Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        assert 'test' in databaseName.default, databaseName.default
        dsn = ('host=%(database_host)s dbname=%(database_name)s '
               'user=%(database_user)s password=%(database_password)s' % DSN)
        self.conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn)
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        date_suffix = PostgreSQLCrashStorage._table_suffix_for_crash_id(a_processed_crash['uuid'])
        self.reports_table_name = 'reports%s' % date_suffix
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(table_name)s;
        CREATE TABLE %(table_name)s (
            id integer NOT NULL,
            client_crash_date timestamp with time zone,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            uuid character varying(50) NOT NULL,
            product character varying(30),
            version character varying(16),
            build character varying(30),
            signature character varying(255),
            url character varying(255),
            install_age integer,
            last_crash integer,
            uptime integer,
            cpu_name character varying(100),
            cpu_info character varying(100),
            reason character varying(255),
            address character varying(20),
            os_name character varying(100),
            os_version character varying(100),
            email character varying(100),
            user_id character varying(50),
            started_datetime timestamp with time zone,
            completed_datetime timestamp with time zone,
            success boolean,
            truncated boolean,
            processor_notes text,
            user_comments character varying(1024),
            app_notes character varying(1024),
            distributor character varying(20),
            distributor_version character varying(20),
            topmost_filenames text,
            addons_checked boolean,
            flash_version text,
            hangid text,
            process_type text,
            release_channel text,
            productid text
        DROP SEQUENCE reports_id_seq;
        CREATE SEQUENCE reports_id_seq
            START WITH 1
            INCREMENT BY 1
            NO MINVALUE
            NO MAXVALUE
            CACHE 1;

        ALTER TABLE ONLY %(table_name)s ALTER COLUMN id
          SET DEFAULT nextval('reports_id_seq'::regclass);

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugins;
        CREATE TABLE plugins (
            id serial NOT NULL,
            filename text NOT NULL,
            name text NOT NULL

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugins_reports;
        CREATE TABLE plugins_reports (
            report_id integer NOT NULL,
            plugin_id integer NOT NULL,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            version text NOT NULL

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugin_%(table_name)s;
        CREATE TABLE plugin_%(table_name)s (
            report_id integer NOT NULL,
            plugin_id integer NOT NULL,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            version text NOT NULL

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS extensions;
        CREATE TABLE extensions (
            report_id serial NOT NULL,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            extension_key integer NOT NULL,
            extension_id text NOT NULL,
            extension_version text

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS extensions%(date_suffix)s;
        CREATE TABLE extensions%(date_suffix)s (
            report_id serial NOT NULL,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            extension_key integer NOT NULL,
            extension_id text NOT NULL,
            extension_version text

        """ % dict(table_name=self.reports_table_name,
        assert self.conn.get_transaction_status() == TRANSACTION_STATUS_IDLE
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setUp(self):

        config_manager = self._setup_config_manager()
        with config_manager.context() as config:
            DSN = {
                "database_hostname": config.database_hostnamename,
                "database_name": config.database_name,
                "database_username": config.database_username,
                "database_password": config.database_password

        dsn = ('host=%(database_hostname)s dbname=%(database_name)s '
               'user=%(database_username)s password=%(database_password)s' %
        self.conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn)
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        date_suffix = PostgreSQLCrashStorage._table_suffix_for_crash_id(
        self.reports_table_name = 'reports%s' % date_suffix
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(table_name)s;
        CREATE TABLE %(table_name)s (
            id integer NOT NULL,
            client_crash_date timestamp with time zone,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            uuid character varying(50) NOT NULL,
            product character varying(30),
            version character varying(16),
            build character varying(30),
            signature character varying(255),
            url character varying(255),
            install_age integer,
            last_crash integer,
            uptime integer,
            cpu_name character varying(100),
            cpu_info character varying(100),
            reason character varying(255),
            address character varying(20),
            os_name character varying(100),
            os_version character varying(100),
            email character varying(100),
            user_id character varying(50),
            started_datetime timestamp with time zone,
            completed_datetime timestamp with time zone,
            success boolean,
            truncated boolean,
            processor_notes text,
            user_comments character varying(1024),
            app_notes character varying(1024),
            distributor character varying(20),
            distributor_version character varying(20),
            topmost_filenames text,
            addons_checked boolean,
            flash_version text,
            hangid text,
            process_type text,
            release_channel text,
            productid text
        DROP SEQUENCE reports_id_seq;
        CREATE SEQUENCE reports_id_seq
            START WITH 1
            INCREMENT BY 1
            NO MINVALUE
            NO MAXVALUE
            CACHE 1;

        ALTER TABLE ONLY %(table_name)s ALTER COLUMN id
          SET DEFAULT nextval('reports_id_seq'::regclass);

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugins;
        CREATE TABLE plugins (
            id serial NOT NULL,
            filename text NOT NULL,
            name text NOT NULL

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugins_reports;
        CREATE TABLE plugins_reports (
            report_id integer NOT NULL,
            plugin_id integer NOT NULL,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            version text NOT NULL

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS plugin_%(table_name)s;
        CREATE TABLE plugin_%(table_name)s (
            report_id integer NOT NULL,
            plugin_id integer NOT NULL,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            version text NOT NULL

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS extensions;
        CREATE TABLE extensions (
            report_id serial NOT NULL,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            extension_key integer NOT NULL,
            extension_id text NOT NULL,
            extension_version text

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS extensions%(date_suffix)s;
        CREATE TABLE extensions%(date_suffix)s (
            report_id serial NOT NULL,
            date_processed timestamp with time zone,
            extension_key integer NOT NULL,
            extension_id text NOT NULL,
            extension_version text

        """ %
            dict(table_name=self.reports_table_name, date_suffix=date_suffix))
        assert self.conn.get_transaction_status() == TRANSACTION_STATUS_IDLE