Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_pictures(config_dir='.', image_folder = 'extended_images'):
    """ make a folder with images for all extended sources """
    from uw.like2 import configuration
    from skymaps import Band
    if not os.path.exists(image_folder):
    cf = configuration.Configuration(config_dir, quiet=True, postpone=True)
    class Bandlite(object):
        def __init__(self, roi_dir, event_type=1, energy =133.352):
            self.exposure = cf.exposureman(event_type,energy)
            self.radius =5

    ecat = ExtendedCatalog(cf.extended)
    for name in ecat.names:
        print 'processing %s ...' % name ,
        source = ecat.lookup(name)
        b12 = Band(12); roi_index = b12.index(source.skydir); 
        roi_dir = b12.dir(roi_index)
        conv = convolution.ExtendedConvolver(source, Bandlite(roi_dir=roi_dir))
        fig = conv.show_source()
        fig.savefig('%s/%s_map.png' %(image_folder,name.replace(' ','_')))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, table,
             imshow_kw=dict(interpolation='bilinear',  ),
     """table : string or iterable
             If a string, the name of a pickled file
        sources : None or a string 
             if a string, the name of a pickled rec with name, ra, dec fields
     if type(table)==types.StringType:        
         self.v = pickle.load(open(table))
         print 'Loaded HEALpix table from file %s' %table
     else: self.v=table
     self.nside = int(np.sqrt(len(self.v)/12))
     assert len(self.v)==12*self.nside**2, 'size of map not consistent with expected nside %d' % nside 
     self.band = Band(self.nside)
     self.scale = kwargs.pop('scale', lambda x: x)
     if type(self.scale) == types.StringTypes:
         if self.scale=='sqrt': self.scale= lambda x: np.sqrt(max(x,0))
         elif self.scale=='log': self.scale=lambda x: np.log10(max(x,0.1))
             raise Exception, 'unrecognized scale function, %s' %self.scale
     self.ZEA_kw = kwargs.pop('ZEA_kw', dict(galactic=True, size=10, pixelsize=0.1))
     if sources is not None:
         self.sources = pickle.load(open(sources))
         print 'loaded %d sources from %s' % (len(self.sources),sources)
     self.map_path = kwargs.pop('map_path',None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, table_name='kde', index=860, nside=nside, **kwargs):
     table_name : 
     index :
     nside :
     folder = '%s_table_%d' % (table_name, nside)
     assert os.path.exists(folder), 'Folder %s not found' % folder
     self.hmap = pickle.load(open('%s/HP12_%04d.pickle' % (folder, index)))
     self.index = index
     self.hpindices = list(make_index_table(12, nside)[index])
     self.hpdict = dict((self.hpindices[i], self.hmap[i])
                        for i in range(len(self.hpindices)))
     self.center = Band(12).dir(index)
     self.indexfun = Band(nside).index
     self.ZEA_kw = kwargs.pop('ZEA_kw',
                              dict(galactic=True, size=10, pixelsize=0.05))
     self.imshow_kw = dict(interpolation='bilinear', )
     self.scale = kwargs.pop('scale', lambda x: x)
     if type(self.scale) == types.StringTypes:
         if self.scale == 'sqrt': self.scale = lambda x: np.sqrt(max(x, 0))
         elif self.scale == 'log':
             self.scale = lambda x: np.log10(max(x, 0.1))
             raise Exception, 'unrecognized scale function, %s' % self.scale
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_converge(month, tol=10, add_neighbors=True, log=None):
    """ check for convergence, ROI that have been updated
    month: int or string
        if int, intrepret as a month, else a folder
    from pointlike import IntVector
    from skymaps import Band
    outdir = 'month%02d' % month if type(month) == types.IntType else month
    #print '%s:' %outdir
    r = roirec(outdir)
    if r is None: return
    diff = r.loglike - r.prevlike
    nisnan = sum(np.isnan(diff))
    if nisnan > 0:
        print 'warning: %d NaN values in likelihoods: ignoring them' % nisnan
        diff[np.isnan(diff)] = 0
    dmin, dmax = diff.min(), diff.max()
    rmin, rmax = list(diff).index(dmin), list(diff).index(dmax)
    changed = set(np.arange(1728)[np.abs(diff) > tol])
    print >> log, '\tpass %d:  %d changed > %d, min, max: %d(#%d) %d(#%d)' % (
        max(r.niter), len(changed), tol, dmin, rmin, dmax, rmax),
    if not add_neighbors: return list(changed)
    nbrs = set()
    b12 = Band(12)
    for x in changed:
        v = IntVector()
        b12.findNeighbors(int(x), v)  # int is tricky
        for n in v:
    q = list(changed.union(nbrs))
    print >> log, ' (total %d)' % len(q)
    if log is not None: log.flush()
    return q
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, other, nside=256):
     self.vec = other.vec
     self.nside =nside
     self._nside = int(np.sqrt(len(self.vec)/12) ) # internal 
     self.dirfun = Band(self.nside).dir # external direction from index
     self._indexfun = Band(self._nside).index #internal index from direction
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def load(self, filename):
     d = load(file(filename))
     self.inds = d['inds']
     self.band1 = Band(d['nside1'])
     self.band2 = Band(d['nside2'])
     self.img = d['img']
     self.index = d['index']
     self.previous_index = -1
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, name, skyfun, nside):
     """ skyfun : function of position
     self.name = name
     self.skyfun = skyfun
     self.nside = nside
     self.dirfun = Band(self.nside).dir
     self._indexfun = Band(self.nside).index
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def average(self, radius=1.0):
     """ average over all pixels within radius"""
     iv = IntVector()
     hp = Healpix(self.nside, Healpix.RING, SkyDir.GALACTIC)
     band = Band(self.nside)
     newvec = [0] * len(self.vec)
     for i in range(len(self.vec)):
         hp.query_disc(band.dir(i), np.radians(radius), iv)
         newvec[i] = np.array([self.vec[j] for j in iv]).mean()
     self.vec = newvec
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, outdir, filename, nside=512, fieldname='ts'):
     full_filename = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
     band = Band(nside)
     self.sdir = lambda index: band.dir(index)
     assert os.path.exists(
         full_filename), 'file, %s, not found' % full_filename
     self.rts = pyfits.open(full_filename)[1].data.field(fieldname)
     assert len(self.rts) == 12 * (
         nside)**2, 'wrong nside in file %s: expect %d' % (filename, nside)
     self.glat = None  # np.array([sdir(i).b() for i in range(len(self.rts))])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, nside, inds, vals):
        self.band = Band(nside)
        #s = np.argsort(inds)
        #self.inds = inds[s]
        #self.vals = vals[s]
        self.vals = np.empty(12 * nside**2)
        self.vals[:] = np.nan
        self.vals[inds] = vals

        from libpointlike import IntVector
        self.iv = IntVector()
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def smooth(self, a=0.6):
     """ simple-minded smooth using nearest neighbors 
     newvec = [0]*len(self.vec)
     band = Band(self.nside)
     iv = IntVector() # needed for findNeighbors: first 4 share sides
     for i in range(len(self.vec)):
         newvec[i] = a*self.vec[i] + b*sum([self.vec[j] for j in iv[:4]])
         self.vec= newvec
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     """ return a skymaps.Band C++ object corresponding to the band index
     This object implements query_disk for extracting the pixels within a given ROI.
     from skymaps import Band
     b = self.bands[index]
     bb = Band(int(b.nside), int(b.event_type), b.e_min, b.e_max, 0, 0)
     # this is an unfortunate loop: need to consider an interface for adding a set of pixels
     for pix, cnt in self.pixels[index]:
         bb.add(int(pix), int(cnt))
     return bb
Ejemplo n.º 13
def select_seeds_in_roi(roi, fn='seeds/seeds_all.csv'):
    """ Read seeds from csv file, return those in the given ROI

    roi : int or Process instance
        if the latter, look up index from roi direction. direction
    if type(roi) != int:
        roi = Band(12).index(roi.roi_dir)
    seeds = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=0)
    seeds['skydir'] = map(SkyDir, seeds.ra, seeds.dec)
    seeds.index.name = 'name'
    sel = np.array(map(Band(12).index, seeds.skydir)) == roi
    return seeds[sel]
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def fill_zea(self, index, fignum=12, axes=None, show_kw=None, **kwargs):
        """ index: integer, or a SkyDir
                the HP12 index if integer
            figmun: integer
                used if axes is None
            show_kw : dict
                override imshow keywords
        if axes is None:
            fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(6, 6))
            axes = fig.gca()
        if type(index) == types.IntType:
            sdir = Band(12).dir(index)
            title = 'HP12_%4d' % index
            sdir = index
            title = 'l = %.1f, b=%.1f' % (sdir.l(), sdir.b())
        title = kwargs.pop('title', title)
        kw = self.ZEA_kw
        zea = image.ZEA(sdir, **kw)
        zea.imshow(**(show_kw if show_kw is not None else self.imshow_kw))
        if title is not None: axes.set_title(title)
        if self.sources is not None:
            count = 0
            for s in self.sources:
                sdir = SkyDir(s.ra, s.dec)
                if not zea.inside(sdir): continue
                count += 1
                inside = self.band.index(sdir) == index
                                symbol='*' if inside else 'd',
                                markersize=14 if inside else 8,
            print 'found %d sources to plot' % count

        if self.map_path is not None:
            fout = os.path.join(self.map_path, hpname(index) + '.png')
            plt.savefig(fout, bbox_inches='tight')
            print 'saved figure to %s' % fout
        return zea
Ejemplo n.º 15
def make_index_table(nside, subnside, usefile=True):
    filename = 'index_table_%02d_%03d.pickle' % (nside, subnside)
    if os.path.exists(filename) and usefile:
        return pickle.load(open(filename))
    print 'generating index table for nside, subnside= %d %d' % (nside,
    band, subband = Band(nside), Band(subnside)
    npix, nsubpix = 12 * nside**2, 12 * subnside**2
    t = np.array([band.index(subband.dir(i)) for i in xrange(nsubpix)])
    a = np.arange(nsubpix)
    index_table = [a[t == i] for i in xrange(npix)]
    if usefile:
        pickle.dump(index_table, open(filename, 'w'))
    return index_table
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def setup_from_roi(self, hr, factor):

        band1 = hr.band
        band2 = Band(int(round(band1.nside() * factor)))
        rd = band1.dir(hr.index)

        # get pixels within a radius 10% greater than the base Healpix diagonal dimension
        radius = (np.pi / (3 * band1.nside()**2))**0.5 * 2**0.5 * 1.1
        wsdl = WeightedSkyDirList(band2, rd, radius, True)

        # then cut down to just the pixels inside the base Healpixel
        inds = np.asarray([band1.index(x) for x in wsdl])
        mask = inds == hr.index
        dirs = [wsdl[i] for i in xrange(len(mask)) if mask[i]]
        inds = np.asarray([band2.index(x) for x in dirs]).astype(int)

        # sanity check
        if abs(float(mask.sum()) / factor**2 - 1) > 0.01:
            print 'Warning: number of pixels found does not agree with expectations!'

        # calculate TS for each sub-pixel
        tsc = TSCalc(hr.roi)
        if self.bright_sources is not None:
            ts_vals = self.ts_vals = [deque(), deque(), deque()]
            bsm = np.asarray([
                x.source_name in self.bright_sources for x in hr.roi.psm.models
            for d in dirs:
                ts_vals[1].append(tsc(d, repeat_diffuse=True))
                    tsc(d, repeat_diffuse=True, bright_source_mask=bsm))
            self.ts_vals = ts_vals = [deque(), deque()]
            for d in dirs:
                ts_vals[1].append(tsc(d, repeat_diffuse=True))

        self.band1 = band1
        self.band2 = band2

        sorting = np.argsort(inds)
        self.inds = inds[sorting]
        for i in range(len(ts_vals)):
            ts_vals[i] = np.asarray(ts_vals[i])[sorting]

        self.previous_index = -1
        self.index = hr.index
        self.mode = 0
        self.ts = self.ts_vals[0]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def make_index_table(nside=12, subnside=512, usefile=True):
    """create, and/or use a table to convert between different nside pixelizations
    filename = os.path.expandvars('$FERMI/misc/index_table_%02d_%03d.pickle' % (nside, subnside) )
    if os.path.exists(filename) and usefile:
        return pickle.load(open(filename))
    print 'generating index table for nside, subnside= %d %d' % (nside, subnside)
    band, subband = Band(nside), Band(subnside)
    npix, nsubpix = 12*nside**2, 12*subnside**2
    t=np.array([band.index(subband.dir(i)) for i in xrange(nsubpix)])
    a = np.arange(nsubpix)
    index_table = [a[t==i] for i in xrange(npix)]
    if usefile:
        pickle.dump(index_table, open(filename,'w'))
    return index_table
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def load(self, filename):
     d = load(file(filename))
     self.inds = d['inds']
     self.band1 = Band(d['nside1'])
     self.band2 = Band(d['nside2'])
     if 'ts_vals' in d.keys():
         self.ts_vals = d['ts_vals']
         dim = (self.band2.nside() / self.band1.nside())**2
         self.ts_vals = np.empty([3, dim])
         self.ts_vals[:] = np.nan
     self.index = d['index']
     self.ts = self.ts_vals[0]
     self.previous_index = -1
     self.mode = 0
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, glob_expansion):
        """glob_expansion: an expression that can be expanded by glob into a list of the
                           pickles of HealpixTSMaps that this class will access
                           N.B. it is necessary that these objects all have been constructed
                           with the same settings of base nside and sub-grid factor!

        tsmaps = [HealpixKDEMap(pickle=x) for x in glob(glob_expansion)]
        nside1 = tsmaps[0].band1.nside()

        self.band1 = Band(nside1)
        self.tsmaps = [False] * 12 * nside1**2
        for tsmap in tsmaps:
            self.tsmaps[tsmap.index] = tsmap
        self.scale = 0
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def pulsar_check(self):
        """LAT pulsar check
        # compare with LAT pulsar catalog
        lat = self.lcatdf
        lat['ts'] = self.df[self.df.psr]['ts']
        lat['aprob'] = self.df[self.df.psr]['aprob']
        lat['ROI_index'] = [
            Band(12).index(SkyDir(float(ra), float(dec)))
            for ra, dec in zip(lat.RAJ2000, lat.DEJ2000)

        lat['skydir'] = [
            SkyDir(float(ra), float(dec))
            for ra, dec in zip(lat.RAJ2000, lat.DEJ2000)

        lat['sourcedir'] = self.df.skydir[self.df.psr]
        lat['delta'] = [
            np.degrees(s.difference(t)) if not type(t) == float else np.nan
            for s, t in zip(lat.skydir, lat.sourcedir)

        far = lat.delta > 0.25
        dc2names = set(self.lcatdf.index)
        tt = set(self.df.name[self.df.psr])
        print 'Catalog entries not found:', list(dc2names.difference(tt))
        missing = np.array([np.isnan(x) or x < 10. for x in lat.ts])
        missing |= np.array((lat.aprob == 0) & (lat.ts < 1000))

        missing_names = lat.index[missing]
        cols = 'RAJ2000 DEJ2000 ts delta ROI_index'.split()
        self.latsel = latsel = pd.DataFrame(np.array(
            [lat[id][missing] for id in cols]),

        self.atable = '<h4>Compare with LAT pulsar catalog: {}</h4>'.format(

        label_info = dict(
            ts='TS,Test Statistic',
            delta='delta,distance to fit position (deg)',
            ROI_index='ROI Index,Index of the ROI, a HEALPix ring index')
        self.atable += html_table(
            heading='<p>LAT catalog entries with weak or no fit (TS<10)',
            name=self.plotfolder + '/weak',
        self.atable += html_table(
            '<p>LAT catalog entries with nearby, but unassociated source ',
            name=self.plotfolder + '/far',
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __call__(self, band, nside, index, ps_dir):
        """Return an array of fractional overlap for a point source at location skydir."""

        # pick an nside commensurate with PSF and that will fit evenly within base pixel
        scale = band.psf.parent_psf.scale_func[band.ct](band.e) / 5
        sample_nside = (np.pi / 3)**0.5 / scale
        p0 = np.log(sample_nside / nside) / np.log(2)
        last_overlap = None
        overlaps = []
        for addon in [0]:
            sample_nside = min(8192, nside * 2**(int(p0) + addon))
            geo = (4 * np.pi / 12 / sample_nside**2)
            #print sample_nside,index

            # temporary code for testing!
            if True:
                from skymaps import Band
                band.b = Band(sample_nside)

            wsdl = WeightedSkyDirList(band.b, nside, index, True)
            vals = np.empty(len(wsdl))
            band.psf.cpsf.wsdl_val(vals, ps_dir, wsdl)
            overlap = vals.sum() * geo
            #print overlap
            #if last_overlap is not None:
            #    new_est = (2*last_overlap+4*overlap)/6
            #    print 'Updated estimate: ',new_est
            last_overlap = overlap
        #print ('%.6f\t'*(len(overlaps)))%(tuple(overlaps))
        return overlaps[-1], sample_nside
Ejemplo n.º 22
class FromCCube(HParray):
    """Manage the gtlike HEALPix counts map
    def __init__(self, filename):
        """ load array from a HEALPix-format FITS file
        assert os.path.exists(filename), 'File "{}" not found'.format(filename)
        self.hdus = pyfits.open(filename)
        self.data = self.hdus[1].data
        self.nside = self.hdus[1].header['NSIDE']

        # expect to find circle in header
        hdr = self.hdus[0].header
            dstypes = sorted(
                filter(lambda n: n.startswith('DSTYP'), hdr.keys()))
            i = [hdr[x] for x in dstypes].index('POS(RA,DEC)')
            circ = hdr['DSVAL{}'.format(i)]
            ra, dec, self.radius = np.array(circ[7:-1].split(','), float)
        except Exception, msg:
            print 'failed to parse file {}: expected header to have a DSVAL with POS(RA,DEC)'.format(
                filename), msg
        self.center = SkyDir(ra, dec)
        self.indexfun = Band(self.nside).index
        self.lookup = dict(zip(self.data.PIX, self.data.CHANNEL1))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def load_skyspect(fn = r'T:\data\galprop\ring_21month_P6v11.fits', 
# r'D:\fermi\data\galprop\gll_iem_v02.fit', 
        show_kw = dict(fun=np.log10, cmap='hot'),
    load a galactic diffuse distribution.
    Save the HEALpix respresentation at an energy (1 GeV default)
    fn : string
        filename for the FITS representaion of a  SKySpectrum  
    nside: int
        HEALpix nside to use for represenation -- note that 192 is 12*16, about 0.25 deg
    show_kw : dict
        fun: weighting function, cmap, vmin, vmax
    t = SkyImage(fn)
    galname = os.path.split(fn)[-1]
    print '%s: nx, ny, layers: %d %d %d' %(galname, t.naxis1(), t.naxis2(), t.layers())
    hpdir = Band(nside).dir
    dmap = map(lambda i:t(hpdir(i)), xrange(12*nside**2))
    tdm.fill_ait(fignum=12, source_kw=dict(edgecolor='w',), show_kw=show_kw )
    plt.title(galname+' (1 GeV)')
    sfn = galname.split('.')[0]+'.png'
    plt.savefig(galname.split('.')[0]+'.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
    print 'saved figure to %s' % sfn
    return tdm
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self, nside=12):
     nside: integer
         the HEALpix nside parameter
     self.v = np.zeros(12*nside**2, float)
     self.index = Band(nside).index
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def process_band(self, iband, verbose=False):


        dflux= self.dflux.astype(float)
        if verbose:
            m = dflux.mean(axis=2); s = dflux.std(axis=2)/m
            ids = 'Front Back'.split() if dflux.shape[0]==2 else ['Front']
            print 'mean\n', pd.DataFrame(m, index=ids, columns='gal iso'.split())
            print 'rms/mean\n',pd.DataFrame(s, index=ids, columns='gal iso'.split())

        if verbose: print 'Fits\n', x


        # iso/gal ratio
        r = f[:,1,:]/f[:,0,:]; 
        if verbose: print 'ratio\n', r

        # adjusted fits per (flux, pixel)
        af = x[0] + r*(x[1]-1); 
        if verbose: print 'adjusted fits\n',af

        # isolate the galactic flux
        f_gal = f[:,0]; 
        if verbose: print 'galactic fit\n',f_gal

        # weighted sum of the adjusted fits by the galactic flux
        waf = (f_gal*af).sum(axis=0) / f_gal.sum(axis=0);  
        if verbose: print 'weighted fit\n',self.waf
        return waf
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def plot(self, title='', axes=None, fignum=30, ait_kw={}, **kwargs):
        """ make an AIT skyplot from the array 
        title : string
            set the figure title
        ait_kw : dict
            to set kwargs for image.AIT, perhaps pixelsize
        Other args passed to imshow, for example norm: to make a log plot,
            from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
        It returns a image.AIT object, which has a colorbar member that can be adjusted.
        cbtext = kwargs.pop('cbtext', '')
        band = Band(self.nside)

        def skyplotfun(v):
            skydir = SkyDir(Hep3Vector(v[0], v[1], v[2]))
            return self(skydir)

        if axes is None:
            fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(12, 6))
            axes = plt.gca()
        ait = image.AIT(PySkyFunction(skyplotfun), axes=axes, **ait_kw)
        ait.imshow(title=title, **kwargs)
        return ait
Ejemplo n.º 27
class MultiHealpixKDEMap(object):
    def __init__(self, glob_expansion):
        """glob_expansion: an expression that can be expanded by glob into a list of the
                           pickles of HealpixTSMaps that this class will access
                           N.B. it is necessary that these objects all have been constructed
                           with the same settings of base nside and sub-grid factor!

        tsmaps = [HealpixKDEMap(pickle=x) for x in glob(glob_expansion)]
        nside1 = tsmaps[0].band1.nside()

        self.band1 = Band(nside1)
        self.tsmaps = [False] * 12 * nside1**2
        for tsmap in tsmaps:
            self.tsmaps[tsmap.index] = tsmap
        self.scale = 0

    def __call__(self, v, skydir=None):
        sd = skydir or SkyDir(Hep3Vector(v[0], v[1], v[2]))
        id = self.band1.index(sd)
        tsmap = self.tsmaps[id]
        if not tsmap: return np.nan
        return tsmap.multipix_call(sd)

    def make_zea(self, center, size=10, pixelsize=0.02, galactic=False):
        z = ZEA(center, size=size, pixelsize=pixelsize, galactic=galactic)
        self.z = z
Ejemplo n.º 28
def skyplot(crec, title='', axes=None, fignum=30, ait_kw={}, **kwargs):
    """ make an AIT skyplot of a HEALpix array
    crec : array
        must be sorted according to the HEALpix index
    title : string
        set the figure title
    ait_kw : dict
        to set kwargs for image.AIT, perhaps pixelsize
    Other args passed to imshow
    n = len(crec)
    nside = int(np.sqrt(n/12))
    assert n==12*nside**2, 'wrong length to be healpix array'
    band = Band(nside)
    def skyplotfun(v):
        skydir = SkyDir(Hep3Vector(v[0],v[1],v[2]))
        index = band.index(skydir)
        return crec[index]
    if axes is None:
        fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(12,6))
    ait=image.AIT(PySkyFunction(skyplotfun) ,axes=axes, **ait_kw)
    ait.imshow(title=title, **kwargs)
    return ait
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, outdir, nside, roi_nside=12, **kwargs):
        self.subdirfun = Band(nside).dir
        disc_info = kwargs.pop('disc_info', ())

        # allow arbitraty disk, rather than just within a ROI active boundary
        if disc_info:
            l, b, r = disc_info
            vec = healpy.dir2vec(l, b, lonlat=True)
            index_list = healpy.query_disc(nside=nside,
            self.pos_list = [self.subdirfun(int(i)) for i in index_list]
            self.index_table = make_index_table(roi_nside, nside)

        self.skyfuns = kwargs.pop(
                (KdeMap, 'kde', dict()),
        self.subdirs = [
            os.path.join(outdir, name + '_table_%d' % nside)
            for s, name, kw in self.skyfuns
        for subdir in self.subdirs:
            if not os.path.exists(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, roi, roi_index=None, diffuse_fits=None, nside=64):
        self.roi = roi
        if roi_index is not None:
            print "setting up index {}".format(roi_index)
            roi.setup_roi(roi_index) # Process object external for now
            roi_index = int(roi.name[-4:])
        self.ri = roi_index
        self.pdirs = map(Band(nside).dir, maps.make_index_table(12,nside)[roi_index])
        print 'Processing ROI index {}'.format(roi_index)

        # load diffuse fits for this model
        if diffuse_fits is None:
            files = sorted(glob.glob('diffuse_fit/*.pickle'))
            assert len(files)>0, 'no files found'
            if len(files)<1728:
                msg= "found {} files, expected 1728".format(len(files))
                print msg
                raise Exception(msg)
            # return as an array 1728x8x2, last being (gal,iso)
            self.fa = (pd.read_pickle(files[roi_index]).values[:,:2]).astype(float)
            print 'Loaded diffuse fits for this RoI'
            self.fa = diffuse_fits.values[:,:2].astype(float)
            print 'Using fits just generated'