Ejemplo n.º 1
def getDeviceCurrentState(ip):
    namedevice = collector.getDeviceName(ip)
    modeldevice = collector.getDeviceModel(ip)
    serialdevice = collector.getDeviceSerial(ip)

    #Getting Neighbours
    neighbours = collector.getListOfNeighbours(ip)
    dictOidData = neighbours["dict"]
    listOidData = neighbours["list"]

    line = ""
    line = line + "Ip:\t" + ip + "\n"
    line = line + "Name:\t" + namedevice + "\n"
    line = line + "Serial:\t" + serialdevice + "\n"
    line = line + "Model:\t" + modeldevice + "\n\n\n"

    contDown = 0
    contAp = 0
    contSep = 0
    contLink = -1

    listInterfacesId = collector.getInterfaceIds(ip)
    for intId in listInterfacesId:
        status = collector.getInterfaceStatus(ip,intId)
        alias = collector.getInterfaceAlias(ip,intId)
        if status == "down":
            contDown += 1
        line = line + collector.getInterfaceName(ip,intId) +":(" + alias + ")\t\t: "+status
        lenTemp = len(line)
        for idInterface in listOidData:
            if intId == idInterface.split(".")[1]:
                line = line + "(" + dictOidData[idInterface]['name']
                if "address" in dictOidData[idInterface].keys():
                    line = line + ":" + dictOidData[idInterface]['address'] + ")\n"
                    line = line + ")\n"
                if "ap" in dictOidData[idInterface]['name']:
                    contAp += 1
                if "SEP" in dictOidData[idInterface]['name']:
                    contSep += 1
                if "rsw" in dictOidData[idInterface]['name'] or "sw" in dictOidData[idInterface]['name']:
                    contLink += 1

        if lenTemp == len(line):
            line = line + "\n"

    line = line + "\n\n"
    line = line + "NotCon:\t%d\n" % contDown
    line = line + "AP:\t%d\n" % contAp
    line = line + "TIP:\t%d\n" % contSep
    line = line + "LINKS:\t%d\n" % contLink

    #return textwrap.dedent(line).strip()
    return line
Ejemplo n.º 2
def treeOfHostsCSV(ip,deep):
    global hostsScanned
    global lengthFather
    global text
    global listDevices


    namedevice = collector.getDeviceName(ip)
    serialdevice = collector.getDeviceSerial(ip)
    modeldevice = collector.getDeviceModel(ip)
    #Getting Neighbours
    neighbours = collector.getListOfNeighbours(ip)
    dictOidData = neighbours["dict"]
    listOidData = neighbours["list"]

    device = {}
    device["name"] = namedevice
    device["serial"] = serialdevice
    device["model"] = modeldevice
    device["ip"] = ip

    contAP = 0
    contSEP = 0
    contLINK = 0

    if len(listOidData) > 1:
        for son in dictOidData.keys():
            if 'address' in dictOidData[son].keys():
                if dictOidData[son]['address'] not in hostsScanned:
                    if ("AIR" not in dictOidData[son]['model'] and "hone" not in dictOidData[son]['model']):
                        contLINK = contLINK + 1
                        if "AIR" in dictOidData[son]['model']:
                            contAP = contAP + 1
                        if "hone" in dictOidData[son]['model']:
                            contSEP = contSEP + 1
        device["ap"] = contAP
        device["sep"] = contSEP
        device["link"] = contLINK

        for son in dictOidData.keys():

            if dictOidData[son]['address'] not in hostsScanned:
                if "AIR" in dictOidData[son]['model']:
                    contAP = contAP + 1
                if "hone" in dictOidData[son]['model']:
                    contSEP = contSEP + 1
        device["ap"] = contAP
        device["sep"] = contSEP
        device["link"] = contLINK

    text = "ip,name,serial,model,ap,sep,link\n"
    for device in listDevices:
        text = text + "%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d\n" % (device["ip"],device["name"],device["serial"],device["model"],device["ap"],device["sep"],device["link"])
    return text
Ejemplo n.º 3
def treeOfHostsHTML(ip,deep,parent):
    global hostsScanned
    global lengthFather
    global text
    #global idParent
    global idSons
    global generalContAP
    global generalContSEP
    global listDevices

    contAP = 0
    contSEP = 0

    namedevice = collector.getDeviceName(ip)
    serialdevice = collector.getDeviceSerial(ip)
    modeldevice = collector.getDeviceModel(ip)

    #Getting Neighbours
    neighbours = collector.getListOfNeighbours(ip)
    dictOidData = neighbours["dict"]
    listOidData = neighbours["list"]

    idParent = 0

    if deep == 0:
        text = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
        text = text + """<html lang="en-US">\n"""
        text = text + "<head>\n<title>ROOT: " +ip+ "</title>\n"
        text = text + "<style>a {color: blue;} .results tr[visible='false'],.no-result{  display:none;} .results tr[visible='true']{  display:table-row;}.counter{  padding:8px; color:#ccc;} </style>\n"
        text = text + """<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.0.min.js"></script>\n"""
        #text = text + """<script>$( document ).ready(function() {  });</script>"""
        text = text + """<script>$( document ).ready(function() {"""
        text = text + """$('.list > li a').click(function() {$(this).parent().find('ul').toggle();}); $('.list > li a').each(function(){$(this).parent().find('ul').toggle();}); $(function () { $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover() });"""

        text = text + """ $(".search").keyup(function () { """
        text = text + """ var searchTerm = $(".search").val(); """
        text = text + """ var listItem = $('.results tbody').children('tr'); """
        text = text + """ var searchSplit = searchTerm.replace(/ /g, "'):containsi('"); """
        text = text + """ $.extend($.expr[':'], {'containsi': function(elem, i, match, array){ """
        text = text + """ return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || '').toLowerCase().indexOf((match[3] || "").toLowerCase()) >= 0; } }); """
        text = text + """ $(".results tbody tr").not(":containsi('" + searchSplit + "')").each(function(e){ $(this).attr('visible','false'); }); """
        text = text + """ $(".results tbody tr:containsi('" + searchSplit + "')").each(function(e){ $(this).attr('visible','true'); }); """
        text = text + """ var jobCount = $('.results tbody tr[visible="true"]').length; """
        text = text + """ $('.counter').text(jobCount + ' item'); """
        text = text + """ if(jobCount == '0') {$('.no-result').show();} else {$('.no-result').hide();} }); """

        text = text + "});</script>"

        text = text + """<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-1q8mTJOASx8j1Au+a5WDVnPi2lkFfwwEAa8hDDdjZlpLegxhjVME1fgjWPGmkzs7" crossorigin="anonymous">"""
        text = text + """<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-0mSbJDEHialfmuBBQP6A4Qrprq5OVfW37PRR3j5ELqxss1yVqOtnepnHVP9aJ7xS" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>"""
        text = text + "</head>"
        text = text + """<body><div class="container"><div class="page-header"><h1>%s</h1><p class="lead">%s</p></div>""" % (ip,namedevice)
        text = text + """<table class="table table-bordered"><tr><th>Device TREE</th></tr><tr><td>"""
        text = text + """<ul  class="list">\n"""

    idSons = idSons + 1

    ###device for the table
    #device = {}
    #device["name"] = namedevice
    #device["serial"] = serialdevice
    #device["model"] = modeldevice
    #device["ipaddress"] = ip
    #device["link"] = "device-%d" % (idSons)

    listDevices.append(createDeviceObj(namedevice,serialdevice,modeldevice,ip,"device-%d" % (idSons)))

    line = """<li id="device-%d" parent="%d" deep="%d" ><a class="btn btn-info btn-xs">%s</a>[%s]""" % (idSons,parent,deep,ip,namedevice)
    popover = """<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-default" data-toggle="popover" title="Device: %s" """ % (ip)
    detail = "%s | %s | %s " % (namedevice,serialdevice,modeldevice)
    popover = popover + """ data-content="%s"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-expand" aria-hidden="true"></span></button> """ % detail

    line = line + popover

    idParent = idSons
    text=text + ("\t"*deep) + line + "\n"

    if len(listOidData) > 1:
        text = text + ("\t"*deep) + "<ul>" + "\n"

        for son in dictOidData.keys():
            if ("AIR" not in dictOidData[son]['model'] and "hone" not in dictOidData[son]['model']):
                if 'address' in dictOidData[son].keys():
                    if dictOidData[son]['address'] not in hostsScanned:
                    idSons = idSons + 1
                    line = """<li id="%d" parent="%d" deep="%d">[%s|%s]</li>""" % (idSons,idParent,deep,"no ip address",dictOidData[son]['name'])
                    text=text + ("\t"*(deep+1)) + line + "\n"
                idSons = idSons + 1
                if 'address' in dictOidData[son].keys():
                    if 'SEP' in dictOidData[son]['name']:
                        contSEP = contSEP + 1
                        line = """<li id="%d" parent="%d" deep="%d"><a href="http://%s" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span> %s</a> [%s]</li>""" % (idSons,idParent,deep,dictOidData[son]['address'],dictOidData[son]['address'],dictOidData[son]['name'])
                        listDevices.append(createDeviceObj(dictOidData[son]['name'],"Not recovery", dictOidData[son]['model'], dictOidData[son]['address'], "device-%d" % (idSons)))
                    elif 'ap-' in dictOidData[son]['name']:
                        contAP = contAP + 1
                        line = """<li id="%d" parent="%d" deep="%d"><a class="btn btn-success btn-xs" aria-label="Left Align"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-signal" aria-hidden="true"></span> %s</a> [%s]</li>""" % (idSons,idParent,deep,dictOidData[son]['address'],dictOidData[son]['name'])
                        createDeviceObj(dictOidData[son]['name'], "Not recovery", dictOidData[son]['model'], dictOidData[son]['address'],
                                        "device-%d" % (idSons)))
                        line = """<li id="%d" parent="%d" deep="%d">[%s|%s]</li>""" % (idSons,idParent,deep,dictOidData[son]['address'],dictOidData[son]['name'])
                    if 'SEP' in dictOidData[son]['name']:
                        contSEP = contSEP + 1
                        line = """<li id="%d" parent="%d" deep="%d"><a href="http://%s" target="_blank" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span> %s</a> [%s]</li>""" % (idSons,idParent,deep,"no ip address","no ip address",dictOidData[son]['name'])
                        createDeviceObj(dictOidData[son]['name'], "Not recovery", dictOidData[son]['model'], "no ip address",
                                        "device-%d" % (idSons)))
                    elif 'ap-' in dictOidData[son]['name']:
                        contAP = contAP + 1
                        line = """<li id="%d" parent="%d" deep="%d"><a class="btn btn-success btn-xs" aria-label="Left Align"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-signal" aria-hidden="true"></span> %s</a> [%s]</li>""" % (idSons,idParent,deep,"no ip address",dictOidData[son]['name'])
                        createDeviceObj(dictOidData[son]['name'], "Not recovery", dictOidData[son]['model'], "no ip address",
                                        "device-%d" % (idSons)))
                        line = """<li id="%d" parent="%d" deep="%d">[%s|%s]</li>""" % (idSons,idParent,deep,"no ip address",dictOidData[son]['name'])

                text=text + ("\t"*(deep+1)) + line + "\n"

        generalContAP = generalContAP + contAP
        generalContSEP = generalContSEP + contSEP

        text = text + ("\t"*deep) + "</ul>\n"

        text = text + """<div class="btn btn-default btn-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-signal"> %s </span>""" % str(contAP)
        text = text + """ | <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone-alt" > %s </span></div>""" % str(contSEP)

        text = text + ("\t"*deep) + "</li>" + "\n"
        for son in dictOidData.keys():
            if dictOidData[son]['address'] not in hostsScanned:
                idSons = idSons + 1
                line = """<li id="%d" parent="%d" deep="%d">[%s|%s]</li>""" % (idSons,idParent,deep,dictOidData[son]['address'],dictOidData[son]['name'])
                text=text + ("\t"*deep) + line + "\n"

    if deep == 0:
        text = text + "</ul>\n"
        text = text + "</td></tr></table>"
        text = text + """<div ><table class="table table-bordered"><tr><th>Type</th><th>Quantity</th></tr>"""
        text = text + """<tr><td>AP <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-signal" aria-hidden="true"></span></td><td> %s </td></tr>""" % str(generalContAP)
        text = text + """<tr><td>TIP <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-phone-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span></td><td> %s </td></tr>""" % str(generalContSEP)
        text = text + """</table></div>"""

        #Table with DEVICE INVENTORI
        text = text + """<div class="form-group pull-right"><input type="text" class="search form-control" placeholder="What you looking for?"></div>"""""
        text = text + """<span class="counter pull-right"></span>"""
        text = text + """<div><table class="table table-hover table-bordered results"><thead><tr><th>#</th><th>Name</th><th>Ip</th><th>Serial</th><th>Model</th></tr>"""
        text = text + """<tr class="warning no-result"><td colspan="4"><i class="fa fa-warning"></i> No result</td></tr></thead><tbody>"""

        iddevice = 1
        tabletext = ""
        for device in listDevices:
            tabletext = tabletext + """<tr><th scope="row">%d</th><td><a href="#%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>""" % (iddevice,device["link"],device["name"],device["ipaddress"],device["serial"],device["model"])
            iddevice = iddevice + 1

        tabletext = tabletext + """</tbody></table></div>"""
        text = text + tabletext

        text = text + "</div>\n"
        text = text + "</body>\n"
        text = text + "</html>\n"
    return text
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getDeviceCurrentStateHTML(ip):
    namedevice = collector.getDeviceName(ip)
    modeldevice = collector.getDeviceModel(ip)
    serialdevice = collector.getDeviceSerial(ip)

    #Getting Neighbours
    neighbours = collector.getListOfNeighbours(ip)
    dictOidData = neighbours["dict"]
    listOidData = neighbours["list"]

    line = ""

    line = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
    line = line + """<html lang="en-US">\n"""
    line = line + "<head>\n<title>ROOT: " +ip+ "</title>\n"
    line = line + """<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-1q8mTJOASx8j1Au+a5WDVnPi2lkFfwwEAa8hDDdjZlpLegxhjVME1fgjWPGmkzs7" crossorigin="anonymous">"""
    line = line + "</head>"
    line = line + "<body>"
    line = line + """<div class="container">"""
    line = line + """<table class="table table-bordered table-hover">"""
    line = line + "<tbody>"

    line = line + "<tr><th>Ip</th><td>" + ip + "</td></tr>"
    line = line + "<tr><th>Name</th><td>" + namedevice + "</td></tr>"
    line = line + "<tr><th>Serial</th><td>" + serialdevice + "</td></tr>"
    line = line + "<tr><th>Model</th><td>" + modeldevice + "</td></tr>"

    line = line + "</tbody>"
    line = line + "</table>"
    line = line + "<hr>"

    contDown = 0
    contAp = 0
    contSep = 0
    contLink = 0

    line = line + """<table class="table table-bordered table-hover">"""
    line = line + "<thead>"
    line = line + "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th><th>State</th><th>Neigh</th></tr>"
    line = line + "</thead>"
    line = line + "<tbody>"
    listInterfacesId = collector.getInterfaceIds(ip)

    for intId in listInterfacesId:
        line = line + "<tr>"
        status = collector.getInterfaceStatus(ip,intId)
        alias = collector.getInterfaceAlias(ip,intId)
        if status == "down":
            contDown += 1
        line = line + "<td>"+collector.getInterfaceName(ip,intId) +"</td><td>" + alias + "</td><td>"+status+"</td>"
        lenTemp = len(line)
        for idInterface in listOidData:
            if intId == idInterface.split(".")[1]:
                line = line + "<td>" + dictOidData[idInterface]['name']
                if "address" in dictOidData[idInterface].keys():
                    line = line + ":" + dictOidData[idInterface]['address'] + "</td></tr>\n"
                    line = line + "</td></tr>\n"
                if "ap" in dictOidData[idInterface]['name']:
                    contAp += 1
                if "SEP" in dictOidData[idInterface]['name']:
                    contSep += 1
                if "rsw" in dictOidData[idInterface]['name'] or "sw" in dictOidData[idInterface]['name']:
                    contLink += 1

        if lenTemp == len(line):
            line = line + "<td></td></tr>\n"

    line = line + "<hr>"
    line = line + """<table class="table table-bordered table-hover">"""
    line = line + "<tbody>"
    line = line + "<tr><th>NotCon</th><td>%d</td></tr>" % contDown
    line = line + "<tr><th>AP</th><td>%d</td></tr>" % contAp
    line = line + "<tr><th>TIP</th><td>%d</td></tr>" % contSep
    line = line + "<tr><th>LINKS</th><td>%d</td></tr>" % contLink
    line = line + "</tbody>"
    line = line + "</table>"

    line = line + "</div>"
    line = line + "</body>"
    line = line + "</html>"

    #return textwrap.dedent(line).strip()
    return line