Ejemplo n.º 1

from __future__ import absolute_import

import re

from gevent import Timeout
from gevent import subprocess

from slimta.smtp.reply import Reply
from slimta.relay import Relay, PermanentRelayError, TransientRelayError
from slimta import logging

__all__ = ['PipeRelay', 'MaildropRelay', 'DovecotLdaRelay']

log = logging.getSubprocessLogger(__name__)

class PipeRelay(Relay):
    """When delivery attempts are made on this object, it will create a new
    subprocess and pipe envelope data to it. Delivery success or failure
    depends on the return code of the sub-process and error messages are pulled
    from standard error output.

    To facilitate passing the |Envelope| metadata, the process's command-line
    arguments can be populated with macros replaced using :py:meth:`str.format`
    with corresponding keywords:

    * ``{sender}``: The sender address.
    * ``{recipient}``: The first address in the recipient last.
    * ``{message_id}``: The ``Message-Id`` header.
 def setUp(self):
     self.log = getSubprocessLogger('test')
 def setUp(self):
     self.log = getSubprocessLogger('test')
Ejemplo n.º 4

from __future__ import absolute_import

import re

from gevent import Timeout
from gevent import subprocess

from slimta.smtp.reply import Reply
from slimta.relay import Relay, PermanentRelayError, TransientRelayError
from slimta import logging

__all__ = ['PipeRelay', 'MaildropRelay', 'DovecotLdaRelay']

log = logging.getSubprocessLogger(__name__)

class PipeRelay(Relay):
    """When delivery attempts are made on this object, it will create a new
    subprocess and pipe envelope data to it. Delivery success or failure
    depends on the return code of the sub-process and error messages are pulled
    from standard error output.

    To facilitate passing the |Envelope| metadata, the process's command-line
    arguments can be populated with macros replaced using :py:meth:`str.format`
    with corresponding keywords:

    * ``{sender}``: The sender address.
    * ``{recipient}``: The first address in the recipient last.
    * ``{message_id}``: The ``Message-Id`` header.