Ejemplo n.º 1
    def set_analog_voltage(self, v):
        """ Sets the robot's analog output voltage.

            v (float): The output voltage to set. This is limited to the range of 0-10V.
        if self.simulated:
            raise SoarIOError('Cannot set the analog output of a simulated robot (yet)')  # TODO: CMax integration
        else:  # Sent the analog-digital output required to read it later
                self.arcos.send_command(DIGOUT, int(clip(v, 0, 10)*25.5) | 0xff00)
            except Timeout as e:  # Recast arcos errors as Soar errors
                raise SoarIOError(str(e)) from e
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def on_stop(self):
     if not self.simulated:
             self.arcos.send_command(STOP)  # Stop the robot from moving
             self.arcos.send_command(ENABLE, 0)  # Disable the motors after we've stopped
         except Timeout as e:  # Recast arcos errors as Soar errors
             raise SoarIOError(str(e)) from e
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def on_load(self):
     if self.simulated:
         self.arcos = None
         print('Connected to Pioneer p3dx-sh MIT_0042 (12.0 Volts) [Simulated]')
         print('Your robot\'s name is \'Denny\'')  # Hi Denny Freeman!
             self.arcos = ARCOSClient()
             self.arcos.send_command(ENABLE, 0)  # We disable the motors so that the robot is easily movable
             # Continuously request IOpacs, and make sure we receive at least one
             self.arcos.send_command(IOREQUEST, 2)
             self.arcos.wait_or_timeout(self.arcos.io_event, 1.0, 'Could not access robot IO information')
             # Request a CONFIGpac and make sure we receive one
             self.arcos.wait_or_timeout(self.arcos.config_event, 1.0, 'Could not access robot configuration')
             config = self.arcos.config
             serial_num = str(getnode())
             battery_volts = self.arcos.standard['BATTERY'] / 10.0
             # Set the serial device for viewing
             self.serial_device = self.arcos.ser.name
             # Print the standard connection message and warn if the battery is low
             print('Connected to', ' '.join([config[field] for field in ['ROBOT_TYPE', 'SUBTYPE', 'NAME']]), 'on',
                   self.serial_device, '(%s Volts)' % battery_volts)
             print('Your robot\'s name is \'%s\'' % name_from_sernum(serial_num))
             if battery_volts < self.arcos.config['LOWBATTERY']/10.0:
                 printerr('WARNING: The robot\'s battery is low. Consider recharging or finding a new one.')
         except ARCOSError as e:  # If anything goes wrong, raise a SoarIOError
             raise SoarIOError(str(e)) from e
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def analogs(self):
     """ Get the robot's 4 analog inputs, so long as it is real and not simulated, as a 4 tuple. """
     if self.simulated:
         raise SoarIOError('Cannot access the inputs of a simulated robot (yet)')  # TODO: CMax integration
         # Assume that the io information is relatively current
         return tuple([round(a*10.0/1023.0, 3) for a in self.arcos.io['ANALOGS'][4:]])
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def rv(self, value):
     self._rv = clip(value, -self.RV_CAP, self.RV_CAP)
     if not self.simulated:
             self.arcos.send_command(RVEL, int(self._rv * 180 / pi))  # Convert radians/sec to degrees/sec
         except Timeout as e:  # Recast arcos errors as Soar errors
             raise SoarIOError(str(e)) from e
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def fv(self, value):
     self._fv = clip(value, -self.FV_CAP, self.FV_CAP)
     if not self.simulated:  # For real robots, must send an ARCOS command
             self.arcos.send_command(VEL, int(self._fv*1000))  # Convert m/s to mm/s
         except Timeout as e:  # Recast arcos errors as Soar errors
             raise SoarIOError(str(e)) from e
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def on_start(self):
     if not self.simulated:
         for _ in range(5):  # Try enabling motors a few times
             if self.arcos.standard['FLAGS'] & 0x1 != 0x1:  # If the motors have not been enabled
                     self.arcos.send_command(ENABLE, 1)  # Re-enable them
                 except Timeout as e:  # Recast arcos errors as Soar errors
                     raise SoarIOError(str(e)) from e
             else:  # If they have been, we're all set
         if self.arcos.standard['FLAGS'] & 0x1 != 0x1:  # If they still aren't enabled, raise an error
             raise SoarIOError('Unable to enable the robot\'s motors')
         except Timeout as e:  # Recast arcos errors as Soar errors
             raise SoarIOError(str(e)) from e
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def on_load(self):
        """ Called when the controller of the robot is loaded.

        The behavior of this method should differ depending on the value of `simulated`; if it is `False`, this
        method should be used to connect with the real robot. If a connection error occurs, a
        :class:`soar.errors.SoarIOError` should be raised to notify the client that the error was not due to other
        if not self.simulated:
            raise SoarIOError('BaseRobot has no real interface to connect to')