Ejemplo n.º 1
    def bubbleSort(arr):

        # bubble sort algorithm
        n = len(arr)
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(0, n - i - 1):
                # change color to red and redisplay for every comparison
                arr[j].color, arr[j + 1].color = red, red
                sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
                # if there is a swap
                if arr[j].val > arr[j + 1].val:
                    # change color to green if swap occurs and redisplay
                    arr[j].color, arr[j + 1].color = green, green
                    sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
                    # swap elements
                    arr[j], arr[j + 1] = arr[j + 1], arr[j]
                # change color back to white and redisplay
                arr[j].color, arr[j + 1].color = white, white
                sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)

            # once that bar is sorted, change the color to purple
            arr[j + 1].color = purple
            sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
        arr[0].color = purple
        sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def insertionSort3(arr):

        # insertion sort algorithm
        n = len(arr)
        for i in range(1, n):

            key = arr[i]
            # change color for next unsorted element to red and redisplay
            arr[i].color = red
            sort.displayBars(arr, True)
            j = i - 1
            while j >= 0 and key.val < arr[j].val:
                arr[j + 1].color, arr[j].color = green, green
                sort.displayBars(arr, True)
                arr[j + 1].color, arr[j].color = white, white
                arr[j + 1] = arr[j]
                sort.displayBars(arr, True)
                j -= 1
            arr[j + 1] = key
            sort.displayBars(arr, True)
        sort.displayBars(arr, True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def selectionSort(arr):

        # selection sort algorithm
        n = len(arr)
        for i in range(n):
            min_idx = i
            arr[i].color = red
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                if arr[min_idx].val > arr[j].val:
                    # change color of current unsorted min to red and change previous unsorted min to white, redisplay
                    if min_idx != i:
                        arr[min_idx].color = white
                    arr[j].color = red
                    sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
                    # update minimum index
                    min_idx = j

            # if the bar at i is not the smallest unsorted bar, change colors to green
            if min_idx != i:
                arr[i].color, arr[min_idx].color = green, green
                sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
            # change color of sorted bar to purple, swap and redisplay
            arr[i].color, arr[min_idx].color = white, purple
            arr[i], arr[min_idx] = arr[min_idx], arr[i]
            sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def insertionSort(arr):

        n = len(arr)
        for i in range(1, n):

            key = arr[i]
            arr[i].color = red
            sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
            j = i - 1
            while j >= 0 and key.val < arr[j].val:
                arr[j].color, arr[j + 1].color = green, green
                sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
                arr[j].color, arr[j + 1].color = white, red
                arr[j], arr[j + 1] = arr[j + 1], arr[j]
                sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
                j -= 1
            arr[j + 1].color = white

        for element in arr:
            element.color = purple
            sort.displayBars(arr, True, sortSpeed)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def insertionSort2(arr):

        # insertion sort algorithm
        n = len(arr)
        for i in range(1, n):

            key = arr[i]
            j = i - 1
            while j >= 0 and key.val < arr[j].val:
                # change color and redisplay
                arr[j + 1].color, arr[j].color = red, red
                sort.displayBars(arr, True, sort.runProgram.sortSpeed)
                # swap elements, change color, redisplay
                arr[j + 1].color, arr[j].color = white, white
                arr[j + 1] = arr[j]
                sort.displayBars(arr, True)
                j -= 1
            arr[j + 1].val = key.val
            sort.displayBars(arr, True)