def auto_threshold(image,filter_type):
    if filter_type=='otsu':
        filt= f.threshold_otsu(image) 
        bw= image>filt
    elif filter_type=='isodata':
        filt= f.threshold_isodata(image) 
        bw= image>filt
    elif filter_type=='triangle':
        filt= f.threshold_triangle(image) 
        bw= image>filt
    elif filter_type=='entropy':
        filt= f.threshold_li(image) 
        bw= image>filt
    elif filter_type=='mixed':
        if snr>2:
             filt= f.threshold_triangle(image) 
            filt= f.threshold_otsu(image) 
        bw= image>filt
    return bw
Ejemplo n.º 2
def auto_threshold(image, filter_type, return_filt=False):
    blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, (3, 3), 0)
    if filter_type == 'otsu':
        filt = f.threshold_otsu(blurred)
        bw = blurred > filt
        bw = bw.astype(int)
    elif filter_type == 'isodata':
        filt = f.threshold_isodata(blurred)
        bw = blurred > filt
        bw = bw.astype(int)
    elif filter_type == 'triangle':
        filt = f.threshold_triangle(blurred)
        bw = blurred > filt
        bw = bw.astype(int)
    elif filter_type == 'entropy':
        filt = f.threshold_li(blurred)
        bw = blurred > filt
        bw = bw.astype(int)
    elif filter_type == 'mixed':
        snr = np.mean(blurred) / np.std(blurred)
        if snr > 2:
            filt = f.threshold_triangle(blurred)
            filt = f.threshold_otsu(blurred)
        bw = image > filt
        bw = bw.astype(int)
    if return_filt:
        return bw, filt
        return bw
def get_cmap(name, image):
    Takes filename of certain staining and creates the propper colormap for it
    if 'DAPI' in name:
        cmap = make_colormap([c('black'), c('blue')])
        vmin = np.quantile(image, 0.5)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.95)
    elif 'HE' in name:
        cmap = None
        vmin = None
        vmax = None
    elif 'OSP' in name:
        cmap = make_colormap([c('black'), c('brown')])
        vmin = np.quantile(image, 0.4)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.95)
    elif 'GFAP' in name:
        cmap = make_colormap([c('black'), c('green')])
        vmin = np.quantile(image, 0.6)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.98)
    elif 'Iba1' in name:
        cmap = 'YlOrBr_r'
        vmin = np.quantile(image, 0.5)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.98)
    elif 'Nestin' in name:
        cmap = make_colormap([c('black'), c('cyan')])
        vmin = np.quantile(image, 0.6)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.98)
    elif 'Ki67' in name:
        cmap = make_colormap([c('black'), c('orange')])
        vmin = np.quantile(image, 0.8)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.999)
    elif 'NeuN' in name:
        cmap = 'PuBuGn_r'
        vmin = np.quantile(image, 0.55)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.98)
    elif 'Cas3' in name:
        cmap = make_colormap([c('black'), c('purple')])
        vmin = threshold_triangle(image)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.98)
    elif 'CD45' in name:
        cmap = make_colormap([c('black'), c('magenta')])
        vmin = threshold_triangle(image)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.98)
    elif 'HIF1a' in name:
        cmap = make_colormap([c('black'), c('white')])
        vmin = np.quantile(image, 0.6)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.98)
    elif 'MAP2' in name:
        cmap = 'inferno'
        vmin = np.quantile(image, 0.6)
        vmax = np.quantile(image, 0.98)

    return cmap, vmin, vmax
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def find_furrow(self, use_dapi=False):
     disc = pd.DataFrame()
     disc['cx'] = self.nuclei['cx']
     disc['cy'] = self.nuclei['cy']
     disc['cz'] = self.nuclei['cz']
     disc['mCherry'] = self.nuclei['mCherry']
     cherry_m = self.disc_matrix(disc, 'mCherry', 'mean')
     disc['DAPI'] = self.nuclei['DAPI']
     dapi_m = self.disc_matrix(disc, 'DAPI', 'mean')
     mask_thr = threshold_triangle(dapi_m)
     mask = dapi_m > mask_thr
     self.thumbnail('mask', mask, title="Disc mask")
     xhe_min, che_max = self.detect_ridges(cherry_m)
     if use_dapi:
         disc['iDAPI'] = 1 / self.nuclei['DAPI']
         idapi_m = self.disc_matrix(disc, 'iDAPI', 'mean')
         dhe_min, dhe_max = self.detect_ridges(idapi_m)
         he_max = dhe_max * che_max
         he_max = np.absolute(che_max)
                    title="Max of Hessian Eigenvalue (MHE)")
     threshold = threshold_triangle(he_max)
     thresholded = he_max > threshold
                    title="Thresholded MHE (triangle)")
     skeleton = skeletonize(thresholded)
     labels = label(skeleton)
                    label2rgb(labels, bg_label=0),
                    title="Detected lines")
     if self.furrow_manual:
         furrow = self.manual_furrow()
         furrow = self.auto_furrow(labels, mask)
     mask = ~np.isnan(furrow)
     indices = np.arange(0, furrow.size)
     cx = indices[mask]
     cy = furrow[mask]
     furrow_img = np.zeros(cherry_m.shape, dtype=bool)
     if len(cx) < 2:
         self.logger.warning("Unable to reliably determine furrow position")
     fn = self.rms_fit(cx, cy)
     poly = np.poly1d(fn)
     for x in range(0, furrow.size):
         if np.isnan(furrow[x]):
             furrow[x] = round(poly(x))
         furrow_img[int(furrow[x]), x] = True
     self.thumbnail('furrow_line', furrow_img, title="Furrow line")
     self.furrow = furrow
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getStarCoords(image):
        image: first image of the observation
        coordinates of the stars detected
    print("Getting stars...")
    t = threshold_triangle(
        image)  # Selected with skimage.filters.try_all_thresholds
    print("Threshold:", t)
    thresh = cv2.threshold(image, t, image.max(), cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
    contours = cv2.findContours(thresh.astype(np.uint8), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
    star_coords = []
    star_coords_x = []
    star_coords_y = []
    for star in contours:
        star = star.reshape((-1, 2))
        mean_x = np.round(np.mean(star[:, 0]))
        mean_y = np.round(np.mean(star[:, 1]))
        star_coords.append([mean_x, mean_y])
    return star_coords, [star_coords_x, star_coords_y]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def process_image(image_path: str) -> ndarray:
    img = plt.imread(image_path)
    img_gray = to_gray(img)
    pencil_triangle = threshold_triangle(img_gray)
    binary_img = image_to_binary(img_gray, 0, pencil_triangle)
    binary_img = morphology.binary_dilation(binary_img, iterations=1)
    return binary_img
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_pencils(filename):
    image = plt.imread(filename)
    gray = togray(image)

    thresh = threshold_triangle(gray)
    binary = binarisation(gray, 0, thresh)
    binary = morphology.binary_erosion(binary, iterations=10)
    binary = morphology.binary_dilation(binary, iterations=10)
    labeled = label(binary)

    areas = []
    for region in regionprops(labeled):

    for region in regionprops(labeled):
        if region.area < np.mean(areas):
            labeled[labeled == region.label] = 0
        bbox = region.bbox
        if bbox[0] == 0 or bbox[1] == 0:
            labeled[labeled == region.label] = 0

    labeled[labeled > 0] = 1
    labeled = label(labeled)

    i, count = 1, 0
    for region in regionprops(labeled):
        isCirc = circularity(region, i)
        if isCirc > 100 and region.area < 450000 and region.area > 300000:
            count += 1
        i += 1
    return count
Ejemplo n.º 8
def autoThresholding(image2d, method='triangle', radius=10, value=50):
    """Autothreshold an 2D intensity image which is calculated using:
    binary = image2d >= thresh

    :param image2d: input image for thresholding
    :type image2d: NumPy.Array
    :param method: choice of thresholding method, defaults to 'triangle'
    :type method: str, optional
    :param radius: radius of disk when using local Otsu threshold, defaults to 10
    :type radius: int, optional
    :param value: manual threshold value, defaults to 50
    :type value: int, optional
    :return: binary - binary mask from thresholding
    :rtype: NumPy.Array

    # calculate global Otsu threshold
    if method == 'global_otsu':
        thresh = threshold_otsu(image2d)

    # calculate local Otsu threshold
    if method == 'local_otsu':
        thresh = rank.otsu(image2d, disk(radius))

    if method == 'value_based':
        thresh = value

    if method == 'triangle':
        thresh = threshold_triangle(image2d)

    binary = image2d >= thresh

    return binary
Ejemplo n.º 9
def simple_whale_detector(filename, dilation_iterations=200, num_regions=2):
    image = load_image(filename)
    image_array = []
    titles = []


    # yen
    threshold = threshold_triangle(image)
    yen = np.zeros_like(image)
    yen[image[:, :, 0] > threshold] = image[image[:, :, 0] > threshold]

    # denoise
    binary_image = yen[:, :, 0] > 0
    structure = build_binary_opening_structure(binary_image)
    binary_image = binary_opening(binary_image, structure=structure)
    binary_image = binary_dilation(binary_image,

    # mask
    regions, labels = extract_largest_regions(binary_image,
    mask = convex_hull_mask(regions > 0)
    masked = np.zeros_like(image)
    masked[mask > 0, :] = image[mask > 0, :]


    # plot
    subplot_images(image_array, titles=titles, suptitle=filename.split('.')[0])
Ejemplo n.º 10
def central_pixel_without_cells(pixels: np.array):
    Find the location closest to the center that does not have an object (cell) near by
    :param pixels: Input image as n.array
    :return: location as a tuple, or False if not found
    s2 = disk(2)
    s15 = disk(15)
    binary = pixels > threshold_triangle(pixels)
    opened = opening(binary, s2)
    dilated = dilation(opened, s15)
    location = [pixels.shape[0] // 2, pixels.shape[1] // 2]
    center = [pixels.shape[0] // 2, pixels.shape[1] // 2]
    distance = 1
    test = dilated[center[0], center[1]]
    while test and distance < pixels.shape[0] // 2:
        subarray = dilated[center[0] - distance:center[0] + distance,
                           center[1] - distance:center[1] + distance]
        if False in subarray:
            rows, cols = np.where(subarray == False)
            location = [
                rows[0] + center[0] - distance, cols[0] + center[1] - distance
            test = False
            distance += 1

    if not test:
        return location

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 11
def simple_detector(o_image):
    image = np.asarray(o_image)
    dilation_iterations = 40
    num_regions = 4

    image_array = []
    titles = []

    threshold = threshold_triangle(image)
    yen = np.zeros_like(image)
    yen[image[:, :, 0] > threshold] = image[image[:, :, 0] > threshold]
    # denoise
    binary_image = yen[:, :, 0] > 0
    structure = build_binary_opening_structure(binary_image)
    binary_image = binary_opening(binary_image, structure=structure)
    binary_image = binary_dilation(binary_image, iterations=dilation_iterations)

    # mask
    regions, labels = extract_largest_regions(binary_image, num_regions=num_regions)

    if labels:
        mask = convex_hull_mask(regions > 0)
        masked = np.zeros_like(image)
        masked[mask > 0, :] = image[mask > 0, :]


        myImage = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(image_array[1]))
        return myImage

        return o_image
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def threshold(self, threshold_name):
        if self.scene.circles:
        if self.current_augments['overlay_applied']:
            del self.scene.coords
            self.current_augments['overlay_applied'] = False
        if threshold_name == "origional":
            self.thresholdval = None
            self.current_augments["threshold"] = False
        self.thresholdval = threshold_name

        im = rgb2gray(self.overview)
        if threshold_name == "otsu":
            threshold = threshold_otsu(im)
        if threshold_name == "li":
            threshold = threshold_li(im)
        if threshold_name == "mean":
            threshold = threshold_mean(im)
        if threshold_name == "triangle":
            threshold = threshold_triangle(im)
        self.current_augments["threshold"] = threshold_name
        self.current_image = im < threshold
Ejemplo n.º 13
def segment_mask(img_GRAY):
        Computation of Segmentation Mask for grayscale images
        mask_pred = segment_mask(img_GRAY)
            img_GRAY ~ 2D array, dtype=float (N x M) [Grayscale input for which mask will be generated
            mask_pred ~ Boolean array (N x M) [Output segmentation mask in [0,1]]

    # Increase contrast by adapative histogram equalization
    # The low contrast in large parts of the image, coupled with the high
    #   intensity for the bottom-right artifacts, motivated selection of a locally
    #   adaptive form of histogram equalization.
    img_HISTEQ = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img_GRAY)

    # Use triangle threshold for segmenting objects
    # Given the skewed and unimodal distribution of pixel values,
    #   the triangle threshold was selected as desirable for isolating the
    #   tail of peak pixel intensities without including brighter segments of the
    #   tissue (as was observed with Otsu)
    thresh = filters.threshold_triangle(img_HISTEQ)
    mask_init = img_HISTEQ > thresh

    # Use white tophat filtering to remove small artifacts
    # White top-hat filtering inflates objects larger than the structural element,
    #   and then returns the complement. The original mask can be used to crush
    #   small structures in the original image.
    strel = morphology.disk(2)
    noise = morphology.white_tophat(mask_init, strel)
    mask_pred = np.logical_and(mask_init, np.logical_not(noise))
    return mask_pred
Ejemplo n.º 14
def process_image(red, green, blue, mask):
    mask = np.asarray(mask)
    mask = mask[:, :, 1]
    red = rescale_intensity(red, in_range=(red.min(), red.max()))
    green = equalize_adapthist(green)
    plt.imshow(green, cmap="gray")

    lowpass = ndimage.gaussian_filter(green, 20)
    green = green - lowpass
    green = rescale_intensity(green, in_range=(green.min(), green.max()))
    plt.imshow(green, cmap="gray")

    fran = frangi(green, scale_range=(0, 6), scale_step=1)
    res1 = np.asarray(fran)
    # res1 = fran
    plt.imshow(res1, cmap="gray")

    thresh = threshold_triangle(res1)
    res2 = res1 >= thresh
    res2 = remove_small_objects(res2, 30, 20)
    res2[mask == 0] = 0
    result = np.zeros_like(res2)
    result[res2] = 1
    # result[mask == 0] = 0

    plt.imshow(res2, cmap="gray")
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 15
def image_binary_global(img_filename, img_filename2):
    image = io.imread(img_filename)
    if image.ndim == 3:
        print("FROM RGB TO GRAY")
        image = color.rgb2gray(image)
    elif image.ndim == 4:
        print("FROM RGBA TO GRAY")
        image = color.rgba2rgb(image)
        image = color.rgb2gray(image)

    thresh = threshold_triangle(image)

    binary = img_as_ubyte(image > thresh)
    origin_row, origin_col = image.shape
    temp1 = max(origin_col, origin_row)
    temp2 = min(origin_col, origin_row)

    if (temp1 / temp2) > 1.5:
        print("not appropriate to be resized")
        temp1 = int(1.1 * temp1)
        image2 = np.full((temp1, temp1), 0, dtype='ubyte')

        image2[int(temp1/2 - origin_row/2): int(temp1/2 - origin_row/2) +origin_row, \
               int(temp1/2 - origin_col/2): int(temp1/2 - origin_col/2)+origin_col] = binary
        image2 = transform.resize(image2, (300, 300), anti_aliasing=True)
        image2 = transform.resize(binary, (300, 300), anti_aliasing=True)

    io.imsave(img_filename2, img_as_ubyte(image2))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def autocrop(image, scale=0.05, show_plot=False, save_name=None):
    orig, scaling_factors = resize_with_scaling(image, scale)
    print "completed resize"

    struct_elem_size = max(5, int(0.005 * orig.shape[0]))
    print struct_elem_size
    elem = disk(struct_elem_size)
    orig_gr = rgb2lab(orig)
    orig_gr = (orig_gr + [0, 128, 128]) / [100, 255, 255]
    im_means = []
    threshed_images = []
    for lab_channel in range(3):
        working_copy = orig_gr.copy()[:, :, lab_channel]
        thresh = threshold_triangle(working_copy)
        binary = working_copy > thresh
        # quick_fig(binary)
        print np.mean(binary)
        print "completed thresholding for channel {}".format(lab_channel)
        # min_mean_channel = im_means.index(min(im_means))
        # binary = threshed_images[min_mean_channel]

        # label image regions
        label_image = label(binary)
        image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=label_image)

        crop_bbox = None
        overall_area = label_image.shape[:2][0] * label_image.shape[:2][1]
        for region in regionprops(label_image):
            # print overall_area, 0.05*overall_area
            if 0.75 * overall_area > region.area >= 0.07 * overall_area:
                # draw rectangle around segmented coins
                minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox
                crop_bbox = region.bbox
                # rect = mpatches.Rectangle((minc, minr), maxc - minc, maxr - minr, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=2)
                # ax.add_patch(rect)

    if crop_bbox is not None:
        minr, minc, maxr, maxc = crop_bbox
        minr, minc = scale_label((minr, minc), (scale, scale))
        maxr, maxc = scale_label((maxr, maxc), (scale, scale))
        cropped_region = image[minr:maxr, minc:maxc]
        print cropped_region.shape
        if cropped_region.shape[0] > 1000:
            cropped_region = transform.resize(cropped_region, (1000, 1000))
            cropped_region = transform.resize(cropped_region, (500, 500))
        if save_name is not None:
            print "saving cropped image as {}".format(save_name)
            io.imsave(save_name, cropped_region)
            return cropped_region

    if show_plot:
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_quadrants(inputs,
                  cd45_f: float = 1.0,
                  dapi_f: float = 1.0,
                  cd45_dil: int = 1,
                  dapi_dil: int = 3,
                  cd45_cutoffs: list = [500, 70000],
                  dapi_cutoffs: list = [300, 7000],
    cd45, dapi = inputs[..., 0], inputs[..., 1]

    if parallel:
        N = cd45.shape[0]
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(12)
        gen = (cd45[i, ...][cd45[i, ...] > 0] for i in range(N))
        cd45_thresh = np.array(, gen))
        cd45_thresh = cd45_thresh[..., None, None]

        gen = (dapi[i, ...][dapi[i, ...] > 0] for i in range(N))
        dapi_thresh = np.array(, gen))
        dapi_thresh = dapi_thresh[..., None, None]
        cd45_thresh = threshold_triangle(cd45[cd45 > 0])
        dapi_thresh = threshold_triangle(dapi[dapi > 0])

    cd45_thresh = cd45_f * cd45_thresh
    dapi_thresh = dapi_f * dapi_thresh

    dapi = dapi > dapi_thresh
    cd45 = cd45 > cd45_thresh

    if parallel:
        dapi_pos_gen = ((dapi[i, ...], dapi_dil, i) for i in range(N))
        for result in pool.starmap(dapi_processing, dapi_pos_gen):
            dapi[result[1], ...] = result[0]

        cd45_pos_gen = ((cd45[i, ...], cd45_dil, i) for i in range(N))
        for result in pool.starmap(cd45_processing, cd45_pos_gen):
            cd45[result[1], ...] = result[0]
        cd45 = dapi_processing(cd45, cd45_dil, 0, cd45_cutoffs)[0]
        dapi = dapi_processing(dapi, dapi_dil, 0, dapi_cutoffs)[0]

    return (np.logical_and(dapi, cd45), np.logical_and(~dapi, cd45),
            np.logical_and(dapi, ~cd45), np.logical_and(~dapi, ~cd45))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def MO(structure_img_smooth,

    if global_thresh_method == 'tri' or global_thresh_method == 'triangle':
        th_low_level = threshold_triangle(structure_img_smooth)
    elif global_thresh_method == 'med' or global_thresh_method == 'median':
        th_low_level = np.percentile(structure_img_smooth, 50)
    elif global_thresh_method == 'ave' or global_thresh_method == 'ave_tri_med':
        global_tri = threshold_triangle(structure_img_smooth)
        global_median = np.percentile(structure_img_smooth, 50)
        th_low_level = (global_tri + global_median) / 2

    bw_low_level = structure_img_smooth > th_low_level
    bw_low_level = remove_small_objects(bw_low_level,
    bw_low_level = dilation(bw_low_level, selem=ball(2))

    bw_high_level = np.zeros_like(bw_low_level)
    lab_low, num_obj = label(bw_low_level, return_num=True, connectivity=1)
    if extra_criteria:
        local_cutoff = 0.333 * threshold_otsu(structure_img_smooth)
        for idx in range(num_obj):
            single_obj = lab_low == (idx + 1)
            local_otsu = threshold_otsu(structure_img_smooth[single_obj > 0])
            if local_otsu > local_cutoff:
                    structure_img_smooth > local_otsu * local_adjust,
                    single_obj)] = 1
        for idx in range(num_obj):
            single_obj = lab_low == (idx + 1)
            local_otsu = threshold_otsu(structure_img_smooth[single_obj > 0])
                structure_img_smooth > local_otsu * local_adjust,
                single_obj)] = 1

    if return_object:
        return bw_high_level > 0, bw_low_level
        return bw_high_level > 0
Ejemplo n.º 19
def create_rois(image, size_thresh, method_thresh, closing, scale_factor):
    Main entry-point function for generating ROIs automatically. 
    Does thresholding, clever merging of intersecting ROIs and ordering left-right-top-bottom.

                    image (np.array): 3-dimensional (2d + RGB) numpy array with pixel data for retrieved jpeg from OMERO
                    size_thresh (num): Minimum size (in full-resolution pixels) for an ROI to be considered an ROI
                    method_thresh (str): Thresholding method. Current options are 'otsu', 'triangle', 'yen' and 'li'.
                    closing (int): radius for the diamond-shaped structuring element used for closing operation.
                    scale_factor (int): scaling that was used to generate the downsampled image. Used to re-scale minimum size threshold.

                    regions (list): list of pruned, ordered tuples of the form (y1,x1,y2,x2) representing the ROIs to be saved back to OMERO.
    from skimage.color import rgb2gray
    from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu, threshold_triangle, threshold_yen, threshold_li
    from skimage.util import invert
    from skimage.morphology import diamond, binary_closing
    from skimage.measure import regionprops, label
    import numpy as np

    # we're assuming the image is RGB and dark features on light background
    im = rgb2gray(image)
    im = invert(im)

    # ugly thresholding choice here - I'm assuming the inputs to be well-behaved
    if method_thresh == 'otsu':
        im_thresh = im > threshold_otsu(im)
    elif method_thresh == 'triangle':
        im_thresh = im > threshold_triangle(im)
    elif method_thresh == 'yen':
        im_thresh = im > threshold_yen(im)
    elif method_thresh == 'li':
        im_thresh = im > threshold_li(im)

    # do a bit of closing to already merge regions that are almost touching
    # how much? up to you, it's an input parameter
    im_thresh = binary_closing(im_thresh, diamond(closing))
    im_lab = label(im_thresh)

    # get rid of ROIs smaller than required size threshold
    for i in range(1, im_lab.max() + 1):
        coords = np.where(im_lab == i)
        if len(coords[0]) < (size_thresh / (scale_factor**2)):
            im_lab[coords] = 0

    regionproperties = regionprops(im_lab)
    regions = []

    # at least for now we only care about the bounding boxes for ROIs
    for r in regionproperties:
    regions = prune_regions(regions)
    regions = order_regions(regions)
    #return []
    return regions
Ejemplo n.º 20
def outer_contour_3D(image, zoom=1):
    #sort in standard size
    resize_factor = (128 / image.shape[0], 128 / image.shape[1],
                     128 / image.shape[2])
    ima = ndimage.zoom(image,

    # make binary cast
    thresh = threshold_triangle(ima)
    imageg = ndimage.median_filter(ima, size=3)
    binary_image = imageg > thresh
    for s in range(ima.shape[0]):
        binary_image[s, :, :] = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(
            binary_image[s, :, :])
    for s in range(ima.shape[1]):
        binary_image[:, s, :] = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(
            binary_image[:, s, :])
    for s in range(ima.shape[2]):
        binary_image[:, :, s] = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(
            binary_image[:, :, s])

    # draw outer contour
    verts, faces, norm, val = marching_cubes_lewiner(binary_image, 0)
    vint = np.round(verts).astype('int')
    contour = np.zeros_like(binary_image)
    for s in vint:
        contour[s[0], s[1], s[2]] = 1

    # shrink contour image cuz of the gaussian_filter we used earlier.
    if zoom != 1:
        c_shape = contour.shape
        zoom_ = ndimage.zoom(contour, zoom, order=0, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
        zoom_shape = zoom_.shape
        npad = ((int(np.ceil((c_shape[0] - zoom_shape[0]) / 2)),
                 int((c_shape[0] - zoom_shape[0]) / 2)),
                (int(np.ceil((c_shape[1] - zoom_shape[1]) / 2)),
                 int((c_shape[1] - zoom_shape[1]) / 2)),
                (int(np.ceil((c_shape[2] - zoom_shape[2]) / 2)),
                 int((c_shape[2] - zoom_shape[2]) / 2)))

        contour_3D = np.pad(zoom_, npad, 'constant', constant_values=(0))
    elif zoom == 1:
        contour_3D = contour

    #Revert to original size
    get_back = (image.shape[0] / 128, image.shape[1] / 128,
                image.shape[2] / 128)
    contour_3D = ndimage.zoom(contour_3D,

    return contour_3D
Ejemplo n.º 21
def threshold_triangle(arr1d):
    WORKS !!!
    :param arr1d:
    import skimage.filters as sf
    thresh = sf.threshold_triangle(arr1d, nbins=256)
    return thresh
Ejemplo n.º 22
def get_cells(image, imshow=False):
    """Threshold image using Otsu automatic threshold.

        image: ndarray
            Image to be thresholded.

        imshow: bool (default False)
            Whether to show thresholded image or not.
    # Segment by threshold
    threshold = threshold_triangle(image)
    bw = image <= threshold

    # Label segmentation
    cells = label(bw)
    cells = __remove_dirt(cells)

    # Find nuclei
    nuclei = __refine(image, cells.copy())
    nuclei[nuclei != 0] = 1
    labeled_nuclei = label(nuclei)

    # Remove segments with high eccentricity
    labeled = __remove_by_eccentricity(cells, labeled_nuclei)
    labeled = relabel_sequential(labeled)[0]

    # Remove small segments
    labeled = __remove_by_area(cells, labeled)
    labeled = relabel_sequential(labeled)[0]

    # Increase segments area
    labeled[labeled != 0] = 1
    labeled = dilation(labeled, disk(5))
    labeled = np.multiply(labeled, bw)
    labeled = label(labeled)

    # Remove small segments again
    labeled = __remove_by_area(cells, labeled)
    labeled = relabel_sequential(labeled)[0]

    # Use other technique to remove small segments
    labeled = __remove_small_segments(labeled)
    labeled = relabel_sequential(labeled)[0]

    # Increase segment area by proximity
    labeled = __relate_pixels(cells, labeled)

    # Remove remaining small segments
    labeled = __remove_small_segments(labeled, 0.2)
    labeled = relabel_sequential(labeled)[0]

    if imshow:
        show_segmentation(image, labeled)

    return labeled
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def QuantCore(self, image, filename, save=False):
     image = gaussian(rgb2gray(image), sigma=2)
     thresh = threshold_triangle(image[image > 0])
     binary = np.logical_and(image < thresh, image > 0)
     wholeCore = np.sum(binary)
     if save:"Saving - " + filename + '_core.tiff')
         imagesave = Image.fromarray(binary) + os.sep + filename + '_core.tiff')
     return wholeCore
Ejemplo n.º 24
class BinaryAlg:
    _operations = {     
    'Isodata': lambda x : 1*((abs(x) > skfilters.threshold_isodata(x))),    
    'Li': lambda x : 1*((abs(x) > skfilters.threshold_li(x))), 
    'Mean': lambda x : 1*((abs(x) > skfilters.threshold_mean(x))),
    'Minimum': lambda x : 1*((abs(x) > skfilters.threshold_minimum(x))),
    'Otsu': lambda x : 1*((abs(x) > skfilters.threshold_otsu(x))),
    'Triangle': lambda x : 1*((abs(x) > skfilters.threshold_triangle(x))),
    'Yen': lambda x : 1*((abs(x) > skfilters.threshold_yen(x)))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def classify_region(region_props, solidity_list, ellipse_list,
                    major_length_list, minor_length_list, area_list):

    ellipse_q1 = np.quantile(ellipse_list, 0.25)
    ellipse_q2 = np.quantile(ellipse_list, 0.5)
    ellipse_q3 = np.quantile(ellipse_list, 0.75)
    ellipse_percent_70 = np.quantile(ellipse_list, 0.70)
    ellipse_percent_75 = np.quantile(ellipse_list, 0.75)
    ellipse_percent_95 = np.quantile(ellipse_list, 0.95)

    major_length_q1 = np.quantile(major_length_list, 0.25)
    major_length_q2 = np.quantile(major_length_list, 0.5)
    major_length_q3 = np.quantile(major_length_list, 0.75)
    major_length_percent_70 = np.quantile(major_length_list, 0.70)

    minor_length_q1 = np.quantile(minor_length_list, 0.25)
    minor_length_q2 = np.quantile(minor_length_list, 0.5)
    minor_length_q3 = np.quantile(minor_length_list, 0.75)
    minor_length_percent_70 = np.quantile(minor_length_list, 0.70)

    solidity_low_outlier = get_low_outlier(solidity_list)
    minor_high_bound = get_high_outlier(minor_length_list)
    triangle_solidity = threshold_triangle(solidity_list, nbins=(10))

    good_solidity_region = []
    small_chromosome_region = []
    solidity_outlier_region = []
    minor_outlier_region = []
    medium_chromosome_region = []
    irregular_ellipse_region = []
    bad_else_region = []
    for region in region_props:
        if region.area > 44:
            if compare_ellipse_and_axis(region, major_length_q2,
            elif region.solidity < solidity_low_outlier:
            elif region.minor_axis_length > minor_high_bound:
            elif region.minor_axis_length < minor_length_percent_70:
            elif get_one_ellipse_ratio(
                    region) < ellipse_percent_75 or get_one_ellipse_ratio(
                        region) > ellipse_percent_95:
            elif region.solidity >= triangle_solidity:
    good_region = good_solidity_region + small_chromosome_region + medium_chromosome_region
    bad_region = []
    bad_outlier_region = solidity_outlier_region + minor_outlier_region + irregular_ellipse_region + bad_else_region
    return good_region, bad_outlier_region
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def get_masks(cd45,
                  cd45_f: float = 1.0,
                  dapi_f: float = 1.0,
                  cd45_dil: int = 1,
                  dapi_dil: int = 3,
                  cd45_cutoffs: list = [500, 70000],
                  dapi_cutoffs: list = [300, 7000],
        cd45_thresh = threshold_triangle(cd45[cd45 > 0])
        dapi_thresh = threshold_triangle(dapi[dapi > 0])

        cd45_thresh = cd45_f * cd45_thresh
        dapi_thresh = dapi_f * dapi_thresh

        dapi = dapi > dapi_thresh
        cd45 = cd45 > cd45_thresh

        cd45 = dapi_processing(cd45, cd45_dil, 0, cd45_cutoffs)[0]
        dapi = dapi_processing(dapi, dapi_dil, 0, dapi_cutoffs)[0]
        return cd45, dapi
Ejemplo n.º 27
def pca_triangle(file, pc_band, outfile=None):

    if type(file) == str:
        with as src:
            profile = src.profile.copy()

            #triangle thresholding
            thr = threshold_triangle([pc_band]))
            img_bin = np.where([pc_band]) > thr, 1, 0)

            profile.update({'nodata': 0, 'dtype': rio.uint8, 'count': 1})

            if outfile != None:
                with, 'w', **profile) as dst:
                return img_bin.astype(rio.uint8)
    elif type(file) == np.ndarray:
        thr = threshold_triangle(file[pc_band])
        img_bin = np.where(file[pc_band] > thr, 1, 0)
        return img_bin.astype(rio.uint8)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def _extract(self, img):

        img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        content = self.find_content(img)
        content = self.add_blur(content)

        treshold = img > threshold_triangle(content)

        out_img = np.zeros(treshold.shape).astype(np.uint8)
        out_img[treshold] = 255

        return out_img
def make_segment(case_nr, params):

    img = plt.imread(R"result\r{}.png".format(case_nr))

    img_hsv = clr.rgb2hsv(img)

    img_value = img_hsv[:, :, 2]

    v_std = np.std(img_value)

    img_value = (img_value - params[0]) * (params[1] / v_std)

    manipulation = np.abs(img_value)

    if params[2] == 0:
        thresh = flt.threshold_otsu(manipulation)

        binary = manipulation > thresh
    elif params[2] == 1:
        thresh = flt.threshold_isodata(manipulation)

        binary = manipulation > thresh
    elif params[2] == 2:
        thresh = flt.threshold_li(manipulation)

        binary = manipulation > thresh
    elif params[2] == 3:
        thresh = flt.threshold_mean(manipulation)

        binary = manipulation > thresh
    elif params[2] == 4:
        thresh = flt.threshold_niblack(manipulation)

        binary = manipulation > thresh
    elif params[2] == 5:
        thresh = flt.threshold_sauvola(manipulation)

        binary = manipulation > thresh
    elif params[2] == 6:
        thresh = flt.threshold_triangle(manipulation)

        binary = manipulation > thresh
        thresh = flt.threshold_yen(manipulation)

        binary = manipulation > thresh

    binary = morph.remove_small_holes(binary, area_threshold=100)
    binary = morph.remove_small_objects(binary, min_size=70, connectivity=2)

    return binary
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self,
                 crop_sz=(64, 64),
        img_mask_name: list of name pairs of image and mask data, each pair is a tuple of (img_name, mask_name)
            For mask, 1-positive samples, 0-negative samples
        crop_sz: cropping size 
        num_data: generated sample size
        transform: data augmentation 
        self.img_all = {}
        self.mask_all = {}
        self.seg_all = {
        }  # segmented image, used as a reference to generate training samples by random cropping
        self.num_pairs = len(img_mask_name)
        for i in range(self.num_pairs):
            curr_name = img_mask_name[i]
            assert os.path.exists(curr_name[0]) and os.path.exists(curr_name[1]), \
                'Image or mask does not exist!'
            img = imread(curr_name[0])
            thres = threshold_triangle(img)
            seg_img = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=img.dtype)
            seg_img[img > thres] = 1
            self.seg_all[str(i)] = seg_img

            img = img.astype(float)
            mu = img.mean(axis=(1, 2))
            sigma = img.std(axis=(1, 2))
            img = (img - mu.reshape(len(mu), 1, 1)) / sigma.reshape(
                len(sigma), 1, 1)
            self.img_all[str(i)] = img

            msk_data = np.load(curr_name[1], allow_pickle=True).tolist()
            mask = msk_data['masks']
            mask[mask != -1] = 1
            mask[mask == -1] = 0
            obj_dist = distance_transform_cdt(mask, metric='chessboard')
            bg = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype=mask.dtype)
            bg[mask == 0] = 1
            bg_dist = distance_transform_cdt(bg, metric='chessboard')
            bg_dist[bg_dist > 4] = 4
            mask_dist = (obj_dist - bg_dist).astype(float)

            self.mask_all[str(i)] = mask_dist

        self.crop_sz = crop_sz
        self.num_data = num_data
        self.transform = transform