Ejemplo n.º 1
def part2(dpath, fname='input.txt'):
    particles = [
        particle for particle in parse_file(
            utils.get_input_by_line(utils.get_fpath(dpath, fname)))

    for i in range(1000):
        #for p in particles:

        particles = [(tuple(p), tuple(v), tuple(c))
                     for p, v, c in map(update, particles)]
        #for p in particles:

        counter = collections.Counter([p for p, v, a in particles])
        counter_not_1 = {k: v for k, v in counter.items() if v != 1}
        if counter_not_1:
            for remove_p in counter_not_1.keys():
                particles = [(p, v, c) for p, v, c in particles
                             if p != remove_p]

    return len(particles)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def part2(dpath, fname='input.txt'):
    bridges = [
        b for b in generate_bridges(
            get_components(utils.get_fpath(dpath, fname))) if b

    bridges_length = {tuple(b): len(b) for b in bridges}
    max_length = max(bridges_length.values())
    bridges_max_length = {
        k: v
        for k, v in bridges_length.items() if v == max_length

    if len(bridges_max_length) != 1:
        bridges_strength = {
            tuple(b): get_strength(b)
            for b in bridges_max_length
        max_strength = max(bridges_strength.values())
        return max_strength

        #bs = {b: s for b, s in bridges_strength.items() if s == max_strength}
        # not really necessary, but...
        raise NotImplementedError
def part2(dpath, fname='input.txt', n=10000000):
    cluster = Cluster2(utils.get_fpath(dpath, fname))

    while True:
        if cluster._activity == n:
            return cluster._infection
Ejemplo n.º 4
def part1(dpath, fname='input.txt'):
    bridges = [
        b for b in generate_bridges(
            get_components(utils.get_fpath(dpath, fname))) if b

    bridges_strength = {tuple(b): get_strength(b) for b in bridges}
    max_strength = max(bridges_strength.values())
    return max_strength
def part1(dpath, fname='input.txt', n=10000):
    # activity: 10000, clean2infected: 5587, infected2clean: 4413
    cluster = Cluster(utils.get_fpath(dpath, fname))

    while True:
        if cluster._activity == n:
            return cluster._clean_to_infected
def part2(dpath):
    # 1000 runs -- repeats every 44 moves
    #  32 runs == ahgpjdkcbfmneloi
    n = 1000000000 % 44  # 32
    programs = 'abcdefghijklmnop'

    # TODO: find how to do this with generators
    for inputs in itertools.repeat(
            tuple(solver1.get_input(utils.get_fpath(dpath))), n):
        programs = solver1.solve(programs, inputs)

    return programs
def test_count_groups():
    # arrange
    graph = solver.build_graph(
                utils.get_fpath('solutions/day12', 'test_input.txt'))))

    # act
    ngroups = solver.count_groups(graph)

    # assert
    assert ngroups == 2
Ejemplo n.º 8
def part1(dpath, fname='input.txt'):
    d = dict()
    fpath = utils.get_fpath(dpath, fname)
    for particle in parse_file(utils.get_input_by_line(fpath)):
        #print(particle, distance(particle))

        particle_ = particle
        for i in range(1000):
            particle_ = update(particle_)
        #print(particle_, distance(particle_))
        d[tuple([tuple(l) for l in particle])] = distance(particle_)

    l = [k for k, v in d.items() if min(d.values()) == v]

    if len(l) == 1:
        p, v, a = l[0]
        #print('p=< {},{},{}>, v=< {},{},{}>, a=< {},{},{}>'.format(*p, *v, *a))
        # p=< 642,-2979,-1903>, v=< 90,-425,-270>, a=< -11,34,23>
        # p=< 642,-2979,-1903>, v=< 90,-425,-270>, a=<-11,34,23>
        # p=<642,-2979,-1903>, v=<90,-425,-270>, a=<-11,34,23>
        return [p for p in parse_file(utils.get_input_by_line(fpath))].index(
            (list(p), list(v), list(a)))
def solver(func, dpath):
    return sum(1 for valid in filter(func, get_input(utils.get_fpath(dpath))))
def part1(dpath):
    cp = CoProcessor(debug=True)
    return cp.run(utils.get_fpath(dpath))
def part1(dpath):
    return solver1.solve('abcdefghijklmnop',
Ejemplo n.º 12
def part2(dpath):
    pruned = solver.prune_exclamations(
    return sum(count_garbage_size(pruned))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def part1(dpath):
    o, m = solver1(parse_input(utils.get_fpath(dpath)))
    return o
def part1(dpath):
    lengths = get_lengths(utils.get_fpath(dpath))
    state = {'list': list(range(0, 256)), 'position': 0, 'skip size': 0}
    return solver(state, lengths)
def part2(dpath):
    directions = get_input(utils.get_fpath(dpath))
    distances = calculate_distances(directions)
    return max(distances)
def part2(dpath):
    raise NotImplementedError
    # takes too long, so I need to check if there is a repetition point -- none found, need to test this better...
    # optimize the program -- hmmm
    cp = CoProcessor(debug=False)
    return cp.run(utils.get_fpath(dpath))
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pytest

import solutions.day25.solver as solver
import solutions.utils as utils

@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input, test_output', [
        utils.get_input_by_line(utils.get_fpath('solutions/day25', 'test_input.txt')),
            'tape': {},
            'cursor': 0,
            'states': {
                'A': {0: (1, 1, 'B'), 1: (0, -1, 'B')},
                'B': {0: (1, -1, 'A'), 1: (1, 1, 'A')},
            'steps': 6,
            'current state': 'A',
def test_parse_blueprint(test_input, test_output):
    assert solver.parse_blueprint(test_input) == test_output

@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input, test_output', [
def part1(dpath):
    lines = utils.get_input_by_line(utils.get_fpath(dpath))
    machine = parse_blueprint(lines)
    return execute(machine)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def _run(dpath, func):
    return func(_get_input(utils.get_fpath(dpath)))
def part1(dpath):
    directions = get_input(utils.get_fpath(dpath))
    dist = calculate_distance(directions)
    return dist
def part2(dpath):
    return solver2(utils.get_input_by_line(utils.get_fpath(dpath)))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def part1(dpath):
    groups = prune_garbage(
    return sum(score_groups(groups))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def part1(dpath):
    graph = build_graph(
    connected = check_connections(graph)

    return sum(True for k, v in connected.items() if v)
def part2(dpath):
    return solver2(list(parse_input(utils.get_fpath(dpath))))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def part1(dpath):
    return solver1(parse_input(utils.get_fpath(dpath)))