rec.f_name not in notin:
                            vulnhost['svcname'] = svc_rec.f_name.decode(
                            vulnhost['svcname'] = T('unknown')
                        if svc_rec.f_banner not in notin:
                            vulnhost['svcbanner'] = svc_rec.f_banner.decode(
                        id = str(vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id)
                        if id not in vulnerabilities:
                            vulnerabilities[id] = vuln

                if len(service['vulns']) is 0:
                    del service['vulns']

            # accounts
            #accounts = db(db.t_accounts.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            # if len(accounts) > 0:
            #     host['accounts'] = []
            #     for acct_rec in accounts:
            #         account = {}
            #         if acct_rec.f_username not in notin:
            #             account['username'] = acct_rec.f_username.decode('utf-8')
            #         if acct_rec.f_fullname not in notin:
            #             account['fullname'] = acct_rec.f_fullname.decode('utf-8')
            #         if acct_rec.f_password not in notin:
            #             account['password'] = acct_rec.f_password.decode('utf-8')
            #         if acct_rec.f_hash1 not in notin:
            #             account['hash1'] = acct_rec.f_hash1
            #         if acct_rec.f_hash1_type not in notin:
            #             account['hash1_type'] = acct_rec.f_hash1_type
            #         if acct_rec.f_hash2 not in notin:
            #             account['hash2'] = acct_rec.f_hash2
            #         if acct_rec.f_hash2_type not in notin:
            #             account['hash2_type'] = acct_rec.f_hash2_type
            #         if acct_rec.f_uid not in notin:
            #             account['uid'] = acct_rec.f_uid
            #         if acct_rec.f_gid not in notin:
            #             account['gid'] = acct_rec.f_gid
            #         if acct_rec.f_level not in notin:
            #             account['level'] = acct_rec.f_level
            #         if acct_rec.f_domain not in notin:
            #             account['domain'] = acct_rec.f_domain.decode('utf-8')
            #         if acct_rec.f_description not in notin:
            #             account['description'] = acct_rec.f_description.decode('utf-8')
            #         host['accounts'].append(account)

    #get JSON from host.list and use mockjax
    ext = request.extension
    request.extension = 'json'
    hostlist = list()  #Not an empty list
    request.extension = ext
    #remove the engineer field from the customers report
    hostlist['aaData'][-1]['10'] = None
    import re
    hostlist = re.sub("href=\"[^>]*>([^<]*)", "href=\"#\\1\">\\1",
    listjson = hostlist.replace('\"', '\\\"').replace('\'', '\"').replace(
        'L, ', ', ').replace('None', 'null')
    vulnlst = sorted(vulnerabilities,
                     key=lambda x: int(vulnerabilities[x]['severity']),
    return dict(vulnlst=vulnlst,
Ejemplo n.º 6
def report():
    Genereate a HTML-report with fields from statistics, hosts, vulns, and summaries from the wiki

    statistics = db_statistics()
    adv_stats = adv_db_statistics()
    graphs = graphs_index()

    customer = settings.customer
    assessment = settings.assessment_typed
    start_date = settings.start_date or 'START DATE'
    end_date = settings.end_date or 'END DATE'

    # grab the filter type and value if provided or from the session
    if session.hostfilter is None:
        f_type  = request.vars.f_type or None
        f_value = request.vars.f_value or None
        f_type  = session.hostfilter[0]
        f_value = session.hostfilter[1]

    # this is a little hack to ensure a record is either blank or None
    # use it as "if variable not in notin:"
    notin = [ None, '' ]
    unknown_cpeid_counter = 0

    hosts = []
    vulnerabilities = {}
    # go through each host, adding the os, services and vulns accordingly
    query = create_hostfilter_query([(f_type, f_value), False])
    for host_rec in db(query).select():
        host = {}
        host['ipv4'] = host_rec.f_ipv4
        host['asset_group'] = host_rec.f_asset_group
        if host_rec.f_ipv6:
            host['ipv6'] = host_rec.f_ipv6
        if host_rec.f_macaddr:
            host['macaddr'] = host_rec.f_macaddr
        if host_rec.f_hostname:
            host['hostname'] = host_rec.f_hostname.decode('utf-8')
        if host_rec.f_netbios_name:
            host['netbios_name'] = host_rec.f_netbios_name.decode('utf-8')

        # build the os information using the highest certainty record
        highest = (0, None)
        for os_rec in db(db.t_host_os_refs.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            if os_rec.f_certainty > highest[0]:
                highest = (os_rec.f_certainty, os_rec)

        if highest[0] > 0:
            # add os element to the host
            record = highest[1]
            host['os']['certainty'] = str(highest[0])
            if record.f_class not in notin:
                host['os']['class'] = record.f_class
            if record.f_family not in notin:
                host['os']['family'] = record.f_family

            # since some os records may not have a cpe id we'll mask them with
            # using their title, replacing spaces with underscores
            t_os_rec = db.t_os[record.f_os_id]
            if t_os_rec.f_cpename in notin:
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_title.replace(' ', '_')
                cpeid = t_os_rec.f_cpename

            host['os']['id'] = cpeid

            # if the id isn't in os_records, add it
            # if 1:
            #     os_rec = db.t_os[highest[1].f_os_id]
            #     host['os']['id'] = cpeid
            #     host['os']['title'] = os_rec.f_title
            #     if os_rec.f_vendor not in notin:
            #         host['os']['vendor'] = os_rec.f_vendor
            #     if os_rec.f_product not in notin:
            #         host['os']['product'] = os_rec.f_product
            #     if os_rec.f_version not in notin:
            #         host['os']['version'] = os_rec.f_version
            #     if os_rec.f_update not in notin:
            #         host['os']['update'] = os_rec.f_update
            #     if os_rec.f_edition not in notin:
            #         host['os']['edition'] = os_rec.f_edition
            #     if os_rec.f_language not in notin:
            #         host['os']['language'] = os_rec.f_language

        # snmp strings
        snmp_recs = db(db.t_snmp.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select()
        if len(snmp_recs) > 0:
            host['snmps'] = []
            for record in snmp_recs:
                snmp = {}
                if record.f_community not in notin:
                    snmp['community'] = record.f_community.decode('utf-8')
                    snmp['version'] = record.f_version
                    snmp['access'] = record.f_access

        # netbios information
        netb_record = db(db.t_netbios.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select().first() or None
        if netb_record:
            host['netbios'] = {}
            if netb_record.f_type not in notin:
                host['netbios']['type'] =  netb_record.f_type
            if netb_record.f_domain not in notin:
                host['netbios']['domain'] =  netb_record.f_domain.decode('utf-8')
            if netb_record.f_lockout_limit not in notin:
                host['netbios']['lockout_limit'] =  str(netb_record.f_lockout_limit)
            if netb_record.f_lockout_duration not in notin:
                host['netbios']['lockout_duration'] =  str(netb_record.f_lockout_duration)

            if netb_record.f_advertised_names is not None:
                for name in netb_record.f_advertised_names:
                    host['netbios']['advertised_name'] = name.decode('utf-8')

        # build the services and vulnerabilities
        host['services'] = []
        for svc_rec in db(db.t_services.f_hosts_id == host_rec.id).select():
            service = {}
            service['proto'] = svc_rec.f_proto
            service['number'] = int(svc_rec.f_number)

            if svc_rec.f_name not in notin:
                service['name'] = svc_rec.f_name.decode('utf-8')
                service['name'] = T('unknown')

            if svc_rec.f_banner not in notin:
                service['banner'] = svc_rec.f_banner.decode('utf-8')

            # service configuration records
            svc_info_recs = db(db.t_service_info.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_info_recs) > 0:
                service['configs'] = []
                for info_rec in svc_info_recs:
                    config = {}
                    if info_rec.f_name not in notin:
                        config['name'] = info_rec.f_name
                        if info_rec.f_text not in notin:
                            config['text'] = info_rec.f_text.decode('utf-8')

            # vulnerabilities
            svc_vuln_recs = db(db.t_service_vulns.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            if len(svc_vuln_recs) > 0:
                service['vulns'] = []
                for vuln_rec in svc_vuln_recs:
                    vuln = {}
                    vuln['status'] = vuln_rec.f_status
                    vuln['proof'] = vuln_rec.f_proof

                    vulndata = db.t_vulndata[vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id]
                    vuln['vulninfo'] = vulndata
                    vuln['id'] = vulndata.f_vulnid
                    vuln['title'] = vulndata.f_title
                    vuln['severity'] = str(vulndata.f_severity)
                    vuln['pci_sev'] = str(vulndata.f_pci_sev)
                    vuln['cvss_score'] = str(vulndata.f_cvss_score)
                    vuln['cvssmetrics'] = cvss_metrics(vulndata)
                    vuln['description'] = vulndata.f_description
                    vuln['solution'] = vulndata.f_solution

                    # find vulnerability references and add them
                    vuln_refs = db(db.t_vuln_references.f_vulndata_id == vulndata.id).select()
                    if len(vuln_refs) > 0:
                        vuln['refs'] = []
                        for ref_rec in vuln_refs:
                            ref = {}
                            record = db.t_vuln_refs[ref_rec.f_vuln_ref_id]
                            ref['source'] = record.f_source
                            ref['text'] = record.f_text.decode('utf-8')

                    # find vulnerability exploits and add them
                    vuln_exploits = '' #db(db.t_vuln_references.f_vulndata_id == vulndata.id).select()
                    if len(vuln_exploits) > 0:
                      vuln['exploits'] = []
                      for ref_rec in vuln_refs:
                        ref = {}
                        record = db.t_vuln_refs[ref_rec.f_vuln_ref_id]
                        ref['source'] = record.f_source
                        ref['text'] = record.f_text.decode('utf-8')

                    if (int(vuln['severity'])>0):

                      vuln['hosts'] = []
                      vulnhost = {}
                      vulnhost['ipv4'] = host['ipv4']
                      if 'hostname' in host:
                        vulnhost['hostname'] = host['hostname']
                        vulnhost['hostname'] = host['ipv4']
                      vulnhost['svcproto'] = service['proto']
                      vulnhost['svcnumber'] = service['number']
                      vulnhost['status'] = vuln_rec.f_status
                      vulnhost['proof'] = vuln_rec.f_proof
                      vulnhost['url'] = ''
                      if svc_rec.f_name not in notin:
                          vulnhost['svcname'] = svc_rec.f_name.decode('utf-8')
                          vulnhost['svcname'] = T('unknown')
                      if svc_rec.f_banner not in notin:
                          vulnhost['svcbanner'] = svc_rec.f_banner.decode('utf-8')
                      id = str(vuln_rec.f_vulndata_id)
                      if id not in vulnerabilities:
                          vulnerabilities[id] = vuln

                if len(service['vulns']) is 0:
                  del service['vulns']

            # accounts
            #accounts = db(db.t_accounts.f_services_id == svc_rec.id).select()
            # if len(accounts) > 0:
            #     host['accounts'] = []
            #     for acct_rec in accounts:
            #         account = {}
            #         if acct_rec.f_username not in notin:
            #             account['username'] = acct_rec.f_username.decode('utf-8')
            #         if acct_rec.f_fullname not in notin:
            #             account['fullname'] = acct_rec.f_fullname.decode('utf-8')
            #         if acct_rec.f_password not in notin:
            #             account['password'] = acct_rec.f_password.decode('utf-8')
            #         if acct_rec.f_hash1 not in notin:
            #             account['hash1'] = acct_rec.f_hash1
            #         if acct_rec.f_hash1_type not in notin:
            #             account['hash1_type'] = acct_rec.f_hash1_type
            #         if acct_rec.f_hash2 not in notin:
            #             account['hash2'] = acct_rec.f_hash2
            #         if acct_rec.f_hash2_type not in notin:
            #             account['hash2_type'] = acct_rec.f_hash2_type
            #         if acct_rec.f_uid not in notin:
            #             account['uid'] = acct_rec.f_uid
            #         if acct_rec.f_gid not in notin:
            #             account['gid'] = acct_rec.f_gid
            #         if acct_rec.f_level not in notin:
            #             account['level'] = acct_rec.f_level
            #         if acct_rec.f_domain not in notin:
            #             account['domain'] = acct_rec.f_domain.decode('utf-8')
            #         if acct_rec.f_description not in notin:
            #             account['description'] = acct_rec.f_description.decode('utf-8')
            #         host['accounts'].append(account)

    #get JSON from host.list and use mockjax
    ext = request.extension
    request.extension = 'json'
    hostlist = list() #Not an empty list
    request.extension = ext
    #remove the engineer field from the customers report
    import re
    hostlist = re.sub("href=\"[^>]*>([^<]*)","href=\"#\\1\">\\1", str(hostlist))
    listjson=hostlist.replace('\"','\\\"').replace('\'','\"').replace('L, ',', ').replace('None','null')
    vulnlst=sorted(vulnerabilities, key=lambda x: int(vulnerabilities[x]['severity']), reverse=True)
    return dict(