Ejemplo n.º 1
def expand_RRT(current_edges,
    edge_near = find_closest_edge(state_rand, current_edges, states_tree)
    best_u = 0
    best_dt_percent = 0
    distance = np.inf
    for i in range(1):
        dt_percent = random.uniform(0, 1)
        u_rand = get_random_steering()
        state = get_new_state(edge_near.state, u_rand,
                              dt_percent * options["dt"], options, reverse)
        current_distance = np.linalg.norm(
            [e1 - e2 for (e1, e2) in zip(state_rand, state)])
        if current_distance < distance:
            distance = current_distance
            best_u = u_rand
            best_dt_percent = dt_percent
    sampled_edges_along_path = sample_edges_on_path(edge_near,
    for i in range(number_sampling_points - 1):
        if not is_path_valid(sampled_edges_along_path[i].state,
                             sampled_edges_along_path[i + 1].state,
            return states_tree
    state_new = sampled_edges_along_path[-1].state
    current_edge = Edge(previous_edge=edge_near,
    states_tree = KDTree(
        np.concatenate((states_tree.get_arrays()[0], np.asarray([state_new]))))
    return states_tree
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Morphology:
    A multicompartmental spatial representation of a cell based on connected 3D

    :todo: Uncouple from the MorphologyRepository and merge with TrueMorphology.
    def __init__(self, roots):
        self.cloud = None
        self.has_morphology = True
        self.has_voxels = False
        self.roots = roots
        self._compartments = None

    def compartments(self):
        if self._compartments is None:
            self._compartments = self.to_compartments()
        return self._compartments

    def branches(self):
        Return a depth-first flattened array of all branches.
        return [*itertools.chain(*(branch_iter(root) for root in self.roots))]

    def to_compartments(self):
        Return a flattened array of compartments
        comp_counter = 0

        def treat_branch(branch, last_parent=None):
            nonlocal comp_counter
            comps = branch.to_compartments(comp_counter, last_parent)
            comp_counter += len(comps)
            # If this branch has no compartments just pass on the compartment we were
            # supposed to connect our first compartment to. That way this empty branch
            # is skipped and the next compartments are still connected in the comp tree.
            parent_comp = comps[-1] if len(comps) else last_parent
            child_iters = (treat_branch(b, parent_comp)
                           for b in branch._children)
            return itertools.chain(comps, *child_iters)

        return [*itertools.chain(*(treat_branch(root) for root in self.roots))]

    def flatten(self, vectors=None, matrix=False):
        Return the flattened vectors of the morphology

        :param vectors: List of vectors to return such as ['x', 'y', 'z'] to get the
          positional vectors.
        :type vectors: list of str
        :returns: Tuple of the vectors in the given order, if `matrix` is True a
          matrix composed of the vectors is returned instead.
        :rtype: tuple of ndarrays (`matrix=False`) or matrix (`matrix=True`)
        if vectors is None:
            vectors = Branch.vectors
        branches = self.branches
        if not branches:
            if matrix:
                return np.empty((0, len(vectors)))
            return tuple(np.empty(0) for _ in vectors)
        t = tuple(
            np.concatenate(tuple(getattr(b, v) for b in branches))
            for v in vectors)
        return np.column_stack(t) if matrix else t

    def update_compartment_tree(self):
        # Eh, this code will be refactored soon, if you're still seeing this in v4 open an
        # issue.
        if self.compartments:
            self.compartment_tree = KDTree(
                np.array([c.end for c in self.compartments]))

    def voxelize(self, N, compartments=None):
        self.cloud = VoxelCloud.create(self, N, compartments=compartments)

    def create_compartment_map(self, tree, boxes, voxels, box_size):
        compartment_map = []
        box_positions = np.column_stack(boxes[:, voxels])
        for i in range(box_positions.shape[0]):
            box_origin = box_positions[i, :]
                detect_box_compartments(tree, box_origin, box_size))
        return compartment_map

    def get_bounding_box(self, compartments=None, centered=True):
        # Use the compartment tree to get a quick array of the compartments positions
        compartment_positions = np.array(
            list(map(lambda c: c.midpoint, compartments or self.compartments)))
        # Determine the amount of dimensions of the morphology. Let's hope 3 ;)
        n_dimensions = range(compartment_positions.shape[1])
        # Create a bounding box
        outer_box = Box()
        # The outer box dimensions are equal to the maximum distance between compartments in each of n dimensions
        outer_box.dimensions = np.array([
            np.max(compartment_positions[:, i]) -
            np.min(compartment_positions[:, i]) for i in n_dimensions
        # The outer box origin should be in the middle of the outer bounds if 'centered' is True. (So lowermost point + sometimes half of dimensions)
        outer_box.origin = np.array([
            np.min(compartment_positions[:, i]) +
            (outer_box.dimensions[i] / 2) * int(centered) for i in n_dimensions
        return outer_box

    def get_search_radius(self, plane="xyz"):
        pos = np.array(self.compartment_tree.get_arrays()[0])
        dimensions = ["x", "y", "z"]
            max_dists = np.max(np.abs(
                np.array([pos[:, dimensions.index(d)] for d in plane])),
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unknown dimensions in dimension string '{}'".format(plane))
        return np.sqrt(np.sum(max_dists**2))

    def get_compartment_network(self):
        compartments = self.compartments
        node_list = [set([]) for c in compartments]
        # Add child nodes to their parent's adjacency set
        for node in compartments[1:]:
            if node.parent is None:
        return node_list

    def get_compartment_positions(self, labels=None):
        if labels is None:
            return self.compartment_tree.get_arrays()[0]
        return [c.end for c in self.get_compartments(labels=labels)]

    def get_compartment_tree(self, labels=None):
        if labels is not None:
            return _compartment_tree(self.get_compartments(labels=labels))
        return self.compartment_tree

    def get_compartment_submask(self, labels):
        ## TODO: Remove; voxelintersection & touchdetection audit should make this code
        ## obsolete.
        return [c.id for c in self.get_compartments(labels)]

    def get_compartments(self, labels=None):
        if labels is None:
            return self.compartments.copy()
        return [
            c for c in self.compartments if any(l in labels for l in c.labels)

    def get_branches(self, labels=None):
        if labels is None:
            return self.branches
        return [
            b for b in self.branches
            if any(l in labels for l in b._full_labels)

    def rotate(self, v0, v):

        Rotate a morphology to be oriented as vector v, supposing to start from orientation v0.
        norm(v) = norm(v0) = 1
        Rotation matrix R, representing a rotation of angle alpha around vector k

        R = get_rotation_matrix(v0, v)

        for c in range(len(self.compartments)):
            self.compartments[c].start = R.dot(self.compartments[c].start)
            self.compartments[c].end = R.dot(self.compartments[c].end)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_path(path, robots, obstacles, destinations, edges, options):
    t_start = time.time()
    x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = get_scene_limits(obstacles)
    max_random_speed = 1e1
    max_random_acceleration = 1e1
    random_coordinates_limits = [(x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max),
                                 (-max_random_speed, max_random_speed),
    desired_speed = [0, 0]
    destination_position = point2_to_list(destinations[0])
    destination_state = destination_position + desired_speed
    obstacles_polygons = [
        point2_list_to_polygon_2(obstacle) for obstacle in obstacles
    K = int(options["K"])
    if K == 0:
        K = +np.inf
    robot_initial_position = point2_to_list(robots[0][0])
    robot_initial_speed = [0, 0]
    initial_state = robot_initial_position + robot_initial_speed
    init_edge = Edge(previous_edge=None,
                     steering=[0, 0],
    dest_edge = Edge(previous_edge=None,
                     steering=[0, 0],
    init_edges = [init_edge]
    dest_edges = [dest_edge]
    joint_dest_edge = dest_edge
    joint_init_edge = init_edge
    initial_states_tree = KDTree(np.asarray([initial_state]))
    destination_states_tree = KDTree(np.asarray([destination_state]))
    number_sampling_points = 5
    i = 0
    while i < K:
        i += 1
        if 0 == i % 100:
            print("#", i, "/", K)
        state_rand = get_random_point(random_coordinates_limits)

        initial_states_tree = expand_RRT(init_edges, obstacles_polygons,
                                         options, state_rand,
        current_init_state = initial_states_tree.get_arrays()[0][-1]
        distance_to_dest_tree, closest_dest_state = find_distance(
            current_init_state, destination_states_tree)
        if distance_to_dest_tree < options["epsilon"] and is_path_valid(
                current_init_state, closest_dest_state, obstacles_polygons):
            joint_dest_edge = find_edge_by_state(closest_dest_state,
            joint_init_edge = init_edges[-1]
        if options['two-sided']:
            destination_states_tree = expand_RRT(dest_edges,
            current_dest_state = destination_states_tree.get_arrays()[0][-1]
            distance_to_init_tree, closest_init_state = find_distance(
                current_dest_state, initial_states_tree)
            if distance_to_init_tree < options["epsilon"] and is_path_valid(
                    current_dest_state, closest_init_state,
                joint_init_edge = find_edge_by_state(closest_init_state,
                joint_dest_edge = dest_edges[-1]

    path_dest = get_path(joint_dest_edge)
    path_init = get_path(joint_init_edge)


    t_end = time.time()
    exec_time = t_end - t_start
    print("Running time:", (exec_time))
    return exec_time, i
Ejemplo n.º 4
class SerialDyClee:
    # All default parameter values are as described in the paper (pages 15-17).
    # @param phi				The only required parameter: hyperbox
    # 							relative-size. Float in range [0, 1].
    # @param forget_method		Forgetting process function (callable).
    # @param ltm				Boolean to activate/deactivate long term
    #							memory behavior.
    # @param unclass_accepted	Boolean to enable (True) / disable (False)
    #							outlier rejection.
    # @param minimum_mc			Boolean to retain (False) all clusters or
    #							discard (True) clusters with few microclusters.
    # @param multi_density		Boolean to apply global density (True) or local
    #							density (False) analysis.
    # @param context			A 2xd NumPy matrix where d is the number of
    #							dimensions, containing the minimum (row 0) and
    #							maximum (row 1) value of each dimension.
    #							Passing the default value of None will activate
    #							adaptive normalization.
    # @param t_global			Integer determining the "Period of the
    #							density-based clustering cycle" (page 17).
    # @param uncdim				Integer specifying the number of dimensions
    #							along which microclusters do not have to
    #							overlap to be considered connected.
    # @param kdtree				Set to True to enable faster connected
    #							micro-cluster search via use of a k-d tree.
    # @param snapshot_alpha		Alpha parameter for pyramidal snapshot
    #							management framework.
    # @param snapshot_l			L parameter for pyramidal snapshot framework.
    # @param var_check			Use variance for deciding in which dimensions
    #							micro-clusters must be overlap to be
    #							considered fully connected. Will only have any
    #							effect if uncdim != 0.
    # @param dense_connect		Only allow connectivity by dense microclusters.
    # @param label_voting		Use mode with voting for tie breaking for
    #							label propagation.
    def __init__(self,
        assert phi >= 0 and phi <= 1, "Invalid phi given"
        if phi > 0.5:
            print("Warning: relative size (phi) > 0.5 may yield poor results")

        # Algorithm customization
        self.phi = phi
        self.forget_method = forget_method
        self.ltm = ltm
        self.unclass_accepted = unclass_accepted
        self.minimum_mc = minimum_mc
        self.density_stage = self._density_stage_local if multi_density else \

        if context is None:
            self.context = None
            self.norm_func = self._adaptive_normalize_and_update
        else:  # Append max-min row for reduced calculations
            #self.context = np.append(context, (context[1] - context[0]),
            #	axis=0)
            self.context = np.vstack([context, (context[1] - context[0])])
            self.norm_func = self._normalize

        self.t_global = t_global
        self.uncdim = uncdim
        self.common_dims = context.shape[1] - uncdim if context is not None \
         else None # d - uncdim
        self.use_kdtree = kdtree
        if kdtree:
            self.spatial_search = self._search_kdtree
            self.kdtree = None
            self.center_map = None
            self.spatial_search = self._search_all_clusters
        self.snapshot_alpha = snapshot_alpha
        self.snapshot_l = snapshot_l
        self.max_snapshots = (snapshot_alpha**snapshot_l) + 1

        # Storage
        self.A_list = []  # Active medium and high density microclusters
        self.O_list = []  # Low density microclusters
        self.long_term_mem = [
        ]  # All microclusters once dense, now low density
        self.snapshots = {}  # Need to define how this is maintained

        # Dimensionality reduction
        self.var_check = var_check
        self.variances = np.zeros(
            (1, context.shape[1]),
            dtype=np.float64) if context is not None else None

        self.density_check = self._is_dense if dense_connect else \
        self.label_voting = label_voting

        # Other
        self.hyperbox_sizes = self._get_hyperbox_sizes() if context is not \
         None else None
        self.hyperbox_volume = self._get_hyperbox_volume() if context is not \
         None else None

        self.id_prefix = "dyclee" + str(
            np.random.default_rng().integers(1000)) + "_"
        self.next_class_id = 0

    # Helper to calculate microcluster hyperbox sizes along each dimension.
    # Size = phi * |dmax - dmin|
    def _get_hyperbox_sizes(self):
        return self.phi * np.ones(self.context.shape[1], dtype=np.float64)

    # Helper to calculate the current microcluster hyperbox volume.
    # Vol = product of all sizes
    def _get_hyperbox_volume(self):
        return np.prod(self._get_hyperbox_sizes())

    def _get_next_class_id(self):
        temp = self.id_prefix + str(self.next_class_id)
        self.next_class_id += 1
        return temp

    def _is_dense(self, uC):
        return uC.density_type == "Dense"

    def _is_not_outlier(self, uC):
        return uC.density_type != "Outlier"

    # Normalization function for use in cases of no context matrix provided;
    # also, must update the hypervolumes of all microclusters.
    def _adaptive_normalize_and_update(self, X):
        diffmin = X - self.context[0]
        diffmax = X - self.context[1]
        diffminbool = diffmin < 0
        diffmaxbool = diffmax > 0
        updatemins = np.any(diffminbool)
        updatemaxs = np.any(diffmaxbool)
        if updatemins:
            self.context[0] = self.context[0] + np.where(
                diffminbool, diffmin, 0)
        if updatemaxs:
            self.context[1] = self.context[1] + np.where(
                diffmaxbool, diffmax, 0)

        # Update differences
        self.context[2] = self.context[1] - self.context[0]

        # Update hyperbox statistics
        self.hyperbox_sizes = self._get_hyperbox_sizes()
        self.hyperbox_volume = self._get_hyperbox_volume()

        # Need to re-normalize all existing microclusters and return normalized
        # point

    # Normalization function for use in case of passed context matrix.
    def _normalize(self, X):
        return ((X - self.context[0]) / (self.context[2]))

    # Helper function to determine if a microcluster is reachable from new
    # instance X.
    def _is_reachable(self, microcluster, X):
        diff = np.abs(X - microcluster.center)
        halvedsize = self.hyperbox_sizes / 2
        return np.all(diff < halvedsize)

    # Helper function to find all reachable microclusters in a given list
    def _find_reachables(self, curr_list, X):
        return [uC for uC in curr_list if self._is_reachable(uC, X)]

    # Helper function to determine if two microclusters are connected.
    # Implements definition 3.2 (page 7) - doesn't insist on a particular
    # subset of features, only that a subset could be created to satisfy
    # overlap among (d - uncdim) dimensions.
    def _is_connected(self, microclusterA, microclusterB):
        diff = np.abs(microclusterA.center - microclusterB.center)
        halvedsize = self.hyperbox_sizes
        numoverlapdims = 0

        # Dimensionality reduction
        if self.var_check:
            feature_selection = self.variances.argsort().flatten()[-(
            for i in range(len(diff)):
                if i in feature_selection:
                    if diff[i] < halvedsize[i]:
                        numoverlapdims += 1
            numoverlapdims = np.sum((diff < halvedsize).astype(np.uint8))
        if numoverlapdims >= self.common_dims:  # Check for sufficient overlap
            return True
            return False

    # Helper function to find all neighbors in the density stage by searching
    # all clusters.
    def _search_all_clusters(self, curruC):
        return [uC for uC in chain(self.A_list, self.O_list) if \
         self._is_connected(uC, curruC)]

    # Helper function to construct KDTree and center map dictionary, which
    # references microclusters based on their center.
    def _construct_kdtree(self):
        self.center_map = {}
        data = []
        for uC in chain(self.A_list, self.O_list):
            center = uC.center
            self.center_map[str(center)] = uC
        data = np.vstack(data)
        self.kdtree = KDTree(data, metric="manhattan")

    # Helper function to find all neighbors in the density stage by using a
    # kdtree.
    def _search_kdtree(self, curruC):
        match_indices = self.kdtree.query_radius(curruC.center,
                                                 self.phi / 2)[0]
        data = self.kdtree.get_arrays()[0]
        return [self.center_map[str(arr)] for arr in data[match_indices]]

    # Helper function to manage final cluster snapshot history
    def _update_snapshots(self, tX, clusters):
        if tX == 0:
            max_order = 0
            max_order = math.floor(math.log(tX, self.snapshot_alpha))
        for order in range(max_order + 1):
            if tX % (self.snapshot_alpha**order) == 0:
                if order not in self.snapshots:
                    self.snapshots[order] = {tX: clusters}
                    self.snapshots[order][tX] = clusters
                    tstamps = list(self.snapshots[order].keys())
                    if len(self.snapshots[order]) > self.max_snapshots:
                        del self.snapshots[order][tstamps[0]]
        for order in range(len(self.snapshots)):
            for k in list(self.snapshots[order].keys()):
                if k % (self.snapshot_alpha**(order + 1)) == 0:
                    del self.snapshots[order][k]

    # Helper function for finding the best neighbor microcluster for insertion
    # in a list of microclusters by distance, breaking ties based on density.
    def _find_best_neighbor(self, neighbor_list, X):
        closest = []
        min_dist = np.inf

        for uC in neighbor_list:
            dist = manhattan_distance(uC.center, X)
            if dist < min_dist:
                closest = [uC]
                min_dist = dist
            elif dist == min_dist:  # Ties

        # Sort by density to break ties among equally close
        # microclusters
        closest.sort(key=lambda uC: uC.Dk)
        return closest[0]

    # Implements algorithm 1, distance stage (page 6).
    def _distance_stage(self, X, tX, X_class=None):
        # No microclusters ever created
        if len(self.A_list) == 0 and len(self.O_list) == 0 and \
         len(self.long_term_mem) == 0:
            # If doing adaptive normalization, cannot expect valid density
            # after only one insertion.
            volume = self.hyperbox_volume if self.hyperbox_volume is not None \
             else 1
            new_uC = MicroCluster(X, tX, volume, X_class, self.forget_method)
            return new_uC
        else:  # First check A-list
            Reachables = self._find_reachables(self.A_list, X)
            if len(Reachables) != 0:  # If there are reachable microclusters
                best_match = self._find_best_neighbor(Reachables, X)
                best_match.insert(X, tX, X_class)
                return best_match
            else:  # Then check O-list
                Reachables = self._find_reachables(self.O_list, X)
                if len(Reachables
                       ) != 0:  # If there are reachable microclusters
                    # Find closest uC in Reachables
                    best_match = self._find_best_neighbor(Reachables, X)
                    best_match.insert(X, tX, X_class)
                    return best_match
                else:  # Check long term memory
                    Reachables = self._find_reachables(self.long_term_mem, X)
                    if self.ltm and len(Reachables) != 0:
                        best_match = self._find_best_neighbor(Reachables, X)
                        resurrected = deepcopy(best_match)
                        resurrected.insert(X, tX, X_class)
                        return resurrected
                    else:  # Create uC with X info
                        volume = self.hyperbox_volume if self.hyperbox_volume \
                         is not None else 1
                        new_uC = MicroCluster(X, tX, volume, X_class,
                        return new_uC

    # Returns average and median density of given list of clusters.
    def _get_avg_med_density(self, clist):
        cla = np.array([uC.Dk for uC in clist], dtype=np.float64)
        return np.mean(cla), np.median(cla)

    # Given a list of micro-clusters contributing to a final cluster, returns
    # the label, projected center, density and max distance (a measure of
    # spread) of the final cluster
    def _calculate_final_cluster(self, fclist):
        num_contrib_mc = len(fclist)
        center = np.zeros((fclist[0].center.shape), dtype=np.float64)
        avg_density = 0
        max_distance = 0
        label = fclist[0].Classk

        for uC in fclist:
            center += uC.center
            avg_density += uC.Dk

        # Take averages and find max distance
        center /= num_contrib_mc
        avg_density /= num_contrib_mc
        for uC in fclist:
            dist = manhattan_distance(center, uC.center)
            if dist > max_distance:
                max_distance = dist

        return label, center, avg_density, max_distance

    # Implements local density analysis stage.
    def _density_stage_local(self, tX):

    # Performs density analysis on a given list of MicroClusters.
    # @param	uClist	A list of MicroClusters to analyze.
    # @param	d_avg	The average density of the MicroClusters.
    # @param 	d_med	The median density of the MicroClusters.
    # @return			Returns lists of the Dense, Semi-Dense and Low-Density
    #					MicroClusters.
    def _density_analysis(self, uClist, d_avg, d_med):
        DMC, SDMC, LDMC = [], [], []  # Dense, Semi-Dense, Low-Density
        for uC in uClist:
            if uC.Dk >= d_avg and uC.Dk >= d_med:
                # Organize dense clusters so as to prioritize classed dense
                # clusters as seeds first to avoid unnecessary label
                # generation and re-labeling
                if uC.Classk != 'Unclassed':
                    DMC.insert(0, uC)
            elif uC.Dk >= d_avg or uC.Dk >= d_med:

        return DMC, SDMC, LDMC

    # Implements algorithm 2, density stage - global analysis.
    # Returns updated A-list and O-list
    def _density_stage_global(self, tX):
        g_avg, g_med = self._get_avg_med_density(
            chain(self.A_list, self.O_list))
        DMC, SDMC, LDMC = self._density_analysis(
            chain(self.A_list, self.O_list), g_avg, g_med)
        already_seen = set()
        final_clusters = []

        if self.use_kdtree:

        for uC in DMC:
            if uC not in already_seen:
                ## May need to change this to class assignment upon final
                ## cluster formation.
                if uC.Classk == 'Unclassed':
                    label = self._get_next_class_id()
                    uC.Classk = label
                    label = uC.Classk
                final_cluster = [uC]  # Create "final cluster"
                Connected_uC = deque(self.spatial_search(uC))

                # Optional voting behavior
                if self.label_voting:
                    labels = [label]
                    final_label = None
                    classed = [uC]
                    outliers = []
                    while len(Connected_uC) != 0:
                        uCneighbor = Connected_uC.popleft()
                        if self._is_not_outlier(uCneighbor) and \
                         uCneighbor not in already_seen:
                            curr_class = uCneighbor.Classk
                            if curr_class != "Unclassed":
                                if not curr_class.startswith(self.id_prefix):
                                    final_label = curr_class
                            NewConnected_uC = self.spatial_search(uCneighbor)
                            for newneighbor in NewConnected_uC:
                                if self._is_not_outlier(uCneighbor) and \
                                 newneighbor not in already_seen:
                                    curr_class = newneighbor.Classk
                                    if curr_class != "Unclassed":
                                        if not curr_class.startswith(
                                            final_label = curr_class
                                elif newneighbor not in already_seen:

                    _, center, avg_density, max_distance = \

                    # Label voting
                    if final_label is None:
                        final_label = multimode(labels)
                        if len(final_label) == 1:
                            final_label = final_label[0]  # Extract single mode
                        elif len(final_label) == len(final_cluster):
                            final_label = label
                        else:  # Multiple modes
                            votes = {k: 0 for k in labels}
                            for uC in classed:
                                curr_class = uC.Classk
                                if curr_class in votes:
                                    # Votes are weighted by uC density and its
                                    # distance from the final cluster center
                                    votes[curr_class] += (
                                        uC.Dk * (1 / manhattan_distance(
                                            uC.center, center)))
                            final_label = max(votes, key=lambda x: votes[x])

                    # Apply labels
                    for uC in chain(outliers, final_cluster):
                        uC.Classk = final_label

                        FinalCluster(final_label, center, avg_density,

                # Default behavior
                    while len(Connected_uC) != 0:
                        uCneighbor = Connected_uC.popleft()
                        if self.density_check(uCneighbor) and \
                         uCneighbor not in already_seen:
                            uCneighbor.Classk = label
                            NewConnected_uC = self.spatial_search(uCneighbor)
                            for newneighbor in NewConnected_uC:
                                if self.density_check(newneighbor) and \
                                 newneighbor not in already_seen:
                                newneighbor.Classk = label

                    # Calculate and store final cluster
                    label, center, avg_density, max_distance = \
                        FinalCluster(label, center, avg_density, max_distance))

        # Process snapshots
        snap_copies = []
        if DMC is not None:
        if SDMC is not None:
        if LDMC is not None:
        self._update_snapshots(tX, {
            'final': final_clusters,
            'all': snap_copies

        # Return "message" of updated lists
        new_A_list = DMC + SDMC  # All current dense and semi-dense
        long_term_mem_additional = []

        if self.forget_method is None:  # No forgetting process
            new_O_list = LDMC
            for uC in LDMC:
                # Check if meets low density threshold (.25 of the global
                # density average), or was created recently (to avoid deleting
                # new growing low-density micro-clusters), for O-list inclusion
                if (uC.Dk > 0.25 * g_avg and uC.Dk > 0.25 * g_med) or \
                 (tX - uC.tlk) <= 10:
                elif uC.was_dense and self.ltm:  # Store in long term memory

        return new_A_list, new_O_list, long_term_mem_additional

    # Runs the DyClee algorithm on a set part of a finite dataset.
    # NOT PART OF THE ORIGINAL DYCLEE ALGORITHM. Designed to avoid running the
    # density stage before reasonable mins and maxs have been observed.
    # @param iterations		The number of instances to process.
    def warm_start(self, iterations):

    # Initializes parameters and returns a time column, target column and
    # a sum of squares vector.
    def _initialize(self, num_instances, num_features, timecol, targetcol):
        if self.common_dims is None:  # Initialize common dimensions
            self.common_dims = num_features - self.uncdim

        if self.context is None:  # Initialize context matrix
            self.context = np.zeros((3, num_features), dtype=np.float64)
            self.variances = np.zeros((1, num_features), dtype=np.float64)

        # Indices if not time-series data
        tcol = np.arange(num_instances) if timecol is None else timecol

        # All Unclassed if unsupervised
        tgcol = np.array(["Unclassed"] * num_instances) if targetcol is None \
         else targetcol

        ssq = np.zeros(num_features, dtype=np.float64)

        return tcol, tgcol, ssq

    # Runs the DyClee algorithm on a finite dataset using episode abstraction.
    def run_dataset_w_abstraction(self,
        num_instances, num_features = data.shape
        timecol, targetcol, total_SS = self._initialize(
            num_instances, num_features, timecol, targetcol)
        mw = math.floor(num_instances /
                        2) if max_window is None else max_window

        # Primary loop
        clustering_results = []
        count_since_last_density = 0
        complete = False
        current_loc = 0
        while not complete:
            # Find suitable window to fit polynomial of degree 2
            curr_window_length = mw
            while curr_window_length > 1:
                current_bound = current_loc + curr_window_length
                totalvar = np.sum(
                    np.var(data[current_loc:current_bound], axis=0))
                coefs, residuals, rank, singular_values, rcond = np.polyfit(
                totalres = np.sum(residuals)
                if totalres > totalvar:
                    curr_window_length = math.floor(curr_window_length / 2)

            # Insert coefficients as instance
            coefs, residuals, rank, singular_values, rcond = np.polyfit(

            #inserteduC = self._distance_stage(, tX, X_class)

            # UPDATE current_loc

    # Runs the DyClee algorithm on a finite dataset.
    # @param data		Data matrix where each row is an instance, each
    #					column is for an attribute.
    # @param timecol	Time increments of the data if available; default of
    #					None disables time behavior. Forget_method should also
    #					be None.
    # @param targetcol	Column of labels. Absence of a label MUST be indicated
    #					with None in that row.
    # @return			Returns an array of labels corresponding to the input
    #					instances (in their input order). For a given point
    #					this is the last label the microcluster into which it
    #					was inserted took on.
    def run_dataset(self, data, timecol=None, targetcol=None):
        num_instances, num_features = data.shape
        timecol, targetcol, total_SS = self._initialize(
            num_instances, num_features, timecol, targetcol)

        # Primary loop
        clustering_results = []
        count_since_last_density = 0
        for i in range(num_instances):
            X = self.norm_func(data[i])  # Normalize data
            tX = timecol[i]
            X_class = targetcol[i]

            # Variance calculations
            if self.var_check:
                total_SS += np.power(X, 2)  # Update sum of squares
                self.variances = total_SS / (i + 1)  # Current variances

            # Run distance stage - append MicroCluster reference to results
            clustering_results.append(self._distance_stage(X, tX, X_class))

            # Decay all microclusters
            for uC in chain(self.A_list, self.O_list):

            # Run density stage
            count_since_last_density += 1
            if count_since_last_density == self.t_global:
                count_since_last_density = 0
                new_A, new_O, long_term_mem_additional = self.density_stage(tX)
                self.A_list = new_A
                self.O_list = new_O

        return np.array([uC.Classk for uC in clustering_results])

    # Runs the DyClee algorithm on streaming data.
    def run_datastream(self, ):
        # MUST INITIALIZE self.common_dims and self.context