Ejemplo n.º 1
class DataSetRepoFactory(object):
    def __init__(self, smvApp):
        self.smvApp = smvApp

    def createRepo(self):
        return DataSetRepo(self.smvApp)

    getCreateRepo = create_py4j_interface_method("getCreateRepo", "createRepo")

    class Java:
        implements = ['org.tresamigos.smv.IDataSetRepoFactoryPy4J']
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SmvOutput(object):
    """Mixin which marks an SmvModule as one of the output of its stage

        SmvOutputs are distinct from other SmvDataSets in that
            * SmvModuleLinks can *only* link to SmvOutputs
            * The -s and --run-app options of smv-pyrun only run SmvOutputs and their dependencies.
    IsSmvOutput = True

    def tableName(self):
        """The user-specified table name used when exporting data to Hive (optional)

        return None

    getTableName = create_py4j_interface_method("getTableName", "tableName")
Ejemplo n.º 3
class SmvDataSet(object):
    """Abstract base class for all SmvDataSets

    # Python's issubclass() check does not work well with dynamically
    # loaded modules.  In addition, there are some issues with the
    # check, when the `abc` module is used as a metaclass, that we
    # don't yet quite understand.  So for a workaround we add the
    # typcheck in the Smv hierarchies themselves.
    IsSmvDataSet = True

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, smvApp):
        self.smvApp = smvApp

    def description(self):
        return self.__doc__

    # this doesn't need stack trace protection
    def requiresDS(self):
        """User-specified list of dependencies

            Override this method to specify the SmvDataSets needed as inputs.

                (list(SmvDataSet)): a list of dependencies

    # this doesn't need stacktrace protection
    def dqm(self):
        """DQM policy

            Override this method to define your own DQM policy (optional).
            Default is an empty policy.

                (SmvDQM): a DQM policy
        return SmvDQM()

    def doRun(self, validator, known):
        """Compute this dataset, and return the dataframe"""

    getDoRun = create_py4j_interface_method("getDoRun", "doRun")

    def assert_result_is_dataframe(self, result):
        if not isinstance(result, DataFrame):
            raise SmvRuntimeError(self.fqn() + " produced " +
                                  type(result).__name__ +
                                  " in place of a DataFrame")

    def version(self):
        """Version number

            Each SmvDataSet is versioned with a numeric string, so it and its result
            can be tracked together.

                (str): version number of this SmvDataSet
        return "0"

    def isOutput(self):
        return isinstance(self, SmvOutput)

    getIsOutput = create_py4j_interface_method("getIsOutput", "isOutput")

    # Note that the Scala SmvDataSet will combine sourceCodeHash and instanceValHash
    # to compute datasetHash
    def sourceCodeHash(self):
        """Hash computed based on the source code of the dataset's class
        cls = self.__class__
            src = inspect.getsource(cls)
            src_no_comm = _stripComments(src)
            # DO NOT use the compiled byte code for the hash computation as
            # it doesn't change when constant values are changed.  For example,
            # "a = 5" and "a = 6" compile to same byte code.
            # co_code = compile(src, inspect.getsourcefile(cls), 'exec').co_code
            res = _smvhash(src_no_comm)
        except Exception as err:  # `inspect` will raise error for classes defined in the REPL
            # Instead of handle the case that module defined in REPL, just raise Exception here
            # res = _smvhash(_disassemble(cls))
            message = "{0}({1!r})".format(type(err).__name__, err.args)
            raise Exception(message + "\n" + "SmvDataSet " + self.urn() +
                            " defined in shell can't be persisted")

        # include sourceCodeHash of parent classes
        for m in inspect.getmro(cls):
                if m.IsSmvDataSet and m != cls and not m.fqn().startswith(
                    res += m(self.smvApp).sourceCodeHash()

        # if module inherits from SmvRunConfig, then add hash of all config values to module hash
        if hasattr(self, "_smvGetRunConfigHash"):
            res += self._smvGetRunConfigHash()

        # ensure python's numeric type can fit in a java.lang.Integer
        return res & 0x7fffffff

    getSourceCodeHash = create_py4j_interface_method("getSourceCodeHash",

    def instanceValHash(self):
        """Hash computed based on instance values of the dataset, such as the timestamp of an input file
        return 0

    getInstanceValHash = create_py4j_interface_method("getInstanceValHash",

    def fqn(cls):
        """Returns the fully qualified name
        return cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__name__

    getFqn = create_py4j_interface_method("getFqn", "fqn")

    def urn(cls):
        return "mod:" + cls.fqn()

    def isEphemeral(self):
        """Should this SmvDataSet skip persisting its data?

                (bool): True if this SmvDataSet should not persist its data, false otherwise
        return False

    getIsEphemeral = create_py4j_interface_method("getIsEphemeral",

    def publishHiveSql(self):
        """An optional sql query to run to publish the results of this module when the
           --publish-hive command line is used.  The DataFrame result of running this
           module will be available to the query as the "dftable" table.

                >>> return "insert overwrite table mytable select * from dftable"

                If this method is not specified, the default is to just create the table specified by tableName() with the results of the module.

               (string): the query to run.
        return None

    getPublishHiveSql = create_py4j_interface_method("getPublishHiveSql",

    def dsType(self):
        """Return SmvDataSet's type"""

    getDsType = create_py4j_interface_method("getDsType", "dsType")

    def dqmWithTypeSpecificPolicy(self):
        return self.dqm()

    getDqmWithTypeSpecificPolicy = create_py4j_interface_method(
        "getDqmWithTypeSpecificPolicy", "dqmWithTypeSpecificPolicy")

    def dependencies(self):
        """Can be overridden when a module has non-SmvDataSet dependencies (see SmvModelExec)
        return self.requiresDS()

    def dependencyUrns(self):
        arr = [x.urn() for x in self.dependencies()]
        return smv_copy_array(self.smvApp.sc, *arr)

    getDependencyUrns = create_py4j_interface_method("getDependencyUrns",

    def df2result(cls, df):
        """Given a datasets's persisted DataFrame, get the result object

            In most cases, this is just the DataFrame itself. See SmvResultModule for the exception.
        return df

    class Java:
        implements = ['org.tresamigos.smv.ISmvModule']
Ejemplo n.º 4
class SmvDataSet(ABC):
    """Abstract base class for all SmvDataSets

    # Python's issubclass() check does not work well with dynamically
    # loaded modules.  In addition, there are some issues with the
    # check, when the `abc` module is used as a metaclass, that we
    # don't yet quite understand.  So for a workaround we add the
    # typcheck in the Smv hierarchies themselves.
    IsSmvDataSet = True

    def __init__(self, smvApp):
        self.smvApp = smvApp

    def smvGetRunConfig(self, key):
        """return the current user run configuration value for the given key."""
        return self.smvApp.getConf(key)
    def smvGetRunConfigAsInt(self, key):
        runConfig = self.smvGetRunConfig(key);
        if runConfig is None:
            return None
        return int(runConfig)

    def smvGetRunConfigAsBool(self, key):
        runConfig = self.smvGetRunConfig(key);
        if runConfig is None:
            return None
        sval = runConfig.strip().lower()
        return (sval == "1" or sval == "true")

    def config_hash(self):
        """Integer value representing the SMV config's contribution to the dataset hash

            Only the keys declared in requiresConfig will be considered.
        kvs = [(k, self.smvGetRunConfig(k)) for k in self.requiresConfig()]
        # the config_hash should change IFF the config changes
        # sort keys to ensure config hash is independent from key order
        sorted_kvs = sorted(kvs)
        # we need a unique string representation of sorted_kvs to hash
        # repr should change iff sorted_kvs changes
        kv_str = repr(sorted_kvs)
        return _smvhash(kv_str)

    def description(self):
        return self.__doc__

    getDescription = create_py4j_interface_method("getDescription", "description")

    def requiresDS(self):
        """User-specified list of dependencies

            Override this method to specify the SmvDataSets needed as inputs.

                (list(SmvDataSet)): a list of dependencies

    def requiresConfig(self):
        """User-specified list of config keys this module depends on

            The given keys and their values will influence the dataset hash
        return []
    def requiresLib(self):
        """User-specified list of 'library' dependencies. These are code, other than
            the DataSet's run method that impact its output or behaviour.

            Override this method to assist in re-running this module based on changes
            in other python objects (functions, classes, packages).

            Limitations: For python modules and packages, the 'requiresLib()' method is
            limited to registering changes on the main file of the package (for module
            'foo', that's 'foo.py', for package 'bar', that's 'bar/__init__.py'). This
            means that if a module or package imports other modules, the imported
            module's changes will not impact DataSet hashes.

                (list(module)): a list of library dependencies
        return []

    def dqm(self):
        """DQM policy

            Override this method to define your own DQM policy (optional).
            Default is an empty policy.

                (SmvDQM): a DQM policy
        return SmvDQM()

    def doRun(self, validator, known):
        """Compute this dataset, and return the dataframe"""

    getDoRun = create_py4j_interface_method("getDoRun", "doRun")

    def assert_result_is_dataframe(self, result):
        if not isinstance(result, DataFrame):
            raise SmvRuntimeError(
                self.fqn() + " produced " +
                type(result).__name__ + " in place of a DataFrame"

    def version(self):
        """Version number

            Each SmvDataSet is versioned with a numeric string, so it and its result
            can be tracked together.

                (str): version number of this SmvDataSet
        return "0"

    def isOutput(self):
        return isinstance(self, SmvOutput)

    getIsOutput = create_py4j_interface_method("getIsOutput", "isOutput")

    # Note that the Scala SmvDataSet will combine sourceCodeHash and instanceValHash
    # to compute datasetHash
    def sourceCodeHash(self):
        """Hash computed based on the source code of the dataset's class
        cls = self.__class__
        # get hash of module's source code text
            res = _sourceHash(cls)
        except Exception as err:  # `inspect` will raise error for classes defined in the REPL
            # Instead of handle the case that module defined in REPL, just raise Exception here
            # res = _smvhash(_disassemble(cls))
            message = "{0}({1!r})".format(type(err).__name__, err.args)
            raise Exception(
                message + "\n" + "SmvDataSet " +
                self.urn() + " defined in shell can't be persisted"

        # incorporate source code hash of module's parent classes
        for m in inspect.getmro(cls):
                # TODO: it probably shouldn't matter if the upstream class is an SmvDataSet - it could be a mixin
                # whose behavior matters but which doesn't inherit from SmvDataSet
                if m.IsSmvDataSet and m != cls and not m.fqn().startswith("smv."):
                    res += m(self.smvApp).sourceCodeHash()

        # NOTE: Until SmvRunConfig (now deprecated) is removed entirely, we consider 2 source code hashes, 
        # config_hash and _smvGetRunConfigHash. The former is influenced by KVs for all keys listed in requiresConfig
        # while latter is influenced by KVs for all keys listed in smv.config.keys.
        # TODO: Is the config really a component of the "source code"? This method is called `sourceCodeHash`, after all.

        # incorporate hash of KVs for config keys listed in requiresConfig
        res += self.config_hash()

        # iterate through libs/modules that this DataSet depends on and use their source towards hash as well
        for lib in self.requiresLib():
            lib_src_hash = _sourceHash(lib)
            res += lib_src_hash

        # if module inherits from SmvRunConfig, then add hash of all config values to module hash
            res += self._smvGetRunConfigHash()

        # if module has high order historical validation rules, add their hash to sum.
        # they key() of a validator should change if its parameters change.
        if hasattr(cls, "_smvHistoricalValidatorsList"):
            keys_hash = [_smvhash(v._key()) for v in cls._smvHistoricalValidatorsList]
            res += sum(keys_hash)

        # ensure python's numeric type can fit in a java.lang.Integer
        return res & 0x7fffffff

    getSourceCodeHash = create_py4j_interface_method("getSourceCodeHash", "sourceCodeHash")

    def instanceValHash(self):
        """Hash computed based on instance values of the dataset, such as the timestamp of an input file
        return 0

    getInstanceValHash = create_py4j_interface_method("getInstanceValHash", "instanceValHash")

    def fqn(cls):
        """Returns the fully qualified name
        return cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__name__

    getFqn = create_py4j_interface_method("getFqn", "fqn")

    def urn(cls):
        return "mod:" + cls.fqn()

    def isEphemeral(self):
        """Should this SmvDataSet skip persisting its data?

                (bool): True if this SmvDataSet should not persist its data, false otherwise
        return False

    getIsEphemeral = create_py4j_interface_method("getIsEphemeral", "isEphemeral")

    def publishHiveSql(self):
        """An optional sql query to run to publish the results of this module when the
           --publish-hive command line is used.  The DataFrame result of running this
           module will be available to the query as the "dftable" table.

                >>> return "insert overwrite table mytable select * from dftable"

                If this method is not specified, the default is to just create the
                table specified by tableName() with the results of the module.

               (string): the query to run.
        return None

    getPublishHiveSql = create_py4j_interface_method("getPublishHiveSql", "publishHiveSql")

    def dsType(self):
        """Return SmvDataSet's type"""

    getDsType = create_py4j_interface_method("getDsType", "dsType")

    def dqmWithTypeSpecificPolicy(self):
        return self.dqm()

    getDqmWithTypeSpecificPolicy = create_py4j_interface_method(
        "getDqmWithTypeSpecificPolicy", "dqmWithTypeSpecificPolicy"

    def dependencies(self):
        """Can be overridden when a module has non-SmvDataSet dependencies (see SmvModelExec)
        return self.requiresDS()

    def dependencyUrns(self):
        arr = [x.urn() for x in self.dependencies()]
        return smv_copy_array(self.smvApp.sc, *arr)

    getDependencyUrns = create_py4j_interface_method("getDependencyUrns", "dependencyUrns")

    def df2result(cls, df):
        """Given a datasets's persisted DataFrame, get the result object

            In most cases, this is just the DataFrame itself. See SmvResultModule for the exception.
        return df

    def metadata(self, df):
        """User-defined metadata

            Override this method to define metadata that will be logged with your module's results.
            Defaults to empty dictionary.

                df (DataFrame): result of running the module, used to generate metadata

                (dict): dictionary of serializable metadata
        return {}

    def metadataJson(self, jdf):
        """Get user's metadata and jsonify it for py4j transport
        df = DataFrame(jdf, self.smvApp.sqlContext)
        metadata = self.metadata(df)
        if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
            raise SmvRuntimeError("User metadata {} is not a dict".format(repr(metadata)))
        return json.dumps(metadata)

    getMetadataJson = create_py4j_interface_method("getMetadataJson", "metadataJson")

    def validateMetadata(self, current, history):
        """User-defined metadata validation

            Override this method to define validation rules for metadata given
            the current metadata and historical metadata.

                current (dict): current metadata kv
                history (list(dict)): list of historical metadata kv's

                (str): Validation failure message. Return None (or omit a return statement) if
        return None

    def validateMetadataJson(self, currentJson, historyJson):
        """Load metadata (jsonified for py4j transport) and run user's validation on it
        current = json.loads(currentJson)
        history = [json.loads(j) for j in historyJson]
        res = self.validateMetadata(current, history)
        if res is not None and not is_string(res):
            raise SmvRuntimeError("Validation failure message {} is not a string".format(repr(res)))
        return res

    getValidateMetadataJson = create_py4j_interface_method("getValidateMetadataJson", "validateMetadataJson")

    def metadataHistorySize(self):
        """Override to define the maximum size of the metadata history for this module

                (int): size
        return 5

    getMetadataHistorySize = create_py4j_interface_method("getMetadataHistorySize", "metadataHistorySize")

    class Java:
        implements = ['org.tresamigos.smv.ISmvModule']
Ejemplo n.º 5
class DataSetRepo(object):
    def __init__(self, smvApp):
        self.smvApp = smvApp
        # Remove client modules from sys.modules to force reload of all client
        # code in the new transaction

    def _clear_sys_modules(self):
            Clear all client modules from sys.modules
            If modules have names like 'stage1.stage2.file.mod', then we have to clear all of
            set( 'stage1', 'stage1.stage2', 'stage1.stage2.file', 'stage1.stage2.file.mod' )
            from the sys.modules dictionary to avoid getting cached modules from python when
            we contruct a new DSR.
        # The set of all user-defined code that needs to be decached
        # { 'stage1' } from our example
        user_code_fqns = set(self.smvApp.stages()).union(self.smvApp.userLibs())
        fqn_stubs_to_remove = {fqn.split('.')[0] for fqn in user_code_fqns}

        for loaded_mod_fqn in list(sys.modules.keys()):
            for stubbed_fqn in fqn_stubs_to_remove:
                if loaded_mod_fqn == stubbed_fqn or loaded_mod_fqn.startswith(stubbed_fqn + '.'):

    def _iter_submodules(self, stages):
        """Yield the names of all submodules of the packages corresponding to the given stages
        file_iters_by_stage = (self._iter_submodules_in_stage(stage) for stage in stages)
        file_iter = itertools.chain(*file_iters_by_stage)
        return (name for (_, name, is_pkg) in file_iter if not is_pkg)

    def _iter_submodules_in_stage(self, stage):
        """Yield info on the submodules of the package corresponding with a given stage
            stagemod = __import__(stage)
            self.smvApp.log.warn("Package does not exist for stage: " + stage)
            return []
        # `walk_packages` can generate AttributeError if the system has
        # Gtk modules, which are not designed to use with reflection or
        # introspection. Best action to take in this situation is probably
        # to simply suppress the error.
        def onerror(name):
            self.smvApp.log.error("Skipping due to error during walk_packages: " + name)
        return pkgutil.walk_packages(stagemod.__path__, stagemod.__name__ + '.' , onerror=onerror)

    def _for_name(self, name):
        """Dynamically load a module in a stage by its name.

            Similar to Java's Class.forName, but only looks in configured stages.
        lastdot = name.rfind('.')
        file_name = name[ : lastdot]
        mod_name = name[lastdot+1 : ]

        mod = None

        # if file doesnt exist, module doesn't exist
        if file_name in self._iter_submodules(self.smvApp.stages()):
            # __import__ instantiates the module hierarchy but returns the root module
            f = __import__(file_name)
            # iterate to get the file that should contain the desired module
            for subname in file_name.split('.')[1:]:
                f = getattr(f, subname)
            # leave mod as None if the file exists but doesnt have an attribute with that name
            if hasattr(f, mod_name):
                mod = getattr(f, mod_name)

        return mod

    # Implementation of IDataSetRepoPy4J loadDataSet, which loads the dataset
    # from the most recent source. If the dataset does not exist, returns None.
    # However, if there is an error (such as a SyntaxError) which prevents the
    # user's file from being imported, the error will propagate back to the
    # DataSetRepoPython.
    def loadDataSet(self, fqn):
        ds = None
        ds_class = self._for_name(fqn)

        if ds_class is not None:
            ds = ds_class(self.smvApp)

            # Python issue https://bugs.python.org/issue1218234
            # need to invalidate inspect.linecache to make dataset hash work
            srcfile = inspect.getsourcefile(ds_class)
            if srcfile:

        return ds

    getLoadDataSet = create_py4j_interface_method("getLoadDataSet", "loadDataSet")

    def _dataSetsForStage(self, stageName):
        urns = []

        self.smvApp.log.debug("Searching for SmvDataSets in stage " + stageName)
        self.smvApp.log.debug("sys.path=" + repr(sys.path))

        for pymod_name in self._iter_submodules([stageName]):
            # The additional "." is necessary to prevent false positive, e.g. stage_2.M1 matches stage
            if pymod_name.startswith(stageName + "."):
                # __import__('a.b.c') returns the module a, just like import a.b.c
                pymod = __import__(pymod_name)
                # After import a.b.c we got a. Now we traverse from a to b to c
                for c in pymod_name.split('.')[1:]:
                    pymod = getattr(pymod, c)

                self.smvApp.log.debug("Searching for SmvDataSets in " + repr(pymod))

                # iterate over the attributes of the module, looking for SmvDataSets
                for obj_name in dir(pymod):
                    obj = getattr(pymod, obj_name)
                    self.smvApp.log.debug("Inspecting {} ({})".format(obj_name, type(obj)))
                    # We try to access the IsSmvDataSet attribute of the object.
                    # if it does not exist, we will catch the the AttributeError
                    # and skip the object, as it is not an SmvDataSet. We
                    # specifically check that IsSmvDataSet is identical to
                    # True, because some objects like Py4J's JavaObject override
                    # __getattr__ to **always** return something (so IsSmvDataSet
                    # maybe truthy even though the object is not an SmvDataSet).
                        obj_is_smv_dataset = (obj.IsSmvDataSet is True)
                    except AttributeError:
                        obj_is_smv_dataset = False

                    if not obj_is_smv_dataset:
                        self.smvApp.log.debug("Ignoring {} because it is not an "

                    # Class should have an fqn which begins with the stageName.
                    # Each package will contain all of the modules, classes, etc.
                    # that were imported into it, and we need to exclude these
                    # (so that we only count each module once)
                    obj_declared_in_stage = obj.fqn().startswith(pymod_name)

                    if not obj_declared_in_stage:
                        self.smvApp.log.debug("Ignoring {} because it was not "
                                              "declared in {}. (Note: it may "
                                              "be collected from another stage)"
                                              .format(obj_name, pymod_name))

                    # Class should not be an ABC
                    obj_is_abstract = inspect.isabstract(obj)

                    if obj_is_abstract:
                        # abc labels methods as abstract via the attribute __isabstractmethod__
                        is_abstract_method = lambda attr: getattr(attr, "__isabstractmethod__", False)
                        abstract_methods = [name for name, _ in inspect.getmembers(obj, is_abstract_method)]
                        self.smvApp.log.debug("Ignoring {} because it is abstract ({} undefined)"
                                              .format(obj_name, ", ".join(abstract_methods)))


                    self.smvApp.log.debug("Collecting " + obj_name)

        return urns

    def dataSetsForStage(self, stageName):
        urns = self._dataSetsForStage(stageName)
        return smv_copy_array(self.smvApp.sc, *urns)

    getDataSetsForStage = create_py4j_interface_method("getDataSetsForStage", "dataSetsForStage")

    def notFound(self, modUrn, msg):
        raise ValueError("dataset [{0}] is not found in {1}: {2}".format(modUrn, self.__class__.__name__, msg))

    class Java:
        implements = ['org.tresamigos.smv.IDataSetRepoPy4J']
Ejemplo n.º 6
class DataSetRepo(object):
    def __init__(self, smvApp):
        self.smvApp = smvApp
        # Remove client modules from sys.modules to force reload of all client
        # code in the new transaction

    def _clear_sys_modules(self):
        """Clear all client modules from sys.modules
        for fqn in list(sys.modules.keys()):
            for stage_name in self.smvApp.stages:
                if fqn == stage_name or fqn.startswith(stage_name + "."):

    # Implementation of IDataSetRepoPy4J loadDataSet, which loads the dataset
    # from the most recent source. If the dataset does not exist, returns None.
    # However, if there is an error (such as a SyntaxError) which prevents the
    # user's file from being imported, the error will propagate back to the
    # DataSetRepoPython.
    def loadDataSet(self, fqn):
        ds = None
        ds_class = for_name(fqn, self.smvApp.stages)

        if ds_class is not None:
            ds = ds_class(self.smvApp)

            # Python issue https://bugs.python.org/issue1218234
            # need to invalidate inspect.linecache to make dataset hash work
            srcfile = inspect.getsourcefile(ds_class)
            if srcfile:

        return ds

    getLoadDataSet = create_py4j_interface_method("getLoadDataSet", "loadDataSet")

    def dataSetsForStage(self, stageName):
        return self._moduleUrnsForStage(stageName, lambda obj: obj.IsSmvDataSet)

    getDataSetsForStage = create_py4j_interface_method("getDataSetsForStage", "dataSetsForStage")

    def _moduleUrnsForStage(self, stageName, fn):
        # `walk_packages` can generate AttributeError if the system has
        # Gtk modules, which are not designed to use with reflection or
        # introspection. Best action to take in this situation is probably
        # to simply suppress the error.
        def err(name): pass
        # print("Error importing module %s" % name)
        # t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
        # print("type is {0}, value is {1}".format(t, v))
        buf = []
        # import the stage and only walk the packages in the path of that stage, recursively
        for name in iter_submodules([stageName]):
                # The additional "." is necessary to prevent false positive, e.g. stage_2.M1 matches stage
                if name.startswith(stageName + "."):
                    pymod = __import__(name)
                    for c in name.split('.')[1:]:
                        pymod = getattr(pymod, c)

                    for n in dir(pymod):
                        obj = getattr(pymod, n)
                            # Class should have an fqn which begins with the stageName.
                            # Each package will contain among other things all of
                            # the modules that were imported into it, and we need
                            # to exclude these (so that we only count each module once)
                            if fn(obj) and obj.fqn().startswith(name):
                        except AttributeError:

        return smv_copy_array(self.smvApp.sc, *buf)

    def notFound(self, modUrn, msg):
        raise ValueError("dataset [{0}] is not found in {1}: {2}".format(modUrn, self.__class__.__name__, msg))

    class Java:
        implements = ['org.tresamigos.smv.IDataSetRepoPy4J']