Ejemplo n.º 1
class Notification(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'notifications'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    # The event of this notification

    event_id = db.Column(Integer,
                         db.ForeignKey('events.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    event = db.relationship('Event', innerjoin=True)

    # The recipient of this notification

    recipient_id = db.Column(Integer,
                             db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    recipient = db.relationship('User', innerjoin=True)

    # The time that this notification was read by the recipient

    time_read = db.Column(DateTime)


    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Notification: id={}>' \


    def query_unread(cls, recipient):
        return cls.query(recipient=recipient, time_read=None) \
                  .join(cls.event) \
                  .outerjoin(Event.flight) \

    def count_unread(cls, recipient):
        return cls.query_unread(recipient).count()


    def mark_read(self):
        self.time_read = datetime.utcnow()

    def mark_all_read(cls, recipient, filter_func=None):
        query = cls.query(recipient=recipient) \
            .outerjoin(Event) \
            .filter(Event.id == Notification.event_id)

        if filter_func is not None:
            query = filter_func(query)

Ejemplo n.º 2
class FlightMeetings(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'flight_meetings'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    source_id = db.Column(Integer,
                          db.ForeignKey('flights.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    source = db.relationship('Flight', foreign_keys=[source_id])

    destination_id = db.Column(Integer,
                               db.ForeignKey('flights.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    destination = db.relationship('Flight', foreign_keys=[destination_id])

    start_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False)
    end_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False)

    def get_meetings(cls, source):
        flight_source = aliased(Flight, name='flight_source')
        flight_destination = aliased(Flight, name='flight_destination')

        q = cls.query() \
               .filter(or_(cls.source == source, cls.destination == source)) \
               .join(flight_source, cls.source_id == flight_source.id) \
               .join(flight_destination, cls.destination_id == flight_destination.id) \
               .filter(flight_source.is_rankable()) \
               .filter(flight_destination.is_rankable()) \

        meetings = OrderedDict()
        for mp in q:
            flight = mp.source if mp.source != source else mp.destination

            if flight.id not in meetings:
                meetings[flight.id] = dict(flight=flight, times=[])

                dict(start=mp.start_time, end=mp.end_time))

        return meetings

    def add_meeting(cls, source, destination, start_time, end_time):
        if source == destination:

        mp = FlightMeetings(source=source,

Ejemplo n.º 3
class Event(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'events'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    # Notification type

    type = db.Column(Integer, nullable=False)

    class Type:
        FLIGHT_COMMENT = 1
        FLIGHT = 2
        FOLLOWER = 3
        NEW_USER = 4
        CLUB_JOIN = 5

    # Event time

    time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)

    # The user that caused the event

    actor_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False)
    actor = db.relationship('User', foreign_keys=[actor_id], innerjoin=True)

    # A user if this event is about a user (e.g. actor following user)

    user_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    user = db.relationship('User', foreign_keys=[user_id])

    # A club if this event is about a club (e.g. actor joining club)

    club_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('clubs.id', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    club = db.relationship('Club')

    # A flight if this event is about a flight

    flight_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('flights.id', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    flight = db.relationship('Flight')

    # A flight comment if this event is about a flight comment

    flight_comment_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('flight_comments.id', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    flight_comment = db.relationship('FlightComment')


    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Event: id={} type={}>' \
            .format(self.id, self.type).encode('unicode_escape')
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Follower(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'followers'
    __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('source_id',
                                          name='unique_connection'), )

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    source_id = db.Column(Integer,
                          db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    source = db.relationship('User',

    destination_id = db.Column(Integer,
                               db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    destination = db.relationship('User',

    time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)

    def follows(cls, source, destination):
        return cls.query(source=source, destination=destination).count() > 0

    def follow(cls, source, destination):
        # don't allow to follow yourself
        if source == destination:

        f = cls.query(source=source, destination=destination).first()
        if not f:
            f = Follower(source=source, destination=destination)

    def unfollow(cls, source, destination):
        cls.query(source=source, destination=destination).delete()
Ejemplo n.º 5
class TrackingSession(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'tracking_sessions'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    pilot_id = db.Column(Integer,
                         db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    pilot = db.relationship('User', innerjoin=True)

    lt24_id = db.Column(BigInteger, index=True)

    time_created = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
    ip_created = db.Column(INET)

    time_finished = db.Column(DateTime)
    ip_finished = db.Column(INET)

    # client application
    client = db.Column(Unicode(32))
    client_version = db.Column(Unicode(8))

    # device information
    device = db.Column(Unicode(32))
    gps_device = db.Column(Unicode(32))

    # aircraft information
    aircraft_type = db.Column(SmallInteger)
    aircraft_model = db.Column(Unicode(64))

    # status of the pilot after landing
    # 0-> "Everything OK"
    # 1-> "Need retrieve"
    # 2-> "Need some help, nothing broken"
    # 3-> "Need help, maybe something broken"
    finish_status = db.Column(SmallInteger)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<TrackingSession: id={}>'.format(

    def by_lt24_id(cls, lt24_id, filter_finished=True):
        query = cls.query(lt24_id=lt24_id)

        if filter_finished:
            query = query.filter_by(time_finished=None)

        return query.order_by(cls.time_created.desc()).first()
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Trace(db.Model):
    This table saves the locations and visiting times of the turnpoints
    of an optimized Flight.

    __tablename__ = 'traces'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    flight_id = db.Column(Integer,
                          db.ForeignKey('flights.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    flight = db.relationship('Flight',

    contest_type = db.Column(String, nullable=False)
    trace_type = db.Column(String, nullable=False)

    distance = db.Column(Integer)
    duration = db.Column(Interval)

    times = db.Column(postgresql.ARRAY(DateTime), nullable=False)
    _locations = db.Column('locations',
                           Geometry('LINESTRING', srid=4326),

    def speed(self):
        if self.distance is None or self.duration is None:
            return None

        return float(self.distance) / self.duration.total_seconds()

    def locations(self):
        return [
            Location(longitude=location[0], latitude=location[1])
            for location in to_shape(self._locations).coords

    def locations(self, locations):
        points = [
            '{} {}'.format(location.longitude, location.latitude)
            for location in locations
        wkt = "LINESTRING({})".format(','.join(points))
        self._locations = WKTElement(wkt, srid=4326)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class FlightPhase(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'flight_phases'

    # Flight phase types
    PT_POWERED = 1
    PT_CRUISE = 2

    # Circling directions
    CD_LEFT = 1
    CD_MIXED = 2
    CD_RIGHT = 3
    CD_TOTAL = 4

    id = db.Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    flight_id = db.Column(Integer,
                          db.ForeignKey('flights.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),

    start_time = db.Column(DateTime)
    end_time = db.Column(DateTime)

    flight = db.relationship('Flight',
                                 cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan'))

    aggregate = db.Column(Boolean, nullable=False)
    phase_type = db.Column(Integer)  # see PT_* constants
    circling_direction = db.Column(Integer)  # see CD_* constants
    alt_diff = db.Column(Integer)
    duration = db.Column(Interval)
    fraction = db.Column(Integer)
    distance = db.Column(Integer)
    speed = db.Column(Float)
    vario = db.Column(Float)
    glide_rate = db.Column(Float)
    count = db.Column(Integer, nullable=False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Club(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'clubs'
    __searchable_columns__ = ['name']
    __search_detail_columns__ = ['website']

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(Unicode(255), unique=True, nullable=False)

    owner_id = db.Column(Integer, db.ForeignKey(
        'users.id', use_alter=True, name="users.id", ondelete='SET NULL'))
    owner = db.relationship('User', foreign_keys=[owner_id])

    time_created = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)

    website = db.Column(Unicode(255))

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

    def __repr__(self):
        return ('<Club: id=%d name=\'%s\'>' % (self.id, self.name)).encode('unicode_escape')

    def is_writable(self, user):
        return user and (self.id == user.club_id or user.is_manager())
Ejemplo n.º 9
class TrackingFix(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'tracking_fixes'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)

    location_wkt = db.Column('location', Geometry('POINT', srid=4326))

    track = db.Column(SmallInteger)
    ground_speed = db.Column(REAL)
    airspeed = db.Column(REAL)
    altitude = db.Column(SmallInteger)
    elevation = db.Column(SmallInteger)
    vario = db.Column(REAL)
    engine_noise_level = db.Column(SmallInteger)

    pilot_id = db.Column(Integer,
                         db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    pilot = db.relationship('User', innerjoin=True)

    ip = db.Column(INET)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<TrackingFix: id={} time=\'{}\'>' \
               .format(self.id, self.time).encode('unicode_escape')

    def location(self):
        if self.location_wkt is None:
            return None

        coords = to_shape(self.location_wkt)
        return Location(latitude=coords.y, longitude=coords.x)

    def set_location(self, longitude, latitude):
        self.location_wkt = from_shape(Point(longitude, latitude), srid=4326)

    def altitude_agl(self):
        if not self.elevation:
            raise ValueError('This TrackingFix has no elevation.')

        return max(0, self.altitude - self.elevation)

    def max_age_filter(cls, max_age):
        Returns a filter that makes sure that the fix is not older than a
        certain time.

        The delay parameter can be either a datetime.timedelta or a numeric
        value that will be interpreted as hours.

        if isinstance(max_age, (int, long, float)):
            max_age = timedelta(hours=max_age)

        return cls.time >= datetime.utcnow() - max_age

    def delay_filter(cls, delay):
        Returns a filter that makes sure that the fix was created at least
        a certain time ago.

        The delay parameter can be either a datetime.timedelta or a numeric
        value that will be interpreted as minutes.

        if isinstance(delay, (int, long, float)):
            delay = timedelta(minutes=delay)

        return cls.time <= datetime.utcnow() - delay

    def get_latest(cls, max_age=timedelta(hours=6)):
        # Add a db.Column to the inner query with
        # numbers ordered by time for each pilot
        row_number = db.over(db.func.row_number(),

        # Create inner query
        subq = db.session \
            .query(cls.id, row_number.label('row_number')) \
            .join(cls.pilot) \
            .filter(cls.max_age_filter(max_age)) \
            .filter(cls.delay_filter(User.tracking_delay_interval())) \
            .filter(cls.location_wkt != None) \

        # Create outer query that orders by time and
        # only selects the latest fix
        query = cls.query() \
            .options(db.joinedload(cls.pilot)) \
            .filter(cls.id == subq.c.id) \
            .filter(subq.c.row_number == 1) \

        return query
Ejemplo n.º 10
class ContestLeg(db.Model):
    This table saves the legs of a optimized Flight.

    __tablename__ = 'contest_legs'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    flight_id = db.Column(Integer,
                          db.ForeignKey('flights.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    flight = db.relationship('Flight',
                                 cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan'))

    contest_type = db.Column(String, nullable=False)
    trace_type = db.Column(String, nullable=False)

    # direct distance from start to end
    distance = db.Column(Integer)

    # total height and duration of cruise phases
    cruise_height = db.Column(Integer)
    cruise_distance = db.Column(Integer)
    cruise_duration = db.Column(Interval)

    # total height and duration of climb phases
    climb_height = db.Column(Integer)
    climb_duration = db.Column(Interval)

    # start and end height
    start_height = db.Column(Integer)
    end_height = db.Column(Integer)

    # start and end time
    start_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False)
    end_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False)

    # start and end locations
    start_location_wkt = db.Column('start_location',
                                   Geometry('POINT', srid=4326))
    end_location_wkt = db.Column('end_location', Geometry('POINT', srid=4326))

    def duration(self):
        return self.end_time - self.start_time

    def speed(self):
        if self.distance is None:
            return None

        return float(self.distance) / self.duration.total_seconds()

    def start_location(self):
        if self.start_location_wkt is None:
            return None

        coords = to_shape(self.start_location_wkt)
        return Location(latitude=coords.y, longitude=coords.x)

    def start_location(self, location):
        if location is None:
            self.start_location_wkt = None
            self.start_location_wkt = location.to_wkt_element()

    def end_location(self):
        if self.end_location_wkt is None:
            return None

        coords = to_shape(self.end_location_wkt)
        return Location(latitude=coords.y, longitude=coords.x)

    def end_location(self, location):
        if location is None:
            self.end_location_wkt = None
            self.end_location_wkt = location.to_wkt_element()
Ejemplo n.º 11
class IGCFile(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'igc_files'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    owner_id = db.Column(Integer, db.ForeignKey('users.id'), nullable=False)
    owner = db.relationship('User', innerjoin=True)

    time_created = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
    filename = db.Column(String(), nullable=False)
    md5 = db.Column(String(32), nullable=False, unique=True)

    logger_id = db.Column(String(3))
    logger_manufacturer_id = db.Column(String(3))

    registration = db.Column(Unicode(32))
    competition_id = db.Column(Unicode(5))
    model = db.Column(Unicode(64))

    date_utc = db.Column(Date, nullable=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return ('<IGCFile: id=%d filename=\'%s\'>' %
                (self.id, self.filename)).encode('unicode_escape')

    def by_md5(cls, _md5):
        return cls.query(md5=_md5).first()

    def is_writable(self, user):
        return user and \
            (self.owner_id == user.id or
             self.pilot_id == user.id or

    def may_delete(self, user):
        return user and user.is_manager()

    def update_igc_headers(self):
        path = files.filename_to_path(self.filename)
        igc_headers = read_igc_headers(path)
        if igc_headers is None:

        if 'manufacturer_id' in igc_headers:
            self.logger_manufacturer_id = igc_headers['manufacturer_id']

        if 'logger_id' in igc_headers:
            self.logger_id = igc_headers['logger_id']

        if 'date_utc' in igc_headers:
            self.date_utc = igc_headers['date_utc']

        if 'model' in igc_headers and (igc_headers['model'] is None
                                       or 0 < len(igc_headers['model']) < 64):
            self.model = igc_headers['model']

        if 'reg' in igc_headers and (igc_headers['reg'] is None
                                     or 0 < len(igc_headers['reg']) < 32):
            self.registration = igc_headers['reg']

        if 'cid' in igc_headers and (igc_headers['cid'] is None
                                     or 0 < len(igc_headers['cid']) < 5):
            self.competition_id = igc_headers['cid']

    def guess_registration(self):
        from skylines.model.flight import Flight

        # try to find another flight with the same logger and use it's aircraft registration
        if (self.logger_id is not None
                and self.logger_manufacturer_id is not None):
            logger_id = self.logger_id
            logger_manufacturer_id = self.logger_manufacturer_id

            result = Flight.query().join(IGCFile) \
                .filter(db.func.upper(IGCFile.logger_manufacturer_id) == db.func.upper(logger_manufacturer_id)) \
                .filter(db.func.upper(IGCFile.logger_id) == db.func.upper(logger_id)) \
                .filter(Flight.registration == None) \

            if self.logger_manufacturer_id.startswith('X'):
                result = result.filter(Flight.pilot == self.owner)

            result = result.first()

            if result and result.registration:
                return result.registration

        return None

    def guess_model(self):
        from skylines.model import Flight, AircraftModel

        # first try to find the reg number in the database
        if self.registration is not None:
            glider_reg = self.registration

            result = Flight.query() \
                .filter(db.func.upper(Flight.registration) == db.func.upper(glider_reg)) \
                .order_by(Flight.id.desc()) \

            if result and result.model_id:
                return result.model_id

        # try to find another flight with the same logger and use it's aircraft type
        if (self.logger_id is not None
                and self.logger_manufacturer_id is not None):
            logger_id = self.logger_id
            logger_manufacturer_id = self.logger_manufacturer_id

            result = Flight.query().join(IGCFile) \
                .filter(db.func.upper(IGCFile.logger_manufacturer_id) == db.func.upper(logger_manufacturer_id)) \
                .filter(db.func.upper(IGCFile.logger_id) == db.func.upper(logger_id)) \
                .filter(Flight.model_id == None) \

            if self.logger_manufacturer_id.startswith('X'):
                result = result.filter(Flight.pilot == self.owner)

            result = result.first()

            if result and result.model_id:
                return result.model_id

        if self.model is not None:
            glider_type = self.model.lower()

            # otherwise, try to guess the glider model by the glider type igc header
            text_fragments = [
                for v in re.sub(r'[^a-z]', ' ', glider_type).split()
            digit_fragments = [
                for v in re.sub(r'[^0-9]', ' ', glider_type).split()

            if not text_fragments and not digit_fragments:
                return None

            glider_type_clean = re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9]', '', glider_type)

            result = AircraftModel.query() \
                    db.func.regexp_replace(db.func.lower(AircraftModel.name), '[^a-z]', ' ').like(db.func.any(text_fragments)),
                    db.func.regexp_replace(db.func.lower(AircraftModel.name), '[^0-9]', ' ').like(db.func.all(digit_fragments)))) \
                .order_by(db.func.levenshtein(db.func.regexp_replace(db.func.lower(AircraftModel.name), '[^a-z0-9]', ''), glider_type_clean))

            if result.first():
                return result.first().id

        # nothing found
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 12
class User(db.Model):
    User definition.

    This is the user definition used by :mod:`repoze.who`, which requires at
    least the ``user_name`` column.

    __tablename__ = 'users'
    __searchable_columns__ = ['name']

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)

    # eMail address and name of the user

    email_address = db.column_property(
        db.Column(Unicode(255)), comparator_factory=LowerCaseComparator)

    first_name = db.Column(Unicode(255), nullable=False)
    last_name = db.Column(Unicode(255))

    # Hashed password

    _password = db.Column('password', Unicode(128))

    # The user's club (optional)

    club_id = db.Column(Integer, db.ForeignKey('clubs.id', ondelete='SET NULL'))
    club = db.relationship('Club', foreign_keys=[club_id], backref='members')

    # Tracking key, delay in minutes and other settings

    tracking_key = db.Column(BigInteger, nullable=False, index=True)
    tracking_delay = db.Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=0)

    tracking_callsign = db.Column(Unicode(5))

    # Time and IP of creation

    created = db.Column(DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
    created_ip = db.Column(INET)

    # Time and IP of the last login

    login_time = db.Column(DateTime)
    login_ip = db.Column(INET)

    # Password recovery information

    recover_key = db.Column(Integer)
    recover_time = db.Column(DateTime)
    recover_ip = db.Column(INET)

    # Units settings

    distance_unit = db.Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=1)
    speed_unit = db.Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=1)
    lift_unit = db.Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=0)
    altitude_unit = db.Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=0)

    # Other settings

    admin = db.Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)


    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(User, self).__init__(*args, **kw)


    def __repr__(self):
        return ('<User: email=%s, display=%s>' % (
                self.email_address, self.name)).encode('unicode_escape')

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name


    def by_email_address(cls, email):
        """Return the user object whose email address is ``email``."""
        return cls.query(email_address=email).first()

    def by_credentials(cls, email, password):
        Return the user object whose email address is ``email`` if the
        password is matching.
        user = cls.query(email_address=email).first()
        if user and user.validate_password(password):
            return user

    def by_tracking_key(cls, key):
        return cls.query(tracking_key=key).first()

    def by_recover_key(cls, key):
        return cls.query(recover_key=key).first()

    ## Flask Login ###############

    def is_active(self):
        return True

    def is_authenticated(self):
        return True

    def is_anonymous(self):
        return False

    def get_id(self):
        return unicode(self.id)


    def name(self):
        if not self.last_name:
            return self.first_name

        return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name

    def name_expression(cls):
        return case([
            (cls.last_name != None, cls.first_name + ' ' + cls.last_name),
        ], else_=cls.first_name)

    def initials(self):
        parts = self.name.split()
        initials = [p[0].upper() for p in parts if len(p) > 2 and '.' not in p]
        return ''.join(initials)


    def password(self):
        """Return the hashed version of the password."""
        return self._password

    def set_password(self, password):
        """Hash ``password`` on the fly and store its hashed version."""
        self._password = self._hash_password(password)

    def _hash_password(cls, password):
        # Make sure password is a str because we cannot hash unicode objects
        if isinstance(password, unicode):
            password = password.encode('utf-8')
        salt = sha256()
        hash = sha256()
        hash.update(password + salt.hexdigest())
        password = salt.hexdigest() + hash.hexdigest()
        # Make sure the hashed password is a unicode object at the end of the
        # process because SQLAlchemy _wants_ unicode objects for Unicode cols
        if not isinstance(password, unicode):
            password = password.decode('utf-8')
        return password

    def validate_password(self, password):
        Check the password against existing credentials.

        :param password: the password that was provided by the user to
            try and authenticate. This is the clear text version that we will
            need to match against the hashed one in the database.
        :type password: unicode object.
        :return: Whether the password is valid.
        :rtype: bool


        # Make sure accounts without a password can't log in
        if not self.password or not password:
            return False

        hash = sha256()
        if isinstance(password, unicode):
            password = password.encode('utf-8')
        hash.update(password + str(self.password[:64]))
        return self.password[64:] == hash.hexdigest()


    def generate_tracking_key(self):
        self.tracking_key = struct.unpack('I', os.urandom(4))[0]

    def tracking_key_hex(self):
        if self.tracking_key is None:
            return None

        return '%X' % self.tracking_key

    def tracking_delay_interval(cls):
        return cast(cast(cls.tracking_delay, String) + ' minutes', Interval)


    def is_manager(self):
        return self.admin


    def generate_recover_key(self, ip):
        self.recover_key = struct.unpack('I', os.urandom(4))[0] & 0x7fffffff
        self.recover_time = datetime.utcnow()
        self.recover_ip = ip
        return self.recover_key


    def is_readable(self, user):
        """Does the current user have full read access to this object?"""
        return self.is_writable(user)

    def is_writable(self, user):
        return user and \
            (self.id == user.id or
             (self.password is None and self.club_id == user.club_id) or


    def follows(self, other):
        assert isinstance(other, User)
        from skylines.model.follower import Follower
        return Follower.follows(self, other)


    def get_largest_flights(self):
        Returns a query with all flights by the user
        as pilot ordered by distance
        from skylines.model.flight import Flight
        return Flight.get_largest().filter_by(pilot=self)


    def unit_preset(self):
        """Calculate unit preset based on user unit preference.

        If all user unit settings exactly matches one of the preset, return
        that preset id. Otherwise return 0, that is interpreted as 'Custom'
        for pref, preset in enumerate(units.UNIT_PRESETS):
            p = preset[1]
            if not p:
            eq = [p['distance_unit'] == units.DISTANCE_UNITS[self.distance_unit][0],
                  p['speed_unit'] == units.SPEED_UNITS[self.speed_unit][0],
                  p['lift_unit'] == units.LIFT_UNITS[self.lift_unit][0],
                  p['altitude_unit'] == units.ALTITUDE_UNITS[self.altitude_unit][0]
            if all(eq):
                return pref

        return 0

    def unit_preset(self, preset):
        """Set individual unit preferences according to given preset
        name, settings = units.UNIT_PRESETS[preset]
        if settings:
            self.distance_unit = units.unitid(units.DISTANCE_UNITS,
            self.speed_unit = units.unitid(units.SPEED_UNITS,
            self.lift_unit = units.unitid(units.LIFT_UNITS,
            self.altitude_unit = units.unitid(units.ALTITUDE_UNITS,
Ejemplo n.º 13
class FlightPathChunks(db.Model):
    This table stores flight path chunks of about 100 fixes per column which
    enable PostGIS/Postgres to do fast queries due to tight bounding boxes
    around those short flight pahts.

    __tablename__ = 'flight_path_chunks'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
    time_created = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
    time_modified = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)

    timestamps = deferred(db.Column(
        postgresql.ARRAY(DateTime), nullable=False), group='path')

    locations = deferred(db.Column(
        Geometry('LINESTRING', srid=4326), nullable=False),

    start_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, index=True)
    end_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, index=True)

    flight_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('flights.id', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False,
    flight = db.relationship('Flight')

    def get_near_flights(flight, filter=None):
        WITH src AS
            (SELECT ST_Buffer(ST_Simplify(locations, 0.005), 0.015) AS src_loc_buf,
                    start_time AS src_start,
                    end_time AS src_end
             FROM flight_paths
             WHERE flight_id = 8503)
        SELECT (dst_points).geom AS dst_point,
               dst_times[(dst_points).path[1]] AS dst_time,
               dst_points_fid AS dst_flight_id
            (SELECT ST_dumppoints(locations) as dst_points,
                    timestamps AS dst_times,
                    flight_id AS dst_points_fid,
            FROM flight_paths, src
            WHERE flight_id != 8503 AND
                  end_time >= src_start AND
                  start_time <= src_end AND
                  locations && src_loc_buf AND
                  _ST_Intersects(ST_Simplify(locations, 0.005), src_loc_buf)) AS foo
        WHERE _ST_Contains(src_loc_buf, (dst_points).geom);

        cte = db.session.query(FlightPathChunks.locations.ST_Simplify(0.005).ST_Buffer(0.015).label('src_loc_buf'),
                               FlightPathChunks.end_time.label('src_end')) \
            .filter(FlightPathChunks.flight == flight) \

        subq = db.session.query(func.ST_DumpPoints(FlightPathChunks.locations).label('dst_points'),
                                cte.c.src_end) \
            .filter(and_(FlightPathChunks.flight != flight,
                         FlightPathChunks.end_time >= cte.c.src_start,
                         FlightPathChunks.start_time <= cte.c.src_end,
                         _ST_Intersects(FlightPathChunks.locations.ST_Simplify(0.005), cte.c.src_loc_buf))) \

        dst_times = literal_column('dst_times[(dst_points).path[1]]')

        q = db.session.query(subq.c.dst_points.geom.label('dst_location'),
                             subq.c.dst_points_fid.label('dst_point_fid')) \
            .filter(_ST_Contains(subq.c.src_loc_buf, subq.c.dst_points.geom)) \
            .order_by(subq.c.dst_points_fid, dst_times) \

        src_trace = to_shape(flight.locations).coords
        max_distance = 1000
        other_flights = dict()

        for point in q:
            dst_time = point.dst_time
            dst_loc = to_shape(point.dst_location).coords

            # we might have got a destination point earier than source takeoff
            # or later than source landing. Check this case and disregard early.
            if dst_time < flight.takeoff_time or dst_time > flight.landing_time:

            # find point closest to given time
            closest = bisect_left(flight.timestamps, dst_time, hi=len(flight.timestamps) - 1)

            if closest == 0:
                src_point = src_trace[0]
                # interpolate flight trace between two fixes
                dx = (dst_time - flight.timestamps[closest - 1]).total_seconds() / \
                     (flight.timestamps[closest] - flight.timestamps[closest - 1]).total_seconds()

                src_point_prev = src_trace[closest - 1]
                src_point_next = src_trace[closest]

                src_point = [src_point_prev[0] + (src_point_next[0] - src_point_prev[0]) * dx,
                             src_point_prev[1] + (src_point_next[1] - src_point_prev[1]) * dx]

            point_distance = Location(latitude=dst_loc[0][1], longitude=dst_loc[0][0]).geographic_distance(
                Location(latitude=src_point[1], longitude=src_point[0]))

            if point_distance > max_distance:

            if point.dst_point_fid not in other_flights:
                other_flights[point.dst_point_fid] = []
                other_flights[point.dst_point_fid].append(dict(times=list(), points=list()))

            elif len(other_flights[point.dst_point_fid][-1]['times']) and \
                    (dst_time - other_flights[point.dst_point_fid][-1]['times'][-1]).total_seconds() > 600:
                other_flights[point.dst_point_fid].append(dict(times=list(), points=list()))

            other_flights[point.dst_point_fid][-1]['points'].append(Location(latitude=dst_loc[0][1], longitude=dst_loc[0][0]))

        return other_flights

    def update_flight_path(flight):
        from skylines.lib.xcsoar_ import flight_path
        from skylines.lib.datetime import from_seconds_of_day

        # Now populate the FlightPathChunks table with the (full) flight path
        path_detailed = flight_path(flight.igc_file, max_points=3000, qnh=flight.qnh)
        if len(path_detailed) < 2:
            return False

        # Number of points in each chunck.
        num_points = 100

        # Interval of the current chunck: [i, j] (-> path_detailed[i:j + 1])
        i = 0
        j = min(num_points - 1, len(path_detailed) - 1)

        # Ensure that the last chunk contains at least two fixes
        if j == len(path_detailed) - 2:
            j = len(path_detailed) - 1

        FlightPathChunks.query().filter(FlightPathChunks.flight == flight).delete()
        date_utc = flight.igc_file.date_utc

        while True:
            flight_path = FlightPathChunks(flight=flight)

            # Save the timestamps of the coordinates
            flight_path.timestamps = \
                [from_seconds_of_day(date_utc, c.seconds_of_day) for c in path_detailed[i:j + 1]]

            flight_path.start_time = path_detailed[i].datetime
            flight_path.end_time = path_detailed[j].datetime

            # Convert the coordinate into a list of tuples
            coordinates = [(c.location['longitude'], c.location['latitude']) for c in path_detailed[i:j + 1]]

            # Create a shapely LineString object from the coordinates
            linestring = LineString(coordinates)

            # Save the new path as WKB
            flight_path.locations = from_shape(linestring, srid=4326)


            if j == len(path_detailed) - 1:
                i = j + 1
                j = min(j + num_points, len(path_detailed) - 1)

                if j == len(path_detailed) - 2:
                    j = len(path_detailed) - 1


        return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
class Flight(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'flights'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
    time_created = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
    time_modified = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)

    pilot_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='SET NULL'), index=True)
    pilot = db.relationship('User', foreign_keys=[pilot_id])

    # Fallback if the pilot is not registered
    pilot_name = db.Column(Unicode(255))

    co_pilot_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('users.id', ondelete='SET NULL'), index=True)
    co_pilot = db.relationship('User', foreign_keys=[co_pilot_id])

    # Fallback if the co-pilot is not registered
    co_pilot_name = db.Column(Unicode(255))

    club_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('clubs.id', ondelete='SET NULL'), index=True)
    club = db.relationship('Club', backref='flights')

    model_id = db.Column(Integer, db.ForeignKey('models.id', ondelete='SET NULL'))
    model = db.relationship('AircraftModel')
    registration = db.Column(Unicode(32))
    competition_id = db.Column(Unicode(5))

    # The date of the flight in local time instead of UTC. Used for scoring.
    date_local = db.Column(Date, nullable=False, index=True)

    takeoff_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, index=True)
    scoring_start_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=True)
    scoring_end_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=True)
    landing_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False)

    takeoff_location_wkt = db.Column(
        'takeoff_location', Geometry('POINT', srid=4326))
    landing_location_wkt = db.Column(
        'landing_location', Geometry('POINT', srid=4326))

    takeoff_airport_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('airports.id', ondelete='SET NULL'))
    takeoff_airport = db.relationship('Airport', foreign_keys=[takeoff_airport_id])

    landing_airport_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('airports.id', ondelete='SET NULL'))
    landing_airport = db.relationship('Airport', foreign_keys=[landing_airport_id])

    timestamps = deferred(db.Column(
        postgresql.ARRAY(DateTime), nullable=False), group='path')

    locations = deferred(db.Column(
        Geometry('LINESTRING', srid=4326), nullable=False),

    olc_classic_distance = db.Column(Integer)
    olc_triangle_distance = db.Column(Integer)
    olc_plus_score = db.Column(Float)

    igc_file_id = db.Column(
        Integer, db.ForeignKey('igc_files.id', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False)
    igc_file = db.relationship('IGCFile', backref='flights', innerjoin=True)

    qnh = db.Column(Float)
    needs_analysis = db.Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=True)

    # Privacy level of the flight

    class PrivacyLevel:
        PUBLIC = 0
        LINK_ONLY = 1
        PRIVATE = 2

    privacy_level = db.Column(
        SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=PrivacyLevel.PUBLIC)


    def __repr__(self):
        return ('<Flight: id=%s, modified=%s>'
                % (self.id, self.time_modified)).encode('unicode_escape')


    def duration(self):
        return self.landing_time - self.takeoff_time

    def year(self):
        return self.date_local.year

    def index_score(self):
        if self.model and self.model.dmst_index > 0:
            return self.olc_plus_score * 100 / self.model.dmst_index
            return self.olc_plus_score

    def index_score(cls):
        return case([(AircraftModel.dmst_index > 0, cls.olc_plus_score * 100 / AircraftModel.dmst_index)], else_=cls.olc_plus_score)

    def year(cls):
        return db.func.date_part('year', cls.date_local)

    def takeoff_location(self):
        if self.takeoff_location_wkt is None:
            return None

        coords = to_shape(self.takeoff_location_wkt)
        return Location(latitude=coords.y, longitude=coords.x)

    def takeoff_location(self, location):
        if location is None:
            self.takeoff_location_wkt = None
            self.takeoff_location_wkt = location.to_wkt_element()

    def landing_location(self):
        if self.landing_location_wkt is None:
            return None

        coords = to_shape(self.landing_location_wkt)
        return Location(latitude=coords.y, longitude=coords.x)

    def landing_location(self, location):
        if location is None:
            self.landing_location_wkt = None
            self.landing_location_wkt = location.to_wkt_element()

    def by_md5(cls, _md5):
        file = IGCFile.by_md5(_md5)
        if file is None:
            return None

        return cls.query().filter_by(igc_file=file).first()

    # Permissions ################

    def is_viewable(self, user):
        return (self.privacy_level == Flight.PrivacyLevel.PUBLIC or
                self.privacy_level == Flight.PrivacyLevel.LINK_ONLY or

    def is_viewable_expression(cls, user):
        return or_(cls.privacy_level == Flight.PrivacyLevel.PUBLIC,
                   cls.privacy_level == Flight.PrivacyLevel.LINK_ONLY,

    def is_listable(self, user):
        return (self.privacy_level == Flight.PrivacyLevel.PUBLIC or

    def is_listable_expression(cls, user):
        return or_(cls.privacy_level == Flight.PrivacyLevel.PUBLIC,

    def is_rankable(self):
        return self.privacy_level == Flight.PrivacyLevel.PUBLIC

    def is_writable(self, user):
        return user and \
            (self.igc_file.owner_id == user.id or
             self.pilot_id == user.id or

    def is_writable_expression(self, user):
        return user and (
            user.is_manager() or
                IGCFile.owner_id == user.id,
                self.pilot_id == user.id

    def may_delete(self, user):
        return user and (self.igc_file.owner_id == user.id or user.is_manager())


    def get_largest(cls):
        """Returns a query object ordered by distance"""
        return cls.query().order_by(cls.olc_classic_distance.desc())

    def get_optimised_contest_trace(self, contest_type, trace_type):
        from skylines.model.trace import Trace
        return Trace.query(contest_type=contest_type, trace_type=trace_type,

    def get_contest_speed(self, contest_type, trace_type):
        contest = self.get_optimised_contest_trace(contest_type, trace_type)
        return contest and contest.speed

    def get_contest_legs(self, contest_type, trace_type):
        return ContestLeg.query(contest_type=contest_type, trace_type=trace_type,
                                flight=self) \
                         .filter(ContestLeg.end_time - ContestLeg.start_time > timedelta(0)) \

    def speed(self):
        return self.get_contest_speed('olc_plus', 'classic')

    def has_phases(self):
        return bool(self._phases)

    def phases(self):
        return [p for p in self._phases if not p.aggregate]

    def delete_phases(self):
        self._phases = []

    def circling_performance(self):
        from skylines.model.flight_phase import FlightPhase
        stats = [p for p in self._phases
                 if (p.aggregate
                     and p.phase_type == FlightPhase.PT_CIRCLING
                     and p.duration.total_seconds() > 0)]
        order = [FlightPhase.CD_TOTAL,
        stats.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(order.index(a.circling_direction),
        return stats

    def cruise_performance(self):
        from skylines.model.flight_phase import FlightPhase
        return [p for p in self._phases
                if p.aggregate and p.phase_type == FlightPhase.PT_CRUISE]

    def update_flight_path(self):
        from skylines.lib.xcsoar_ import flight_path
        from skylines.lib.datetime import from_seconds_of_day

        # Run the IGC file through the FlightPath utility
        path = flight_path(self.igc_file, qnh=self.qnh)
        if len(path) < 2:
            return False

        # Save the timestamps of the coordinates
        date_utc = self.igc_file.date_utc
        self.timestamps = \
            [from_seconds_of_day(date_utc, c.seconds_of_day) for c in path]

        # Convert the coordinate into a list of tuples
        coordinates = [(c.location['longitude'], c.location['latitude']) for c in path]

        # Create a shapely LineString object from the coordinates
        linestring = LineString(coordinates)

        # Save the new path as WKB
        self.locations = from_shape(linestring, srid=4326)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 15
class FlightPathChunks(db.Model):
    This table stores flight path chunks of about 100 fixes per column which
    enable PostGIS/Postgres to do fast queries due to tight bounding boxes
    around those short flight pahts.

    __tablename__ = 'flight_path_chunks'

    id = db.Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
    time_created = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
    time_modified = db.Column(DateTime,

    timestamps = deferred(db.Column(postgresql.ARRAY(DateTime),

    locations = deferred(db.Column(Geometry('LINESTRING', srid=4326),

    start_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, index=True)
    end_time = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, index=True)

    flight_id = db.Column(Integer,
                          db.ForeignKey('flights.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
    flight = db.relationship('Flight')

    def get_near_flights(flight, filter=None):
        WITH src AS
            (SELECT ST_Buffer(ST_Simplify(locations, 0.005), 0.015) AS src_loc_buf,
                    start_time AS src_start,
                    end_time AS src_end
             FROM flight_paths
             WHERE flight_id = 8503)
        SELECT (dst_points).geom AS dst_point,
               dst_times[(dst_points).path[1]] AS dst_time,
               dst_points_fid AS dst_flight_id
            (SELECT ST_dumppoints(locations) as dst_points,
                    timestamps AS dst_times,
                    flight_id AS dst_points_fid,
            FROM flight_paths, src
            WHERE flight_id != 8503 AND
                  end_time >= src_start AND
                  start_time <= src_end AND
                  locations && src_loc_buf AND
                  _ST_Intersects(ST_Simplify(locations, 0.005), src_loc_buf)) AS foo
        WHERE _ST_Contains(src_loc_buf, (dst_points).geom);

        cte = db.session.query(FlightPathChunks.locations.ST_Simplify(0.005).ST_Buffer(0.015).label('src_loc_buf'),
                               FlightPathChunks.end_time.label('src_end')) \
            .filter(FlightPathChunks.flight == flight) \

        subq = db.session.query(func.ST_DumpPoints(FlightPathChunks.locations).label('dst_points'),
                                cte.c.src_end) \
            .filter(and_(FlightPathChunks.flight != flight,
                         FlightPathChunks.end_time >= cte.c.src_start,
                         FlightPathChunks.start_time <= cte.c.src_end,
                         _ST_Intersects(FlightPathChunks.locations.ST_Simplify(0.005), cte.c.src_loc_buf))) \

        dst_times = literal_column('dst_times[(dst_points).path[1]]')

        q = db.session.query(subq.c.dst_points.geom.label('dst_location'),
                             subq.c.dst_points_fid.label('dst_point_fid')) \
            .filter(_ST_Contains(subq.c.src_loc_buf, subq.c.dst_points.geom)) \
            .order_by(subq.c.dst_points_fid, dst_times) \

        src_trace = to_shape(flight.locations).coords
        max_distance = 1000
        other_flights = dict()

        for point in q:
            dst_time = point.dst_time
            dst_loc = to_shape(point.dst_location).coords

            # we might have got a destination point earier than source takeoff
            # or later than source landing. Check this case and disregard early.
            if dst_time < flight.takeoff_time or dst_time > flight.landing_time:

            # find point closest to given time
            closest = bisect_left(flight.timestamps,
                                  hi=len(flight.timestamps) - 1)

            if closest == 0:
                src_point = src_trace[0]
                # interpolate flight trace between two fixes
                dx = (dst_time - flight.timestamps[closest - 1]).total_seconds() / \
                     (flight.timestamps[closest] - flight.timestamps[closest - 1]).total_seconds()

                src_point_prev = src_trace[closest - 1]
                src_point_next = src_trace[closest]

                src_point = [
                    src_point_prev[0] +
                    (src_point_next[0] - src_point_prev[0]) * dx,
                    src_point_prev[1] +
                    (src_point_next[1] - src_point_prev[1]) * dx

            point_distance = Location(
                    Location(latitude=src_point[1], longitude=src_point[0]))

            if point_distance > max_distance:

            if point.dst_point_fid not in other_flights:
                other_flights[point.dst_point_fid] = []
                    dict(times=list(), points=list()))

            elif len(other_flights[point.dst_point_fid][-1]['times']) and \
                    (dst_time - other_flights[point.dst_point_fid][-1]['times'][-1]).total_seconds() > 600:
                    dict(times=list(), points=list()))

                Location(latitude=dst_loc[0][1], longitude=dst_loc[0][0]))

        return other_flights