Ejemplo n.º 1
    def init(self, img: ImageT, bbox: np.ndarray) -> None:

        bbox = assure_int_bbox(bbox)
        self.target_bbox = BBox(*bbox)
        self.curr_instance_side_size = calc_bbox_side_size_with_context(
        size_ratio = self.cfg.exemplar_size / self.cfg.instance_size
        exemplar_side_size = int(
            round(self.curr_instance_side_size * size_ratio))

        exemplar_bbox = BBox.build_from_center_and_size(
            np.asarray((exemplar_side_size, exemplar_side_size)))
        exemplar_img = center_crop_and_resize(
            img, exemplar_bbox,
            (self.cfg.exemplar_size, self.cfg.exemplar_size))

        if self.on_exemplar_img_extract:

        exemplar_img_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(pil_to_tensor(exemplar_img), 0)
        exemplar_img_tensor = exemplar_img_tensor.to(self.device)
        self.kernel_reg, self.kernel_cls = self.model.learn_kernels(
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_output_shape(self):
        bbox = BBox(0, 0, 100, 100)
        width, height = 127, 255
        patch = center_crop_and_resize(self.img, bbox, (width, height))
        patch = np.asarray(patch)

        self.assertEqual(patch.shape, (height, width, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_bbox_outsize_image_needs_padding_constant_border(self):
        bbox = BBox(-50, -10, 200, 300)
        border = 127  # Value to fill the border with.
        patch = center_crop_and_resize(self.img, bbox, (127, 255), border)
        patch_flat = np.asarray(patch).flatten()
        values = np.unique(patch_flat)

        self.assertTrue(len(values) > 1)
        self.assertTrue(border in values)
        self.assertTrue(self.PIX_VALUE in values)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def generate_bbox(self):
     valid_x_range = 0, self.img_size[0] - self.width_range[1] - 1
     valid_y_range = 0, self.img_size[1] - self.height_range[1] - 1
     x = rand_between(*valid_x_range, as_int=True)
     y = rand_between(*valid_y_range, as_int=True)
     width = rand_between(*self.width_range, as_int=True)
     height = rand_between(*self.height_range, as_int=True)
     return BBox(x, y, width, height)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _read_image_and_transform(
            img_path: str,
            anno: np.ndarray,
            output_side_size: int,
            transform: Callable[[Image.Image], torch.Tensor],
            size_with_context_scale: float = 1.0) -> torch.Tensor:
        bbox = BBox(*anno)
        side_size_with_context = calc_bbox_side_size_with_context(bbox)
        side_size_scaled = side_size_with_context * size_with_context_scale
        new_size = (side_size_scaled, side_size_scaled)
        bbox.size = np.asarray(new_size).round().astype(np.int)  # !!!

        img = Image.open(img_path)
        output_side = (output_side_size, output_side_size)
        patch = center_crop_and_resize(img, bbox, output_side)

        if patch.mode == 'L':
            patch = patch.convert('RGB')
        patch_tensor = transform(patch)

        return patch_tensor
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def update(self, img: ImageT) -> np.ndarray:

        side_size = int(round(self.curr_instance_side_size))
        bbox = BBox.build_from_center_and_size(
            self.target_bbox.center, np.asarray((side_size, side_size)))
        instance_img = center_crop_and_resize(
            img, bbox, (self.cfg.instance_size, self.cfg.instance_size))

        if self.on_instance_img_extract:

        instance_img = pil_to_tensor(instance_img).to(self.device)
        pred_reg, pred_cls = self.model.inference(instance_img,

        pred_reg = pred_reg.squeeze()
        pred_cls = pred_cls.squeeze()

        pred_cls = F.softmax(pred_cls, dim=1)
        pred_cls_max = pred_cls.argmax(dim=1)
        # TODO Store the range somewhere as it may be faster.
        scores = pred_cls[list(range(len(pred_cls))), pred_cls_max]
        scores[pred_cls_max == 0] = 0  # The 0-th position is the background.

        # TODO Think of modifying the regression predictions in place.
        xy_vals = pred_reg[:, :2] * self.anchors[:, 2:] + self.anchors[:, :2]
        wh_vals = torch.exp(pred_reg[:, 2:]) * self.anchors[:, 2:]
        boxes = torch.hstack((xy_vals, wh_vals))
        boxes = ops.box_convert(boxes, 'cxcywh', 'xyxy')
        boxes = ops.clip_boxes_to_image(
            boxes, (self.cfg.instance_size, self.cfg.instance_size))

        response = (1 - self.cfg.cosine_win_influence) * response + \
                   self.cfg.cosine_win_influence * self.cosine_win

        # The assumption is that the peak response value is in the center of the
        # response map. Thus, we compute the change with respect to the center
        # and convert it back to the pixel coordinates in the image.
        peak_response_pos = np.asarray(
            np.unravel_index(response.argmax(), response.shape))

        # Update target scale.
        self.curr_instance_side_size *= new_scale

        # Change from [row, col] to [x, y] coordinates.
        self.target_bbox.rescale(new_scale, new_scale)

        return self.target_bbox.as_xywh()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def center_crop_and_resize(img: ImageT,
                           bbox: BBox,
                           target_size: SizeT,
                           border: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int,
                                                             ...]]] = None,
                           interpolation=Image.BICUBIC) -> ImageT:
    bbox_corners = bbox.as_corners()
    paddings = np.concatenate((-bbox_corners[:2], bbox_corners[2:] - img.size))
    max_padding = np.maximum(paddings, 0).max()

    if max_padding > 0:
        if border is None:
            border = tuple(int(round(c)) for c in ImageStat.Stat(img).mean)

        img = ImageOps.expand(img, border=max_padding, fill=border)
        bbox_corners += max_padding

    bbox_corners = tuple((bbox_corners).astype(int))
    patch = img.crop(bbox_corners)
    patch = patch.resize(target_size, interpolation)

    return patch
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_bbox_within_image_no_padding(self):
        bbox = BBox(0, 0, 100, 100)
        patch = center_crop_and_resize(self.img, bbox, (127, 255))
        patch_flat = np.asarray(patch).flatten()

        self.assertTrue(np.all(patch_flat == patch_flat[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 9
class TrackerSiamFC(Tracker):
    def __init__(self,
                 cfg: TrackerConfig,
                 device: Union[torch.device, str],
                 model_path: Optional[str] = None,
                 name: str = 'SiamFC') -> None:
        super().__init__(name=name, is_deterministic=True)

        self.cfg: TrackerConfig = cfg

        if isinstance(device, torch.device):
            self.device: torch.device = device
            self.device: torch.device = torch.device(device)

        self.model: SiamRPNModel = SiamRPNModel()
        if model_path is not None:
                           map_location=lambda storage, location: storage))
        self.model = self.model.to(self.device)

        self.cosine_win: np.ndarray = _create_square_cosine_window(
        self.curr_instance_side_size: int = self.cfg.instance_size
        self.target_bbox = None

        self.kernel_cls = None
        self.kernel_reg = None

        self.anchors = generate_anchors(self.cfg.scales,

        self.on_exemplar_img_extract: TrackImgCb = None
        self.on_instance_img_extract: TrackImgCb = None
        self.on_response_map_calc: TrackImgCb = None

    def init(self, img: ImageT, bbox: np.ndarray) -> None:

        bbox = assure_int_bbox(bbox)
        self.target_bbox = BBox(*bbox)
        self.curr_instance_side_size = calc_bbox_side_size_with_context(
        size_ratio = self.cfg.exemplar_size / self.cfg.instance_size
        exemplar_side_size = int(
            round(self.curr_instance_side_size * size_ratio))

        exemplar_bbox = BBox.build_from_center_and_size(
            np.asarray((exemplar_side_size, exemplar_side_size)))
        exemplar_img = center_crop_and_resize(
            img, exemplar_bbox,
            (self.cfg.exemplar_size, self.cfg.exemplar_size))

        if self.on_exemplar_img_extract:

        exemplar_img_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(pil_to_tensor(exemplar_img), 0)
        exemplar_img_tensor = exemplar_img_tensor.to(self.device)
        self.kernel_reg, self.kernel_cls = self.model.learn_kernels(

    def update(self, img: ImageT) -> np.ndarray:

        side_size = int(round(self.curr_instance_side_size))
        bbox = BBox.build_from_center_and_size(
            self.target_bbox.center, np.asarray((side_size, side_size)))
        instance_img = center_crop_and_resize(
            img, bbox, (self.cfg.instance_size, self.cfg.instance_size))

        if self.on_instance_img_extract:

        instance_img = pil_to_tensor(instance_img).to(self.device)
        pred_reg, pred_cls = self.model.inference(instance_img,

        pred_reg = pred_reg.squeeze()
        pred_cls = pred_cls.squeeze()

        pred_cls = F.softmax(pred_cls, dim=1)
        pred_cls_max = pred_cls.argmax(dim=1)
        # TODO Store the range somewhere as it may be faster.
        scores = pred_cls[list(range(len(pred_cls))), pred_cls_max]
        scores[pred_cls_max == 0] = 0  # The 0-th position is the background.

        # TODO Think of modifying the regression predictions in place.
        xy_vals = pred_reg[:, :2] * self.anchors[:, 2:] + self.anchors[:, :2]
        wh_vals = torch.exp(pred_reg[:, 2:]) * self.anchors[:, 2:]
        boxes = torch.hstack((xy_vals, wh_vals))
        boxes = ops.box_convert(boxes, 'cxcywh', 'xyxy')
        boxes = ops.clip_boxes_to_image(
            boxes, (self.cfg.instance_size, self.cfg.instance_size))

        response = (1 - self.cfg.cosine_win_influence) * response + \
                   self.cfg.cosine_win_influence * self.cosine_win

        # The assumption is that the peak response value is in the center of the
        # response map. Thus, we compute the change with respect to the center
        # and convert it back to the pixel coordinates in the image.
        peak_response_pos = np.asarray(
            np.unravel_index(response.argmax(), response.shape))

        # Update target scale.
        self.curr_instance_side_size *= new_scale

        # Change from [row, col] to [x, y] coordinates.
        self.target_bbox.rescale(new_scale, new_scale)

        return self.target_bbox.as_xywh()
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_negative_height(self):
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         BBox(100, 100, 10, -200)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_negative_width(self):
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         BBox(100, 100, -10, 200)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     self.bbox = BBox(10, 20, 300, 400)
Ejemplo n.º 13
class TestBBox(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.bbox = BBox(10, 20, 300, 400)

    def test_negative_width(self):
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            BBox(100, 100, -10, 200)

    def test_negative_height(self):
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            BBox(100, 100, 10, -200)

    def test_center(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.center.tolist(), [160, 220])

    def test_size(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.size.tolist(), [300, 400])

    def test_set_size_negative(self):
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            self.bbox.size = np.asarray((-10, 100))

    def test_set_size_float(self):
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            self.bbox.size = np.asarray((10.0, 100.0))

    def test_corners_calculation(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.as_corners().tolist(), [10, 20, 310, 420])

    def test_top_left_bottom_right_calculation(self):
        tl, br = self.bbox.as_tl_br()

        self.assertEqual(tl.tolist(), [10, 20])
        self.assertEqual(br.tolist(), [310, 420])

    def test_x_y_width_height_calculation_zero_based(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.as_xywh().tolist(), [10, 20, 300, 400])

    def test_x_y_width_height_calculation_one_based(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.as_xywh(False).tolist(), [11, 21, 300, 400])

    def test_negative_width_scale_factor(self):
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            self.bbox.rescale(-0.5, 2)

    def test_negative_height_scale_factor(self):
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            self.bbox.rescale(0.5, -2)

    def test_center_shift(self):
        bbox_shifted = self.bbox.shift(np.asarray((100, -100)), in_place=False)

        self.assertEqual(bbox_shifted.center.tolist(), [260, 120])

    def test_center_shift_inplace(self):
        bbox_shifted = self.bbox.shift(np.asarray((100, -100)), in_place=True)

        self.assertTrue(bbox_shifted is None)
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.center.tolist(), [260, 120])

    def test_float_center_shift(self):
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            self.bbox.shift(np.asarray((2.0, -5.5)))

    def test_upscale_twice(self):
        scale = 2
        bbox_rescaled = self.bbox.rescale(scale, scale, in_place=False)

        self.assertEqual(bbox_rescaled.size.tolist(), [600, 800])

    def test_downscale_twice(self):
        scale = 0.5
        bbox_rescaled = self.bbox.rescale(scale, scale, in_place=False)

        self.assertEqual(bbox_rescaled.size.tolist(), [150, 200])

    def test_no_scale_change(self):
        scale = 1
        bbox_rescaled = self.bbox.rescale(scale, scale, in_place=False)

        self.assertEqual(bbox_rescaled.size.tolist(), [300, 400])

    def test_upscale_twice_inplace(self):
        scale = 2
        bbox_rescaled = self.bbox.rescale(scale, scale, in_place=True)

        self.assertTrue(bbox_rescaled is None)
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.size.tolist(), [600, 800])

    def test_downscale_twice_inplace(self):
        scale = 0.5
        bbox_rescaled = self.bbox.rescale(scale, scale, in_place=True)

        self.assertTrue(bbox_rescaled is None)
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.size.tolist(), [150, 200])

    def test_no_scale_change_inplace(self):
        scale = 1
        bbox_rescaled = self.bbox.rescale(scale, scale, in_place=True)

        self.assertTrue(bbox_rescaled is None)
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.size.tolist(), [300, 400])

    def test_repr_str(self):
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bbox), 'BBox(10,20,300,400)')

    def test_build_from_repr(self):
        bbox_new = eval(repr(self.bbox))

        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.center.tolist(), bbox_new.center.tolist())
        self.assertEqual(self.bbox.size.tolist(), bbox_new.size.tolist())