Ejemplo n.º 1
def workspace_plot(outfile='highdim_workspace.png'):
    '''Plot planar workspace for the high-dimensional case study.'''
    # define boundary: unit hypercube
    boundary = BoxBoundary([[0, 1], [0, 1]])
    # define boundary style
    boundary.style = {'color': 'black'}
    # create robot's workspace
    wspace = Workspace(boundary=boundary)

    # create robot object
    initConf = Point2D((0.1, 0.1))  # start close to the origin
    robot = FullyActuatedRobot('Robot-highdim', init=initConf, wspace=wspace)
    robot.diameter = 0

    # create simulation object
    sim = Simulate2D(wspace, robot, None)

    # regions of interest
    R1 = (BoxRegion2D([[.00, .20], [.00, .20]], ['r1']), 'brown')
    R2 = (BoxRegion2D([[.25, .40], [.40, .55]], ['r2']), 'green')
    R3 = (BoxRegion2D([[.70, 1.00], [.40, .60]], ['r3']), 'red')
    R4 = (BoxRegion2D([[.00, .50], [.90, 1.00]], ['r4']), 'magenta')
    # global obstacles
    O1 = (BoxRegion2D([[.20, .30], [.30, .35]], ['o1']), 'gray')
    O2 = (BoxRegion2D([[.15, .20], [.40, .60]], ['o2']), 'gray')
    O3 = (BoxRegion2D([[.50, .55], [.30, .80]], ['o3']), 'gray')
    # local obstacles
    L1 = (BoxRegion2D([[.45, .50], [.75, .80]], ['LO']), to_rgba('gray', .6))
    L2 = (BoxRegion2D([[.90, 1.00], [.50, .55]], ['LO']), to_rgba('gray', .6))
    L3 = (BoxRegion2D([[.75, .80], [.20, .25]], ['LO']), to_rgba('gray', .6))

    # add all regions
    regions = [R1, R2, R3, R4, O1, O2, O3, L1, L2, L3]

    # add regions to workspace
    for r, c in regions:
        # add styles to region
        addStyle(r, style={'facecolor': c})
        r.textStyle['fontsize'] = 24
        # add region to workspace

    # set the robot's sensor
    sensingShape = BallBoundary([0, 0], 0.001)
    robot.sensor = BoundingBoxSimulatedSensor(robot, sensingShape, [], [])

    # display workspace
    sim.display(save=outfile, figsize=(7, 7))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def define_problem(outputdir='.'):
    '''Define case study setup (robot parameters, workspace, etc.).'''

    # define robot diameter (used to compute the expanded workspace)
    robotDiameter = 0.36

    # define boundary
    boundary = BoxBoundary2D([[0, 4.8], [0, 3.6]])
    # define boundary style
    boundary.style = {'color' : 'black'}
    # create expanded region
    eboundary = BoxBoundary2D(boundary.ranges +
                                np.array([[1, -1], [1, -1]]) * robotDiameter/2)
    eboundary.style = {'color' : 'black'}

    # create robot's workspace and expanded workspace
    wspace = Workspace(boundary=boundary)
    ewspace = Workspace(boundary=eboundary)

    # create robot object
    robot = FullyActuatedRobot('Cozmo', init=Point2D((2, 2)), wspace=ewspace,
    robot.diameter = robotDiameter
    robot.localObst = 'local_obstacle'

    logging.info('"Workspace": (%s, %s)', wspace, boundary.style)
    logging.info('"Expanded workspace": (%s, %s)', ewspace, eboundary.style)
    logging.info('"Robot name": "%s"', robot.name)
    logging.info('"Robot initial configuration": %s', robot.initConf)
    logging.info('"Robot step size": %f', robot.controlspace)
    logging.info('"Robot diameter": %f', robot.diameter)
    logging.info('"Robot constructor": "%s"',
        'FullyActuatedRobot(robot_name, init=initConf, wspace=ewspace, '
    logging.info('"Local obstacle label": "%s"', robot.localObst)

    # create simulation object
    sim = Simulate2D(wspace, robot, ewspace)
    sim.config['output-dir'] = outputdir

    # regions of interest
    R1 = (BoxRegion2D([[0.45, 0.75], [0.45, 0.6]], ['r1']), 'brown')
    R2 = (BallRegion2D([3.9, 1.2], 0.3, ['r2']), 'green')
    R3 = (BoxRegion2D([[3.75, 4.05], [2.7, 3]], ['r3']), 'red')
    R4 = (PolygonRegion2D([[1.2 , 2.85], [0.9 , 3.15], [0.6 , 2.85],
                           [0.9 , 2.55], [1.2 , 2.55]], ['r4']), 'magenta')
    # global obstacles
    O1 = (BallRegion2D([2.4, 1.5], 0.36, ['o1']), 'gray')
    O2 = (PolygonRegion2D([[0.45, 1.2], [1.05, 1.5], [0.45, 1.8]], ['o2']),
    O3 = (PolygonRegion2D([[2.1, 2.7], [2.4, 3], [2.7, 2.7]], ['o3']), 'gray')
    O4 = (BoxRegion2D([[1.65, 1.95], [0.45, 0.6]], ['o4']), 'gray')

    # add all regions
    regions = [R1, R2, R3, R4, O1, O2, O3, O4]

    # add regions to workspace
    for k, (r, c) in enumerate(regions):
        # add styles to region
        addStyle(r, style={'facecolor': c})
        # add region to workspace
        # create expanded region
        er = expandRegion(r, robot.diameter/2)
        # add style to the expanded region
        addStyle(er, style={'facecolor': c})
        # add expanded region to the expanded workspace

        logging.info('("Global region", %d): (%s, %s)', k, r, r.style)

    # local  requests
    F1 = (BallRegion2D([3.24, 1.98], 0.3, ['fire']),
          ([[3.24, 1.98], [2.54, 2.28], [3.5, 3], [4.02, 2.28]], 0.05),
          ('orange', 0.5))
    F2 = (BallRegion2D([1.26, 0.48], 0.18, ['fire']),
          ([[1.26, 0.48], [1.1, 1.1], [1.74, 0.92], [0.6, 0.6]], 0.05),
          ('orange', 0.5))
    S2 = (BallRegion2D([4.32, 1.48], 0.27, ['survivor']),
          ([[4.32, 1.48], [3.6, 1.2], [4, 2]], 0.05),
          ('yellow', 0.5))
    requests = [F1, F2, S2]
    # define local specification as a priority function
    localSpec = {'survivor': 0, 'fire': 1}
    logging.info('"Local specification": %s', localSpec)
    # local obstacles #FIXME: defined in expanded workspace not workspace
    obstacles = [(BoxRegion2D([[3, 3.5], [2, 2.5]], ['LO']), None,
                  ('gray', 0.8)),
                 (PolygonRegion2D([[3.2, 1.4], [3, 0.8], [3.4, 0.7]], ['LO']),
                  None, ('gray', 0.8)),
                 (BallRegion2D([1.6, 2.1], 0.15, ['LO']), None, ('gray', 0.8))]

    # add style to local requests and obstacles
    for k, (r, path, c) in enumerate(requests + obstacles):
        # add styles to region
        addStyle(r, style={'facecolor': to_rgba(*c)}) #FIXME: HACK
        # create path
        r_path = path
        if path:
            wps, step = path
            wps = wps + [wps[0]]
            r.path = []
            for a, b in it.izip(wps[:-1], wps[1:]):
                r.path += line_translate(a, b, step)
            r_path = map(list, r.path)
            r.path = it.cycle(r.path)

        logging.info('("Local region", %d): (%s, %s, %s, %d)', k, r, r.style,
                     r_path, k < len(requests))

    # create request objects
    reqs = []
    for r, _, _ in requests:
        name = next(iter(r.symbols))
        reqs.append(Request(r, name, localSpec[name]))
    requests = reqs
    obstacles = [o for o, _, _ in obstacles]

    # set the robot's sensor
    sensingShape = BallBoundary2D([0, 0], robot.diameter*2.5)
    robot.sensor = SimulatedSensor(robot, sensingShape, requests, obstacles)

    logging.info('"Robot sensor constructor": "%s"',
        'SimulatedSensor(robot, BallBoundary2D([0, 0], robot.diameter*2.5),'
        'requests, obstacles)')

    # display workspace

    # display expanded workspace

    globalSpec = ('[] ( (<> r1) && (<> r2) && (<> r3) && (<> r4)'
                  + ' && !(o1 || o2 || o3 || o4 ))')
    logging.info('"Global specification": "%s"', globalSpec)

    return robot, sim, globalSpec, localSpec
Ejemplo n.º 3
def define_problem(outputdir='.'):
    '''Define case study setup (robot parameters, workspace, etc.).'''

    # define robot diameter (used to compute the expanded workspace)
    robotDiameter = 0.5

    # define boundary
    boundary = BoxBoundary2D([[0, 30], [0, 30]])
    # define boundary style
    boundary.style = {'color': 'black'}
    # create expanded region
    eboundary = BoxBoundary2D(boundary.ranges +
                              np.array([[1, -1], [1, -1]]) * robotDiameter / 2)
    eboundary.style = {'color': 'black'}

    # create robot's workspace and expanded workspace
    wspace = Workspace(boundary=boundary)
    ewspace = Workspace(boundary=eboundary)

    # create robot object
    robot = FullyActuatedRobot('Drone',
                               init=Point2D((2, 2)),
    robot.diameter = robotDiameter
    robot.localObst = 'local_obstacle'

    logging.info('"Workspace": (%s, %s)', wspace, boundary.style)
    logging.info('"Expanded workspace": (%s, %s)', ewspace, eboundary.style)
    logging.info('"Robot name": "%s"', robot.name)
    logging.info('"Robot initial configuration": %s', robot.initConf)
    logging.info('"Robot step size": %f', robot.controlspace)
    logging.info('"Robot diameter": %f', robot.diameter)
        '"Robot constructor": "%s"',
        'FullyActuatedRobot(robot_name, init=initConf, wspace=ewspace, '
    logging.info('"Local obstacle label": "%s"', robot.localObst)

    # create simulation object
    sim = Simulate2D(wspace, robot, ewspace)
    sim.config['output-dir'] = outputdir

    regions = []
    #### add trucks ####
    L = 8.0
    W = 2.0
    box = np.array([[-L / 2, L / 2], [-W / 2, W / 2]])
    ntrucks = 4
    for i in range(ntrucks):
        # left array of trucks
        lc = np.array([[7, 8.75 + i * 4.]]).T
        regions.append((BoxRegion2D(lc + box, ['tl{}'.format(i)]), 'brown'))
        # right array of trucks
        rc = np.array([[23, 8.75 + i * 4.]]).T
        regions.append((BoxRegion2D(rc + box, ['tr{}'.format(i)]), 'brown'))

    #### add missiles ####
    mc = np.array([[15.0, 15.0]]).T
    mL = 2.5
    mW = 16
    box = np.array([[-mL / 2, mL / 2], [-mW / 2, mW / 2]])
    regions.append((BoxRegion2D(mc + box, ['missile']), 'red'))

    #### add charging stations ####
    cs_size = 1.0
    box = np.array([[-cs_size / 2, cs_size / 2], [-cs_size / 2, cs_size / 2]])
    cs_center = np.array([[10, 2]]).T
    regions.append((BoxRegion2D(cs_center + box, ['cs1']), 'blue'))
    cs_center = np.array([[20, 2]]).T
    regions.append((BoxRegion2D(cs_center + box, ['cs2']), 'blue'))

    # add regions to workspace
    for k, (r, c) in enumerate(regions):
        # add styles to region
        addStyle(r, style={'facecolor': c})
        # add region to workspace
        # create expanded region
        er = expandRegion(r, robot.diameter / 2)
        # add style to the expanded region
        addStyle(er, style={'facecolor': c})
        # add expanded region to the expanded workspace

        logging.info('("Global region", %d): (%s, %s)', k, r, r.style)

#     # local  requests
#     F1 = (BallRegion2D([3.24, 1.98], 0.3, ['fire']),
#           ([[3.24, 1.98], [2.54, 2.28], [3.5, 3], [4.02, 2.28]], 0.05),
#           ('orange', 0.5))
#     F2 = (BallRegion2D([1.26, 0.48], 0.18, ['fire']),
#           ([[1.26, 0.48], [1.1, 1.1], [1.74, 0.92], [0.6, 0.6]], 0.05),
#           ('orange', 0.5))
#     S2 = (BallRegion2D([4.32, 1.48], 0.27, ['survivor']),
#           ([[4.32, 1.48], [3.6, 1.2], [4, 2]], 0.05),
#           ('yellow', 0.5))
#     requests = [F1, F2, S2]
    requests = []
    # define local specification as a priority function
    localSpec = {'survivor': 0, 'fire': 1}
    logging.info('"Local specification": %s', localSpec)
    # local obstacles #FIXME: defined in expanded workspace not workspace
    obstacles = [
        (BoxRegion2D([[6.5, 7.5], [8, 9]],
                     ['LO']), ([[7.0, 8.5], [23.0, 8.5], [23.0, 20.5],
                                [7.0, 20.5]], 0.03), ('darkgray', 0.8)),
        (PolygonRegion2D([[15.0 + np.cos(phi), 5.0 + np.sin(phi)]
                          for phi in np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, np.pi / 3)],
                         ['LO']), ([[15.0, 5.0],
                                    [15.0, 25.0]], 0.03), ('gray', 0.8)),
        (BallRegion2D([25, 22], 0.5,
                      ['LO']), ([[25.0, 22.0], [25.0, 8.0], [15.0, 5.0],
                                 [5.0, 8.0], [5.0, 22.0],
                                 [15.0, 25.0]], 0.03), ('darkgray', 0.8))

    # add style to local requests and obstacles
    for k, (r, path, c) in enumerate(requests + obstacles):
        # add styles to region
        addStyle(r, style={'facecolor': to_rgba(*c)})  #FIXME: HACK
        # create path
        r_path = path
        if path:
            wps, step = path
            wps = wps + [wps[0]]
            r.path = []
            for a, b in it.izip(wps[:-1], wps[1:]):
                r.path += line_translate(a, b, step)
            r_path = map(list, r.path)
            r.path = it.cycle(r.path)

        logging.info('("Local region", %d): (%s, %s, %s, %d)', k, r, r.style,
                     r_path, k < len(requests))

    # create request objects
    reqs = []
    for r, _, _ in requests:
        name = next(iter(r.symbols))
        reqs.append(Request(r, name, localSpec[name]))
    requests = reqs
    obstacles = [o for o, _, _ in obstacles]

    # set the robot's sensor
    sensingShape = BallBoundary2D([0, 0], robot.diameter * 2.5)
    robot.sensor = SimulatedSensor(robot, sensingShape, requests, obstacles)

        '"Robot sensor constructor": "%s"',
        'SimulatedSensor(robot, BallBoundary2D([0, 0], robot.diameter*2.5),'
        'requests, obstacles)')

    # display workspace

    # display expanded workspace

    # globalSpec = ('[] ( (<> r1) && (<> r2) && (<> r3) && (<> r4)'
    #               + ' && !(o1 || o2 || o3 || o4 ))')
    #     globalSpec = ('[] ( (<> tr0) && (<> tr1) && (<> tr2) && (<> tr3)  && (<> tr4)'
    #                   ' && (<> tl0) && (<> tl1) && (<> tl2) && (<> tl3)  && (<> tl4)'
    #                   ' && (<> missle) )')
    # spec_tr = ' && '.join(['(<> tr{})'.format(i) for i in range(ntrucks)])
    # spec_tl = ' && '.join(['(<> tl{})'.format(i) for i in range(ntrucks)])
    # globalSpec = '[] ( {} && {} && {})'.format(spec_tr, spec_tl, '(<> missile)')

    #globalSpec = '[] (<> (tl0 && <> (tl1 && <> (tl2 && <> ( tl3 && <> (tl4 && <> ( tr4 && <> ( tr4 && <> ( tr3 && <> (tr2 && <> ( tr1 && <> ( t0))))))))))))'

    #### this is the LTL global spec ####
    # globalSpec = '[] (<> (tl0 && <> (tl1 && <> (tl2 && <> ( tl3 && <>  (  tr3 && <> (tr2 && <> ( tr1 && <> ( tr0)))))))))'

    #### this is the TWTL global spec ####
    globalSpec = '[H^2 tl0]^[0, 500] | [H^2 tl1]^[0, 500]'

    logging.info('"Global specification": "%s"', globalSpec)

    return robot, sim, globalSpec, localSpec
Ejemplo n.º 4
def define_problem(outputdir='.'):
    '''Define case study setup (robot parameters, workspace, etc.).'''

    # define robot diameter (used to compute the expanded workspace)
    robotDiameter = 0.02

    # define boundary
    boundary = BoxBoundary2D([[0, 1], [0, 1]])
    # define boundary style
    boundary.style = {'color': 'black'}
    # create expanded region
    eboundary = BoxBoundary2D(boundary.ranges +
                              np.array([[1, -1], [1, -1]]) * robotDiameter / 2)
    eboundary.style = {'color': 'black'}

    # create robot's workspace and expanded workspace
    wspace = Workspace(boundary=boundary)
    ewspace = Workspace(boundary=eboundary)

    # create robot object
    robot = Robot('vector',
                  init=Point2D((0.3, 0.3)),
    robot.diameter = robotDiameter

    logging.info('"Workspace": (%s, %s)', wspace, boundary.style)
    logging.info('"Expanded workspace": (%s, %s)', ewspace, eboundary.style)
    logging.info('"Robot name": "%s"', robot.name)
    logging.info('"Robot initial configuration": %s', robot.initConf)
    logging.info('"Robot step size": %f', robot.controlspace)
    logging.info('"Robot diameter": %f', robot.diameter)
    # create simulation object
    sim = Simulate2D(wspace, robot, ewspace)
    sim.config['output-dir'] = outputdir

    # regions of interest
    R1 = (BoxRegion2D([[0, 0.2], [0, 0.2]], ['r1']), 'green')
    R2 = (BoxRegion2D([[0.8, 1], [0, 0.2]], ['r2']), 'green')
    R3 = (BoxRegion2D([[0.8, 1], [0.8, 1]], ['r3']), 'green')
    R4 = (BoxRegion2D([[0, 0.2], [0.8, 1]], ['r4']), 'green')

    # global obstacles
    O1 = (BoxRegion2D([[0.4, 0.6], [0, 0.1]], ['o1']), 'red')
    O3 = (BoxRegion2D([[0, 0.1], [0.4, 0.6]], ['o1']), 'gray')
    O2 = (BoxRegion2D([[0.9, 1], [0.4, 0.6]], ['o2']), 'gray')
    O4 = (BoxRegion2D([[0.4, 0.6], [0.4, 0.6]], ['o4']), 'red')

    # add all regions
    regions = [R1, R2, R3, R4, O1, O2, O3, O4]

    # add regions to workspace
    for k, (r, c) in enumerate(regions):
        # add styles to region
        addStyle(r, style={'facecolor': c})
        # add region to workspace
        # create expanded region
        er = expandRegion(r, robot.diameter / 2)
        # add style to the expanded region
        addStyle(er, style={'facecolor': c})
        # add expanded region to the expanded workspace

        logging.info('("Global region", %d): (%s, %s)', k, r, r.style)

    # display workspace

    # display expanded workspace

    ltlSpec = ('[] ( (<> r1) && (<> r2) && (<> r3) && (<> r4) && '
               '!(o1 || o2 || o3 || o4))')
    logging.info('"Global specification": "%s"', ltlSpec)

    return robot, sim, ltlSpec
Ejemplo n.º 5
def caseStudy():
    ### Output and debug options ###############################################
    outputdir = os.path.abspath('../data_ijrr/example2')
    if not os.path.isdir(outputdir):

    # configure logging
    fs = '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] -- { %(message)s }'
    dfs = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'
    loglevel = logging.DEBUG
    logfile = os.path.join(outputdir, 'ijrr_example_2.log')
    verbose = True
    if verbose:
        root = logging.getLogger()
        ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
        ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fs, dfs))

    ### Define case study setup (robot parameters, workspace, etc.) ############

    # define robot diameter (used to compute the expanded workspace)
    robotDiameter = 0.036

    # define boundary
    nrow, ncol = 5, 6
    cell_size = 0.591
    boundary = BoxBoundary2D([[0, ncol * cell_size], [0, nrow * cell_size]])
    # define boundary style
    boundary.style = {'color': 'black'}
    # create expanded region
    eboundary = BoxBoundary2D(boundary.ranges +
                              np.array([[1, -1], [1, -1]]) * robotDiameter / 2)
    eboundary.style = {'color': 'black'}

    # create robot's workspace and expanded workspace
    wspace = Workspace(boundary=boundary)
    ewspace = Workspace(boundary=eboundary)

    # create robot object
    robot = Cozmo('Cozmo',
                  init=Point2D((1.5 * cell_size, 2.5 * cell_size)),
    robot.diameter = robotDiameter
    robot.localObst = 'local_obstacle'

    logging.info('"Workspace": (%s, %s)', wspace, boundary.style)
    logging.info('"Expanded workspace": (%s, %s)', ewspace, eboundary.style)
    logging.info('"Robot name": "%s"', robot.name)
    logging.info('"Robot initial configuration": %s', robot.initConf)
    logging.info('"Robot step size": %f', robot.controlspace)
    logging.info('"Robot diameter": %f', robot.diameter)
        '"Robot constructor": "%s"',
        'Cozmo(robot_name, init=initConf, wspace=ewspace, stepsize=stepsize)')
    logging.info('"Local obstacle label": "%s"', robot.localObst)

    # create simulation object
    sim = Simulate2D(wspace, robot, ewspace)
    sim.config['output-dir'] = outputdir
    #     sim.config['background'] = os.path.abspath('../data_ijrr/imMap.png')

    # regions of interest
    R1 = (BoxRegion2D(np.array([[1., 2.], [4., 5.]]) * cell_size,
                      ['r1']), 'brown')
    R2 = (BoxRegion2D(np.array([[4., 5.], [1., 2.]]) * cell_size,
                      ['r2']), 'green')
    R3 = (BoxRegion2D(np.array([[0., 1.], [0., 1.]]) * cell_size,
                      ['r3']), 'red')
    R4 = (BoxRegion2D(np.array([[4., 6.], [4., 5.]]) * cell_size,
                      ['r4']), 'blue')
    # global obstacles
    O1 = (BoxRegion2D(np.array([[1., 2.], [1., 2.]]) * cell_size,
                      ['o1']), 'gray')
    O2 = (BoxRegion2D(np.array([[4., 5.], [2., 3.]]) * cell_size,
                      ['o2']), 'gray')
    O3 = (PolygonRegion2D(
        np.array([[1., 3.], [3., 3.], [3., 5.], [2., 5.], [2., 4.], [1., 4.]])
        * cell_size, ['o3']), 'gray')

    # add all regions
    regions = [R1, R2, R3, R4, O1, O2, O3]

    # add regions to workspace
    for k, (r, c) in enumerate(regions):
        # add styles to region
        addStyle(r, style={'facecolor': c})
        # add region to workspace
        # create expanded region
        er = expandRegion(r, robot.diameter / 2)
        # add style to the expanded region
        addStyle(er, style={'facecolor': c})
        # add expanded region to the expanded workspace

        logging.info('("Global region", %d): (%s, %s)', k, r, r.style)

    # local  requests
    F1 = (BallRegion2D([3.24, 1.98], 0.3, ['fire']), ('orange', 0.3))
    F2 = (BallRegion2D([1.26, 0.48], 0.3, ['fire']), ('orange', 0.3))
    S2 = (BallRegion2D([4.32, 1.48], 0.3, ['survivor']), ('yellow', 0.3))
    requests = [F1, F2, S2]
    # define local specification as a priority function
    localSpec = {'survivor': 0, 'fire': 1}
    logging.info('"Local specification": %s', localSpec)
    localSpec_cube_color = {'survivor': 3, 'fire': 2}
    # local obstacles
    obstacles = []

    # add style to local requests and obstacles
    for k, (r, c) in enumerate(requests + obstacles):
        # add styles to region
        addStyle(r, style={'facecolor': to_rgba(*c)})  #FIMXE: HACK
        r.cube_color = localSpec_cube_color[next(iter(r.symbols))]

        logging.info('("Local region", %d): (%s, %s, %s, %d)', k, r, r.style,
                     None, k < len(requests))

    # create request objects
    reqs = []
    for r, _ in requests:
        name = next(iter(r.symbols))
        reqs.append(Request(r, name, localSpec[name]))
    requests = reqs
    obstacles = [o for o, _, _ in obstacles]

    # set the robot's sensor
    sensingShape = BallBoundary2D([0, 0], 1.0)
    robot.sensor = CozmoSensor(robot, sensingShape, requests, obstacles)

        '"Robot sensor constructor": "%s"',
        'CozmoSensor(robot, BallBoundary2D([0, 0], 0.5), requests, obstacles)')

    # display workspace

    # display expanded workspace

    ### Generate global transition system and off-line control policy ##########

    globalSpec = ('[] ( (<> r1) && (<> r2) && (<> r3) && (<> r4)'
                  ' && !(o1 || o2 || o3))')
    logging.info('"Global specification": "%s"', globalSpec)

    # initialize incremental product automaton
    checker = IncrementalProduct(
        globalSpec)  #, specFile='ijrr_globalSpec.txt')
    logging.info('"Buchi size": (%d, %d)', checker.buchi.g.number_of_nodes(),

    # initialize global off-line RRG planner
    sim.offline = RRGPlanner(robot, checker, iterations=1000)
    sim.offline.eta = [0.5, 1.0]  # good bounds for the planar case study

    logging.info('"Start global planning": True')
    with Timer(op_name='global planning', template='"%s runtime": %f'):
        found = sim.offline.solve()
        logging.info('"Found solution": %s', found)
        if not found:

    logging.info('"Iterations": %d', sim.offline.iteration)
    logging.info('"Size of TS": %s', sim.offline.ts.size())
    logging.info('"Size of PA": %s', sim.offline.checker.size())

    # save global transition system and control policy
    sim.offline.ts.save(os.path.join(outputdir, 'ts.yaml'))

    ### Display the global transition system and the off-line control policy ###

    # display workspace and global transition system
    prefix, suffix = sim.offline.checker.globalPolicy(sim.offline.ts)
    sim.display(expanded=False, solution=prefix)
    sim.display(expanded=False, solution=suffix)
    sim.display(expanded=False, solution=prefix + suffix[1:])
    logging.info('"global policy": (%s, %s)', prefix, suffix)
    logging.info('"End global planning": True')

    # move to start position
    logging.debug('Moving to start configuration: %s', robot.initConf)

    ### Execute on-line path planning algorithm ################################

    # compute potential for each state of PA
    with Timer(op_name='Computing potential function',
               template='"%s runtime": %f'):
        if not compute_potentials(sim.offline.checker):

    # set the step size for the local controller controlspace
    robot.controlspace = 0.20

    # initialize local on-line RRT planner
    sim.online = LocalPlanner(sim.offline.checker,
    sim.online.detailed_logging = True

    # define number of surveillance cycles to run
    cycles = 2
    # execute controller
    cycle = -1  # number of completed cycles, -1 accounts for the prefix
    while cycle < cycles:
        # update the locally sensed requests and obstacles
        requests, obstacles = robot.sensor.sense()
        # TODO: sense robot location
        # TODO: update index in local plan
        # TODO: add logging marker for start time for planning
        logging.info('"plan start time": %f', time.time())
        with Timer(op_name='local planning', template='"%s runtime": %f'):
            # feed data to planner and get next control input
            nextConf = sim.online.execute(requests, obstacles)
        # TODO: add logging marker for stop time for planning
        logging.info('"plan stop time": %f', time.time())

        #         sim.display(expanded=True, localinfo=('plan', 'trajectory'))

        # enforce movement along plan
        # FIXME: should pass only plan
        robot.move([nextConf])  # + sim.online.local_plan)
        # if completed cycle increment cycle
        if sim.update():
            cycle += 1

    logging.info('"Local online planning finished": True')