Ejemplo n.º 1
def sem_label_to_inst_masks(sem_label, as_list=True, order='instances_first'):
    """Convert semantic label to instance masks using connected components.
        label: Possible options: 'train', 'val', 'test', or 'val_predpaths'
        as_list: Return as list or np array?
        order: Return np array as [instance count, H, W] or [H, W, instance count]?
        masks: [instance count, H, W]/[H, W, instance count] np array or list([H,W])
    # Split semantic label into instance masks using connected components
    if len(sem_label.shape) == 3 and sem_label.shape[2] == 1:
        lab_img = sk_label(np.squeeze(sem_label, -1) > 128)
        lab_img = sk_label(sem_label > 128)

    # Build list of instance masks
    masks = [(lab_img == i).astype('uint8') * 255
             for i in range(1,
                            lab_img.max() + 1)]

    if as_list:
        return masks
        if order == 'instances_first':
            return np.asarray(masks)
            return np.rollaxis(np.asarray(masks), 0, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def task1_post_process(y_prediction, threshold=0.5, gauss_sigma=0.):

    for im_index in range(y_prediction.shape[0]):

        # smooth image by Gaussian filtering

        if gauss_sigma > 0.:
            y_prediction[im_index] = gaussian_filter(input=y_prediction[im_index], sigma=gauss_sigma)

        thresholded_image = y_prediction[im_index] > threshold

        # find largest connected component

        labels, num_labels = sk_label(thresholded_image, return_num=True)

        max_label_idx = -1
        max_size = 0

        for label_idx in range(0, num_labels + 1):

            if np.sum(thresholded_image[labels == label_idx]) == 0:

            current_size = np.sum(labels == label_idx)

            if current_size > max_size:
                max_size = current_size
                max_label_idx = label_idx

        if max_label_idx > -1:
            y_prediction[im_index] = labels == max_label_idx
        else: # no predicted pixels found
            y_prediction[im_index] = y_prediction[im_index] * 0

    return y_prediction
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_branches(in_img, k_nn):
    # input: skeleton image 0, 1
    a = np.where(in_img != 0, 1, 0)
    a_nn = nearest_neighbours(in_img, k_nn)
    intersections = np.where(a_nn >= 3, 1, 0)
    a_no_branches = np.where(intersections, 0, 1) * a  # mask at intersections
    a_keep = sk_label(a_no_branches)  # remove branches
    return a_keep  #((a_keep + intersections) > 0).astype(np.uint8)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def remove_small_blobs(self,predicted_label):
        """ Removes small blobs in the prediction
        predicted_label: Predicted labelmap as numpy array

        if not np.max(predicted_label) == 1: #TODO: Check the multiclass setting later
            label = np.zeros(predicted_label.shape)
            for c in range(1,predicted_label.max+1):
                one_hot = np.zeros(predicted_label.shape)
                one_hot[predicted_label == c] = 1
                label_blob = sk_label(one_hot, neighbors = 8, background = None)
                label_one_hot = remove_small_objects(label_blob, min_size=500)
                label[label_one_hot>0] == c
            label_blob = sk_label(predicted_label, neighbors = 8, background = None)
            label = remove_small_objects(label_blob, min_size=500)>0
        return label.astype(np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def label(mask: np.ndarray,
          background: int = 0,
          connectivity: int = 2,
          meta: dict = None,
    label_image = sk_label(mask,
    if meta is not None and 'yrange_ex' in meta.keys(
    ) and 'xrange_ex' in meta.keys():
        label_image = exclude_regions(label_image,
    return label_image
Ejemplo n.º 6
def label_sort(in_img, cutoff=0.01):
    total_cnt = np.sum(in_img > 0)
    lab_img = sk_label(in_img)
    new_image = np.zeros_like(lab_img)
    remap_index = []
    for k in np.unique(lab_img[lab_img > 0]):
        cnt = np.sum(lab_img == k)  # get area of labelled object
        if cnt > total_cnt * cutoff:
            remap_index += [(k, cnt)]
    sorted_index = sorted(
        remap_index, key=lambda x: -x[1])  # reverse sort - largest is first
    for new_idx, (old_idx,
                  idx_count) in enumerate(sorted_index,
                                          1):  #enumerate starting at id 1
        new_image[lab_img == old_idx] = new_idx
    return new_image