Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_blob_overlap():
    img = np.ones((256, 256), dtype=np.uint8)

    xs, ys = circle(100, 100, 20)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(120, 100, 30)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_doh(img,

    assert len(blobs) == 1

    r1, r2 = 7, 6
    pad1, pad2 = 11, 12
    blob1 = ellipsoid(r1, r1, r1)
    blob1 = util.pad(blob1, pad1, mode='constant')
    blob2 = ellipsoid(r2, r2, r2)
    blob2 = util.pad(blob2, [(pad2, pad2), (pad2 - 9, pad2 + 9), (pad2, pad2)],
    im3 = np.logical_or(blob1, blob2)

    blobs = blob_log(im3, min_sigma=2, max_sigma=10, overlap=0.1)
    assert len(blobs) == 1

    # Two circles with distance between centers equal to radius
    overlap = _blob_overlap(np.array([0, 0, 10 / math.sqrt(2)]),
                            np.array([0, 10, 10 / math.sqrt(2)]))
        overlap, 1. / math.pi * (2 * math.acos(1. / 2) - math.sqrt(3) / 2.))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_blob_log_overlap_3d():
    r1, r2 = 7, 6
    pad1, pad2 = 11, 12
    blob1 = ellipsoid(r1, r1, r1)
    blob1 = np.pad(blob1, pad1, mode='constant')
    blob2 = ellipsoid(r2, r2, r2)
    blob2 = np.pad(blob2, [(pad2, pad2), (pad2 - 9, pad2 + 9), (pad2, pad2)],
    im3 = np.logical_or(blob1, blob2)

    blobs = blob_log(im3, min_sigma=2, max_sigma=10, overlap=0.1)
    assert len(blobs) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_blob_dog_3d(dtype, threshold_type):
    # Testing 3D
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = np.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    if threshold_type == 'absolute':
        threshold = 0.001
        threshold_rel = 0
    elif threshold_type == 'relative':
        threshold = 0
        threshold_rel = 0.5

    blobs = blob_dog(
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (4, )
    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1.1
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_blob_dog_3d_anisotropic(dtype, threshold_type):
    # Testing 3D anisotropic
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r / 2, r, r)
    im3 = np.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    if threshold_type == 'absolute':
        threshold = 0.001
        threshold_rel = None
    elif threshold_type == 'relative':
        threshold = None
        threshold_rel = 0.5

    blobs = blob_dog(
        im3.astype(dtype, copy=False),
        min_sigma=[1.5, 3, 3],
        max_sigma=[5, 10, 10],
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (6, )
    assert b[0] == r / 2 + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r / 2) < 1.1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[4] - r) < 1.1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[5] - r) < 1.1
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_blob_dog():
    r2 = math.sqrt(2)
    img = np.ones((512, 512))

    xs, ys = circle(400, 130, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(100, 300, 25)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(200, 350, 45)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_dog(img, min_sigma=5, max_sigma=50)
    radius = lambda x: r2 * x[2]
    s = sorted(blobs, key=radius)
    thresh = 5

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 400) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 130) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 300) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 350) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 45) <= thresh

    # Testing no peaks
    img_empty = np.zeros((100, 100))
    assert blob_dog(img_empty).size == 0

    # Testing 3D
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_dog(im3,
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_blob_log_overlap_3d_anisotropic():
    r1, r2 = 7, 6
    pad1, pad2 = 11, 12
    blob1 = ellipsoid(r1, r1, r1)
    blob1 = np.pad(blob1, pad1, mode='constant')
    blob2 = ellipsoid(r2, r2, r2)
    blob2 = np.pad(blob2, [(pad2, pad2), (pad2 - 9, pad2 + 9),
                           (pad2, pad2)],
    im3 = np.logical_or(blob1, blob2)

    blobs = blob_log(im3, min_sigma=[2, 2.01, 2.005],
                     max_sigma=10, overlap=0.1)
    assert len(blobs) == 1

    # Two circles with distance between centers equal to radius
    overlap = _blob_overlap(np.array([0, 0, 10 / math.sqrt(2)]),
                            np.array([0, 10, 10 / math.sqrt(2)]))
                        1./math.pi * (2 * math.acos(1./2) - math.sqrt(3)/2.))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_blob_dog():
    r2 = math.sqrt(2)
    img = np.ones((512, 512))

    xs, ys = circle(400, 130, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(100, 300, 25)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(200, 350, 45)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_dog(img, min_sigma=5, max_sigma=50)
    radius = lambda x: r2 * x[2]
    s = sorted(blobs, key=radius)
    thresh = 5

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 400) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 130) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 300) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 350) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 45) <= thresh

    # Testing no peaks
    img_empty = np.zeros((100,100))
    assert blob_dog(img_empty).size == 0

    # Testing 3D
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_dog(im3, min_sigma=3, max_sigma=10,
                          sigma_ratio=1.2, threshold=0.1)
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_blob_log_3d():
    # Testing 3D
    r = 6
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = np.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_log(im3, min_sigma=3, max_sigma=10)
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (4, )
    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_blob_overlap():
    img = np.ones((256, 256), dtype=np.uint8)

    xs, ys = circle(100, 100, 20)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(120, 100, 30)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_doh(

    assert len(blobs) == 1

    r1, r2 = 7, 6
    pad1, pad2 = 11, 12
    blob1 = ellipsoid(r1, r1, r1)
    blob1 = util.pad(blob1, pad1, mode='constant')
    blob2 = ellipsoid(r2, r2, r2)
    blob2 = util.pad(blob2, [(pad2, pad2), (pad2 - 9, pad2 + 9),
                                           (pad2, pad2)],
    im3 = np.logical_or(blob1, blob2)

    blobs = blob_log(im3,  min_sigma=2, max_sigma=10, overlap=0.1)
    assert len(blobs) == 1

    # Two circles with distance between centers equal to radius
    overlap = _blob_overlap(np.array([0, 0, 10 / math.sqrt(2)]),
                            np.array([0, 10, 10 / math.sqrt(2)]))
                        1./math.pi * (2 * math.acos(1./2) - math.sqrt(3)/2.))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_3D_sphere_coordinates(a_coordZYX=[0, 0, 0],
                              limit_shape=(9999, 9999, 9999),
	get coordinates of a sphere on a certain locations, and within the perimeter set out by limits
	outputs an 3D array with the coordinates [Z,Y,X]
	:param a_coordZYX: where the center of the sphere must be placed
	:param radius: the radius in l_pixels (in the xy-plane, the z radius will be scale appropriately)
	:param limit_shape: the dimensions of the frame (Z,Y,X)
	:param verbose:
	:output [Z,Y,X]  representing the coordinates of the filled sphere 

    #get a filled sphere (in real size) as a boolean matrix (True=part of sphere)
    na_sphere = ellipsoid(max(1, round(radius / xy_vs_z)),
    if verbose: print('na_sphere', na_sphere, 'shape', na_sphere.shape)

    # place this sphere in a X Y Z space defined by limits
    a_center_of_sphere = [int((i - 1) / 2) for i in na_sphere.shape]
    if verbose: print('a_center_of_sphere', a_center_of_sphere)
    a_delta_move = np.subtract(a_coordZYX, a_center_of_sphere)
    if verbose: print('a_delta_move', a_delta_move)
    Z, Y, X, = np.where(na_sphere)
    Z = np.add(Z, a_delta_move[0])
    Y = np.add(Y, a_delta_move[1])
    X = np.add(X, a_delta_move[2])

    z_lim, y_lim, x_lim = limit_shape
    sphere_coord = [
        coord for coord in zip(Z, Y, X)
        if (coord[0] >= 0 and coord[1] >= 0 and coord[2] >= 0
            and coord[0] < z_lim and coord[1] < y_lim and coord[2] < x_lim)

    return tuple(
        tuple(map(int, i)) for i in zip(*sphere_coord)
    )  #turn list of 3-tuples into a 3-tuple of tuples (Z,Y,X) and convert to int (used for indexing) (tuple->tuple->int)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_blob_log_3d_anisotropic():
    # Testing 3D anisotropic
    r = 6
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r / 2, r, r)
    im3 = np.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_log(
        min_sigma=[1, 2, 2],
        max_sigma=[5, 10, 10],

    b = blobs[0]
    assert b.shape == (6, )
    assert b[0] == r / 2 + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r / 2) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[4] - r) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[5] - r) < 1
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_blob_dog():
    r2 = math.sqrt(2)
    img = np.ones((512, 512))

    xs, ys = circle(400, 130, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(100, 300, 25)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(200, 350, 45)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_dog(img, min_sigma=5, max_sigma=50)
    radius = lambda x: r2 * x[2]
    s = sorted(blobs, key=radius)
    thresh = 5

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 400) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 130) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 300) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 350) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 45) <= thresh

    # Testing no peaks
    img_empty = np.zeros((100,100))
    assert blob_dog(img_empty).size == 0

    # Testing 3D
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_dog(im3, min_sigma=3, max_sigma=10,
                          sigma_ratio=1.2, threshold=0.1)
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (4,)
    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1

    # Testing 3D anisotropic
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r / 2, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_dog(
        min_sigma=[1.5, 3, 3],
        max_sigma=[5, 10, 10],
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (6,)
    assert b[0] == r / 2 + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r / 2) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[4] - r) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[5] - r) < 1

    # Testing exclude border

    # image where blob is 5 px from borders, radius 5
    img = np.ones((512, 512))
    xs, ys = circle(5, 5, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_dog(
    assert blobs.shape[0] == 1
    b = blobs[0]
    assert b[0] == b[1] == 5, "blob should be 5 px from x and y borders"

    blobs = blob_dog(
    msg = "zero blobs should be detected, as only blob is 5 px from border"
    assert blobs.shape[0] == 0, msg
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_blob_dog():
    r2 = math.sqrt(2)
    img = np.ones((512, 512))

    xs, ys = disk((400, 130), 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = disk((100, 300), 25)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = disk((200, 350), 45)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_dog(img, min_sigma=5, max_sigma=50)
    radius = lambda x: r2 * x[2]
    s = sorted(blobs, key=radius)
    thresh = 5

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 400) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 130) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 300) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 350) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 45) <= thresh

    # Testing no peaks
    img_empty = np.zeros((100, 100))
    assert blob_dog(img_empty).size == 0

    # Testing 3D
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = np.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_dog(im3,
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (4, )
    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1

    # Testing 3D anisotropic
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r / 2, r, r)
    im3 = np.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_dog(im3,
                     min_sigma=[1.5, 3, 3],
                     max_sigma=[5, 10, 10],
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (6, )
    assert b[0] == r / 2 + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r / 2) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[4] - r) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[5] - r) < 1

    # Testing exclude border

    # image where blob is 5 px from borders, radius 5
    img = np.ones((512, 512))
    xs, ys = disk((5, 5), 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_blob_log():
    r2 = math.sqrt(2)
    img = np.ones((256, 256))

    xs, ys = circle(200, 65, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(80, 25, 15)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(50, 150, 25)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(100, 175, 30)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_log(img, min_sigma=5, max_sigma=20, threshold=1)

    radius = lambda x: r2 * x[2]
    s = sorted(blobs, key=radius)
    thresh = 3

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 65) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 80) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 25) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 15) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 50) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 150) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[3]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 175) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 30) <= thresh

    # Testing log scale
    blobs = blob_log(

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 65) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 80) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 25) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 15) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 50) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 150) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[3]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 175) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 30) <= thresh

    # Testing no peaks
    img_empty = np.zeros((100,100))
    assert blob_log(img_empty).size == 0

    # Testing 3D
    r = 6
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_log(im3, min_sigma=3, max_sigma=10)
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_blob_log():
    r2 = math.sqrt(2)
    img = np.ones((256, 256))

    xs, ys = circle(200, 65, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(80, 25, 15)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(50, 150, 25)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(100, 175, 30)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_log(img, min_sigma=5, max_sigma=20, threshold=1)

    radius = lambda x: r2 * x[2]
    s = sorted(blobs, key=radius)
    thresh = 3

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 65) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 80) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 25) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 15) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 50) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 150) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[3]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 175) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 30) <= thresh

    # Testing log scale
    blobs = blob_log(img,

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 65) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 80) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 25) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 15) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 50) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 150) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[3]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 175) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 30) <= thresh

    # Testing no peaks
    img_empty = np.zeros((100, 100))
    assert blob_log(img_empty).size == 0

    # Testing 3D
    r = 6
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_log(im3, min_sigma=3, max_sigma=10)
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (4, )
    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1

    # Testing 3D anisotropic
    r = 6
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r / 2, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_log(
        min_sigma=[1, 2, 2],
        max_sigma=[5, 10, 10],

    b = blobs[0]
    assert b.shape == (6, )
    assert b[0] == r / 2 + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r / 2) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[4] - r) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[5] - r) < 1

    # Testing exclude border

    # image where blob is 5 px from borders, radius 5
    img = np.ones((512, 512))
    xs, ys = circle(5, 5, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_log(
    assert blobs.shape[0] == 1
    b = blobs[0]
    assert b[0] == b[1] == 5, "blob should be 5 px from x and y borders"

    blobs = blob_dog(img, min_sigma=1.5, max_sigma=5, exclude_border=5)
    msg = "zero blobs should be detected, as only blob is 5 px from border"
    assert blobs.shape[0] == 0, msg
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_blob_log():
    r2 = math.sqrt(2)
    img = np.ones((256, 256))

    xs, ys = circle(200, 65, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(80, 25, 15)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(50, 150, 25)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(100, 175, 30)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_log(img, min_sigma=5, max_sigma=20, threshold=1)

    radius = lambda x: r2 * x[2]
    s = sorted(blobs, key=radius)
    thresh = 3

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 65) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 80) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 25) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 15) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 50) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 150) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[3]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 175) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 30) <= thresh

    # Testing log scale
    blobs = blob_log(img,

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 65) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 80) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 25) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 15) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 50) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 150) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[3]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 175) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 30) <= thresh

    # Testing no peaks
    img_empty = np.zeros((100, 100))
    assert blob_log(img_empty).size == 0

    # Testing 3D
    r = 6
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_log(im3, min_sigma=3, max_sigma=10)
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_blob_dog(dtype):
    r2 = math.sqrt(2)
    img = np.ones((512, 512), dtype=dtype)

    xs, ys = disk((400, 130), 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = disk((100, 300), 25)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = disk((200, 350), 45)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    threshold = 2.0
    if img.dtype.kind != 'f':
        # account for internal scaling to [0, 1] by img_as_float
        threshold /= img.ptp()

    blobs = blob_dog(img, min_sigma=5, max_sigma=50, threshold=threshold)
    radius = lambda x: r2 * x[2]
    s = sorted(blobs, key=radius)
    thresh = 5

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 400) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 130) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 300) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 350) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 45) <= thresh

    # Testing no peaks
    img_empty = np.zeros((100, 100), dtype=dtype)
    assert blob_dog(img_empty).size == 0

    # Testing 3D
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = np.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    threshold = 0.1
    if img.dtype.kind != 'f':
        # account for internal scaling to [0, 1] by img_as_float
        threshold /= img.ptp()

    blobs = blob_dog(im3,
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (4, )
    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1

    # Testing 3D anisotropic
    r = 10
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r / 2, r, r)
    im3 = np.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_dog(im3.astype(dtype, copy=False),
                     min_sigma=[1.5, 3, 3],
                     max_sigma=[5, 10, 10],
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (6, )
    assert b[0] == r / 2 + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r / 2) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[4] - r) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[5] - r) < 1
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_blob_log():
    r2 = math.sqrt(2)
    img = np.ones((256, 256))

    xs, ys = circle(200, 65, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(80, 25, 15)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(50, 150, 25)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    xs, ys = circle(100, 175, 30)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_log(img, min_sigma=5, max_sigma=20, threshold=1)

    radius = lambda x: r2 * x[2]
    s = sorted(blobs, key=radius)
    thresh = 3

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 65) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 80) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 25) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 15) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 50) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 150) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[3]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 175) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 30) <= thresh

    # Testing log scale
    blobs = blob_log(

    b = s[0]
    assert abs(b[0] - 200) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 65) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 5) <= thresh

    b = s[1]
    assert abs(b[0] - 80) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 25) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 15) <= thresh

    b = s[2]
    assert abs(b[0] - 50) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 150) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 25) <= thresh

    b = s[3]
    assert abs(b[0] - 100) <= thresh
    assert abs(b[1] - 175) <= thresh
    assert abs(radius(b) - 30) <= thresh

    # Testing no peaks
    img_empty = np.zeros((100,100))
    assert blob_log(img_empty).size == 0

    # Testing 3D
    r = 6
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_log(im3, min_sigma=3, max_sigma=10)
    b = blobs[0]

    assert b.shape == (4,)
    assert b[0] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r) < 1

    # Testing 3D anisotropic
    r = 6
    pad = 10
    im3 = ellipsoid(r / 2, r, r)
    im3 = util.pad(im3, pad, mode='constant')

    blobs = blob_log(
        min_sigma=[1, 2, 2],
        max_sigma=[5, 10, 10],

    b = blobs[0]
    assert b.shape == (6,)
    assert b[0] == r / 2 + pad + 1
    assert b[1] == r + pad + 1
    assert b[2] == r + pad + 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[3] - r / 2) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[4] - r) < 1
    assert abs(math.sqrt(3) * b[5] - r) < 1

    # Testing exclude border

    # image where blob is 5 px from borders, radius 5
    img = np.ones((512, 512))
    xs, ys = circle(5, 5, 5)
    img[xs, ys] = 255

    blobs = blob_log(
    assert blobs.shape[0] == 1
    b = blobs[0]
    assert b[0] == b[1] == 5, "blob should be 5 px from x and y borders"

    blobs = blob_dog(
    msg = "zero blobs should be detected, as only blob is 5 px from border"
    assert blobs.shape[0] == 0, msg