Ejemplo n.º 1
def process(request, environ, start_response):
    """Handle the redirect from the OpenID server and eventually login the user.
    session, oi_session = get_sessions(environ)    
    consumer = Consumer(oi_session, OPENID_STORE)

    # Ask the library to check the response that the server sent us.
    # Status is a code indicating the response type.
    # Info is either None or a string containing more information about
    # the return type.
    url = request.host_url + request.path
    info = consumer.complete(request.params, url)

    if info.status == "success":
        user_id = info.getDisplayIdentifier()

        user_to_save = False
        user = socialauth.User.getByOpenIdIdentifier(user_id)
        if user is None:
            user = socialauth.User(openid_identifier=user_id)
            user_to_save = True

        sreg_resp = sreg.SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(info)
        if sreg_resp:
            for k, v in sreg_resp.iteritems():
                if v and getattr(user, k) != v: 
                    setattr(user, k, v)
                    user_to_save = True

        ax_rep = ax.FetchResponse.fromSuccessResponse(info)
        if ax_rep:
            data = {}
            for alias, url in AX_FIELDS.iteritems():
                    data[alias] = ax_rep.get(url) and ax_rep.get(url)[0]
                except KeyError, IndexError:
            for k, v in data.iteritems():
                if v and getattr(user, k) != v:
                    setattr(user, k, v)
                    user_to_save = True

        if user_to_save: 
        session['user_id'] = user._id
        session['user_human_id'] = user.human_id
        return utils.close_window_refresh_opener(start_response)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def process(request, environ, start_response):
    """Verify the returned values from twitter.

    If the user cancel once on twitter site, he/she is not redirected here,
    so not this case to handle...
    session = environ['beaker.session']
    oauth_token = request.params['oauth_token']
    oauth_token_secret = session.pop('socialauth.twitter_token')
    # Step 1. Use the request token in the session to build a new client.
    token = oauth.Token(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret)
    client = oauth.Client(consumer, token)

    # Step 2. Request the authorized access token from Twitter.
    resp, content = client.request(access_token_url, "GET")
    if resp['status'] != '200':
        raise Exception("Invalid response from Twitter.")

    This is what you'll get back from Twitter. Note that it includes the
    user's user_id and screen_name.
        'oauth_token_secret': 'IcJXPiJh8be3BjDWW50uCY31chyhsMHEhqJVsphC3M',
        'user_id': '120889797', 
        'oauth_token': '120889797-H5zNnM3qE0iFoTTpNEHIz3noL9FKzXiOxwtnyVOD',
        'screen_name': 'heyismysiteup'
    access_token = dict(cgi.parse_qsl(content))

    # Step 3. Lookup the user or create them if they don't exist.
    user_to_save = False
    user_id = access_token['user_id']
    user = socialauth.User.getByTwitterId(user_id)
    if user is None:
        user = socialauth.User(twitter_id=user_id)
        user_to_save = True
    email = "*****@*****.**" % access_token['screen_name']
    if user.email != email:
        user.email = email
        user_to_save = True
    if user_to_save:

    session['user_id'] = user._id
    session['user_human_id'] = user.human_id

    return utils.close_window_refresh_opener(start_response)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def process(request, environ, start_response):
    """Handle the redirect from the OpenID server and eventually login the user.
    session, oi_session = get_sessions(environ)
    consumer = Consumer(oi_session, OPENID_STORE)

    # Ask the library to check the response that the server sent us.
    # Status is a code indicating the response type.
    # Info is either None or a string containing more information about
    # the return type.
    url = request.host_url + request.path
    info = consumer.complete(request.params, url)


    if info.status == "success":
        user_id = info.getDisplayIdentifier()

        user_to_save = False
        user = socialauth.User.getByOpenIdIdentifier(user_id)
        if user is None:
            user = socialauth.User(openid_identifier=user_id)
            user_to_save = True

        sreg_resp = sreg.SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(info)
        if sreg_resp:
            for k, v in sreg_resp.iteritems():
                if v and getattr(user, k) != v:
                    setattr(user, k, v)
                    user_to_save = True

        ax_rep = ax.FetchResponse.fromSuccessResponse(info)
        if ax_rep:
            data = {}
            for alias, url in AX_FIELDS.iteritems():
                    data[alias] = ax_rep.get(url) and ax_rep.get(url)[0]
                except KeyError, IndexError:
            for k, v in data.iteritems():
                if v and getattr(user, k) != v:
                    setattr(user, k, v)
                    user_to_save = True

        if user_to_save:
        session['user_id'] = user._id
        session['user_human_id'] = user.human_id
        return utils.close_window_refresh_opener(start_response)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def process(request, environ, start_response):
    """Process information returned by client and server
    to log in the user.
    code = request.GET.get('code')
    if not code:  # Probably cancel from user
        start_response('302 Redirect', [('Location', utils.LOGIN_PATH)])
        return ['']
    args = dict(client_id=app_id,
                redirect_uri=redirect_uri % request.host_url,
    url = fb_access_token_url % urllib.urlencode(args)
    res = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
    response = cgi.parse_qs(res)
    access_token = response['access_token'][-1]

    # The token contains the FB userid, but the token changes from times to
    # times, so we can not really rely on it to find users in DB.
    # The token format is not garanted, so we do not try to extract
    # userid from it.
    req = urllib.urlopen(fb_profile_url % access_token)
    profile = json.load(req)
    fb_userid = profile['id']

    user = socialauth.User.getByFacebookUID(fb_userid)

    if not user:
        user = socialauth.User.create(firstname=profile.get('first_name'),
    elif user.fb_oauth2_token != access_token:
        user.fb_oauth2_token = access_token

    session = environ['beaker.session']
    session['user_id'] = user._id
    session['user_human_id'] = user.human_id

    return utils.close_window_refresh_opener(start_response)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def process(request, environ, start_response):
    """Process information returned by client and server
    to log in the user.
    code = request.GET.get('code')
    if not code: # Probably cancel from user
        start_response('302 Redirect', [('Location', utils.LOGIN_PATH)])
        return ['']
    args = dict(client_id=app_id, 
                redirect_uri=redirect_uri % request.host_url,
    url = fb_access_token_url % urllib.urlencode(args)
    res = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
    response = cgi.parse_qs(res)
    access_token = response['access_token'][-1]

    # The token contains the FB userid, but the token changes from times to 
    # times, so we can not really rely on it to find users in DB.
    # The token format is not garanted, so we do not try to extract 
    # userid from it.
    req = urllib.urlopen(fb_profile_url % access_token)
    profile = json.load(req)
    fb_userid = profile['id']

    user = socialauth.User.getByFacebookUID(fb_userid)

    if not user:
        user = socialauth.User.create(firstname=profile.get('first_name'), 
    elif user.fb_oauth2_token != access_token:
        user.fb_oauth2_token = access_token
    session = environ['beaker.session']
    session['user_id'] = user._id
    session['user_human_id'] = user.human_id

    return utils.close_window_refresh_opener(start_response)