Ejemplo n.º 1
def evaluate_embeddings(train_embedings, test_embedings, train_labels,
                        test_labels, k, n_cell_types):

    # Pairwise euclidean distance between test_embedings and train_embedings
    dist = np.expand_dims(test_embedings, axis=1) - np.expand_dims(
        train_embedings, axis=0)
    dist_mat = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(dist), axis=-1))

    # Pick k nearest neighbors for each test example
    knn_indices = np.argsort(dist_mat)[:, :k]
    knn_dist = np.vstack(
        [dist_mat[i, knn_indices[i, :]] for i in range(knn_indices.shape[0])])
    knn_labels = np.vstack(
        [train_labels[knn_indices[i, :]] for i in range(knn_indices.shape[0])])

    # Convert distance to similarity
    knn_sim_2d = 1 / (1 + knn_dist)
    knn_sim_3d = np.expand_dims(knn_sim_2d, axis=-1)

    # One-hot array to count occurances of each cell type among the k nearst neighbors
    knn_labels_one_hot = LabelBinarizer().fit_transform(knn_labels.flatten())
    knn_labels_one_hot = knn_labels_one_hot.reshape(
        (knn_labels.shape[0], knn_labels.shape[1], -1))

    # Use the similarity as weights. Count occurances of each cell type among the kompute overall mean average precisions (MAP)
    knn_sim_cell_type = np.sum(knn_sim_3d * knn_labels_one_hot, axis=1)

    # Compute accuracy
    pred_labels = np.argmax(knn_sim_cell_type, axis=1)
    accuracy = accuracy_score(test_labels, pred_labels)

    # Compute overall mean average precisions (MAP)
    pred_decision_val = np.max(knn_sim_cell_type, axis=1)
    overall_map = mean_average_precision(test_labels, pred_labels,

    # Compute cell-type-specific MAP
    cell_type_map = get_cell_type_map(n_cell_types, test_labels, pred_labels,

    return (accuracy, overall_map, cell_type_map)