Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create(self):
        This method creates a SVG chart.
        :return: (string) contents of the SVG file

        # variables for drawing
        grid = self.__grid_coordinates()
        objs = {
            'grid': grid,
            'labels': self.__txt_coordinates(grid),
            'reference': self.area_coordinates(self.reference, grid),
            'whisky': self.area_coordinates(self.comparison, grid),
            'center_x': self.center_x,
            'center_y': self.center_y

        # generate the svg
        basedir = app.config['BASEDIR']
        template = basedir.child('whiskyton', 'templates', 'chart.svg')
        with open(template, 'r') as file_handler:

            # create SVG
            svg_template = Template(file_handler.read())
            return xhtml_slimmer(svg_template.render(**objs))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def create(self):
        This method creates a SVG chart.
        :return: (string) contents of the SVG file

        # variables for drawing
        grid = self.__grid_coordinates()
        objs = {
            'grid': grid,
            'labels': self.__txt_coordinates(grid),
            'reference': self.area_coordinates(self.reference, grid),
            'whisky': self.area_coordinates(self.comparison, grid),
            'center_x': self.center_x,
            'center_y': self.center_y

        # generate the svg
        basedir = app.config['BASEDIR']
        template = basedir.child('whiskyton', 'templates', 'chart.svg')
        with open(template, 'r') as file_handler:

            # create SVG
            svg_template = Template(file_handler.read())
            return xhtml_slimmer(svg_template.render(**objs))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def process_response(self, request, response):
        if 'text/html' in response['Content-Type']:

            #from django.utils.html import strip_spaces_between_tags
            #response.content = strip_spaces_between_tags(response.content)

            from slimmer import xhtml_slimmer
            response.content = xhtml_slimmer(response.content)

        return response
    def process_response(self, request, response):
        if "text/html" in response["Content-Type"]:

            # from django.utils.html import strip_spaces_between_tags
            # response.content = strip_spaces_between_tags(response.content)

            from slimmer import xhtml_slimmer

            response.content = xhtml_slimmer(response.content)

        return response
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_code(self):
     import slimmer
     f = codecs.open(self.path, 'r', 'utf-8')
     code = f.read()
     if self.filetype == '.css':
         return slimmer.css_slimmer(code)
     if self.filetype == '.js':
         return slimmer.js_slimmer(code)
     if self.filetype == '.html':
         return slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(code)
     return code
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_code(self):
     import slimmer
     f = open(self.path)
     code = f.read()
     if self.filetype == '.css':
         return slimmer.css_slimmer(code)
     if self.filetype == '.js':
         return slimmer.js_slimmer(code)
     if self.filetype == '.html':
         return slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(code)
     return code
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _get_code(self):
     import slimmer
     f = open(self.path)
     code = f.read()
     if self.filetype == '.css':
         return slimmer.css_slimmer(code)
     if self.filetype == '.js':
         return slimmer.js_slimmer(code)
     if self.filetype == '.html':
         return slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(code)
     return code
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def process_response(self, request, response):
     if 'text/html' in response['Content-Type']:
         from slimmer import xhtml_slimmer
         content = response.content.replace("</a> <a", "</a>&nbsp;<a")
         pre_tokens = {}
         while "<pre" in content:
             pre = content[content.find("<pre"):content.find("</pre>") + 6]
             token = str(uuid4())
             content = content.replace(pre, token)
             pre_tokens[token] = pre
         content = xhtml_slimmer(content).replace("</a>&nbsp;<a", "</a> <a")
         for token, pre in pre_tokens.items():
             content = content.replace(token, pre)
         response.content = content
     return response
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def process_response(self, request, response):
     if 'text/html' in response['Content-Type']:
         from slimmer import xhtml_slimmer
         content = response.content.replace("</a> <a", "</a>&nbsp;<a")
         pre_tokens = {}
         while "<pre" in content:
             pre  = content[content.find("<pre"):content.find("</pre>") + 6]
             token = str(uuid4())
             content = content.replace(pre, token)
             pre_tokens[token] = pre
         content = xhtml_slimmer(content).replace("</a>&nbsp;<a", "</a> <a")
         for token, pre in pre_tokens.items():
             content = content.replace(token, pre)
         response.content = content
     return response
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def render(self, context):
     code = self.nodelist.render(context)
     if slimmer is None:
         return code
     if self.format not in ('css','js','html','xhtml'):
         self.format = guessSyntax(code)
     if self.format == 'css':
         return css_slimmer(code)
     elif self.format in ('js', 'javascript'):
         return js_slimmer(code)
     elif self.format == 'xhtml':
         return xhtml_slimmer(code)
     elif self.format == 'html':
         return html_slimmer(code)
     return code
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def render(self, context):
        code = self.nodelist.render(context)
        if slimmer is None:
            return code

        if self.format not in ('css','js','html','xhtml'):
            self.format = slimmer.guessSyntax(code)

        if self.format == 'css':
            return slimmer.css_slimmer(code)
        elif self.format in ('js', 'javascript'):
            return slimmer.js_slimmer(code)
        elif self.format == 'xhtml':
            return slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(code)
        elif self.format == 'html':
            return slimmer.html_slimmer(code)
            raise TemplateSyntaxError("Unrecognized format for slimming content")

        return code
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def render(self, context):
        code = self.nodelist.render(context)
        if slimmer is None:
            return code

        if self.format not in ("css", "js", "html", "xhtml"):
            self.format = slimmer.guessSyntax(code)

        if self.format == "css":
            return slimmer.css_slimmer(code)
        elif self.format in ("js", "javascript"):
            return slimmer.js_slimmer(code)
        elif self.format == "xhtml":
            return slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(code)
        elif self.format == "html":
            return slimmer.html_slimmer(code)
            raise TemplateSyntaxError("Unrecognized format for slimming content")

        return code
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def render(self, context):
        code = self.nodelist.render(context)
        if slimmer is None:
            return code

        if self.format not in ('css','js','html','xhtml'):
            self.format = slimmer.guessSyntax(code)

        if self.format == 'css':
            return slimmer.css_slimmer(code)
        elif self.format in ('js', 'javascript'):
            return slimmer.js_slimmer(code)
        elif self.format == 'xhtml':
            return slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(code)
        elif self.format == 'html':
            return slimmer.html_slimmer(code)
            raise TemplateSyntaxError("Unrecognized format for slimming content")

        return code
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
     response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
     if isinstance(response, HttpResponse) \
        and response.get('Content-Type', '').find('text/html;') == 0:
         response.content = slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(response.content)
     return response
    for tr in soup.find_all("tr"):
        del tr['id']

    # Make attributes shorter
    for tag in soup.find_all(re.compile(".*")):
            tag['class'] = tag['class'][0]
        except KeyError:

    body = soup.find("body")
    body['style'] = "background: transparent;"

    # Remove the unwanted decoration.
    [x.decompose() for x in soup.find_all("div", {"class": "navigation"})]
    [x.decompose() for x in soup.find_all("div", {"class": "generatedby"})]
    [x.decompose() for x in soup.find_all("h1")]
    [x.decompose() for x in soup.find_all("div", {"class": "searchbox"})]

    # Reverse the table rows.
    table = soup.find("table")
    new_order = []
    for row in list(table.children):
        new_order.insert(0, row.extract())
    for row in new_order[:40]:

    table['style'] = "font-size: 8pt;"
    #    print str(soup)
    print slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(str(soup))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
     response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
     if isinstance(response, HttpResponse) and response.get("Content-Type", None).find("text/html;") == 0:
         response.content = slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(response.content)
     return response
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def process_response(self, request, response):
     if isinstance(response, HttpResponse) \
         and response.get('Content-Type', '').find('text/html;') == 0:
         response.content = slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(response.content)
     return response
Ejemplo n.º 18
def create_chart(reference_slug, whisky_slug):

    # URL check
    cond1 = whisky_slug != whisky_slug.lower()
    cond2 = reference_slug != reference_slug.lower()
    if cond1 or cond2:
        return redirect('/' + whisky_slug.lower())

    reference_obj = models.Whisky.query.filter_by(slug=reference_slug).first()
    whisky_obj = models.Whisky.query.filter_by(slug=whisky_slug).first()

    # error page if whisky doesn't exist
    if reference_obj is None or whisky_obj is None:
        return abort(404)

    # get whisky data
    tastes_labels = (
    reference = []
    comparison = []
    for taste in tastes_labels:
        reference.append(eval('reference_obj.' + taste))
        comparison.append(eval('whisky_obj.' + taste))

    # name for caching
    filename = ''
    for taste in reference:
        filename += str(taste)
    filename += 'x'
    for taste in comparison:
        filename += str(taste)
    filename += '.svg'

    # check if file exists
    basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    charts_dir = basedir + '/static/charts/'
    filepath = charts_dir + filename

    # if file does not exists, create it
    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):

        # basic variables for the chart
        sides = 12
        width = 330
        height = 260
        margin = 60
        scales = 4

        # calc other basic values for the chart
        radius = (width-(2*margin))/2
        angle_adjust = ((2*math.pi/sides))/2
        interval = radius / scales

        # variables for drawing
        polygon_coordinates = []
        text_coordinates = []
        reference_coordinates = []
        whisky_coordinates = []
        center_x = width / 2
        center_y = height / 2

        # calculate the coordinates of the grid
        for scale in range(0, scales):
            output = []
            for x in range(0, sides):
                angle = ((2*math.pi/sides)*x) - angle_adjust
                r = radius - (scale * interval)
                a = center_x + (math.sin(angle)*r)
                b = center_y + (math.cos(angle)*r)
                output.append([int(a), int(b)])

        # calculate the position of text
        text_count = 0
        text_line_height = 11

        for coordinates in polygon_coordinates[0]:

            a = coordinates[0]
            b = coordinates[1]

            top = [6, 7]
            right = [2, 3, 4, 5]
            bottom = [0, 1]
            left = [8, 9, 10, 11]
            diagonal_down = [2, 11]
            diagonal_up = [5, 8]
            sub_diagonal_down = [3, 10]

            if text_count in top:
                b -= text_line_height * 0.75
            if text_count in right:
                a += text_line_height * 0.75
            if text_count in bottom:
                b += text_line_height * 1.5
            if text_count in left:
                a -= text_line_height * 0.75
            if text_count in diagonal_up:
                b -= text_line_height * 0.5
            if text_count in diagonal_down:
                b += text_line_height * 0.75
            if text_count in sub_diagonal_down:
                b += text_line_height * 0.25

            text_anchor = 'start'
            if text_count in top or text_count in bottom:
                text_anchor = 'middle'
            if text_count in left:
                text_anchor = 'end'

            taste = tastes_labels[text_count]
            taste = taste[0].upper() + taste[1:]

            text_coordinates.append([int(a), int(b), text_anchor, taste])
            text_count += 1

            # calculate the coordinate of the reference data
            taste_count = 0
            for taste in reference:
                taste = abs(taste - 4)
                if taste == 4:
                    reference_coordinates.append([center_x, center_y])
                    polygon = polygon_coordinates[taste]
                    point = polygon[taste_count]
                taste_count += 1

            # calculate the coordinate of the comparison data
            taste_count = 0
            for taste in comparison:
                taste = abs(taste - 4)
                if taste == 4:
                    whisky_coordinates.append([center_x, center_y])
                    polygon = polygon_coordinates[taste]
                    point = polygon[taste_count]
                taste_count += 1

            # generate the svg
            svg_image = render_template(
            svg_compressed = xhtml_slimmer(svg_image)

            # save the file
            new_chart = open(filepath, 'w+')

    # return the chart to the user
    content = open(filepath).read()
    return Response(content, mimetype='image/svg+xml')
Ejemplo n.º 19
def optimize(forig, self, **kwargs):
    return xhtml_slimmer(forig(self, **kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def compress(self, string):
     if SLIMMER:
         return xhtml_slimmer(string)
     return string
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
     response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
     if isinstance(response, HttpResponse) \
        and response.get('Content-Type', '').find('text/html;') == 0:
         response.content = slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(response.content)
     return response
Ejemplo n.º 22
def optimize(forig, self, **kwargs):
    return xhtml_slimmer(forig(self, **kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 23
    for tr in soup.find_all("tr"):
        del tr['id']

    # Make attributes shorter
    for tag in soup.find_all(re.compile(".*")):
            tag['class'] = tag['class'][0]
        except KeyError:

    body = soup.find("body")
    body['style'] = "background: transparent;"

    # Remove the unwanted decoration.
    [x.decompose() for x in soup.find_all("div", {"class": "navigation"})]
    [x.decompose() for x in soup.find_all("div", {"class": "generatedby"})]
    [x.decompose() for x in soup.find_all("h1")]
    [x.decompose() for x in soup.find_all("div", {"class": "searchbox"})]

    # Reverse the table rows.
    table = soup.find("table")
    new_order = []
    for row in list(table.children):
        new_order.insert(0, row.extract())
    for row in new_order[:40]:

    table['style'] = "font-size: 8pt;"
#    print str(soup)
    print slimmer.xhtml_slimmer(str(soup))