Ejemplo n.º 1
def dplace(A, B, poles, alpha=1e-6):
  """Set the poles of (A - BF) to poles.

    A: numpy.matrix(n x n), The A matrix.
    B: numpy.matrix(n x m), The B matrix.
    poles: array(imaginary numbers), The poles to use.  Complex conjugates poles
      must be in pairs.

    ValueError: Arguments were the wrong shape or there were too many poles.
    PolePlacementError: Pole placement failed.

    numpy.matrix(m x n), K
  # See http://www.icm.tu-bs.de/NICONET/doc/SB01BD.html for a description of the
  # fortran code that this is cleaning up the interface to.
  n = A.shape[0]
  if A.shape[1] != n:
    raise ValueError("A must be square")
  if B.shape[0] != n:
    raise ValueError("B must have the same number of states as A.")
  m = B.shape[1]

  num_poles = len(poles)
  if num_poles > n:
    raise ValueError("Trying to place more poles than states.")

  out = slycot.sb01bd(n=n,

  A_z = numpy.matrix(out[0])
  num_too_small_eigenvalues = out[2]
  num_assigned_eigenvalues = out[3]
  num_uncontrollable_eigenvalues = out[4]
  K = numpy.matrix(-out[5])
  Z = numpy.matrix(out[6])

  if num_too_small_eigenvalues != 0:
    raise PolePlacementError("Number of eigenvalues that are too small "
                             "and are therefore unmodified is %d." %
  if num_assigned_eigenvalues != num_poles:
    raise PolePlacementError("Did not place all the eigenvalues that were "
                             "requested. Only placed %d eigenvalues." %
  if num_uncontrollable_eigenvalues != 0:
    raise PolePlacementError("Found %d uncontrollable eigenvlaues." %

  return K
Ejemplo n.º 2
def place(A, B, p):
    """Place closed loop eigenvalues

    A : 2-d array
        Dynamics matrix
    B : 2-d array
        Input matrix
    p : 1-d list
        Desired eigenvalue locations

    K : 2-d array
        Gains such that A - B K has given eigenvalues

    >>> A = [[-1, -1], [0, 1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> K = place(A, B, [-2, -5])

    # Make sure that SLICOT is installed
        from slycot import sb01bd
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb01bd'")

    # Convert the system inputs to NumPy arrays
    A_mat = np.array(A);
    B_mat = np.array(B);
    if (A_mat.shape[0] != A_mat.shape[1] or
        A_mat.shape[0] != B_mat.shape[0]):
        raise ControlDimension("matrix dimensions are incorrect")

    # Compute the system eigenvalues and convert poles to numpy array
    system_eigs = np.linalg.eig(A_mat)[0]
    placed_eigs = np.array(p);

    # SB01BD sets eigenvalues with real part less than alpha
    # We want to place all poles of the system => set alpha to minimum
    alpha = min(system_eigs.real);

    # Call SLICOT routine to place the eigenvalues
    A_z,w,nfp,nap,nup,F,Z = \
        sb01bd(B_mat.shape[0], B_mat.shape[1], len(placed_eigs), alpha,
               A_mat, B_mat, placed_eigs, 'C');

    # Return the gain matrix, with MATLAB gain convention
    return -F
Ejemplo n.º 3
def place(A, B, p):
    """Place closed loop eigenvalues

    A : 2-d array
        Dynamics matrix
    B : 2-d array
        Input matrix
    p : 1-d list
        Desired eigenvalue locations

    K : 2-d array
        Gains such that A - B K has given eigenvalues

    >>> A = [[-1, -1], [0, 1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> K = place(A, B, [-2, -5])

    # Make sure that SLICOT is installed
        from slycot import sb01bd
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb01bd'")

    # Convert the system inputs to NumPy arrays
    A_mat = np.array(A);
    B_mat = np.array(B);
    if (A_mat.shape[0] != A_mat.shape[1] or
        A_mat.shape[0] != B_mat.shape[0]):
        raise ControlDimension("matrix dimensions are incorrect")

    # Compute the system eigenvalues and convert poles to numpy array
    system_eigs = np.linalg.eig(A_mat)[0]
    placed_eigs = np.array(p);

    # SB01BD sets eigenvalues with real part less than alpha
    # We want to place all poles of the system => set alpha to minimum
    alpha = min(system_eigs.real);

    # Call SLICOT routine to place the eigenvalues
    A_z,w,nfp,nap,nup,F,Z = \
        sb01bd(B_mat.shape[0], B_mat.shape[1], len(placed_eigs), alpha,
               A_mat, B_mat, placed_eigs, 'C');

    # Return the gain matrix, with MATLAB gain convention
    return -F
Ejemplo n.º 4
def place_varg(A, B, Ns, Nu, P_real, P_imag):
    # import numpy.distutils.system_info as sysinfo
    # p = sysinfo.get_info('lapack_opt')
    # print(p)

    import numpy as np
    # import numpy as np
    # import scipy.linalg as linalg
    import sys
    # #import ipdb
    # # old_path = '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/control-dev-py2.7.egg'
    # # paths = sys.path
    # # if old_path in paths:
    # #     sys.path.remove(old_path)
    slycot_path = '/home/arnold/pythonBox/control_dev/slycot-rabraker/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/'
    if slycot_path not in sys.path:

    # # A = np.array([[0, 1],[100, 0]])
    # # B = np.array([[0],[1]])

    # # Pdes = np.array([-20 + 10*1j, -20 - 10*1j])

    # # #######################################################
    from slycot import sb01bd

    A = np.array(A)
    A = A.reshape((Ns, Ns), order='F')
    # A = np.array([[0.9904, -0.0897,    0.0399],
    #               [0.1594,    0.9928,    0.0032],
    #               [0,         0,    1.0000]])
    B = np.array(B, order='F')
    B = B.reshape((Ns, Nu))
    Pdes = np.array(P_real) + np.array(P_imag)*1j

    # # # SB01BD sets eigenvalues with real part less than alpha
    # # # We want to place all poles of the system => set alpha to minimum
    #alpha = min(np.linalg.eigvals(A).real)*0
    alpha = 0.1
    # # # # Call SLICOT routine to place the eigenvalues
    A_z,w,nfp,nap,nup,K,Z = sb01bd(B.shape[0], B.shape[1],
                               len(Pdes), alpha, A, B, Pdes, 'D')
    #print 'Placed Poles: %s'%np.linalg.eigvals(A + B.dot(K))

    import array
    return array.array('d', K.flatten())
Ejemplo n.º 5
def place_varga(A, B, p, dtime=False, alpha=None):
    """Place closed loop eigenvalues
    K = place_varga(A, B, p, dtime=False, alpha=None)

    Required Parameters
    A : 2D array_like
        Dynamics matrix
    B : 2D array_like
        Input matrix
    p : 1D array_like
        Desired eigenvalue locations

    Optional Parameters
    dtime : bool
        False for continuous time pole placement or True for discrete time.
        The default is dtime=False.

    alpha : double scalar
        If `dtime` is false then place_varga will leave the eigenvalues with
        real part less than alpha untouched.  If `dtime` is true then
        place_varga will leave eigenvalues with modulus less than alpha

        By default (alpha=None), place_varga computes alpha such that all
        poles will be placed.

    K : 2D array (or matrix)
        Gain such that A - B K has eigenvalues given in p.

    This function is a wrapper for the slycot function sb01bd, which
    implements the pole placement algorithm of Varga [1]. In contrast to the
    algorithm used by place(), the Varga algorithm can place multiple poles at
    the same location. The placement, however, may not be as robust.

    [1] Varga A. "A Schur method for pole assignment."  IEEE Trans. Automatic
        Control, Vol. AC-26, pp. 517-519, 1981.

    The return type for 2D arrays depends on the default class set for
    state space operations.  See :func:`~control.use_numpy_matrix`.

    >>> A = [[-1, -1], [0, 1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> K = place_varga(A, B, [-2, -5])

    See Also:
    place, acker


    # Make sure that SLICOT is installed
        from slycot import sb01bd
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb01bd'")

    # Convert the system inputs to NumPy arrays
    A_mat = np.array(A)
    B_mat = np.array(B)
    if (A_mat.shape[0] != A_mat.shape[1] or A_mat.shape[0] != B_mat.shape[0]):
        raise ControlDimension("matrix dimensions are incorrect")

    # Compute the system eigenvalues and convert poles to numpy array
    system_eigs = np.linalg.eig(A_mat)[0]
    placed_eigs = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.asarray(p)))

    # Need a character parameter for SB01BD
    if dtime:
        DICO = 'D'
        DICO = 'C'

    if alpha is None:
        # SB01BD ignores eigenvalues with real part less than alpha
        # (if DICO='C') or with modulus less than alpha
        # (if DICO = 'D').
        if dtime:
            # For discrete time, slycot only cares about modulus, so just make
            # alpha the smallest it can be.
            alpha = 0.0
            # Choosing alpha=min_eig is insufficient and can lead to an
            # error or not having all the eigenvalues placed that we wanted.
            # Evidently, what python thinks are the eigs is not precisely
            # the same as what slicot thinks are the eigs. So we need some
            # numerical breathing room. The following is pretty heuristic,
            # but does the trick
            alpha = -2*abs(min(system_eigs.real))
    elif dtime and alpha < 0.0:
        raise ValueError("Discrete time systems require alpha > 0")

    # Call SLICOT routine to place the eigenvalues
    A_z, w, nfp, nap, nup, F, Z = \
        sb01bd(B_mat.shape[0], B_mat.shape[1], len(placed_eigs), alpha,
               A_mat, B_mat, placed_eigs, DICO)

    # Return the gain matrix, with MATLAB gain convention
    return _ssmatrix(-F)
Ejemplo n.º 6
# System matrices
A = np.matrix([[1, -1, 1.], [1, -k / m, -b / m], [1, 1, 1]])
B = np.matrix([[0], [1 / m], [1]])
C = np.matrix([[1., 0, 1.]])
sys = ss(A, B, C, 0)

# Python control may be used without slycot, for example for a pole placement.
# Eigenvalue placement
w = [-3, -2, -1]
K = place(A, B, w)
print("[python-control (from scipy)] K = ", K)
print("[python-control (from scipy)] eigs = ", np.linalg.eig(A - B * K)[0])

# Before using one of its routine, check that slycot is installed.
w = np.array([-3, -2, -1])
if slycot_check():
    # Import routine sb01bd used for pole placement.
    from slycot import sb01bd

    n = 3  # Number of states
    m = 1  # Number of inputs
    npp = 3 # Number of placed eigen values
    alpha = 1 # Maximum threshold for eigen values
    dico = 'D'  # Discrete system
    _, _, _, _, _, K, _ = sb01bd(n, m, npp, alpha, A, B, w, dico, tol=0.0, ldwork=None)
    print("[slycot] K = ", K)
    print("[slycot] eigs = ", np.linalg.eig(A + np.dot(B, K))[0])
    print("Slycot is not installed.")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def place_varga(A, B, p):
    """Place closed loop eigenvalues
    K = place_varga(A, B, p)

    A : 2-d array
        Dynamics matrix
    B : 2-d array
        Input matrix
    p : 1-d list
        Desired eigenvalue locations
    K : 2-d array
        Gain such that A - B K has eigenvalues given in p.

        This function is a wrapper for the slycot function sb01bd, which
        implements the pole placement algorithm of Varga [1]. In contrast to
        the algorithm used by place(), the Varga algorithm can place
        multiple poles at the same location. The placement, however, may not
        be as robust.

        [1] Varga A. "A Schur method for pole assignment."
            IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. AC-26, pp. 517-519, 1981.

    >>> A = [[-1, -1], [0, 1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> K = place(A, B, [-2, -5])

    See Also:
    place, acker

    # Make sure that SLICOT is installed
        from slycot import sb01bd
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb01bd'")

    # Convert the system inputs to NumPy arrays
    A_mat = np.array(A);
    B_mat = np.array(B);
    if (A_mat.shape[0] != A_mat.shape[1] or
        A_mat.shape[0] != B_mat.shape[0]):
        raise ControlDimension("matrix dimensions are incorrect")

    # Compute the system eigenvalues and convert poles to numpy array
    system_eigs = np.linalg.eig(A_mat)[0]
    placed_eigs = np.array(p);

    # SB01BD sets eigenvalues with real part less than alpha
    # We want to place all poles of the system => set alpha to minimum
    alpha = min(system_eigs.real);

    # Call SLICOT routine to place the eigenvalues
    A_z,w,nfp,nap,nup,F,Z = \
        sb01bd(B_mat.shape[0], B_mat.shape[1], len(placed_eigs), alpha,
               A_mat, B_mat, placed_eigs, 'C');

    # Return the gain matrix, with MATLAB gain convention
    return -F
w = [-3, -2, -1]
K = place(A, B, w)
print("[python-control (from scipy)] K = ", K)
print("[python-control (from scipy)] eigs = ", np.linalg.eig(A - B * K)[0])

# Before using one of its routine, check that slycot is installed.
w = np.array([-3, -2, -1])
if slycot_check():
    # Import routine sb01bd used for pole placement.
    from slycot import sb01bd

    n = 3  # Number of states
    m = 1  # Number of inputs
    npp = 3  # Number of placed eigen values
    alpha = 1  # Maximum threshold for eigen values
    dico = 'D'  # Discrete system
    _, _, _, _, _, K, _ = sb01bd(n,
    print("[slycot] K = ", K)
    print("[slycot] eigs = ", np.linalg.eig(A + np.dot(B, K))[0])
    print("Slycot is not installed.")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def place_varga(A, B, p):
    """Place closed loop eigenvalues
    K = place_varga(A, B, p)

    A : 2-d array
        Dynamics matrix
    B : 2-d array
        Input matrix
    p : 1-d list
        Desired eigenvalue locations
    K : 2-d array
        Gain such that A - B K has eigenvalues given in p.

        This function is a wrapper for the slycot function sb01bd, which
        implements the pole placement algorithm of Varga [1]. In contrast to
        the algorithm used by place(), the Varga algorithm can place
        multiple poles at the same location. The placement, however, may not
        be as robust.

        [1] Varga A. "A Schur method for pole assignment."
            IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. AC-26, pp. 517-519, 1981.

    >>> A = [[-1, -1], [0, 1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> K = place(A, B, [-2, -5])

    See Also:
    place, acker

    # Make sure that SLICOT is installed
        from slycot import sb01bd
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb01bd'")

    # Convert the system inputs to NumPy arrays
    A_mat = np.array(A);
    B_mat = np.array(B);
    if (A_mat.shape[0] != A_mat.shape[1] or
        A_mat.shape[0] != B_mat.shape[0]):
        raise ControlDimension("matrix dimensions are incorrect")

    # Compute the system eigenvalues and convert poles to numpy array
    system_eigs = np.linalg.eig(A_mat)[0]
    placed_eigs = np.array(p);

    # SB01BD sets eigenvalues with real part less than alpha
    # We want to place all poles of the system => set alpha to minimum
    alpha = min(system_eigs.real);

    # Call SLICOT routine to place the eigenvalues
    A_z,w,nfp,nap,nup,F,Z = \
        sb01bd(B_mat.shape[0], B_mat.shape[1], len(placed_eigs), alpha,
               A_mat, B_mat, placed_eigs, 'C');

    # Return the gain matrix, with MATLAB gain convention
    return -F
Ejemplo n.º 10
def place_varga(A, B, p, dtime=False, alpha=None):
    """Place closed loop eigenvalues
    K = place_varga(A, B, p, dtime=False, alpha=None)

    Required Parameters
    A : 2-d array
        Dynamics matrix
    B : 2-d array
        Input matrix
    p : 1-d list
        Desired eigenvalue locations

    Optional Parameters
    dtime: False for continuous time pole placement or True for discrete time.
            The default is dtime=False.
    alpha: double scalar
           If DICO='C', then place_varga will leave the eigenvalues with real
           real part less than alpha untouched.
           If DICO='D', the place_varga will leave eigenvalues with modulus
           less than alpha untouched.

           By default (alpha=None), place_varga computes alpha such that all
           poles will be placed.

    K : 2-d array
        Gain such that A - B K has eigenvalues given in p.

        This function is a wrapper for the slycot function sb01bd, which
        implements the pole placement algorithm of Varga [1]. In contrast to
        the algorithm used by place(), the Varga algorithm can place
        multiple poles at the same location. The placement, however, may not
        be as robust.

        [1] Varga A. "A Schur method for pole assignment."
            IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. AC-26, pp. 517-519, 1981.

    >>> A = [[-1, -1], [0, 1]]
    >>> B = [[0], [1]]
    >>> K = place_varga(A, B, [-2, -5])

    See Also:
    place, acker

    # Make sure that SLICOT is installed
        from slycot import sb01bd
    except ImportError:
        raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb01bd'")

    # Convert the system inputs to NumPy arrays
    A_mat = np.array(A)
    B_mat = np.array(B)
    if (A_mat.shape[0] != A_mat.shape[1] or
        A_mat.shape[0] != B_mat.shape[0]):
        raise ControlDimension("matrix dimensions are incorrect")

    # Compute the system eigenvalues and convert poles to numpy array
    system_eigs = np.linalg.eig(A_mat)[0]
    placed_eigs = np.array(p)

    # Need a character parameter for SB01BD
    if dtime:
        DICO = 'D'
        DICO = 'C'

    if alpha is None:
        # SB01BD ignores eigenvalues with real part less than alpha
        # (if DICO='C') or with modulus less than alpha
        # (if DICO = 'D').
        if dtime:
            # For discrete time, slycot only cares about modulus, so just make
            # alpha the smallest it can be.
            alpha = 0.0
            # Choosing alpha=min_eig is insufficient and can lead to an
            # error or not having all the eigenvalues placed that we wanted.
            # Evidently, what python thinks are the eigs is not precisely
            # the same as what slicot thinks are the eigs. So we need some
            # numerical breathing room. The following is pretty heuristic,
            # but does the trick
            alpha = -2*abs(min(system_eigs.real))
    elif dtime and alpha < 0.0:
        raise ValueError("Need alpha > 0 when DICO='D'")

    # Call SLICOT routine to place the eigenvalues
    A_z,w,nfp,nap,nup,F,Z = \
        sb01bd(B_mat.shape[0], B_mat.shape[1], len(placed_eigs), alpha,
               A_mat, B_mat, placed_eigs, DICO)

    # Return the gain matrix, with MATLAB gain convention
    return -F