Ejemplo n.º 1
    def runTest(self):
        def load(v, w):
            x = w.x
            return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) *
                    (2.0 * np.pi**2) * v)

        m = self.mesh
        Nitrs = 9
        L2s = np.zeros(Nitrs)
        H1s = np.zeros(Nitrs)

        for itr in range(Nitrs):
            ib = self.create_basis(m, itr + 2)

            A = asm(laplace, ib)
            b = asm(load, ib)

            D = ib.find_dofs()

            x = solve(*condense(A, b, D=D))

            # calculate error
            L2s[itr], H1s[itr] = self.compute_error(m, ib, x)

        self.assertLess(H1s[-1], 1e-10)
        self.assertLess(L2s[-1], 1e-11)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def runTest(self):

        m = MeshTri()

        fbasis1 = FacetBasis(m, ElementTriP1() * ElementTriP1(),
                             facets=m.facets_satisfying(lambda x: x[0] == 0))
        fbasis2 = FacetBasis(m, ElementTriP1(),
                             facets=lambda x: x[0] == 0)
        fbasis3 = FacetBasis(m, ElementTriP1(), facets='left')

        def uv1(u, p, v, q, w):
            return u * v + p * q

        def uv2(u, v, w):
            return u * v

        A = asm(uv1, fbasis1)
        B = asm(uv2, fbasis2)
        C = asm(uv2, fbasis2)

        assert_allclose(A[0].todense()[0, ::2],

        assert_allclose(A[0].todense()[0, ::2],
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def runTest(self):

        if self.intorder is not None:
            basis = FacetBasis(*self.case, intorder=self.intorder)
            basis = FacetBasis(*self.case)

        def linf(v, dv, w):
            return np.sum(w.n**2, axis=0) * v

        b = asm(linf, basis)
        m = self.case[0]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(b @ np.ones(b.shape),
                               2 * m.p.shape[0],

        if self.test_integrate_volume:
            # by Gauss theorem this integrates to one
            for itr in range(m.p.shape[0]):

                def linf(v, dv, w):
                    return w.n[itr] * v

                b = asm(linf, basis)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(b @ m.p[itr, :], 1.0, places=5)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def save_nullspaces():
    # points, cells = meshzoo.rectangle_tri((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), 20)
    points, cells = meshzoo.disk(6, 20)

    def flux(u, v, w):
        return dot(w.n, u.grad) * v

    mesh = fem.MeshTri(points.T, cells.T)
    basis = fem.InteriorBasis(mesh, fem.ElementTriP1())
    facet_basis = fem.FacetBasis(basis.mesh, basis.elem)

    lap = fem.asm(laplace, basis)
    boundary_terms = fem.asm(flux, facet_basis)

    A_dense = (lap - boundary_terms).toarray()

    # the right null space are the affine-linear functions
    rns = scipy.linalg.null_space(A_dense).T
                  "k0": rns[0],
                  "k1": rns[1],
                  "k2": rns[2]

    # the left null space is a bit weird; something around the boundaries
    lns = scipy.linalg.null_space(A_dense.T).T
                  "k0": lns[0],
                  "k1": lns[1],
                  "k2": lns[2]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def runTest(self):
        m = self.case[0].refined()

        if self.intorder is not None:
            basis = FacetBasis(m, self.case[1], intorder=self.intorder)
            basis = FacetBasis(m, self.case[1])

        def linf(v, w):
            return np.sum(w.n**2, axis=0) * v

        b = asm(linf, basis)
        ones = projection(lambda x: 1.0 + x[0] * 0.,

        self.assertAlmostEqual(b @ ones, 2 * m.p.shape[0], places=10)

        if self.test_integrate_volume:
            # by Gauss theorem this integrates to one
            for itr in range(m.p.shape[0]):

                def linf(v, w):
                    return w.n[itr] * v

                b = asm(linf, basis)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(b @ m.p[itr, :], 1.0, places=5)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def runTest(self):

        def uv(u, v, w):
            return u * v

        B = asm(uv, self.fbasis)

        # assemble the same matrix using multiple threads
        def uvt(u, v, w):
            return u * v

        Bt = asm(uvt, self.fbasis)

        def gv(v, w):
            return 1.0 * v

        g = asm(gv, self.fbasis)

        ones = np.ones(g.shape)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(ones @ g, self.boundary_area, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ones @ (B @ ones), self.boundary_area, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ones @ (Bt @ ones),
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_poisson_steps_scikitfem(points, cells, tol):
    from skfem import (
    from skfem.models.poisson import laplace, unit_load
    import krypy

    if cells.shape[1] == 3:
        mesh = MeshTri(points.T, cells.T)
        e = ElementTriP1()
        assert cells.shape[1] == 4
        mesh = MeshTet(points.T, cells.T)
        e = ElementTetP1()

    basis = InteriorBasis(mesh, e)

    # assemble
    A = asm(laplace, basis)
    b = asm(unit_load, basis)

    A, b = condense(A, b, I=mesh.interior_nodes(), expand=False)
    _, info = krypy.cg(A, b, tol=tol)

    return info.iter
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def assemble_mass_form(self,
        Assembles the form of the finite element mass matrix over the domain
        interior or boundary.

        symbol: :class:`pybamm.Variable`
            The variable corresponding to the equation for which we are
            calculating the mass matrix.
        boundary_conditions : dict
            The boundary conditions of the model
            ({symbol.id: {"negative tab": neg. tab bc, "positive tab": pos. tab bc}})
        region: str, optional
            The domain over which to assemble the mass matrix form. Can be "interior"
            (default) or "boundary".

            The (sparse) mass matrix for the spatial method.
        # get primary domain mesh
        domain = symbol.domain[0]
        mesh = self.mesh[domain][0]

        # create form for mass
        def mass_form(u, du, v, dv, w):
            return u * v

        # assemble mass matrix
        if region == "interior":
            mass = skfem.asm(mass_form, mesh.basis)
        if region == "boundary":
            mass = skfem.asm(mass_form, mesh.facet_basis)

        # get boundary conditions and type
        if symbol.id in boundary_conditions:
            _, neg_bc_type = boundary_conditions[symbol.id]["negative tab"]
            _, pos_bc_type = boundary_conditions[symbol.id]["positive tab"]

            if neg_bc_type == "Dirichlet":
                # set source terms to zero on boundary by zeroing out mass matrix
                self.bc_apply(mass, mesh.negative_tab_dofs, zero=True)
            if pos_bc_type == "Dirichlet":
                # set source terms to zero on boundary by zeroing out mass matrix
                self.bc_apply(mass, mesh.positive_tab_dofs, zero=True)

        return pybamm.Matrix(mass)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def runTest(self):
        """Solve Stokes problem, try splitting and other small things."""

        m = MeshTri().refined()
        m = m.refined(3).with_boundaries({
            'up': lambda x: x[1] == 1.,
            'rest': lambda x: x[1] != 1.,

        e = ElementVectorH1(ElementTriP2()) * ElementTriP1()

        basis = CellBasis(m, e)

        def bilinf(u, p, v, q, w):
            from skfem.helpers import grad, ddot, div
            return (ddot(grad(u), grad(v)) - div(u) * q - div(v) * p
                    - 1e-2 * p * q)

        S = asm(bilinf, basis)

        D = basis.find_dofs(skip=['u^2'])
        x = basis.zeros()
        x[D['up'].all('u^1^1')] = .1

        x = solve(*condense(S, x=x, D=D))

        (u, u_basis), (p, p_basis) = basis.split(x)

        self.assertEqual(len(u), m.p.shape[1] * 2 + m.facets.shape[1] * 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(p), m.p.shape[1])

        self.assertTrue(np.sum(p - x[basis.nodal_dofs[2]]) < 1e-8)

        U, P = basis.interpolate(x)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(U.value, np.ndarray))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(P.value, np.ndarray))
        self.assertTrue(P.shape[0] == m.nelements)

        self.assertTrue((basis.doflocs[:, D['up'].all()][1] == 1.).all())

        # test blocks splitting of forms while at it
        C1 = asm(bilinf.block(1, 1), CellBasis(m, ElementTriP1()))
        C2 = S[basis.nodal_dofs[-1]].T[basis.nodal_dofs[-1]].T
        self.assertTrue(abs((C1 - C2).min()) < 1e-10)
        self.assertTrue(abs((C1 - C2).max()) < 1e-10)

        # test splitting ElementVector
        (ux, uxbasis), (uy, uybasis) = u_basis.split(u)
        assert_allclose(ux[uxbasis.nodal_dofs[0]], u[u_basis.nodal_dofs[0]])
        assert_allclose(ux[uxbasis.facet_dofs[0]], u[u_basis.facet_dofs[0]])
        assert_allclose(uy[uybasis.nodal_dofs[0]], u[u_basis.nodal_dofs[1]])
        assert_allclose(uy[uybasis.facet_dofs[0]], u[u_basis.facet_dofs[1]])
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _fit_skfem(x0,
               lmbda: float,
               degree: int = 1,
               solver: str = "lsqr"):
    import skfem
    from skfem.helpers import dot
    from skfem.models.poisson import laplace

    assert degree == 1

    if cells.shape[1] == 2:
        mesh = skfem.MeshLine(np.ascontiguousarray(points.T),
        element = skfem.ElementLineP1()
    elif cells.shape[1] == 3:
        mesh = skfem.MeshTri(np.ascontiguousarray(points.T),
        element = skfem.ElementTriP1()
        assert cells.shape[1] == 4
        mesh = skfem.MeshQuad(np.ascontiguousarray(points.T),
        element = skfem.ElementQuad1()

    def mass(u, v, _):
        return u * v

    def flux(u, v, w):
        return dot(w.n, u.grad) * v

    basis = skfem.CellBasis(mesh, element)
    facet_basis = skfem.FacetBasis(basis.mesh, basis.elem)

    lap = skfem.asm(laplace, basis)
    boundary_terms = skfem.asm(flux, facet_basis)

    A = lap - boundary_terms
    A *= lmbda

    # get the evaluation matrix
    E = basis.probes(x0.T)

    # mass matrix
    M = skfem.asm(mass, basis)

    x = _solve(A, M, E, y0, solver)
    return basis, x
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def initOnes(self, basis):
        def mass(u, du, ddu, v, dv, ddv, w):
            return u * v

        def ones(v, dv, ddv, w):
            return 1.0 * v

        M = asm(mass, basis)
        f = asm(ones, basis)

        return solve(M, f)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def initOnes(self, basis):
        def mass(u, v, w):
            return u * v

        def ones(v, w):
            return 1. * v

        M = asm(mass, basis)
        f = asm(ones, basis)

        return solve(M, f)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def boundary_integral_vector(self, domain, region):
        """A node in the expression tree representing an integral operator over the
        boundary of a domain

        .. math::
            I = \\int_{\\partial a}\\!f(u)\\,du,

        where :math:`\\partial a` is the boundary of the domain, and
        :math:`u\\in\\text{domain boundary}`.

        domain : list
            The domain(s) of the variable in the integrand
        region : str
            The region of the boundary over which to integrate. If region is
            `entire` the integration is carried out over the entire boundary. If
            region is `negative tab` or `positive tab` then the integration is only
            carried out over the appropriate part of the boundary corresponding to
            the tab.

            The finite element integral vector for the domain
        # get primary domain mesh
        if isinstance(domain, list):
            domain = domain[0]
        mesh = self.mesh[domain][0]

        # make form for the boundary integral
        def integral_form(v, dv, w):
            return v

        if region == "entire":
            # assemble over all facets
            integration_vector = skfem.asm(integral_form, mesh.facet_basis)
        elif region == "negative tab":
            # assemble over negative tab facets
            integration_vector = skfem.asm(integral_form,
        elif region == "positive tab":
            # assemble over positive tab facets
            integration_vector = skfem.asm(integral_form,

        return pybamm.Matrix(integration_vector[np.newaxis, :])
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.)).refined(2)
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, self.e)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, self.e)

        def boundary_flux(v, w):
            return v * (w.x[0] == 1.)

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        D = m.nodes_satisfying(lambda x: x == 0.0)
        I = ib.complement_dofs(D)  # noqa E741
        u = solve(*condense(L, b, I=I))  # noqa E741

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u[ib.nodal_dofs[0]], m.p[0], -10)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.)).refined(2)
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, self.e)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, self.e)

        def boundary_flux(v, w):
            return v * (w.x[0] == 1) - v * (w.x[0] == 0)

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        M = asm(mass, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        u = solve(L + 1e-6 * M, b)

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u[ib.nodal_dofs[0]], m.p[0] - .5,
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def runTest(self):
        def load(v, w):
            x = w.x
            if x.shape[0] == 1:
                return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * (np.pi**2) * v)
            elif x.shape[0] == 2:
                return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) *
                        (2.0 * np.pi**2) * v)
            elif x.shape[0] == 3:
                return (np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) *
                        np.sin(np.pi * x[2]) * (3.0 * np.pi**2) * v)
                raise Exception("The dimension not supported")

        m = self.mesh
        Nitrs = 3
        L2s = np.zeros(Nitrs)
        H1s = np.zeros(Nitrs)
        hs = np.zeros(Nitrs)

        for itr in range(Nitrs):
            if itr > 0:
                m = self.do_refined(m, itr)
            ib = self.create_basis(m)

            A = asm(laplace, ib)
            b = asm(load, ib)

            D = self.get_bc_nodes(ib)
            x = solve(*condense(A, b, D=D))

            # calculate error
            L2s[itr], H1s[itr] = self.compute_error(m, ib, x)
            hs[itr] = m.param()

        rateL2 = np.polyfit(np.log(hs), np.log(L2s), 1)[0]
        rateH1 = np.polyfit(np.log(hs), np.log(H1s), 1)[0]

        self.assertLess(np.abs(rateL2 - self.rateL2),
                        msg='observed L2 rate: {}'.format(rateL2))
        self.assertLess(np.abs(rateH1 - self.rateH1),
                        msg='observed H1 rate: {}'.format(rateH1))
        self.assertLess(H1s[-1], 0.3)
        self.assertLess(L2s[-1], 0.008)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_point_source(etype):

    mesh = MeshLine1().refined()
    basis = CellBasis(mesh, etype())
    source = np.array([0.7])
    u = solve(*condense(asm(laplace, basis), basis.point_source(source), D=basis.get_dofs()))
    exact = np.stack([(1 - source) * mesh.p, (1 - mesh.p) * source]).min(0)
    assert_almost_equal(u[basis.nodal_dofs], exact)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.))
        e = ElementLineP1()
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, e)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, e)

        def boundary_flux(v, dv, w):
            return v * (w.x[0] == 1) - v * (w.x[0] == 0)

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        M = asm(mass, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        u = solve(L + 1e-6 * M, b)

        self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(u - m.p[0, :] + 0.5)) < 1e-4)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def runTest(self):
        m = self.case[0]()

        hs = []
        L2s = []

        for itr in range(3):
            e = self.case[1]()
            ib = InteriorBasis(m, e)

            def bilinf(u, v, w):
                return ddot(dd(u), dd(v))

            def linf(v, w):
                return 1. * v

            K = asm(bilinf, ib)
            f = asm(linf, ib)

            x = solve(*condense(K, f, D=ib.get_dofs().all()))

            X = ib.interpolate(x)

            def exact(x):
                return (x ** 2 - 2. * x ** 3 + x ** 4) / 24.

            def error(w):
                return (w.w - exact(w.x)) ** 2

            L2 = np.sqrt(error.assemble(ib, w=X))


        hs = np.array(hs)
        L2s = np.array(L2s)
        pfit = np.polyfit(np.log10(hs), np.log10(L2s), 1)
        self.assertGreater(pfit[0], self.limits[0])
        self.assertLess(pfit[0], self.limits[1])
        self.assertLess(L2s[-1], self.abs_limit)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_multimesh_2():

    m = MeshTri()
    m1 = MeshTri.init_refdom()
    m2 = MeshTri.init_refdom().scaled((-1., -1.)).translated((
    M = m1 @ m2

    E = [ElementTriP1(), ElementTriP1()]
    basis1 = list(map(Basis, M, E))
    basis2 = Basis(m, ElementTriP1())

    M1 = asm(mass, basis1)
    M2 = asm(mass, basis2)

    assert_array_almost_equal(M1.toarray(), M2.toarray())
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.)).refined(2)
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, self.e)
        m.define_boundary('left', lambda x: x[0] == 0.0)
        m.define_boundary('right', lambda x: x[0] == 1.0)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, self.e, facets=m.boundaries['right'])

        def boundary_flux(v, w):
            return -w.x[0] * v

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        D = ib.find_dofs()['left'].all()
        I = ib.complement_dofs(D)  # noqa E741
        u = solve(*condense(L, b, I=I))  # noqa E741

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u[ib.nodal_dofs[0]], -m.p[0], -10)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshLine(np.linspace(0., 1.))
        e = ElementLineP1()
        ib = InteriorBasis(m, e)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, e)

        def boundary_flux(v, dv, w):
            return -v * (w.x[0] == 1.)

        L = asm(laplace, ib)
        b = asm(boundary_flux, fb)
        D = m.nodes_satisfying(lambda x: x == 0.0)
        I = ib.complement_dofs(D)  # noqa E741
        u = solve(*condense(L, b, I=I))  # noqa E741

        self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(u + m.p[0, :])) < 1e-10)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def gradient(self, symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions):
        """Matrix-vector multiplication to implement the gradient operator. The
        gradient w of the function u is approximated by the finite element method
        using the same function space as u, i.e. we solve w = grad(u), which
        corresponds to the weak form w*v*dx = grad(u)*v*dx, where v is a suitable
        test function.

        symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol`
            The symbol that we will take the laplacian of.
        discretised_symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol`
            The discretised symbol of the correct size
        boundary_conditions : dict
            The boundary conditions of the model
            ({symbol.id: {"negative tab": neg. tab bc, "positive tab": pos. tab bc}})

        :class: `pybamm.Concatenation`
            A concatenation that contains the result of acting the discretised
            gradient on the child discretised_symbol. The first column corresponds
            to the y-component of the gradient and the second column corresponds
            to the z component of the gradient.
        domain = symbol.domain[0]
        mesh = self.mesh[domain][0]

        # get gradient matrix
        grad_y_matrix, grad_z_matrix = self.gradient_matrix(
            symbol, boundary_conditions)

        # assemble mass matrix (there is no need to zero out entries here, since
        # boundary conditions are already accounted for in the governing pde
        # for the symbol we are taking the gradient of. we just want to get the
        # correct weights)
        def mass_form(u, du, v, dv, w):
            return u * v

        mass = skfem.asm(mass_form, mesh.basis)
        # we need the inverse
        mass_inv = pybamm.Matrix(inv(csc_matrix(mass)))

        # compute gradient
        grad_y = mass_inv @ (grad_y_matrix @ discretised_symbol)
        grad_z = mass_inv @ (grad_z_matrix @ discretised_symbol)

        # create concatenation
        grad = pybamm.Concatenation(grad_y,
        grad.domain = domain

        return grad
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def runTest(self):

        def uv(u, v, w):
            return u * v

        B = asm(uv, self.fbasis)

        def gv(v, w):
            return 1.0 * v

        g = asm(gv, self.fbasis)

        ones = np.ones(g.shape)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(ones @ g, self.boundary_area, places=4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ones @ (B @ ones), self.boundary_area, places=4)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def runTest(self):

        m = MeshTri()
        e = ElementTriP1()
        basis = Basis(m, e)
        self.interior_area = 1

        def complexmass(u, v, w):
            return 1j * u * v

        def complexfun(v, w):
            return 1j * v

        M = asm(complexmass, basis)
        f = asm(complexfun, basis)
        ones = np.ones(M.shape[1])

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.dot(ones, M @ ones), 1j * self.interior_area)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.dot(ones, f), 1j * self.interior_area)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def runTest(self):

        m = MeshHex()
        # check that these assemble to the same matrix
        ec = ElementHex1() * ElementHex1() * ElementHex1()
        ev = ElementVectorH1(ElementHex1())
        basisc = Basis(m, ec)
        basisv = Basis(m, ev)

        def bilinf_ev(u, v, w):
            from skfem.helpers import dot
            return dot(u, v)

        def bilinf_ec(ux, uy, uz, vx, vy, vz, w):
            return ux * vx + uy * vy + uz * vz

        Kv = asm(bilinf_ev, basisv)
        Kc = asm(bilinf_ec, basisc)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sum(np.sum((Kv - Kc).todense())), 0.)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def runTest(self):
        m = MeshQuad().refined(3)
        e = ElementQuad1()
        basis = InteriorBasis(m, e)

        def x_squared(w):
            return w.x[0]**2

        y = asm(x_squared, basis)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(y, 1. / 3.)
        self.assertEqual(len(x_squared.elemental(basis)), m.t.shape[1])
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_evaluate_functional(mtype, e, mtype2):
    m = mtype().refined(3)
    if mtype2 is not None:
        m = mtype2.from_mesh(m)
    basis = Basis(m, e)

    def x_squared(w):
        return w.x[0]**2

    y = asm(x_squared, basis)

    assert_almost_equal(y, 1. / 3.)
    assert_equal(len(x_squared.elemental(basis)), m.t.shape[1])
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_multimesh():

    m1 = MeshTri().refined()
    m2 = MeshQuad().refined().translated((1., 0.))
    m3 = MeshTri().refined().translated((2., 0.))
    M = m1 @ m2 @ m3

    assert len(M) == 3

    E = [ElementTriP1(), ElementQuad1(), ElementTriP1()]
    basis = list(map(Basis, M, E))

    Mm = asm(mass, basis)

    assert Mm.shape[0] == 3 * 7
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def runTest(self):
        mtype, etype = self.case
        m = mtype().refined(3)
        bnd = m.facets_satisfying(lambda x: x[0] == 1.0)
        fb = FacetBasis(m, etype(), facets=bnd)

        def uv(u, v, w):
            x, y, z = w.x
            return x**2 * y**2 * z**2 * u * v

        B = asm(uv, fb)
        ones = np.ones(B.shape[0])

        self.assertAlmostEqual(ones @ (B @ ones), 0.11111111, places=5)