Ejemplo n.º 1
# Another possible representation is a decomposition in a basis of functions.
# $$
# f(t) = \\sum_{i=1}^N a_i \\phi_i(t)
# $$
# It is possible to transform between both representations. Let us use again
# the Berkeley Growth dataset.
dataset = skfda.datasets.fetch_growth()
fd = dataset['data']
y = dataset['target']


# We will represent it using a basis of B-splines.
fd_basis = fd.to_basis(
    basis.BSpline(domain_range=fd.domain_range[0], nbasis=4)


# We can increase the number of elements in the basis to try to reproduce the
# original data with more fidelity.
fd_basis = fd.to_basis(
    basis.BSpline(domain_range=fd.domain_range[0], nbasis=7)


# We can also see the effect of changing the basis.
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Another possible representation is a decomposition in a basis of functions.
# $$
# f(t) = \\sum_{i=1}^N a_i \\phi_i(t)
# $$
# It is possible to transform between both representations. Let us use again
# the Berkeley Growth dataset.
dataset = skfda.datasets.fetch_growth()
fd = dataset['data']
y = dataset['target']


# We will represent it using a basis of B-splines.
fd_basis = fd.to_basis(basis.BSpline(n_basis=4))


# We can increase the number of elements in the basis to try to reproduce the
# original data with more fidelity.
fd_basis_big = fd.to_basis(basis.BSpline(n_basis=7))


# Lets compare the diferent representations in the same plot, for the same
# curve
fig = fd[0].plot()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_fdo(Sv, r, f, var, nb, order):
    Creates a functional data object from Sv data.
        Sv (float): 3D numpy array with Sv data (dB), with dimensions:
            - 1st: range
            - 2nd: time
            - 3st: frequency
        r (float): 1d numpy array with range data (m).
        f (float): 1d numpy array with frequency data (kHz).
        var (dict): Variables to create the functional data object, where:
            - keys (str): variable names
            - values (int): 3-integers tuple with the following information:
                - 1: frequency (kHz)
                - 2: upper range (m)
                - 3: lower range (m)
        nb (int): Number of basis for the functional data object.
        order (int): Order of basis functions.
        object: Functional data object.
        Number of elements and range extent must be equivalent among variables.
        # Convert variables 38 kHz from 10 to 200 m, 120 kHz from 10 to 200 m, 
        # and 38 kHz from 200 to 390 m into a functional data objected defined
        # by 20 B-spline third-degree polinomials for every variable:
        var = {'038kHz_010-200m': ( 38,  10, 200),
               '120kHz_010-200m': (120,  10, 200),
               '038kHz_200-390m': ( 38, 200, 390)}
        fdo = get_fdobj(Sv, r, fre, var, 20, 3)
    # check for proper inputs
    if not isinstance(Sv, np.ndarray):
        raise Exception('\'Sv\' must be a 3d-numpy array')
    if not isinstance(r, np.ndarray):
        raise Exception('\'r\' must be a 1d-numpy array')
    if not isinstance(f, np.ndarray):
        raise Exception('\'f\' must be a 1d-numpy array')
    if not isinstance(var, dict):
        raise Exception('\'var\' must be a dictionary')
    if not isinstance(nb, int):
        raise Exception('\'nb\' must be an integer')
    if not isinstance(order, int):
        raise Exception('\'order\' must be an integer')
    if Sv.ndim!=3:
        raise Exception('\'Sv\' array must have 3 dimensions')
    if r.ndim!=1:
        raise Exception('\'r\' array must have 1 dimension')
    if f.ndim!=1:
        raise Exception('\'f\' array must have 1 dimension')
    if Sv.shape[0]!=len(r):
        raise Exception('\'r\' and \'Sv\' 1st dimension lengths must be equal')
    if Sv.shape[-1]!=len(f):
        raise Exception('\'f\' and \'Sv\' 3rd dimension lenghts must be equal')  
    x0 = list(var.values())[0]
    for xi in var.values():
        if not isinstance(xi, tuple):
            raise Exception('variable values must contain only 3-elements tuples')
        if len(xi)!=3:
            raise Exception('variable values must contain only 3-elements tuples')
        if xi[0] not in f:
            raise Exception('%s kHz frequency is not available' % xi[0])
        if x0[2]-x0[1] != xi[2]-xi[1]:
            raise Exception('range extent of variables might be consistent') 
    # interate through variables
    for i, key in enumerate(var.keys()):
        # get frequency and range indexes to extract variables
        fi = var[key][0]
        r0 = var[key][1]
        r1 = var[key][2] 
        k  = np.where(f==fi)[0][0]
        i0 = np.argmin(abs(r-r0))
        i1 = np.argmin(abs(r-r1))
        # get Sv and range domain for every variable
        y  = Sv[i0:i1, :, k]
        x  = r [i0:i1      ] - r0
        x0 = x[ 0]
        x1 = x[-1]
        # get functional data object for every variable and joind them in 
        # an unique functional data object
        bspline = basis.BSpline(domain_range=(x0, x1), n_basis=nb, order=order)
        fdo_i   = FDataGrid(y.T, sample_points=x, domain_range=(x0, x1))
        fdo_i   = fdo_i.to_basis(bspline)    
        if i==0:
            fdo              = copy.deepcopy(fdo_i)
            fdo.dim_names    = [key]
            fdo.domain_depth = [(r0, r1)]
            fdo.domain_depth.append((r0, r1))
            fdo.coefficients = np.dstack((fdo.coefficients,fdo_i.coefficients))
    return fdo
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_fdo(Sv, r, nb, order=4, f=None, var=None):
    Creates a functional data object from single-freqeuncy or multifrequency
    Sv data.
        Sv (float): 2D or 3D numpy array with Sv data (dB), with dimensions:
            - 1st: range
            - 2nd: time
            - 3st: frequency (if Sv is a 3D-array)
        r (float): 1D numpy array with range data (m).
        nb (int): Number of basis for the functional data object.
        order (int): Order of basis functions.
        f (float): list or 1D-numpy array with frequency data (kHz).
        var (dict): Variables included in the functional data object. It
            should indicate the frequency and the depth interval of each
            variable with the following structure:
            - keys (str): variable names
            - values (int): 3-integers tuple with the following information:
                - 1: frequency (kHz)
                - 2: upper range (m)
                - 3: lower range (m)     
        object: Functional data object.
        By default, the function accepts 2D-single-frequency Sv arrays and the
        unique variable considered will be that at the frequency provided, and
        considering the full depth range provided. If 3D-multifrequency data is
        provided and more than one variable is defined at each frequency, the
        depth range of variables must be consistent. Further details in Ariza 
        et al. (under review). Acoustic seascape partitioning through 
        functional data analysis. 
        # Convert variables 38 kHz from 10 to 200 m, 120 kHz from 10 to 200 m, 
        # and 38 kHz from 200 to 390 m into a functional data objected defined
        # by 20 basis for every variable:
        Sv  = ... # a 3D-array.
        r   = ... # 1D-array with length equalt to 1st Sv dimension
        f   = [38, 120] # 1D-array with length equalt to 3rd Sv dimension    
        var = {'038kHz_010-200m': ( 38,  10, 200),
               '120kHz_010-200m': (120,  10, 200),
               '038kHz_200-390m': ( 38, 200, 390)}
        fdo = get_fdobj(Sv, r, 20, f=f, var=var)

    # Check Sv and convert from 2d to 3d array
    if (Sv.ndim != 2) & (Sv.ndim != 3):
        raise Exception('\'Sv\' array must have 2 or 3 dimensions')
    if Sv.ndim == 2:
        Sv = Sv[:, :, np.newaxis]

    # provide missing inputs
    if f is None:
        f = [0]
    if var is None:
        var = {'var1': (0, r[0], r[-1])}

    # check rest of inputs
    if not isinstance(r, np.ndarray):
        raise Exception('\'r\' must be a 1d-numpy array')
    if r.ndim != 1:
        raise Exception('\'r\' array must have 1 dimension')
    if not isinstance(Sv, np.ndarray):
        raise Exception('\'Sv\' must be a 2d- or 3d-numpy array')
    if Sv.shape[0] != len(r):
        raise Exception('\'r\' and \'Sv\' 1st dimension lengths must be equal')
    if not isinstance(nb, int):
        raise Exception('\'nb\' must be an integer')
    if not isinstance(order, int):
        raise Exception('\'order\' must be an integer')
    if not (isinstance(f, np.ndarray) | isinstance(f, list)):
        raise Exception('if multifrequency Sv is provided, \'f\' must be ' +
                        'a list or an array with length equal to the 3rd ' +
                        'dimension of the Sv array')
    if not isinstance(var, dict):
        raise Exception('if multifrequency Sv is provided, \'var\' must ' +
                        'be a dictionary with names, frequency, and ' +
                        'depth interval of the variables to be analyzed')
    if isinstance(f, np.ndarray):
        if f.ndim != 1:
            raise Exception('\'f\' array must have 1 dimension')
    if isinstance(f, np.ndarray) | isinstance(f, list):
        if Sv.shape[-1] != len(f):
            raise Exception('\'f\' & \'Sv\' 3rd dimension lenght must match')
    if isinstance(var, dict):
        x0 = list(var.values())[0]
        for k, v in zip(var.keys(), var.values()):
            if not isinstance(v, tuple):
                raise Exception('variable values must be a 3-element tuple')
            if len(v) != 3:
                raise Exception('variable values must be a 3-element tuple')
            if v[0] not in f:
                raise Exception('%s kHz frequency not available' % v[0])
            if x0[2] - x0[1] != v[2] - v[1]:
                raise Exception(
                    'range extent of variables might be consistent')
            if v[1] < r[0]:
                raise Exception(
                    ('%s m is above the depth range available for ' +
                     '%s kHz, define a different upper depth ' +
                     'for variable \'%s\'.') % (v[1], v[0], k))
            if v[2] > r[-1]:
                raise Exception(
                    ('%s m is below the depth range available for ' +
                     '%s kHz, define a different lower depth ' +
                     'for variable \'%s\'.') % (v[2], v[0], k))

    # interate through variables
    for i, key in enumerate(var.keys()):

        # get frequency and range indexes to extract variables
        fi = var[key][0]
        r0 = var[key][1]
        r1 = var[key][2]
        k = np.where([x == fi for x in f])[0][0]
        minpositive = r - r0 * 1.0
        minpositive[minpositive < 0] = np.inf
        maxnegative = r - r1 * 1.0
        maxnegative[maxnegative > 0] = -np.inf
        i0 = np.argmin(minpositive)
        i1 = np.argmax(maxnegative)

        # get Sv and range domain for every variable
        y = Sv[i0:i1 + 1, :, k]
        x = r[i0:i1 + 1] - r[i0]
        x0 = x[0]
        x1 = x[-1]

        # get functional data object for every variable and joind them in
        # an unique functional data object
        bspline = basis.BSpline(domain_range=(x0, x1), n_basis=nb, order=order)
        fdo_i = FDataGrid(y.T, sample_points=x, domain_range=(x0, x1))
        fdo_i = fdo_i.to_basis(bspline)
        if i == 0:
            fdo = copy.deepcopy(fdo_i)
            fdo.dim_names = [key]
            fdo.domain_depth = [(r[i0], r[i1])]
            fdo.domain_depth.append((r[i0], r[i1]))
            fdo.coefficients = np.dstack(
                (fdo.coefficients, fdo_i.coefficients))

    return fdo