Ejemplo n.º 1
def SimulateSpan(latitude_deg,
    '''Simulate the motion of the sun over a time span and location of your choosing.
	The start and end points are set by datetime objects, which can be created with
	the standard Python datetime module like this:
	import datetime
	start = datetime.datetime(2008, 12, 23, 23, 14, 0)
    time_list = BuildTimeList(start_utc_datetime, end_utc_datetime,

    angles_list = [(time,
                    solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, time,
                                      elevation, temperature_celsius,
                    solar.GetAzimuth(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, time,
                                     elevation)) for time in time_list]
    power_list = [(time, alt, az, radiation.GetRadiationDirect(time, alt))
                  for (time, alt, az) in angles_list]
    print power_list
Ejemplo n.º 2
def solarelevation_function_clear(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,temperature_celsius = 25,
                                  pressure_millibars = 1013.25,  elevation = elevation_default):
    """Equation calculates Solar elevation function for clear sky type.
    latitude_deg : float
        latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting 
        the north/south angular location of a place on a sphere.            
    longitude_deg : float
        longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location 
        in an east-west direction,relative to the Greenwich meridian.        
    utc_datetime : date_object
        utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )         
    temperature_celsius : float
        Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.    
    pressure_millibars : float
    elevation : float
        The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean
        sea level.
    SOLALTC : float
        Solar elevation function clear sky 
    .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status 
            and proposed new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
    altitude = solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg, longitude_deg,utc_datetime, elevation, temperature_celsius,pressure_millibars)        
    return (0.038175 + (1.5458 * (math.sin(altitude))) + ((-0.59980) * (0.5 * (1 - math.cos(2 * (altitude))))))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def direct_underclear(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, 
                      temperature_celsius = 25, pressure_millibars = 1013.25, TY = TY_default, 
                      AM = AM_default, TL = TL_default,elevation = elevation_default):    
    """Equation calculates direct radiation under clear sky conditions.
    latitude_deg : float
        latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a 
        place on a sphere.            
    longitude_deg : float
        longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative to the 
        Greenwich meridian.        
    utc_datetime : date_object
        utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )           
    temperature_celsius : float
        Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.    
    pressure_millibars : float
    TY : float
        Total number of days in a year. eg. 365 days per year,(no leap days)
    AM : float
        Air mass. An Air Mass is a measure of how far light travels through the Earth's atmosphere. One air mass,
        or AM1, is the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. Air mass zero (AM0) describes solar irradiance in space,
        where it is unaffected by the atmosphere. The power density of AM1 light is about 1,000 W/m^2
    TL : float
        Linke turbidity factor 
    elevation : float
        The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean 
        sea level.        
    DIRC : float
        Direct Irradiation under clear
    .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status and proposed 
           new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
    KD = mean_earth_sun_distance(utc_datetime)
    DEC = declination_degree(utc_datetime,TY)
    DIRC = (1367 * KD * math.exp(-0.8662 * (AM) * (TL) * (DEC)
                             ) * math.sin(solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg,longitude_deg, 
                                                          utc_datetime,elevation , 
                                                          temperature_celsius , pressure_millibars )))
    return DIRC
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ComparePysolarToUSNO(datum):
    alt = solar.GetAltitude(float(datum.latitude), float(datum.longitude),
                            datum.timestamp, datum.elevation)
    pysolar_alt = (90.0 - alt)
    az = solar.GetAzimuth(float(datum.latitude), float(datum.longitude),
                          datum.timestamp, datum.elevation)
    pysolar_az = (180.0 - az) % 360.0

    #	print pysolar_alt
    #	print pysolar_az

    pysolar = Ephemeris(datum.timestamp, datum.latitude, datum.longitude,
                        datum.elevation, pysolar_az, pysolar_alt)
    c = EphemerisComparison('pysolar', pysolar, 'usno', datum)
    return c
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def calculateSolarAngles(self,timeDatetimeFormat):
   # solar altitude, sometimes called solar angle
   # azimuth: west is -90 degrees, north is -180 degrees, east is -270 degrees
   # solarAzimuthRadiansConverted: north is 0, east is 0.5 pi, south is pi, west is 1.5 pi
   if self.solarAzimuthRadians < math.pi:
   if self.reduceRunTime:
Ejemplo n.º 6
def addSunPaths(im, latitude_deg, longitude_deg, horizon, d):
    pix = im.load()

    alt_zero = getAltitudeZero()
    az_zero = getAzimuthZero()

    for m in range(24 * 60):
        alt = solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg, longitude_deg,
                                d + dt.timedelta(minutes=m))
        az = solar.GetAzimuth(latitude_deg, longitude_deg,
                              d + dt.timedelta(minutes=m))

        x = az_zero + int(az * 1944.0 / 360.0)
        y = alt_zero - int(alt_zero * sin(radians(alt)))
        if y < horizon[x]:
            pix[x % 1944, y] = (255, 193, 37)

    return im
Ejemplo n.º 7
def global_irradiance_overcast(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, 
                               elevation = elevation_default, temperature_celsius = 25, 
                               pressure_millibars = 1013.25):
    """Calculated Global is used to compare to the Diffuse under overcast conditions.
    Under overcast skies, global and diffuse are expected to be equal due to the absence of the beam 
    latitude_deg : float
        latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a 
        place on a sphere.            
    longitude_deg : float
        longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative 
        to the Greenwich meridian.        
    utc_datetime : date_object
        utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
    elevation : float
        The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the 
        mean sea level.         
    temperature_celsius : float
        Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and 
    pressure_millibars : float
    ghioc : float
        Global Irradiation under overcast sky
    .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al, "Quality
            control of solar radiation data: present status
            and proposed new approaches", energy 30
            (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.

    ghioc = (572 * (solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, 
                                    elevation , temperature_celsius , pressure_millibars )))
    return ghioc
Ejemplo n.º 8
def solarelevation_function_overcast(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime,
                                     elevation = elevation_default, temperature_celsius = 25,
                                     pressure_millibars = 1013.25):
    """ The function calculates solar elevation function for overcast sky type. 
    This associated hourly overcast radiation model is based on the estimation of the 
    overcast sky transmittance with the sun directly overhead combined with the application 
    of an over sky elavation function to estimate the overcast day global irradiation 
    value at any solar elevation.
    latitude_deg : float
        latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a place on a 
    longitude_deg : float
        longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative to the 
        Greenwich meridian.        
    utc_datetime : date_object 
        utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 ) 
    elevation : float 
        The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean sea level.        
    temperature_celsius : float 
        Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.    
    pressure_millibars : float
    SOLALTO : float
        Solar elevation function overcast
    .. [1] Prof. Peter Tregenza,"Solar radiation and daylight models", p.89.
    .. [2] Also accessible through Google Books: http://tinyurl.com/5kdbwu
        Tariq Muneer, "Solar Radiation and Daylight Models, Second Edition: For the Energy Efficient 
        Design of Buildings"  
    altitude = solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg, longitude_deg,utc_datetime, elevation, temperature_celsius,pressure_millibars)
    return ((-0.0067133) + (0.78600 * (math.sin(altitude)))) + (0.22401 * (0.5 * (1 - math.cos(2 * altitude))))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def diffuse_underovercast(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, elevation = elevation_default,
                          temperature_celsius = 25, pressure_millibars = 1013.25,TL=TL_default):    
    """Function calculates the diffuse radiation under overcast conditions.
    latitude_deg : float
        latitude in decimal degree. A geographical term denoting the north/south angular location of a place on a 
    longitude_deg : float 
        longitude in decimal degree. Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction,relative to the 
        Greenwich meridian.        
    utc_datetime : date_object
        utc_datetime. UTC DateTime is for Universal Time ( i.e. like a GMT+0 )
    elevation : float
        The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean sea level.         
    temperature_celsius : float
        Temperature is a physical property of a system that underlies the common notions of hot and cold.    
    pressure_millibars : float
    TL : float
        Linke turbidity factor       
    DIFOC : float
        Diffuse Irradiation under overcast
    .. [1] S. Younes, R.Claywell and el al,"Quality control of solar radiation data: present status and proposed 
            new approaches", energy 30 (2005), pp 1533 - 1549.
    DT = ((-21.657) + (41.752 * (TL)) + (0.51905 * (TL) * (TL)))
    DIFOC = ((mean_earth_sun_distance(utc_datetime)
              )*(DT)*(solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg,longitude_deg, utc_datetime, elevation, 
                                        temperature_celsius, pressure_millibars)))    
    return DIFOC
Ejemplo n.º 10
        def from_time_and_location(self, lat, long, datetimestring, view_z,
            """Sets the user-defined geometry to a given view zenith and azimuth, and a solar zenith and azimuth calculated from the lat, long and date given.
      Uses the PySolar module for the calculations.
      * ``lat`` -- The latitude of the location (0-90 degrees)
      * ``long`` -- The longitude of the location
      * ``datetimestring`` -- Any string that can be parsed to produce a date/time object. All that is really needed is a time - eg. "14:53"
      * ``view_z`` -- The view zenith angle
      * ``view_a`` -- The view azimuth angle
            # Try and import the PySolar module, if it fails give an error message
                import solar
                raise ExecutionError(
                    "To set the geometry from a time and location you must have the PySolar module installed.\nTo install this, run 'pip install pysolar' at the command line."

            dt = dateutil.parser.parse(datetimestring, dayfirst=True)
            self.solar_z = solar.GetAltitude(lat, long, dt)

            az = solar.GetAzimuth(lat, long, dt)

            if az < 0:
                self.solar_a = abs(az) + 180
                self.solar_a = abs(az - 180)

            self.solar_a = self.solar_a % 360

            self.day = dt.day
            self.month = dt.month

            self.view_z = view_z
            self.view_a = view_a
Ejemplo n.º 11
def ShadeTest():
    latitude_deg = 42.364908
    longitude_deg = -71.112828
    width = 100
    height = 200
    area = width * height
    d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    thirty_minutes = datetime.timedelta(hours=0.5)
    times = []
    powers = []
    shade_x = []
    shade_y = []
    shaded_powers = []
    for i in range(48):
        timestamp = d.ctime()
        altitude_deg = solar.GetAltitude(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, d)
        azimuth_deg = solar.GetAzimuth(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, d)
        power = radiation.GetRadiationDirect(d, altitude_deg)
        xs = shade.GetXShade(width, 120, azimuth_deg)
        ys = shade.GetYShade(height, 120, altitude_deg)
        shaded_area = xs * ys
        shaded_percentage = shaded_area / area
        if (altitude_deg > 0):
            times.append(float(d.hour) + (float(d.minute) / 60) -
                         5)  # - 5 to adjust to EST
            shaded_powers.append(power * (1 - shaded_percentage))
            #print timestamp, "UTC", altitude_deg, azimuth_deg, power
        d = d + thirty_minutes
    print times
    print powers
    print shade_x

        times, shaded_powers, times, powers
    )  # plot ends up with a line across it because x values wrap around
    pylab.show()  # could fix that with sort function below