Ejemplo n.º 1
def gen_config_model_rewire(graph, iterations=10000):
    """Generate Configuration model by random rewiring from graph"""
    config_graph = graph
    clustering_coeffs = []
    count = 1
    while count <= iterations:
        if count % 100 == 0:
        a = config_graph.GetRndNId()
        b = config_graph.GetRndNId()
        while not config_graph.IsEdge(a, b):
            a = config_graph.GetRndNId()
            b = config_graph.GetRndNId()
        c = config_graph.GetRndNId()
        d = config_graph.GetRndNId()
        while (not config_graph.IsEdge(c, d)) or (a, b) == (c, d):
            c = config_graph.GetRndNId()
            d = config_graph.GetRndNId()
        e1, e2 = (a, b), (c, d)
        i, j = randint(0, 1), randint(0, 1)
        u, v, w, x = e1[i], e1[1 - i], e2[j], e2[1 - j]
        if not (config_graph.IsEdge(u, w) or config_graph.IsEdge(v, x)):
            if (u != w) and (v != x):
                config_graph.DelEdge(a, b)
                config_graph.DelEdge(c, d)
                config_graph.AddEdge(u, w)
                config_graph.AddEdge(v, x)
                count += 1
    return config_graph, clustering_coeffs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Q1_2():
    Code for Q1.2
    C_erdosRenyi = calcClusteringCoefficient(erdosRenyi)
    C_smallWorld = calcClusteringCoefficient(smallWorld)
    C_collabNet = calcClusteringCoefficient(collabNet)

    print('Clustering Coefficient for Erdos Renyi Network: %f' % C_erdosRenyi)
    print(snap.GetClustCf(erdosRenyi, -1))
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Small World Network: %f' % C_smallWorld)
    print(snap.GetClustCf(smallWorld, -1))
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Collaboration Network: %f' % C_collabNet)
    print(snap.GetClustCf(collabNet, -1))
    def average_clustering_coefficient(self, node_level=False):
        Measurement: average_clustering_coefficient

        Description: Calculate the average clustering coefficient of the graph

        Input: Graph

        Output: Float

        if SNAP_LOADED:
            return sn.GetClustCf(self.gUNsn)

            if not node_level:
                graphs = {'all':self.gUNig}
                graphs = self.gUNigs

            meas = {}
            for key,graph in graphs.items():
                meas[key] = self.gUNig.transitivity_avglocal_undirected(mode='zero')

            if not node_level:
                return meas['all']
                return meas
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_properties_with_sanppy(extension, input_folder):
    id_map = {}
    next_id = 0
    graph = snap.PNGraph.New()
    files_read = 0
    for file in os.listdir(input_folder):
        if not extension or file.endswith(extension):
            files_read += 1
            with open(os.path.join(input_folder, file)) as file:
                for line in file.readlines():
                    edge = line.rstrip().split()
                    n1 = id_map.get(edge[0], next_id)
                    if n1 == next_id:
                        id_map[edge[0]] = n1
                    next_id += 1
                    n2 = id_map.get(edge[1], next_id)
                    if n2 == next_id:
                        id_map[edge[1]] = n2
                    next_id += 1
                    if not graph.IsNode(n1):
                    if not graph.IsNode(n2):
                    graph.AddEdge(n1, n2)
    ef_diam_l, ef_diam_h, diam, sp = snap.GetBfsEffDiamAll(graph, 10, True)
    properties = [
        snap.CntNonZNodes(graph) / snap.CntUniqDirEdges(graph),
        snap.GetClustCf(graph), sp, diam,
        snap.CntUniqDirEdges(graph) /
        (snap.CntNonZNodes(graph) * snap.CntNonZNodes(graph))
    return dict(zip(get_property_names(), properties))
def clustering_coefficient(input):
    print("Loading graph...")
    FIn = snap.TFIn(input)
    graph = snap.TNGraph.Load(FIn)

    print("Calculating clustering coefficient...")
    print ("Clustering Coefficient:", snap.GetClustCf (graph, -1))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def calcClusteringCoefficient(Graph):
    :param - Graph: snap.PUNGraph object representing an undirected graph

    return type: float
    returns: clustering coeffient of `Graph 
    # TODO: Your code here!
    C = 0.0
    total = 0.0
    for node in Graph.Nodes():
        ki = node.GetDeg()
        numConnectedNeighbors = 0.0
        if ki >= 2:
            neighborIDs = [node.GetNbrNId(i) for i in xrange(node.GetDeg())]
            for neighborID in neighborIDs:
                neighbor = Graph.GetNI(neighborID)
                candidates = [
                    neighbor.GetNbrNId(i) for i in xrange(neighbor.GetDeg())
                for candidate in candidates:
                    if node.IsNbrNId(candidate):
                        numConnectedNeighbors += 1

            total += numConnectedNeighbors / (ki * (ki - 1))

    C = total / float(Graph.GetNodes())
    # Sanity check.
    assert abs(C - snap.GetClustCf(Graph)) < 1e-8
    return C
Ejemplo n.º 7
def analyzeMisc(FNGraph):
    # LCC, average distances, clustering
    t1 = time.time()

    print "Started calculating miscellaneous network statistics:"

    print '\tPercentage of nodes in LCC in Football network: %.3f' % (snap.GetMxWccSz(FNGraph) * 100.0)
    GraphClustCoeff = snap.GetClustCf (FNGraph, -1)
    print "\tClustering coefficient: %.3f" % GraphClustCoeff

    diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(FNGraph, 1432, False)
    print "\tNetwork diameter: %.3f\n" % diam

    print "\tCalculating average distance..."

    avgDist   = 0
    iter1     = 0
    allNodes1 = FNGraph.GetNodes()

    for NI in FNGraph.Nodes():
        if(iter1 % 100 == 0):
            print "\t\tCalculated for %d nodes" % iter1
        NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH()
        snap.GetShortPath(FNGraph, NI.GetId(), NIdToDistH)
        singleDistSum = 0

        for item in NIdToDistH:
            singleDistSum += NIdToDistH[item]

        avgDist += (1.0/allNodes1) * float(singleDistSum)/(allNodes1-1)
        iter1   += 1

    print "\tNetwork average distance: %.3f" % avgDist

    print "\nFinished calculating in %f seconds\n" % (time.time() - t1)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getGraphInfo(G):
    Degree = []
    DegreeCount = []
    CluDegree = []
    Clu = []

    DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV()
    snap.GetDegCnt(G, DegToCntV)
    DegreeCountMax = 0
    for item in DegToCntV:
        tempy = item.GetVal2()
        if tempy > DegreeCountMax:
            DegreeCountMax = tempy

    CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
    Cf = snap.GetClustCf(G, CfVec, -1)
    for pair in CfVec:

    return DegreeCountMax,Degree,DegreeCount,CluDegree,Clu
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_clustering_coefficient():

    dataname = "example"  # (13, 20)
    #    dataname = "polbooks"           # (105, 441)
    #    dataname = "polblogs"           # (1224,16715)     # s_CC = 0.225958517359
    #    dataname = "polblogs-wcc"       # (1222,16714)
    #    dataname = "as20graph"          # (6474,12572)

    filename = "../_data/" + dataname + ".gr"

    ### read graph for DETERMINISTIC G
    start = time.clock()
    print "filename =", filename
    G = ig.Graph.Read_Edgelist(filename, directed=False)
    print "#nodes =", G.vcount()

    # igraph
    s_CC = G.transitivity_undirected()
    print "s_CC =", s_CC

    s_agv_local_CC = G.transitivity_avglocal_undirected()
    print "s_agv_local_CC =", s_agv_local_CC

    # SNAP
    aG = convert_networkx_to_SNAP(G)
    print "convert to SNAP graph: DONE"

    s_CC = sn.GetClustCf(aG)
    print "s_CC =", s_CC
Ejemplo n.º 10
def projection(Graph):
    if Graph == 'campaign':
        G2 = readGraph("../processed-data/campaignNetworks_v2.txt")
    elif Graph == 'bill':
        G2 = readGraph("../processed-data/legislator_bill_edge_list_graph.txt")
        raise ValueError("Invalid graph: please use 'campaign' or 'bill'. ")

    H = snap.TUNGraph.New()
    for i in G2.Nodes():
        for j in G2.Nodes():
            if (i.GetId() < j.GetId() and j.GetId() < 10000): #10000 is the upper limit for candidate nodes
                NbrV = snap.TIntV()
                Num = snap.GetLen2Paths(G2, i.GetId(), j.GetId(), NbrV)
                if Num > 0:
                    if H.IsNode(i.GetId()) == False:
                    if H.IsNode(j.GetId()) == False:
                    if H.IsEdge(i.GetId(), j.GetId()) == False:
    print "Compressed Graph Node count total: %d" % (H.GetNodes())

    print "Compressed Edge count total: %d" % (H.GetEdges())
    GraphClustCoeff = snap.GetClustCf(H, -1)
    print Graph + " Network Clustering coefficient: %f" % GraphClustCoeff

    snap.SaveEdgeList(H, "../processed-data/"+Graph+"_projection.txt", 
        Graph + " network - Save projected network info as tab-separated list of edges, using unified candidate node IDs")

Ejemplo n.º 11
def run(graph_file):
    merged_graph = json_utils.read(graph_file)

    snap_graph = snap.TNGraph.New()

    for key in merged_graph:
        screen_name = key
        followers = merged_graph[key]

        screen_name_hash = hash_screen_name(screen_name)

        if not snap_graph.IsNode(screen_name_hash):

        for follower in followers:
            follower_hash = hash_screen_name(follower)

            if not snap_graph.IsNode(follower_hash):

            snap_graph.AddEdge(screen_name_hash, follower_hash)

    nodes_count = snap_graph.GetNodes()
    edges_count = snap_graph.GetEdges()

    print("nodes count = " + str(nodes_count))
    print("edges count = " + str(edges_count))

    cluster_coeff = snap.GetClustCf(snap_graph, -1)
    print "Clustering coefficient: %f" % cluster_coeff

    return snap_graph
Ejemplo n.º 12
def evaluate(snap_graph):
    # diameter, avg path length
    result = snap.GetBfsEffDiamAll(snap_graph, 10, True)
    print 'diamter =', result[2]
    print 'avgSPL  =', result[3]
    # cluster coefficient
    cc = snap.GetClustCf(snap_graph, -1)
    print 'ClustCf =', cc
Ejemplo n.º 13
def clustering_coefficient():
    # Count triads
    Triads = snap.GetTriads(G)
    print("# of triads", Triads)

    # Calculate clustering coefficient
    CC = snap.GetClustCf(G)
    print("clustering coefficient", CC)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_basic_stats(G):
    print("Basic stats")
    num_nodes = G.GetNodes()
    num_edges = G.GetEdges()
    print ('Num Nodes %i' % num_nodes)
    print ('Num Edges %i' % num_edges)
    print ('Clustering Coefficient %f' % snap.GetClustCf(G))
    print 'Density', float(2*num_edges)/(num_nodes*(num_nodes-1))
def constructGraph(dic):
	G = snap.TUNGraph().New()
	for v, val in dic.iteritems():
		if not G.IsNode(v): G.AddNode(v)
		for w in val.keys():
			if not G.IsNode(w): G.AddNode(w)
			G.AddEdge(v, w)
	print snap.GetClustCf(G, -1)
	return G
Ejemplo n.º 16
def gen_config_model_rewire(graph, iterations=10000):
    config_graph = graph
    cfs = []
    #TODO: Your code here
    t = iterations
    check = 100
    edges = []
    n = config_graph.GetNodes()
    e = config_graph.GetEdges()
    for edge in config_graph.Edges():
        edges.append((edge.GetSrcNId(), edge.GetDstNId()))
    edges = set(edges)
    i = 0
    while i < t:
        if i % 100 == 0:
            cf = snap.GetClustCf(config_graph, 1000)
        e1 = edges.pop()
        e2 = edges.pop()
        if e1[0] == e1[1] or e2[0] == e2[1]:
        if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
            u = e1[0]
            v = e1[1]
            u = e1[1]
            v = e1[0]
        if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
            w = e2[0]
            x = e2[1]
            w = e2[1]
            x = e2[0]
        if not config_graph.IsEdge(u, w) and not config_graph.IsEdge(
                v, x) and u != w and v != x:
            edges.add((u, w))
            edges.add((v, x))
            config_graph.DelEdge(e1[0], e1[1])
            config_graph.DelEdge(e2[0], e2[1])
            config_graph.AddEdge(u, w)
            config_graph.AddEdge(v, x)
            i += 1

    assert (config_graph.GetNodes() == n)
    assert (config_graph.GetEdges() == e)

    return config_graph, cfs
    def average_clustering_coefficient(self, sample_node=False):
        Computes the average clustering coefficient as defined in Watts and Strogatz, Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks

        :param sample_node:  compute clustering coefficient only for a random sample of SampleNodes nodes. Useful for approximate but quick computations.
        snap = self.snap
        GraphClustCoeff = snap.GetClustCf(self.graph,
                                          -1 if not sample_node else 1)
        return GraphClustCoeff
Ejemplo n.º 18
def printGenericInformation(graph, name):
    print("Generic informations of %s" % name)
    print('Nodes', graph.GetNodes())
    print('Edges', graph.GetEdges())
    print('Average degree (In+Out)',
          float(graph.GetEdges()) / float(graph.GetNodes()))
    print('Diameter', snap.GetBfsFullDiam(graph, 10))
    print('Clustering coefficient', snap.GetClustCf(graph))
    print('Triangles', snap.GetTriangleCnt(graph))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def print_info(graph):
    for NI in graph.Nodes():
        print("node: %d, out-degree %d, in-degree %d" %
              (NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutDeg(), NI.GetInDeg()))
    print("Number of nodes: ", graph.GetNodes())
    print("Number of edges: ", graph.GetEdges())
    print("Maximum degree: ", graph.GetNI(snap.GetMxDegNId(graph)).GetDeg())
    print("Diameter (approximate): ", snap.GetBfsFullDiam(graph, 10))
    print("Triangles: ", snap.GetTriads(graph))
    print("Clustering coefficient: ", snap.GetClustCf(graph))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def getFeatures(trees):
    # Root Node degree:
    rootNodes = loadMapping(
    G = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph,
                          "raw_data/higgs-social_network.edgelist", 0, 1)
    node_community_mapping, communities = load_communities()

    rootDegs = []
    rootSocialDegs = []
    strVirals = []
    dfNodeCnt = []
    dfEdgeCnt = []
    coeffs = []

    # Community features
    rootComm = []
    largestComm = []

    for i in rootNodes:
        index = int(i[0])
        if index in trees:
            t = trees[index][0]
            nodeId = int(i[1])
            nd = t.GetNI(nodeId)
            deg = nd.GetDeg()
            coeffs.append(snap.GetClustCf(t, -1))
                getLargestComm(t, node_community_mapping, communities))
            # print index

    ft = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose(
        [rootDegs, rootSocialDegs, strVirals, dfNodeCnt, dfEdgeCnt]),
                          "Root Degree", "Root Degree in Social Graph",
                          "Structural Virality", "DF Node Count",
                          "DF Edge Count"
    ftWithComm = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([
        rootDegs, rootSocialDegs, strVirals, dfNodeCnt, dfEdgeCnt, rootComm,
                                  "Root Degree", "Root Degree in Social Graph",
                                  "Structural Virality", "DF Node Count",
                                  "DF Edge Count", "Root Node Community",
                                  "Largest Community Index"
    return ft, ftWithComm
Ejemplo n.º 21
def getBasicProps(graph):
	# Assuming unweighted undirected graph
	return {
		'num_nodes': graph.GetNodes(),
		'num_edges': graph.GetEdges(),
		'avg_deg': 2. * graph.GetEdges() / graph.GetNodes(),
		'gamma': getGamma(graph),
		'deg_centr': getDegCentr(graph),
		'num_tris': snap.GetTriads(graph, -1),
		'global_cc': snap.GetClustCf(graph, -1),
Ejemplo n.º 22
def cosponsorGraphAnalysis(CoSponsor):
    print "Number of edges -" , CoSponsor.GetEdges()
    print "Number of nodes -" , CoSponsor.GetNodes()
    print "Average clustering coefficient", snap.GetClustCf(CoSponsor)
    result = snap.GetTriadsAll(CoSponsor)
    print "Number of closed triads", result[0]
    print "Number of open triads", result[2]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def analyze(graph):

    n = graph.GetNodes()
    m = graph.GetEdges()

    maxSCCsize = snap.GetMxSccSz(graph)
    maxWCCsize = snap.GetMxWccSz(graph)
    avgDegree = (m * float(2)) / n

    # estimate power law exponent
    degs = []
    degCounts = []
    DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV()
    snap.GetDegCnt(graph, DegToCntV)
    for item in DegToCntV:
    xMin = min(degs) - 0.5
    m = graph.GetNodes()
    alphaMLLE = 1 + (m / (sum([np.log(i / xMin) * degCounts[degs.index(i)] for i in degs])))

    # erdos-renyi clustering coefficient
    graphER = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, n, m)
    avgClustCoeffER = snap.GetClustCf(graphER, -1)

    # average shortest path
    graphWCC = snap.GetMxWcc(graph)
    avgClustCoeff = snap.GetClustCf(graphWCC, -1)
    numSamples = min(graphWCC.GetNodes(), 617) # all nodes or sample size
    Rnd = snap.TRnd(42)
    shortPathList = []
    for i in xrange(numSamples):
        s = graphWCC.GetRndNId(Rnd)
        NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH()
        snap.GetShortPath(graphWCC, s, NIdToDistH)
        for item in NIdToDistH:
    avgShortPath = np.mean(shortPathList)

    return avgClustCoeff, maxSCCsize, maxWCCsize, avgDegree, alphaMLLE, avgClustCoeffER, avgShortPath
Ejemplo n.º 24
def Q1_2():
    Code for Q1.2
    C_erdosRenyi = calcClusteringCoefficient(erdosRenyi)
    C_smallWorld = calcClusteringCoefficient(smallWorld)
    C_collabNet = calcClusteringCoefficient(collabNet)

    print('Clustering Coefficient for Erdos Renyi Network: %f' % C_erdosRenyi)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Small World Network: %f' % C_smallWorld)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Collaboration Network: %f' % C_collabNet)

    print 'Computed using library functions...'

    C_erdosRenyi = snap.GetClustCf(erdosRenyi, 5242)
    C_smallWorld = snap.GetClustCf(smallWorld, 5242)
    C_collabNet = snap.GetClustCf(collabNet, 5242)

    print('Clustering Coefficient for Erdos Renyi Network: %f' % C_erdosRenyi)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Small World Network: %f' % C_smallWorld)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Collaboration Network: %f' % C_collabNet)
def processNetwork(Graph, id_to_groups):
    with open("../../data/fastinf_graph_noweights_features.txt", "w+") as f:
        f.write("RELATED GROUPS GRAPH:\n")
        f.write('Edges: %d\n' % Graph.GetEdges())
        f.write('Nodes: %d\n\n' % Graph.GetNodes())

        MxWcc = snap.GetMxWcc(Graph)
        f.write("MAX WCC:\n")
        f.write('Edges: %f ' % MxWcc.GetEdges())
        f.write('Nodes: %f \n' % MxWcc.GetNodes())
        f.write('Node List: ')
        for node in MxWcc.Nodes():
            f.write('%d, ' % node.GetId())
        for node in MxWcc.Nodes():
            f.write('%s, ' % id_to_groups[node.GetId()])

        f.write("\n\nALL WCCs:")
        Components = snap.TCnComV()
        snap.GetWccs(Graph, Components)
        for i, CnCom in enumerate(Components):
            if CnCom.Len() < 10: continue
            f.write('\nWcc%d: ' % i)
            for nodeid in CnCom:
                f.write('%d, ' % nodeid)

        MxScc = snap.GetMxScc(Graph)
        f.write("\n\nMAX SCC:\n")
        f.write('Edges: %f ' % MxScc.GetEdges())
        f.write('Nodes: %f \n' % MxScc.GetNodes())
        f.write('Node List: ')
        for node in MxScc.Nodes():
            f.write('%d, ' % node.GetId())
        for node in MxScc.Nodes():
            f.write('%s, ' % id_to_groups[node.GetId()])

        f.write("\n\nALL SCCs:")
        Components = snap.TCnComV()
        snap.GetSccs(Graph, Components)
        for i, CnCom in enumerate(Components):
            if CnCom.Len() < 10: continue
            f.write('\nScc%d: ' % i)
            for nodeid in CnCom:
                f.write('%d, ' % nodeid)

        f.write('\n\nCLUSTERING AND COMMUNITIES:\n')
        f.write('Clustering coefficient: %f\n' % snap.GetClustCf(Graph, -1))
        f.write('Num Triads: %d\n' % snap.GetTriads(Graph, -1))
        Nodes = snap.TIntV()
        for node in Graph.Nodes():
        f.write('Modularity: %f' % snap.GetModularity(Graph, Nodes))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def Q1_3():
    Code for Q1.3
    C_erdosRenyi = calcClusteringCoefficient(erdosRenyi)
    C_smallWorld = calcClusteringCoefficient(smallWorld)
    C_collabNet = calcClusteringCoefficient(collabNet)

    print('Clustering Coefficient for Erdos Renyi Network: %f' % C_erdosRenyi)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Small World Network: %f' % C_smallWorld)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Collaboration Network: %f' % C_collabNet)

    CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
    C_erdosRenyi = snap.GetClustCf(erdosRenyi, CfVec, -1)
    CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
    C_smallWorld = snap.GetClustCf(smallWorld, CfVec, -1)
    CfVec = snap.TFltPrV()
    C_collabNet = snap.GetClustCf(collabNet, CfVec, -1)

    print('Clustering Coefficient for Erdos Renyi Network: %f' % C_erdosRenyi)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Small World Network: %f' % C_smallWorld)
    print('Clustering Coefficient for Collaboration Network: %f' % C_collabNet)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def calcClusteringCoefficient(Graph):
    :param - Graph: snap.PUNGraph object representing an undirected graph

    return type: float
    returns: clustering coeffient of Graph
    # TODO: Your code here! If you filled out calcClusteringCoefficientSingleNode,
    #       you'll probably want to call it in a loop here
    C = snap.GetClustCf(Graph, -1)

    return C
def analyze_diameter(nodes, edges):
    G = snap.TUNGraph.New()
    idxs = {}
    for i, v in enumerate(nodes):
        idxs[v] = i
    for v in nodes:
    for e in edges:
        G.AddEdge(idxs[e[0]], idxs[e[1]])
        G.AddEdge(idxs[e[1]], idxs[e[0]])
    DegToCCfV = snap.TFltPrV()
    print('Clustering Coefficient: ', snap.GetClustCf(G, -1))
    print('Effective Diameter: ',
          snap.GetBfsEffDiam(G, min(len(nodes), 10000), False))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def Q1_1a():
    powerGrid = loadPowerGridNetwork()
    dist = [node.GetDeg() for node in powerGrid.Nodes()]
    clusteringCoeffs = [
        for _ in xrange(NUM_SAMPLE_NETWORKS)
    print("The mean of the average clustering coefficient for %s random "
          "network%s with the same degree distribution as the power "
          "grid network is %s." %
          (NUM_SAMPLE_NETWORKS, "" if NUM_SAMPLE_NETWORKS <= 1 else "s",
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def average_clustering_coefficient(self):
        Measurement: average_clustering_coefficient

        Description: Calculate the average clustering coefficient of the graph

        Input: Graph

        Output: Float

        if SNAP_LOADED:
            return sn.GetClustCf(self.gUNsn)
            return self.gUNig.transitivity_avglocal_undirected(mode='zero')