Ejemplo n.º 1
def ransac_homography(pos1, pos2, num_iters, inlier_tol):
    Takes in two arrays of points, and perform a ransac proccess inorder to find the best homography matrix which
    transforms the most points in pos1 to their corrsponding points in pos2 (successful transformation is
    counted by inlier tol)
    :param pos1: An Array, with shape (N,2) containing n rows of [x,y] coordinates of matched points.
    :param pos2: see pos1
    :param num_iters: Number of RANSAC iterations to perform.
    :param inlier_tol: inlier tolerance threshold.
            H12 − A 3x3 normalized homography matrix.
            inliers − An Array with shape (S,) where S is the number of inliers, containing the indices in
                    pos1/pos2 of the maximal set of inlier matches found.
    N = range(pos1.shape[0])
    inliers = np.array([])
    for n in range(num_iters):
        rnd_ind = np.random.choice(N, 4)
        H = sol4_add.least_squares_homography(pos1[rnd_ind, :],
                                              pos2[rnd_ind, :])
        if H is None: continue
        sqdiff = np.power(
            np.linalg.norm(apply_homography(pos1, H) - pos2, axis=1), 2)
        inlierstemp = np.where(sqdiff < inlier_tol)[0]
        if inlierstemp.size > inliers.size:
            inliers = inlierstemp

    return sol4_add.least_squares_homography(pos1[inliers, :],
                                             pos2[inliers, :]), inliers
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ransac_homography(pos1: np.ndarray, pos2: np.ndarray, num_iters: int,
                      inlier_tol: np.float32) -> tuple:
    apply RANSAC homography fitting
    :param pos1: an array with n rows of [x,y] coordinates of matched points of first image.
    :param pos2: an array with n rows of [x,y] coordinates of matched points of second image.
    :param num_iters: number of RANSAC iterations to perform.
    :param inlier_tol: inlier tolerance threshold.
    :return: A 3x3 normalized homography matrix and An Array with shape (S,) where S is the number
    of inliers, containing the indices in pos1/pos2 of the maximal set of inlier matches found.
    inliers = np.array([])
    for i in range(num_iters):
        rand_idx = np.random.choice(
            pos1.shape[0], size=NUM_OF_POINTS_TO_TRANS)  # choose 4 points
        pos1_smpl, pos2_smpl = pos1[rand_idx, :], pos2[rand_idx, :]
        h = sol4_add.least_squares_homography(pos1_smpl, pos2_smpl)
        if h is None:
        pos1_trans = apply_homography(pos1, h)
        e = np.linalg.norm(pos1_trans - pos2, axis=1)**2
        curr_inliers = np.where(
            e < inlier_tol)[0]  # indices of "good" points of pos2
        if len(curr_inliers) > len(inliers):
            inliers = curr_inliers

    H12 = sol4_add.least_squares_homography(pos1[inliers, :], pos2[inliers, :])
    return H12, inliers
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ransac_homography(pos1, pos2, num_iters, inlier_tol):
    from random import sample
    assert (pos1.shape == pos2.shape)  # important!
    N = pos1.shape[0]
    maxInliers = np.ndarray((1,))
    maxH = None
    for i in range(num_iters):
        J = sample(range(N), 4)
        J1 = np.take(pos1, J, axis=0)
        J2 = np.take(pos2, J, axis=0)
        H12 = least_squares_homography(J1, J2)
        if (H12 is None):
            num_iters += 1  # ignore this round
        T1 = apply_homography(pos1, H12)
        dist = np.sqrt(np.abs(T1 - pos2) ** 2)
        dist[dist < inlier_tol] = True
        dist[dist >= inlier_tol] = False
        whr = np.argwhere(dist == True)
        whr = whr.reshape(-1)[::2]
        S = np.delete(whr, np.unique(whr, return_index=True))
        if (S.shape[0] > maxInliers.shape[0]):
            maxInliers = S
            maxH = H12
    return maxH, maxInliers
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ransac_homography(pos1,pos2,num_iters,inlier_tol):
    max_inliers = 0
    final_inliers_set = None
    for i in range(num_iters):
        choesn_points = np.random.randint(pos1.shape[0], size=4)
        match_index_im1 , match_index_im2  = pos1[choesn_points] , pos2[choesn_points]
        cur_H12 = add.least_squares_homography(match_index_im1, match_index_im2)
        if(cur_H12 != None):
            transformed_pos1 = apply_homography(np.copy(pos1), cur_H12)
            e_set = np.linalg.norm((pos2 - transformed_pos1), 2, axis=1)
            cur_inliers = np.argwhere(e_set < inlier_tol)
            if cur_inliers.size > max_inliers:
                max_inliers = cur_inliers.size
                final_inliers_set = np.copy(cur_inliers)

    return add.least_squares_homography(pos1[final_inliers_set.flatten()], pos2[final_inliers_set.flatten()]), final_inliers_set.flatten()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def ransac_homography(pos1, pos2, num_iter, inlier_tol):
    E = np.array([])
    pointsArr = []
    max_inliers = 0
    for i in range(num_iter):
        points = random_points(pos1.shape[0])
        H = sol4_add.least_squares_homography(pos1[points], pos2[points])
        if H is None:
        inliers = apply_and_get_nunber_of_inliers(H, pos1, pos2, inlier_tol)
        if inliers.size > max_inliers:
            max_inliers = inliers.size
            E = inliers
    H = sol4_add.least_squares_homography(pos1[E], pos2[E])
    inliers = apply_and_get_nunber_of_inliers(H, pos1, pos2, inlier_tol)
    return H, inliers
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ransac_homography(pos1, pos2, num_iters=10000, inlier_tol=6):
    maxInliers = 0
    inliers = np.zeros(pos1.shape[0])
    current_inliers = np.zeros(pos1.shape[0])
    for j in range(num_iters):
        idx_sample = np.random.permutation(pos1.shape[0])[:4]
        H12 = sol4_add.least_squares_homography(pos1[idx_sample], pos2[idx_sample])
        if H12 is None:
        P2_tag = apply_homography(pos1, H12)
        Ej = (P2_tag-pos2)
        summed_rows = np.abs(Ej[:,0]) + np.abs(Ej[:,1])
        current_inliers = np.where(summed_rows < inlier_tol)[0]
        if np.size(current_inliers) > maxInliers:
            maxInliers = np.size(current_inliers)
            inliers = current_inliers
    H12 = sol4_add.least_squares_homography(pos1[inliers], pos2[inliers])
    return H12, inliers
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ransac_homography(pos1, pos2, num_iters, inlier_tol):
    # applying RANSAC routine on the matches
    pos1, pos2 = np.array(pos1), np.array(pos2)
    best_inliers = []
    for i in range(num_iters):
        # extract 4 random point and compute homography
        idx = np.random.random_integers(0, pos1.shape[0] - 1, size=4)
        points1, points2 = pos1[idx], pos2[idx]
        H12 = sad.least_squares_homography(points1, points2)
        # avoid unstable results
        if H12 is None:
        to_pos2 = np.array(apply_homography(pos1, H12))
        # compute amount of inliers
        in_indices = np.where(
            np.array(map(np.sum, (to_pos2 - pos2)**2)) < inlier_tol)[0]
        best_inliers = in_indices if len(in_indices) > len(
            best_inliers) else best_inliers
    # recompute the homography
    points1, points2 = pos1[best_inliers], pos2[best_inliers]
    H12 = sad.least_squares_homography(points1, points2)
    return H12, best_inliers