Ejemplo n.º 1
    def place_pod_on_node(self, pod: Pod, node: Node):
        Method to keep track of already placed pods on nodes in order to allow calculating the remaining resources on a
        for container in pod.spec.containers:
            image_name = normalize_image_name(container.image)

            if image_name not in self.images_on_nodes[node.name]:
                image_state = self.get_image_state(image_name)

                image_state.num_nodes += 1

                images_on_nodes = self.images_on_nodes[node.name]
                images_on_nodes[image_name] = image_state
                    image_name] = image_state  # FIXME: isn't this the same statement?

            required_cpu_millis = container.resources.requests.get(
                'cpu', container.resources.default_milli_cpu_request)
            required_memory = container.resources.requests.get(
                'memory', container.resources.default_mem_request)

            node.allocatable.cpu_millis -= required_cpu_millis
            node.allocatable.memory -= required_memory
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def estimate(self, context: ClusterContext, pod: Pod,
                 scheduling_result: SchedulingResult) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        if scheduling_result is None or scheduling_result.suggested_host is None:
            return 'startup_time', None
        host = scheduling_result.suggested_host.name
        host_type = host[host.rindex('_') + 1:]
        # For the startup time the bandwidth to the registry is necessary
        bandwidth = context.get_bandwidth_graph()[host]['registry']
        startup_time = 0

        for container in pod.spec.containers:
            image = container.image
            image_present = normalize_image_name(
                image) not in scheduling_result.needed_images

            data = self.durations.query(f'host == "{host_type}" and '
                                        f'image == "{image}" and '
                                        f'bandwidth == "{bandwidth}" and '
                                        f'image_present == {image_present}')

            if data.empty:
                raise ValueError('no data for %s, %s, %s, %s' %
                                 (host_type, image, bandwidth, image_present))
                sample = data['duration'].sample()

            startup_time += sample.values[0]

        return 'startup_time', str(startup_time)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def estimate(self, context: ClusterContext, pod: Pod,
                 scheduling_result: SchedulingResult) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        if scheduling_result is None or scheduling_result.suggested_host is None:
            return 'startup_time', None

        host = scheduling_result.suggested_host.name
        host_arch = scheduling_result.suggested_host.labels[
        host_type = host[host.rindex('_') + 1:]
        bandwidth = int(
        )  # always assume 100mbit (which is probably the downlink we have @ DSG)
        startup_time = 0

        for container in pod.spec.containers:
            image = container.image
            image_name = normalize_image_name(image)

            image_present = image_name not in scheduling_result.needed_images

            image_time = self.get_sampler(host_type, image,

            if not image_present:
                image_size = context.get_image_state(
                dl_time = image_size / bandwidth
                image_time = max(0, image_time - dl_time)

            startup_time += image_time

        return 'startup_time', str(startup_time)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def estimate(self, context: ClusterContext, pod: Pod,
                 scheduling_result: SchedulingResult) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        if scheduling_result is None or scheduling_result.suggested_host is None:
            return 'startup_time', None

        host = scheduling_result.suggested_host.name
        host_type = host[host.rindex('_') + 1:]
        # For the startup time the bandwidth to the registry is necessary
        bandwidth = context.get_bandwidth_graph()[host]['registry']
        startup_time = 0

        for container in pod.spec.containers:
            image = container.image

            image_present = normalize_image_name(
                image) not in scheduling_result.needed_images

            k = (host_type, image, image_present, bandwidth)

            if k not in self.startup_time_samplers:
                raise ValueError(k)

            startup_time += self.startup_time_samplers[k].sample()

        return 'startup_time', str(startup_time)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def remove_pod_images_from_node(self, pod: Pod, node: Node):
        for container in pod.spec.containers:
            image_name = normalize_image_name(container.image)

            if image_name in self.images_on_nodes[node.name]:
                image_state = self.get_image_state(image_name)
                image_state.num_nodes -= 1
                del self.images_on_nodes[node.name][image_name]
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def sum_image_scores(self, context: ClusterContext, pod: Pod,
                      node: Node) -> int:
     calc_sum = 0
     total_num_nodes = len(context.list_nodes())
     if pod.spec.containers is not Node:
         for container in pod.spec.containers:
                 image_state: ImageState = context.images_on_nodes[
                 calc_sum += self.scaled_image_score(
                     node, image_state, total_num_nodes)
             except KeyError:
     return calc_sum
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_size(self, context: ClusterContext, pod: Pod, node: Node) -> int:
        size = 0
        node_arch = node.labels['beta.kubernetes.io/arch']

        # determines for each container the size of the container image for the architecture of the node
        for container in pod.spec.containers:
            image_name = normalize_image_name(container.image)

            if image_name in context.images_on_nodes[node.name]:
                # node already has the image

            image_states = context.get_image_state(image_name)
            if node_arch not in image_states.size:
                replacement = list(image_states.size.keys())[0]
                    "could not resolve node arch '%s' for image '%s', estimating using '%s' instead",
                    node_arch, image_name, replacement)
                node_arch = replacement

            size += context.get_image_state(image_name).size[node_arch]

        return size
Ejemplo n.º 8
def simulate_docker_pull(env: FaasSimEnvironment, replica: FunctionReplica, result: SchedulingResult):
    started = env.now
    # TODO: there's a lot of potential to improve fidelity here: consider image layers, simulate extraction time, etc.
    node = result.suggested_host

    sizes = env.cluster.get_image_sizes(replica.function.pod, node.labels['beta.kubernetes.io/arch'])
    # needed image names are already normalized by the scheduler
    required = sum([size for image, size in sizes.items() if normalize_image_name(image) in result.needed_images])

    if required <= 0:

    # FIXME: crude simulation of layer sharing (90% across images is shared)
    num_images = len(env.cluster.images_on_nodes[replica.node.name]) - 1
    if num_images > 0:
        required = required * 0.1

    route = env.topology.get_route(env.topology.get_registry(), node)
    flow = SafeFlow(env, required, route)

    yield flow.start()
    for hop in route.hops:
        env.metrics.log_network(required, 'docker_pull', hop)
    env.metrics.log_flow(required, env.now - started, route.source, route.destination, 'docker_pull')