Ejemplo n.º 1
        # Correction.
        observations = get_observations(logfile.scan_data[i], depth_jump,
                                        cylinder_offset, kf,
        for obs in observations:
            measurement, cylinder_world, cylinder_scanner, cylinder_index = obs
            if cylinder_index == -1:
                cylinder_index = kf.add_landmark_to_state(cylinder_world)
            kf.correct(measurement, cylinder_index)

        # End of EKF SLAM - from here on, data is written.

        # Output the center of the scanner, not the center of the robot.
        print >> f, "F %f %f %f" % \
            tuple(kf.state[0:3] + [scanner_displacement * cos(kf.state[2]),
                                   scanner_displacement * sin(kf.state[2]),
        # Write covariance matrix in angle stddev1 stddev2 stddev-heading form.
        e = ExtendedKalmanFilterSLAM.get_error_ellipse(kf.covariance)
        print >> f, "E %f %f %f %f" % (e + (sqrt(kf.covariance[2, 2]), ))
        # Write estimates of landmarks.
        write_cylinders(f, "W C", kf.get_landmarks())
        # Write error ellipses of landmarks.
        write_error_ellipses(f, "W E", kf.get_landmark_error_ellipses())
        # Write cylinders detected by the scanner.
        write_cylinders(f, "D C",
                        [(obs[2][0], obs[2][1]) for obs in observations])

    # Read data.
    logfile = LegoLogfile()

    # Loop over all motor tick records and all measurements and generate
    # filtered positions and covariances.
    # This is the EKF SLAM loop.
    f = open("ekf_slam_add_landmarks.txt", "w")
    for i in xrange(len(logfile.motor_ticks)):
        # Prediction.
        control = array(logfile.motor_ticks[i]) * ticks_to_mm

        # End of EKF SLAM - from here on, data is written.

        # Output the center of the scanner, not the center of the robot.
        print >> f, "F %f %f %f" % \
            tuple(kf.state[0:3] + [scanner_displacement * cos(kf.state[2]),
                                   scanner_displacement * sin(kf.state[2]),
        # Write covariance matrix in angle stddev1 stddev2 stddev-heading form
        e = ExtendedKalmanFilterSLAM.get_error_ellipse(kf.covariance)
        print >> f, "E %f %f %f %f" % (e + (sqrt(kf.covariance[2,2]),))
        # Write estimates of landmarks.
        write_cylinders(f, "W C", kf.get_landmarks())
        # Write error ellipses of landmarks.
        write_error_ellipses(f, "W E", kf.get_landmark_error_ellipses())
