Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, newcardonly=False, readers=None, cardType=None, cardServiceClass=None, timeout=1):
        """Construct new PCSCCardRequest.

        @param newcardonly: if True, request a new card default is
        False, i.e. accepts cards already inserted

        @param readers: the list of readers to consider for requesting a
        card default is to consider all readers

        @param cardTypeClass: the CardType class to wait for; default is
        AnyCardType, i.e.  the request will returns with new or already
        inserted cards

        @param cardServiceClass: the specific card service class to
        create and bind to the card default is to create and bind a

        @param timeout: the time in seconds we are ready to wait for
        connecting to the requested card.  default is to wait one second
        to wait forever, set timeout to None
        AbstractCardRequest.__init__(self, newcardonly, readers, cardType, cardServiceClass, timeout)

        # polling interval in s for SCardGetStatusChange
        self.pollinginterval = 0.1

        # if timeout is None, translate to scard.INFINITE
        if None == self.timeout:
            self.timeout = INFINITE
        # otherwise, from seconds to milliseconds
            self.timeout = int(self.timeout)

        self.hcontext = PCSCContext().getContext()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, newcardonly=False, readers=None,
                 cardType=None, cardServiceClass=None, timeout=1,
        """Construct new PCSCCardRequest.
        @param newcardonly: if True, request a new card default is
        False, i.e. accepts cards already inserted
        @param readers: the list of readers to consider for requesting a
        card default is to consider all readers
        @param cardType: the CardType class to wait for; default is
        AnyCardType, i.e.  the request will returns with new or already
        inserted cards
        @param cardServiceClass: the specific card service class to
        create and bind to the card default is to create and bind a
        @param timeout: the time in seconds we are ready to wait for
        connecting to the requested card.  default is to wait one second
        to wait forever, set timeout to None
            self, newcardonly, readers, cardType, cardServiceClass, timeout)

        self.msr_active = True if msr_active == True else False
        # polling interval in s for SCardGetStatusChange
        self.pollinginterval = 0.01 if self.msr_active else 0.005 # normal 0.1

        # if timeout is None, translate to scard.INFINITE
        if None == self.timeout:
            self.timeout = INFINITE
        # otherwise, from seconds to milliseconds
            self.timeout = int(self.timeout)

        self.hcontext = PCSCContext().getContext()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def waitforcardevent(self):
        """Wait for card insertion or removal."""
        presentcards = []
        evt = threading.Event()

        # for non infinite timeout, a timer will signal the end of the time-out
        if INFINITE == self.timeout:
            timertimeout = 1
            timertimeout = self.timeout
        timer = threading.Timer(
            timertimeout, signalEvent, [evt, INFINITE == self.timeout])

        # get status change until time-out, e.g. evt is set
        readerstates = {}
        timerstarted = False

        while not evt.isSet():

            if not timerstarted:
                timerstarted = True


            # reinitialize at each iteration just in case a new reader appeared
            readernames = self.getReaderNames()
            for reader in readernames:
                # create a dictionary entry for new readers
                if not reader in readerstates:
                    readerstates[reader] = (reader, SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE)
            # remove dictionary entry for readers that disappeared
            for oldreader in readerstates.keys():
                if oldreader not in readernames:
                    del readerstates[oldreader]

            # get status change
            if {} != readerstates:
                hresult, newstates = SCardGetStatusChange(
                    self.hcontext, 0, readerstates.values())
                hresult = 0
                newstates = []

            # time-out
            if SCARD_E_TIMEOUT == hresult:
                if evt.isSet():
                    raise CardRequestTimeoutException()

            # the reader was unplugged during the loop
            elif SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER == hresult:

            # some error happened
            elif 0 != hresult:
                raise CardRequestException(
                    'Failed to get status change ' + \

            # something changed!
                for state in newstates:
                    readername, eventstate, atr = state
                    r, oldstate = readerstates[readername]

                    # the status can change on a card already inserted, e.g.
                    # unpowered, in use, ... Clear the state changed bit if
                    # the card was already inserted and is still inserted
                    if oldstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                        eventstate & \
                            (SCARD_STATE_CHANGED | SCARD_STATE_PRESENT):
                        eventstate = eventstate & \
                            (0xFFFFFFFF ^ SCARD_STATE_CHANGED)

                    if eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                       eventstate & SCARD_STATE_CHANGED:
                        presentcards.append(Card.Card(readername, atr))
                return presentcards

        if evt.isSet():
            raise CardRequestTimeoutException()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def waitforcard(self):
        """Wait for card insertion and returns a card service."""
        cardfound = False

        # for non infinite timeout, a timer will signal
        # the end of the time-out by setting the evt event
        evt = threading.Event()
        if INFINITE == self.timeout:
            timertimeout = 1
            timertimeout = self.timeout
        timer = threading.Timer(
            timertimeout, signalEvent, [evt, INFINITE == self.timeout])

        # create a dictionary entry for new readers
        readerstates = {}
        readernames = self.getReaderNames()
        for reader in readernames:
            if not reader in readerstates:
                readerstates[reader] = (reader, SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE)

        # remove dictionary entry for readers that disappeared
        for oldreader in readerstates.keys():
            if oldreader not in readernames:
                del readerstates[oldreader]

        # call SCardGetStatusChange only if we have some readers
        if {} != readerstates:
            hresult, newstates = SCardGetStatusChange(
                self.hcontext, 0, readerstates.values())
            hresult = 0
            newstates = []

        # we can expect normally time-outs or reader
        # disappearing just before the call
        # otherwise, raise execption on error
        if 0 != hresult and \
            SCARD_E_TIMEOUT != hresult and \
            SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER != hresult:
                raise CardRequestException(
                    'Failed to SCardGetStatusChange ' + \

        # in case of timeout or reader disappearing,
        # the content of the states is useless
        # in which case we clear the changed bit
        if SCARD_E_TIMEOUT == hresult or SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER == hresult:
            for state in newstates:
                state[1] = state[1] & (0xFFFFFFFF ^ SCARD_STATE_CHANGED)

        # update readerstate
        for state in newstates:
            readername, eventstate, atr = state
            readerstates[readername] = (readername, eventstate)

        # if a new card is not requested, just return the first available
        if not self.newcardonly:
            for state in newstates:
                readername, eventstate, atr = state
                if eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT:
                    reader = PCSCReader(readername)
                    if self.cardType.matches(atr, reader):
                        if self.cardServiceClass.supports('dummy'):
                            cardfound = True
                            return self.cardServiceClass(

        timerstarted = False
        while not evt.isSet() and not cardfound:

            if not timerstarted:
                timerstarted = True


            # create a dictionary entry for new readers
            readernames = self.getReaderNames()
            for reader in readernames:
                if not reader in readerstates:
                    readerstates[reader] = (reader, SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE)

            # remove dictionary entry for readers that disappeared
            for oldreader in readerstates.keys():
                if oldreader not in readernames:
                    del readerstates[oldreader]

            # wait for card insertion
            if {} != readerstates:
                hresult, newstates = SCardGetStatusChange(
                    self.hcontext, 0, readerstates.values())
                hresult = SCARD_E_TIMEOUT
                newstates = []

            # time-out
            if SCARD_E_TIMEOUT == hresult:
                if evt.isSet():
                    raise CardRequestTimeoutException()

            # reader vanished before or during the call
            elif SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER == hresult:

            # some error happened
            elif 0 != hresult:
                raise CardRequestException(
                    'Failed to get status change ' + \

            # something changed!

                # check if we have to return a match, i.e.
                # if no new card in inserted and there is a card found
                # or if a new card is requested, and there is a change+present
                for state in newstates:
                    readername, eventstate, atr = state
                    r, oldstate = readerstates[readername]

                    # the status can change on a card already inserted, e.g.
                    # unpowered, in use, ...
                    # if a new card is requested, clear the state changed bit
                    # if the card was already inserted and is still inserted
                    if self.newcardonly:
                        if oldstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                            eventstate & \
                                (SCARD_STATE_CHANGED | SCARD_STATE_PRESENT):
                            eventstate = eventstate & \
                                (0xFFFFFFFF ^ SCARD_STATE_CHANGED)

                    if (self.newcardonly and \
                            eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                            eventstate & SCARD_STATE_CHANGED) or \
                        (not self.newcardonly and \
                         eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT):
                        reader = PCSCReader(readername)
                        if self.cardType.matches(atr, reader):
                            if self.cardServiceClass.supports('dummy'):
                                cardfound = True
                                return self.cardServiceClass(

                    # update state dictionary
                    readerstates[readername] = (readername, eventstate)

            if evt.isSet():
                raise CardRequestTimeoutException()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def waitforcardevent(self):
        """Wait for card insertion or removal."""
        presentcards = []
        evt = threading.Event()

        # for non infinite timeout, a timer will signal the end of the time-out
        if INFINITE == self.timeout:
            timertimeout = 1
            timertimeout = self.timeout
        timer = threading.Timer(timertimeout, signalEvent,
                                [evt, INFINITE == self.timeout])

        # get status change until time-out, e.g. evt is set
        readerstates = {}
        timerstarted = False

        while not evt.isSet():

            if not timerstarted:
                timerstarted = True


            # reinitialize at each iteration just in case a new reader appeared
            readernames = self.getReaderNames()
            for reader in readernames:
                # create a dictionary entry for new readers
                if not reader in readerstates:
                    readerstates[reader] = (reader, SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE)
            # remove dictionary entry for readers that disappeared
            for oldreader in readerstates.keys():
                if oldreader not in readernames:
                    del readerstates[oldreader]

            # get status change
            if {} != readerstates:
                hresult, newstates = SCardGetStatusChange(
                    self.hcontext, 0, readerstates.values())
                hresult = 0
                newstates = []

            # time-out
            if SCARD_E_TIMEOUT == hresult:
                if evt.isSet():
                    raise CardRequestTimeoutException()

            # the reader was unplugged during the loop
            elif SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER == hresult:

            # some error happened
            elif 0 != hresult:
                raise CardRequestException(
                    'Failed to get status change ' + \

            # something changed!
                for state in newstates:
                    readername, eventstate, atr = state
                    r, oldstate = readerstates[readername]

                    # the status can change on a card already inserted, e.g.
                    # unpowered, in use, ... Clear the state changed bit if
                    # the card was already inserted and is still inserted
                    if oldstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                        eventstate & \
                            (SCARD_STATE_CHANGED | SCARD_STATE_PRESENT):
                        eventstate = eventstate & \
                            (0xFFFFFFFF ^ SCARD_STATE_CHANGED)

                    if eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                       eventstate & SCARD_STATE_CHANGED:
                        presentcards.append(Card.Card(readername, atr))
                return presentcards

        if evt.isSet():
            raise CardRequestTimeoutException()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def waitforcard(self):
        """Wait for card insertion and returns a card service."""
        cardfound = False

        # for non infinite timeout, a timer will signal
        # the end of the time-out by setting the evt event
        evt = threading.Event()
        if INFINITE == self.timeout:
            timertimeout = 1
            timertimeout = self.timeout
        timer = threading.Timer(timertimeout, signalEvent,
                                [evt, INFINITE == self.timeout])

        # create a dictionary entry for new readers
        readerstates = {}
        readernames = self.getReaderNames()
        for reader in readernames:
            if not reader in readerstates:
                readerstates[reader] = (reader, SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE)

        # remove dictionary entry for readers that disappeared
        for oldreader in readerstates.keys():
            if oldreader not in readernames:
                del readerstates[oldreader]

        # call SCardGetStatusChange only if we have some readers
        if {} != readerstates:
            hresult, newstates = SCardGetStatusChange(self.hcontext, 0,
            hresult = 0
            newstates = []

        # we can expect normally time-outs or reader
        # disappearing just before the call
        # otherwise, raise execption on error
        if 0 != hresult and \
            SCARD_E_TIMEOUT != hresult and \
            SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER != hresult:
            raise CardRequestException(
                'Failed to SCardGetStatusChange ' + \

        # in case of timeout or reader disappearing,
        # the content of the states is useless
        # in which case we clear the changed bit
        if SCARD_E_TIMEOUT == hresult or SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER == hresult:
            for state in newstates:
                state[1] = state[1] & (0xFFFFFFFF ^ SCARD_STATE_CHANGED)

        # update readerstate
        for state in newstates:
            readername, eventstate, atr = state
            readerstates[readername] = (readername, eventstate)

        # if a new card is not requested, just return the first available
        if not self.newcardonly:
            for state in newstates:
                readername, eventstate, atr = state
                if eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT:
                    reader = PCSCReader(readername)
                    if self.cardType.matches(atr, reader):
                        if self.cardServiceClass.supports('dummy'):
                            cardfound = True
                            return self.cardServiceClass(

        timerstarted = False
        while not evt.isSet() and not cardfound:

            if not timerstarted:
                timerstarted = True


            # create a dictionary entry for new readers
            readernames = self.getReaderNames()
            for reader in readernames:
                if not reader in readerstates:
                    readerstates[reader] = (reader, SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE)

            # remove dictionary entry for readers that disappeared
            for oldreader in readerstates.keys():
                if oldreader not in readernames:
                    del readerstates[oldreader]

            # wait for card insertion
            if {} != readerstates:
                hresult, newstates = SCardGetStatusChange(
                    self.hcontext, 0, readerstates.values())
                hresult = SCARD_E_TIMEOUT
                newstates = []

            # time-out
            if SCARD_E_TIMEOUT == hresult:
                if evt.isSet():
                    raise CardRequestTimeoutException()

            # reader vanished before or during the call
            elif SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER == hresult:

            # some error happened
            elif 0 != hresult:
                raise CardRequestException(
                    'Failed to get status change ' + \

            # something changed!

                # check if we have to return a match, i.e.
                # if no new card in inserted and there is a card found
                # or if a new card is requested, and there is a change+present
                for state in newstates:
                    readername, eventstate, atr = state
                    r, oldstate = readerstates[readername]

                    # the status can change on a card already inserted, e.g.
                    # unpowered, in use, ...
                    # if a new card is requested, clear the state changed bit
                    # if the card was already inserted and is still inserted
                    if self.newcardonly:
                        if oldstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                            eventstate & \
                                (SCARD_STATE_CHANGED | SCARD_STATE_PRESENT):
                            eventstate = eventstate & \
                                (0xFFFFFFFF ^ SCARD_STATE_CHANGED)

                    if (self.newcardonly and \
                            eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                            eventstate & SCARD_STATE_CHANGED) or \
                        (not self.newcardonly and \
                         eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT):
                        reader = PCSCReader(readername)
                        if self.cardType.matches(atr, reader):
                            if self.cardServiceClass.supports('dummy'):
                                cardfound = True
                                return self.cardServiceClass(

                    # update state dictionary
                    readerstates[readername] = (readername, eventstate)

            if evt.isSet():
                raise CardRequestTimeoutException()
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def readCard(self, dend, msr):
        """Wait for card insertion and returns a card service."""
        cardfound = False

        data = []
        swiped = False

        # for non infinite timeout, a timer will signal
        # the end of the time-out by setting the evt event
        evt = Event()
        if INFINITE == self.timeout:
            timertimeout = 1
            timertimeout = self.timeout
        timer = Timer(
            timertimeout, signalEvent, [evt, INFINITE == self.timeout])

        # create a dictionary entry for new readers
        readerstates = {}
        readernames = self.getReaderNames()
        for reader in readernames:
            if not reader in readerstates:
                readerstates[reader] = (reader, SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE)

        # remove dictionary entry for readers that disappeared
        for oldreader in list(readerstates.keys()):
            if oldreader not in readernames:
                del readerstates[oldreader]

        # call SCardGetStatusChange only if we have some readers
        if {} != readerstates:
            hresult, newstates = SCardGetStatusChange(
                self.hcontext, 0, list(readerstates.values()))
            hresult = 0
            newstates = []

        # we can expect normally time-outs or reader
        # disappearing just before the call
        # otherwise, raise execption on error
        if 0 != hresult and \
            SCARD_E_TIMEOUT != hresult and \
            SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER != hresult:
                raise CardRequestException(
                    'Failed to SCardGetStatusChange ' + \

        # in case of timeout or reader disappearing,
        # the content of the states is useless
        # in which case we clear the changed bit
        if SCARD_E_TIMEOUT == hresult or SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER == hresult:
            for state in newstates:
                state[1] = state[1] & (0xFFFFFFFF ^ SCARD_STATE_CHANGED)

        # update readerstate
        for state in newstates:
            readername, eventstate, atr = state
            readerstates[readername] = (readername, eventstate)

        # if a new card is not requested, just return the first available
        if not self.newcardonly:
            for state in newstates:
                readername, eventstate, atr = state
                if eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT:
                    reader = PCSCReader(readername)
                    if self.cardType.matches(atr, reader):
                        if self.cardServiceClass.supports('dummy'):
                            cardfound = True
                            return self.cardservice(reader)
        while not evt.isSet() and not cardfound:
            sleep(self.pollinginterval) # PCSC refresh rate
            # create a dictionary entry for new readers
            readernames = self.getReaderNames()
            for reader in readernames:
                if not reader in readerstates:
                    readerstates[reader] = (reader, SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE)

            # remove dictionary entry for readers that disappeared
            for oldreader in list(readerstates.keys()):
                if oldreader not in readernames:
                    del readerstates[oldreader]

            # wait for card insertion
            if {} != readerstates:
                hresult, newstates = SCardGetStatusChange(
                    self.hcontext, 0, list(readerstates.values()))
                hresult = SCARD_E_TIMEOUT
                newstates = []

            # msr-read card intermezzo
            if not self.msr_active:
                    if swiped:
                        return msr.process_data(data)
                    data += msr.device.read(dend.bEndpointAddress, dend.wMaxPacketSize, 5) 
                    if len(data) >= 537:
                        swiped = True
                except usb.core.USBError as e:
                    if e.args == ('Operation timed out',):
                        print('Invalid swipe, discarding %s bytes of data', len(data))
                        data = []

            # time-out
            if SCARD_E_TIMEOUT == hresult:
                if evt.isSet():
                    raise CardRequestTimeoutException()

            # reader vanished before or during the call
            elif SCARD_E_UNKNOWN_READER == hresult:

            # some error happened
            elif 0 != hresult:
                raise CardRequestException(
                    'Failed to get status change ' + \

            # something changed!
                # check if we have to return a match, i.e.
                # if no new card in inserted and there is a card found
                # or if a new card is requested, and there is a change+present
                for state in newstates:
                    readername, eventstate, atr = state
                    r, oldstate = readerstates[readername]

                    # the status can change on a card already inserted, e.g.
                    # unpowered, in use, ...
                    # if a new card is requested, clear the state changed bit
                    # if the card was already inserted and is still inserted

                    if self.newcardonly:
                        if oldstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                            eventstate & \
                                (SCARD_STATE_CHANGED | SCARD_STATE_PRESENT):
                            eventstate = eventstate & \
                                (0xFFFFFFFF ^ SCARD_STATE_CHANGED)

                    if (self.newcardonly and \
                            eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT and \
                            eventstate & SCARD_STATE_CHANGED) or \
                        (not self.newcardonly and \
                         eventstate & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT):
                        reader = PCSCReader(readername)
                        if self.cardType.matches(atr, reader):
                            if self.cardServiceClass.supports('dummy'):
                                cardfound = True
                                # timer.cancel()
                                return self.cardservice(reader)

                    # update state dictionary
                    readerstates[readername] = (readername, eventstate)

            if evt.isSet():
                raise CardRequestTimeoutException()