Ejemplo n.º 1
def gram(sys, type):
    """Gramian (controllability or observability)

    sys : StateSpace
        System description
    type : String
        Type of desired computation.  `type` is either 'c' (controllability)
        or 'o' (observability). To compute the Cholesky factors of Gramians
        use 'cf' (controllability) or 'of' (observability)

    gram : 2D array (or matrix)
        Gramian of system

        * if system is not instance of StateSpace class
        * if `type` is not 'c', 'o', 'cf' or 'of'
        * if system is unstable (sys.A has eigenvalues not in left half plane)

        if slycot routine sb03md cannot be found
        if slycot routine sb03od cannot be found

    The return type for 2D arrays depends on the default class set for
    state space operations.  See :func:`~control.use_numpy_matrix`.

    >>> Wc = gram(sys, 'c')
    >>> Wo = gram(sys, 'o')
    >>> Rc = gram(sys, 'cf'), where Wc = Rc' * Rc
    >>> Ro = gram(sys, 'of'), where Wo = Ro' * Ro


    # Check for ss system object
    if not isinstance(sys, statesp.StateSpace):
        raise ValueError("System must be StateSpace!")
    if type not in ['c', 'o', 'cf', 'of']:
        raise ValueError("That type is not supported!")

    # TODO: Check for continuous or discrete, only continuous supported for now
        # if isCont():
        #    dico = 'C'
        # elif isDisc():
        #    dico = 'D'
        # else:
    dico = 'C'

    # TODO: Check system is stable, perhaps a utility in ctrlutil.py
    # or a method of the StateSpace class?
    if np.any(np.linalg.eigvals(sys.A).real >= 0.0):
        raise ValueError("Oops, the system is unstable!")

    if type == 'c' or type == 'o':
        # Compute Gramian by the Slycot routine sb03md
        # make sure Slycot is installed
        if sb03md is None:
            raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03md'")
        if type == 'c':
            tra = 'T'
            C = -sys.B @ sys.B.T
        elif type == 'o':
            tra = 'N'
            C = -sys.C.T @ sys.C
        n = sys.nstates
        U = np.zeros((n, n))
        A = np.array(sys.A)         # convert to NumPy array for slycot
        X, scale, sep, ferr, w = sb03md(
            n, C, A, U, dico, job='X', fact='N', trana=tra)
        gram = X
        return _ssmatrix(gram)

    elif type == 'cf' or type == 'of':
        # Compute cholesky factored gramian from slycot routine sb03od
        if sb03od is None:
            raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03od'")
        tra = 'N'
        n = sys.nstates
        Q = np.zeros((n, n))
        A = np.array(sys.A)         # convert to NumPy array for slycot
        if type == 'cf':
            m = sys.B.shape[1]
            B = np.zeros_like(A)
            B[0:m, 0:n] = sys.B.transpose()
            X, scale, w = sb03od(
                n, m, A.transpose(), Q, B, dico, fact='N', trans=tra)
        elif type == 'of':
            m = sys.C.shape[0]
            C = np.zeros_like(A)
            C[0:n, 0:m] = sys.C.transpose()
            X, scale, w = sb03od(
                n, m, A, Q, C.transpose(), dico, fact='N', trans=tra)
        gram = X
        return _ssmatrix(gram)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def gram(sys,type):
    """Gramian (controllability or observability)

    sys: StateSpace
        State-space system to compute Gramian for
    type: String
        Type of desired computation.
        `type` is either 'c' (controllability) or 'o' (observability). To compute the
        Cholesky factors of gramians use 'cf' (controllability) or 'of' (observability)

    gram: array
        Gramian of system

        * if system is not instance of StateSpace class
        * if `type` is not 'c', 'o', 'cf' or 'of'
        * if system is unstable (sys.A has eigenvalues not in left half plane)

        if slycot routine sb03md cannot be found
        if slycot routine sb03od cannot be found

    >>> Wc = gram(sys,'c')
    >>> Wo = gram(sys,'o')
    >>> Rc = gram(sys,'cf'), where Wc=Rc'*Rc
    >>> Ro = gram(sys,'of'), where Wo=Ro'*Ro


    #Check for ss system object
    if not isinstance(sys,statesp.StateSpace):
        raise ValueError("System must be StateSpace!")
    if type not in ['c', 'o', 'cf', 'of']:
        raise ValueError("That type is not supported!")

    #TODO: Check for continous or discrete, only continuous supported right now
        # if isCont():
        #    dico = 'C'
        # elif isDisc():
        #    dico = 'D'
        # else:
    dico = 'C'

    #TODO: Check system is stable, perhaps a utility in ctrlutil.py
        # or a method of the StateSpace class?
    if np.any(np.linalg.eigvals(sys.A).real >= 0.0):
        raise ValueError("Oops, the system is unstable!")

    if type=='c' or type=='o':
        #Compute Gramian by the Slycot routine sb03md
        #make sure Slycot is installed
            from slycot import sb03md
        except ImportError:
            raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03md'")
        if type=='c':
            tra = 'T'
            C = -np.dot(sys.B,sys.B.transpose())
        elif type=='o':
            tra = 'N'
            C = -np.dot(sys.C.transpose(),sys.C)
        n = sys.states
        U = np.zeros((n,n))
        A = np.array(sys.A)         # convert to NumPy array for slycot
        X,scale,sep,ferr,w = sb03md(n, C, A, U, dico, job='X', fact='N', trana=tra)
        gram = X
        return gram

    elif type=='cf' or type=='of':
        #Compute cholesky factored gramian from slycot routine sb03od
            from slycot import sb03od
        except ImportError:
            raise ControlSlycot("can't find slycot module 'sb03od'")
        n = sys.states
        Q = np.zeros((n,n))
        A = np.array(sys.A)         # convert to NumPy array for slycot
        if type=='cf':
            m = sys.B.shape[1]
            B = np.zeros_like(A)
            B[0:m,0:n] = sys.B.transpose()
            X,scale,w = sb03od(n, m, A.transpose(), Q, B, dico, fact='N', trans=tra)
        elif type=='of':
            m = sys.C.shape[0]
            C = np.zeros_like(A)
            C[0:n,0:m] = sys.C.transpose()
            X,scale,w = sb03od(n, m, A, Q, C.transpose(), dico, fact='N', trans=tra)
        gram = X
        return gram