Ejemplo n.º 1
    def add_to_schema(cls, schemaDict, nsmap):
        if not cls.get_datatype(nsmap) in schemaDict:
            for k, v in cls.soap_members.items():
                v.add_to_schema(schemaDict, nsmap)

            schema_node = create_xml_element(
                nsmap.get("xs") + "complexType", nsmap)

            sequence_node = create_xml_subelement(
                schema_node, nsmap.get('xs') + 'sequence')
            for k, v in cls.soap_members.items():
                member_node = create_xml_subelement(
                    sequence_node, nsmap.get('xs') + 'element')
                member_node.set('name', k)
                member_node.set('minOccurs', '0')
                    "%s:%s" % (v.get_namespace_id(), v.get_datatype()))

            typeElement = create_xml_element(
                nsmap.get('xs') + 'element', nsmap)
                "%s:%s" % (cls.get_namespace_id(),cls.get_datatype()))
            schemaDict[cls.get_datatype(nsmap)+'Complex'] = schema_node
            schemaDict[cls.get_datatype(nsmap)] = typeElement
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def add_to_schema(self, schema_dict, nsmap):
        typ = self.get_datatype()

        self.serializer.add_to_schema(schema_dict, nsmap)

        if not typ in schema_dict:

            complexTypeNode = create_xml_element(
                nsmap.get('xs') + 'complexType', nsmap)
            complexTypeNode.set('name', self.get_datatype())

            sequenceNode = create_xml_subelement(
                complexTypeNode, nsmap.get('xs') + 'sequence')
            elementNode = create_xml_subelement(
                sequenceNode, nsmap.get('xs') + 'element')
            elementNode.set('minOccurs', '0')
            elementNode.set('maxOccurs', 'unbounded')
                "%s:%s" % (self.serializer.get_namespace_id(), self.serializer.get_datatype()))
            elementNode.set('name', self.item_name) #changed to item_name

            typeElement = create_xml_element(
                nsmap.get('xs') + 'element', nsmap)
            typeElement.set('name', typ)
                "%s:%s" % (self.namespace_id, self.get_datatype()))

            schema_dict['%sElement' % (self.get_datatype(nsmap))] = typeElement
            schema_dict[self.get_datatype(nsmap)] = complexTypeNode
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _add_messages_for_methods(self, root, methods, nsmap):
        A private method for adding message elements to the wsdl
        @param the the root element of the wsdl
        @param the list of methods.
        messages = []
        #make messages
        for method in methods:
            methodName = method.name
            # making in part
            inMessage = create_xml_element('message', nsmap)
            inMessage.set('name', method.inMessage.typ)

            inPart = create_xml_subelement(inMessage, 'part')
            inPart.set('name', method.inMessage.name)
            inPart.set('element', 'tns:' + method.inMessage.typ)


            # making out part only if necessary
            if len(method.outMessage.params) > 0:
                outMessage = create_xml_element('message', nsmap)
                outMessage.set('name', method.outMessage.typ)
                outPart = create_xml_subelement(outMessage, 'part')
                outPart.set('name', method.outMessage.name)
                outPart.set('element', 'tns:' + method.outMessage.typ)

        for message in messages:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_soap_envelope(message, tns='', header_elements=None):
    This method takes the results from a soap method call, and wraps them
    in the appropriate soap envelope with any specified headers

    @param the message of the soap envelope, either an element or
           a list of elements
    @param any header elements to be included in the soap response
    @returns the envelope element
    nsmap = NamespaceLookup(tns)
    envelope = create_xml_element(nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Envelope', nsmap,
    if header_elements:
        headerElement = create_xml_subelement(envelope,
            nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Header')
        for h in header_elements:
    body = create_xml_subelement(envelope, nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Body')

    if type(message) == list:
        for m in message:
    elif message != None:

    return envelope
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def add_to_schema(cls, schema_dict, nsmap):
        complexTypeNode = create_xml_element('complexType', nsmap)
        complexTypeNode.set('name', cls.get_datatype())
        sequenceNode = create_xml_subelement(complexTypeNode, 'sequence')
        faultTypeElem = create_xml_subelement(sequenceNode, 'element')
        faultTypeElem.set('name', 'detail')
        faultTypeElem.set(nsmap.get('xsi') + 'type', 'xs:string')
        faultTypeElem = create_xml_subelement(sequenceNode, 'element')
        faultTypeElem.set('name', 'message')
        faultTypeElem.set(nsmap.get('xsi') + 'type', 'xs:string')

        schema_dict[cls.get_datatype()] = complexTypeNode

        typeElementItem = create_xml_element('element', nsmap)
        typeElementItem.set('name', 'ExceptionFaultType')
        typeElementItem.set(nsmap.get('xsi') + 'type', cls.get_datatype(nsmap))
        schema_dict['%sElement' % (cls.get_datatype(nsmap))] = typeElementItem
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _generic_to_xml(value, name, cls, nsmap):
    retval = create_xml_element(name, nsmap)
    if value:
        retval.text = value
    #    nsmap.get('xsi') + 'type',
    #    "%s:%s" % (cls.get_namespace_id(), cls.get_datatype()))
    return retval
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _unicode_to_xml(value, name, cls, nsmap):
    retval = create_xml_element(name, nsmap)
    if value == None:
        return Null.to_xml(value, name, nsmap)
    if type(value) == unicode:
        retval.text = value
        retval.text = unicode(value, string_encoding)
    #    nsmap.get('xsi') + 'type',
    #    "%s:%s" % (cls.get_namespace_id(), cls.get_datatype()))
    return retval
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def add_to_schema(self, schemaDict, nsmap):
        complexType = create_xml_element(nsmap.get('xs') + 'complexType',
        complexType.set('name', self.typ)

        sequence = create_xml_subelement(complexType,
            nsmap.get('xs') + 'sequence')
        if self.params:
            for name, serializer in self.params:
                e = create_xml_subelement(sequence,
                    nsmap.get('xs') + 'element')
                e.set('name', name)
                    "%s:%s" % (serializer.get_namespace_id(),

            element = create_xml_element(nsmap.get('xs') + 'element', nsmap)
            element.set('name', self.typ)
            element.set('type', '%s:%s' % ('tns', self.typ))

            schemaDict[self.typ] = complexType
            schemaDict[self.typ + 'Element'] = element
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def to_xml(self, values, name='retval', nsmap=ns):
     res = create_xml_element(name, nsmap)
     typ = self.get_datatype(nsmap)
     if values == None:
         values = []
     #    "%s:%s" % (self.get_namespace_id(), self.get_datatype()))
     for value in values:
         serializer = self.serializer
         if value == None:
             serializer = Null
             serializer.to_xml(value, self.item_name, nsmap))
             #serializer.to_xml(value, serializer.get_datatype(), nsmap))
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def to_xml(cls, value, name='retval', nsmap=ns):
        element = create_xml_element(
            nsmap.get(cls.get_namespace_id()) + name, nsmap)

        # Because namespaces are not getting output, explicitly set xmlns as an
        # attribute. Otherwise .NET will reject the message.
        if None not in nsmap.nsmap and cls.get_namespace_id() in nsmap.nsmap:
            xmlns = nsmap.nsmap[cls.get_namespace_id()]
            element.set('xmlns', xmlns)
        for k, v in cls.soap_members.items():
            subvalue = getattr(value, k, None)
            subelements = v.to_xml(subvalue, name=k, nsmap=nsmap)
            if type(subelements) != list:
                subelements = [subelements]
            for s in subelements:
        return element
Ejemplo n.º 11
def make_soap_fault(faultString, faultCode = 'Server', detail = None,
        header_elements = None):
    This method populates a soap fault message with the provided
    fault string and details.
    @param faultString the short description of the error
    @param detail the details of the exception, such as a stack trace
    @param faultCode defaults to 'Server', but can be overridden
    @param header_elements A list of XML elements to add to the fault header.
    @returns the element corresponding to the fault message
    nsmap = NamespaceLookup()
    envelope = create_xml_element(nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Envelope', nsmap)
    if header_elements:
        header = create_xml_subelement(
            envelope, nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Header')
        for element in header_elements:
    body = create_xml_subelement(envelope, nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + 'Body')
    f = Fault(faultCode, faultString, detail)
    body.append(Fault.to_xml(f, nsmap.get('SOAP-ENV') + "Fault", nsmap))
    return envelope
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def to_xml(cls, value, name='retval', nsmap=ns):
        '''This class method takes the data from the attachment and
        base64 encodes it as the text of an Element. An attachment can
        specify a filename and if no data is given, it will read the data
        from the file
        if (value.__class__ not in [Attachment, str]):
            raise Exception("Do not know how to serialize class %s" %

        element = create_xml_element(name, nsmap)
        if value.__class__ == str:
            element.text = base64.encodestring(value)
        elif value.encoded_data is not None:
            element.text = value.encoded_data
        elif value.data is not None:
            # the data has already been loaded, just encode
            # and return the element
            element.text = base64.encodestring(value.data)
        elif value.fileName:
            # the data hasn't been loaded, but a file has been
            # specified
            data_string = cStringIO.StringIO()

            fileName = value.fileName
            file = open(fileName, 'rb')
            base64.encode(file, data_string)

            # go back to the begining of the data
            element.text = str(data_string.read())
            raise Exception("Neither data nor a filename has been specified")

        return element
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def to_xml(self, *data):
        if len(self.params):
            if len(data) != len(self.params):
                raise Exception("Parameter number mismatch expected [%s] "
                    "got [%s] for response %s"%(len(self.params), len(data), self.name))

        nsmap = NamespaceLookup(self.ns)
        element = create_xml_element(self.name, nsmap, self.ns)

        for i in range(0, len(self.params)):
            name, serializer = self.params[i]
            d = data[i]
            e = serializer.to_xml(d, name, nsmap)
            if type(e) in (list, tuple):
                elist = e
                for e in elist:
            elif e == None:

        return element
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def wsdl(self, url):
        This method generates and caches the wsdl for this object based
        on the soap methods designated by the soapmethod or soapdocument
        @param url the url that this service can be found at.  This must be
        passed in by the caller because this object has no notion of the
        server environment in which it runs.
        @returns the string of the wsdl
        if not self.__wsdl__ == None:
            # return the cached __wsdl__
            return self.__wsdl__
        url = url.replace('.wsdl', '')
        # otherwise build it
        serviceName = self.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1]

        tns = self.__tns__
        methods = self.methods()
        hasCallbacks = self._hasCallbacks()

        nsmap = NamespaceLookup(tns, True)
        if hasCallbacks:

        root = create_xml_element(
            "definitions", nsmap, 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/')
        root.set('targetNamespace', tns)
        root.set('name', serviceName)

        types = create_xml_subelement(root, "types")

        self._add_schema(types, methods, nsmap)
        self._add_messages_for_methods(root, methods, nsmap)

        # add necessary async headers
        # WS-Addressing -> RelatesTo ReplyTo MessageID
        # callback porttype
        if hasCallbacks:
            wsaSchemaNode = create_xml_subelement(types, "schema")
            wsaSchemaNode.set("targetNamespace", tns+'Callback')
            wsaSchemaNode.set("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema")
            wsaSchemaNode.set("elementFormDefault", "qualified")

            importNode = create_xml_subelement(wsaSchemaNode, "import")

            reltMessage = create_xml_subelement(root, 'message')
            reltMessage.set('name', 'RelatesToHeader')
            reltPart = create_xml_subelement(reltMessage, 'part')
            reltPart.set('name', 'RelatesTo')
            reltPart.set('element', 'wsa:RelatesTo')

            replyMessage = create_xml_subelement(root, 'message')
            replyMessage.set('name', 'ReplyToHeader')
            replyPart = create_xml_subelement(replyMessage, 'part')
            replyPart.set('name', 'ReplyTo')
            replyPart.set('element', 'wsa:ReplyTo')

            idHeader = create_xml_subelement(root, 'message')
            idHeader.set('name', 'MessageIDHeader')
            idPart = create_xml_subelement(idHeader, 'part')
            idPart.set('name', 'MessageID')
            idPart.set('element', 'wsa:MessageID')

            # make portTypes
            callbackPortType = create_xml_subelement(root, 'portType')
            callbackPortType.set('name', '%sCallback' % serviceName)

            cbServiceName = '%sCallback' % serviceName
            cbService = create_xml_subelement(root, 'service')
            cbService.set('name', cbServiceName)
            cbWsdlPort = create_xml_subelement(cbService, 'port')
            cbWsdlPort.set('name', cbServiceName)
            cbWsdlPort.set('binding', 'tns:%s' % cbServiceName)
            cbAddr = create_xml_subelement(cbWsdlPort,
                nsmap.get('soap') + 'address')
            cbAddr.set('location', url)

        serviceName = self.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1]
        portType = create_xml_subelement(root, 'portType')
        portType.set('name', serviceName)
        for method in methods:
            if method.isCallback:
                operation = create_xml_subelement(callbackPortType,
                operation = create_xml_subelement(portType, 'operation')

            operation.set('name', method.name)
            params = []
            for name, param in method.inMessage.params:

            documentation = create_xml_subelement(operation, 'documentation')
            documentation.text = method.doc
            operation.set('parameterOrder', method.inMessage.typ)
            opInput = create_xml_subelement(operation, 'input')
            opInput.set('name', method.inMessage.typ)
            opInput.set('message', 'tns:%s' % method.inMessage.typ)

            if (len(method.outMessage.params) > 0 and
                not method.isCallback and not method.isAsync):
                opOutput = create_xml_subelement(operation, 'output')
                opOutput.set('name', method.outMessage.typ)
                opOutput.set('message', 'tns:%s' % method.outMessage.typ)

        # make partner link
        plink = create_xml_subelement(root,
            nsmap.get('plnk') + 'partnerLinkType')
        plink.set('name', serviceName)
        role = create_xml_subelement(plink,
            nsmap.get('plnk') + 'role')
        role.set('name', serviceName)
        plinkPortType = create_xml_subelement(role,
            nsmap.get('plnk') + 'portType')
        plinkPortType.set('name', 'tns:%s' % serviceName)

        if hasCallbacks:
            role = create_xml_subelement(plink, nsmap.get('plnk') + 'role')
            role.set('name', '%sCallback' % serviceName)
            plinkPortType = create_xml_subelement(role,
                nsmap.get('plnk') + 'portType')
            plinkPortType.set('name', 'tns:%sCallback' % serviceName)

        self._add_bindings_for_methods(root, serviceName, methods, nsmap)

        service = create_xml_subelement(root, 'service')
        service.set('name', serviceName)
        wsdlPort = create_xml_subelement(service, 'port')
        wsdlPort.set('name', serviceName)
        wsdlPort.set('binding', 'tns:%s' % serviceName)
        addr = create_xml_subelement(wsdlPort, nsmap.get('soap') + 'address')
        addr.set('location', url)

        wsdl = ElementTree.tostring(root)
        wsdl = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>%s" % (wsdl)

        #cache the wsdl for next time
        self.__wsdl__ = wsdl
        return self.__wsdl__
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def to_xml(cls, value, name='retval', nsmap=ns):
     element = create_xml_element(name, nsmap)
     element.set(cls.get_datatype(nsmap), '1')
     return element
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def to_xml(cls, value, name, nsmap=ns):
     fault = create_xml_element(name, nsmap)
     create_xml_subelement(fault, 'faultcode').text = value.faultcode
     create_xml_subelement(fault, 'faultstring').text = value.faultstring
     detail = create_xml_subelement(fault, 'detail').text = value.detail
     return fault
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _add_bindings_for_methods(self, root, serviceName, methods, nsmap):
        A private method for adding bindings to the wsdld
        @param the root element of the wsdl
        @param the name of this service
        @param the methods to be add to the binding node
        hasCallbacks = self._hasCallbacks()

        # make binding
        binding = create_xml_subelement(root, 'binding')
        binding.set('name', serviceName)
        binding.set('type', 'tns:%s'%serviceName)

        sbinding = create_xml_subelement(binding,
            nsmap.get('soap') + 'binding')
        sbinding.set('style', 'document')
        sbinding.set('transport', 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http')

        if hasCallbacks:
            callbackBinding = create_xml_subelement(root, 'binding')
            callbackBinding.set('name', '%sCallback' % serviceName)
            callbackBinding.set('type', 'typens:%sCallback' % serviceName)

            sbinding = create_xml_subelement(callbackBinding,
                nsmap.get('soap') + 'binding')
            sbinding.set('transport', 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http')

        for method in methods:
            operation = create_xml_element('operation', nsmap)
            operation.set('name', method.name)

            soapOperation = create_xml_subelement(operation,
                nsmap.get('soap') + 'operation')
            soapOperation.set('soapAction', method.soapAction)

            soapOperation.set('style', 'document')

            input = create_xml_subelement(operation, 'input')
            input.set('name', method.inMessage.typ)
            soapBody = create_xml_subelement(input, nsmap.get('soap') + 'body')
            soapBody.set('use', 'literal')

            if (len(method.outMessage.params) > 0 and
                not method.isAsync and not method.isCallback):
                output = create_xml_subelement(operation, 'output')
                output.set('name', method.outMessage.typ)
                soapBody = create_xml_subelement(output,
                    nsmap.get('soap') + 'body')
                soapBody.set('use', 'literal')

            if method.isCallback:
                relatesTo = create_xml_subelement(input,
                    nsmap.get('soap') + 'header')
                relatesTo.set('message', 'tns:RelatesToHeader')
                relatesTo.set('part', 'RelatesTo')
                relatesTo.set('use', 'literal')
                if method.isAsync:
                    rtHeader = create_xml_subelement(input,
                        nsmap.get('soap') + 'header')
                    rtHeader.set('message', 'tns:ReplyToHeader')
                    rtHeader.set('part', 'ReplyTo')
                    rtHeader.set('use', 'literal')

                    midHeader = create_xml_subelement(input,
                        nsmap.get('soap') + 'header')
                    midHeader.set('message', 'tns:MessageIDHeader')
                    midHeader.set('part', 'MessageID')
                    midHeader.set('use', 'literal')
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def to_xml(cls, value, name='retval', nsmap=ns):
     if type(value) == str:
         value = ElementTree.fromstring(value)
     e = create_xml_element(name, nsmap)
     return e