Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_construct_rigid_transformation():
    tiny = 0.0001

    rot_m = mat.construct_rx_matrix(np.pi / 2)

    trans_v = np.array([[10], [10], [10]])

    rigid_transformation = mat.construct_rigid_transformation(rot_m, trans_v)

    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[0][0] - 1) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[0][1]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[0][2]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[0][3] - 10) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[1][0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[1][1]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[1][2] + 1) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[1][3] - 10) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[2][0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[2][1] - 1) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[2][2]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[2][3] - 10) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[3][0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[3][1]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[3][2]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(rigid_transformation[3][3] - 1) < tiny
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_construct_rx_matrix():
    tiny = 0.0001

    new_point = check_construct_rx_matrix(90., 0, np.array([0, 1, 0]).T)
    assert np.abs(new_point[0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[1]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[2] - 1) < tiny

    new_point = check_construct_rx_matrix(np.pi / 2, 1, np.array([0, 1, 0]).T)
    assert np.abs(new_point[0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[1]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[2] - 1) < tiny

    new_point = check_construct_rx_matrix(-90., 0, np.array([0, 1, 0]).T)
    assert np.abs(new_point[0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[1]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[2] + 1) < tiny

    new_point = check_construct_rx_matrix(-np.pi / 2, 1, np.array([0, 1, 0]).T)
    assert np.abs(new_point[0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[1]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[2] + 1) < tiny

    new_point = check_construct_rx_matrix(180., 0, np.array([0, 1, 0]).T)
    assert np.abs(new_point[0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[1] + 1) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[2]) < tiny

    new_point = check_construct_rx_matrix(np.pi, 1, np.array([0, 1, 0]).T)
    assert np.abs(new_point[0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[1] + 1) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[2]) < tiny

    new_point = check_construct_rx_matrix(-180., 0, np.array([0, 1, 0]).T)
    assert np.abs(new_point[0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[1] + 1) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[2]) < tiny

    new_point = check_construct_rx_matrix(-np.pi, 1, np.array([0, 1, 0]).T)
    assert np.abs(new_point[0]) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[1] + 1) < tiny
    assert np.abs(new_point[2]) < tiny

    #check for bad types
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        mat.construct_rx_matrix(str('10.'), False)
def test_goicp_bad_rotation_limit():
    fixed = np.loadtxt('tests/data/icp/rabbit_full.xyz')
    moving = np.loadtxt('tests/data/icp/partial_rabbit_aligned.xyz')

    tf = m.construct_rx_matrix(90, False)
    moving = np.matmul(tf, np.transpose(moving))
    moving = np.transpose(moving)

    goicp_reg = goicp.RigidRegistration(rotation_limits=[-60, 60])

    residual, moving_to_fixed = goicp_reg.register(moving, fixed)

    assert residual > 2
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_construct_rx_matrix(angle, is_in_radians, point):
    Check if the rotation matrix for rotating around the x axis is correct.

    :param angle: the angle to rotate
    :param is_in_radians: if angle is in radians or not
    :param point: the point to be rotated
    :returns: new_point -- the point after rotation
    rot_x = mat.construct_rx_matrix(angle, is_in_radians)

    new_point = np.matmul(rot_x, point)
    assert new_point[0] == point[0]
    assert np.abs(np.linalg.norm(new_point) - np.linalg.norm(point)) <= 0.0001

    return new_point
    def set_pose_with_matrices(self, p2c, l2c, angle_of_handle):
        Method to apply 4x4 transformations to actors.
        :param p2c: 4x4 matrix, either numpy or vtk matrix.
        :param l2c: 4x4 matrix, either numpy or vtk matrix.
        :param angle_of_handle: angle in deg.
        :return: N/A

        # First we can compute the angle of the handle.
        # This applies directly to the data, as it comes out
        # of the vtkTransformPolyDataFilter, before the actor transformation.
        probe_offset = np.eye(4)
        probe_offset[0][3] = 0.007877540588378196
        probe_offset[1][3] = 36.24640712738037
        probe_offset[2][3] = -3.8626091003417997
        r_x = \
            cmu.construct_rx_matrix(angle_of_handle, is_in_radians=False)
        rotation_about_x = \
            cmu.construct_rigid_transformation(r_x, np.zeros((3, 1)))
            vmu.create_vtk_matrix_from_numpy(probe_offset @ rotation_about_x))

        # Check p2c, l2c: if numpy, convert to vtk.
        if isinstance(p2c, np.ndarray):
            p2c = vmu.create_vtk_matrix_from_numpy(p2c)
        if isinstance(l2c, np.ndarray):
            l2c = vmu.create_vtk_matrix_from_numpy(l2c)

        # This is where we apply transforms to each actor.
        # Apply p2c to probe
        probe_model = self.model_loader.get_surface_model('probe')
        # Apply l2c to organs in scene.
        for model in self.model_loader.get_surface_models():
            if model.get_name() != 'probe':

        # Force re-render
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_tracker_baseclass():
    We should throw not implemented error when we make a tracker without
    the required functions.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _ = BadTracker()  # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated

    good_tracker = GoodTracker()
    assert len(good_tracker.rvec_rolling_means) == 0
    assert len(good_tracker.tvec_rolling_means) == 0

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    config = {'smoothing buffer': 3}

    rigid_bodies = []
    rigid_bodies.append(RigidBody('test rb'))
    rigid_bodies.append(RigidBody('test rb'))
    another_good_tracker = GoodTracker(config, rigid_bodies)

    port_handles, time_stamps, frame_numbers, tracking, tracking_quality = \
                    another_good_tracker.get_smooth_frame(["test rb"])

    assert len(port_handles) == 1
    assert len(time_stamps) == 1
    assert len(frame_numbers) == 1
    assert len(tracking) == 1
    assert len(tracking_quality) == 1

    assert np.isnan(tracking_quality[0])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        port_handles, time_stamps, frame_numbers, tracking, tracking_quality = \
                        another_good_tracker.get_smooth_frame(["another body",
                            "test rb"])

    port_handles = ["another body", "test rb"]
    time_stamps = [1.2, 1.3]
    frame_numbers = [0, 0]
    tracking_rot = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
    tracking_trans = [[50.0, -100.0, 70.0], [0.0, 100.0, 200.0]]
    quality = [1.0, 0.5]
    rot_is_quaternion = False

    another_good_tracker.add_frame_to_buffer(port_handles, time_stamps,
                                             frame_numbers, tracking_rot,
                                             tracking_trans, quality,

    port_handles_out, time_stamps, frame_numbers, tracking, tracking_quality = \

    test_index = port_handles_out.index("test rb")
    assert time_stamps[test_index] == 1.3
    assert frame_numbers[test_index] == 0
    rotation = construct_rx_matrix(1.0, True)
    transform = construct_rigid_transformation(rotation, [0.0, 100.0, 200.0])
    assert np.allclose(tracking[test_index], transform)
    assert tracking_quality[test_index] == 0.5

    port_handles = ["test rb"]
    time_stamps = [1.4]
    frame_numbers = [1]
    tracking_rot = [[0.2, 0.0, 0.0]]
    tracking_trans = [[10.0, 50.0, 200.0]]
    quality = [0.8]

    another_good_tracker.add_frame_to_buffer(port_handles, time_stamps,
                                             frame_numbers, tracking_rot,
                                             tracking_trans, quality,

    port_handles_out, time_stamps, frame_numbers, tracking, tracking_quality = \

    assert len(port_handles_out) == 1

    port_handles = ["another body", "test rb"]

    port_handles_out, time_stamps, frame_numbers, tracking, tracking_quality = \

    assert len(port_handles_out) == 2

    test_index = port_handles_out.index("test rb")
    assert time_stamps[test_index] == 1.35
    assert frame_numbers[test_index] == 1
    rotation = construct_rx_matrix(0.6, True)
    transform = construct_rigid_transformation(rotation, [5.0, 75.0, 200.0])
    assert np.allclose(tracking[test_index], transform)
    assert tracking_quality[test_index] == 0.65

    test_index = port_handles_out.index("another body")
    assert time_stamps[test_index] == 1.2
    assert frame_numbers[test_index] == 0
    rotation = construct_rx_matrix(0.0, True)
    transform = construct_rigid_transformation(rotation, [50.0, -100.0, 70.0])
    assert np.allclose(tracking[test_index], transform)
    assert tracking_quality[test_index] == 1.0