Ejemplo n.º 1
def _sigmoid(a, b, l, d, x):
    assert a > 0
    assert b >= 0
    assert l >= 0
    assert d > 0
    if x > l:
        rate = math.div(math.safeSub(x, l), d)
        if rate >> (math.PRECISION - math.MIN_PRECISION) < 0x1e00000000:
            exp = math.exp(rate)
            addexp = math.add(math.float(1), exp)
            divexp = math.div(math.float(1), addexp)
            mulexp = math.mul(a, divexp)
            y = math.add(mulexp, b)
            y = b
    elif (x < l) and (x >= 0):
        rate = math.div(math.safeSub(l, x), d)
        if rate >> (math.PRECISION - math.MIN_PRECISION) < 0x1e00000000:
            exp = math.exp(rate)
            addexp = math.add(math.float(1), exp)
            divexp = math.div(math.float(1), addexp)
            mulexp = math.mul(a, divexp)
            y = math.sub(math.add(a, b * 2), math.add(mulexp, b))
            y = math.add(a, b)
        y = math.div(math.add(a, b * 2), math.float(2))
    return y
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _get_loan_plan(self, supply, circulation):
     #  check over flow and change unit
     high = math.decimaltofloat(self.high * self.decimal)
     low = math.decimaltofloat(self.low * self.decimal)
     supply = math.uint256(supply)
     circulation = math.uint256(circulation)
     supply = math.ethertofloat(supply)
     circulation = math.ethertofloat(circulation)
     assert 0 < supply
     assert 0 < circulation
     return math.floattodecimal(
         _sigmoid(high - low, low, math.div(supply, math.float(2)),
                  math.div(supply, math.float(8)), circulation)
     ), self.loandays * 24 * 3600, self.exemptdays * 24 * 3600
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _sigmoid(a, b, l, d, x):
    assert a > 0
    assert b >= 0
    assert l >= 0
    assert d > 0
    if x > l:
        rate = math.div(math.safeSub(x, l), d)
        if rate < 0x1e00000000:
            exp = math.fixedExp(rate)
            addexp = math.add(1 << 32, exp)
            divexp = math.div(1 << 32, addexp)
            mulexp = math.mul(a, divexp)
            y = math.add(mulexp, b)
            y = b
    elif (x < l) and (x >= 0):
        rate = math.div(math.safeSub(l, x), d)
        if rate < 0x1e00000000:
            exp = math.fixedExp(rate)
            addexp = math.add(1 << 32, exp)
            divexp = math.div(1 << 32, addexp)
            mulexp = math.mul(a, divexp)
            y = math.sub(math.add(a, b * 2), math.add(mulexp, b))
            y = math.add(a, b)
        y = math.div(math.add(a, b * 2), math.float(2))
    return y
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _loan(self, cdtamount, interestrate):
        # check overflow and change unit
        cdtamount = math.uint256(cdtamount)
        interestrate = math.uint256(interestrate)
        cdtamount = math.ethertofloat(cdtamount)
        interestrate = math.decimaltofloat(interestrate)

        # loaned ether
        ethamount = math.mul(cdtamount,
                             math.decimaltofloat(self.CDTL * self.decimal))
        # calculate the interest
        earn = math.mul(ethamount, interestrate)
        cdtreserve = math.mul(
            earn, math.decimaltofloat(self.CDT_RESERVE * self.decimal))
        interest = math.sub(earn, cdtreserve)
        issuecdtamount = math.div(
            math.mul(math.decimaltofloat(self.CDTIP * self.decimal),
        # calculate the new issue CDT to prize loaned user using the interest
        ethamount = math.sub(ethamount, earn)
        sctamount = cdtamount
        return math.floattoether(ethamount), math.floattoether(
            interest), math.floattoether(issuecdtamount), math.floattoether(
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _issue(self, circulation, ethamount):
     #  check over flow and change unit
     circulation = math.uint256(circulation)
     ethamount = math.uint256(ethamount)
     circulation = math.ethertofloat(circulation)
     ethamount = math.ethertofloat(ethamount)
     crr = self._get_crr(circulation)
     ethdpt = math.mul(ethamount, crr)
     dpt = math.div(ethdpt, math.decimaltofloat(self.DPTIP * self.decimal))
     cdt = math.div(math.mul(math.sub(math.float(1), crr), ethamount),
                    math.decimaltofloat(self.CDTIP * self.decimal))
     crr = self._get_crr(circulation)
     # Split the new issued tokens to User and Founder
     F = math.div(math.sub(math.float(1), crr), math.float(2))
     U = math.sub(math.float(1), F)
     udpt = math.mul(dpt, U)
     ucdt = math.mul(cdt, U)
     fdpt = math.mul(dpt, F)
     fcdt = math.mul(cdt, F)
     return math.floattoether(udpt), math.floattoether(
         ucdt), math.floattoether(fdpt), math.floattoether(
             fcdt), math.floattoether(ethdpt), math.floattodecimal(crr)
Ejemplo n.º 6
from solidity.python.dabformula import EasyDABFormula as Formula
from solidity.python.dabformula import _sigmoid as _sigmoid
from solidity.python.dabformula import sigmoid as sigmoid
import solidity.python.solmath as math
import cmath
formula = Formula()
# udpt_expect, ucdt_expect, fdpt_expect, fcdt_expect, crr_expect = formula._issue(30000000000000000570425344,30000000000000000000)
# print(crr_expect)

acc_float = 1 / math.float(1)

for i in range(17):
        s1 = sigmoid(0.6, 0.2, 100000, 100000 / 4, 10000 + acc_float * 10**i)
        s2 = _sigmoid(
            math.ethertofloat(0.6 * formula.ether),
            math.ethertofloat(0.2 * formula.ether), math.float(100000),
            math.float(100000) / 4,
            math.ethertofloat(10000 * formula.ether +
                              acc_float * 10**i * formula.ether))
              math.floattoether(s2) / formula.ether, 'accuracy of _sigmoid',
              s1.real - math.floattoether(s2) / formula.ether, i)
    except AssertionError as err:

for i in range(5000):
        s1 = sigmoid(0.6, 0.2, 100000, 100000 / 4, 1000 * i)
        s2 = _sigmoid(math.ethertofloat(0.6 * formula.ether),
                      math.ethertofloat(0.2 * formula.ether),