Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_external_prefixes_last(mutable_config, mock_packages, working_env,
    # Sanity check: under normal circumstances paths associated with
    # dt-diamond-left would appear first. We'll mark it as external in
    # the test to check if the associated paths are placed last.
    assert 'dt-diamond-left' < 'dt-diamond-right'

    cfg_data = syaml.load_config("""\
  - spec: [email protected]
    prefix: /fake/path1
  buildable: false
    spack.config.set("packages", cfg_data)
    top = spack.spec.Spec('dt-diamond').concretized()

    def _trust_me_its_a_dir(path):
        return True

    monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'isdir', _trust_me_its_a_dir)

    env_mods = EnvironmentModifications()
    spack.build_environment.set_wrapper_variables(top.package, env_mods)

    link_dir_var = os.environ['SPACK_LINK_DIRS']
    link_dirs = link_dir_var.split(':')
    external_lib_paths = set(['/fake/path1/lib', '/fake/path1/lib64'])
    # The external lib paths should be the last two entries of the list and
    # should not appear anywhere before the last two entries
    assert (set(os.path.normpath(x)
                for x in link_dirs[-2:]) == external_lib_paths)
    assert not (set(os.path.normpath(x)
                    for x in link_dirs[:-2]) & external_lib_paths)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def clean_environment():
    # Stuff in here sanitizes the build environment to eliminate
    # anything the user has set that may interfere. We apply it immediately
    # unlike the other functions so it doesn't overwrite what the modules load.
    env = EnvironmentModifications()

    # Remove these vars from the environment during build because they
    # can affect how some packages find libraries.  We want to make
    # sure that builds never pull in unintended external dependencies.

    build_lang = spack.config.get('config:build_language')
    if build_lang:
        # Override language-related variables. This can be used to force
        # English compiler messages etc., which allows parse_log_events to
        # show useful matches.
        env.set('LC_ALL', build_lang)

    # Remove any macports installs from the PATH.  The macports ld can
    # cause conflicts with the built-in linker on el capitan.  Solves
    # assembler issues, e.g.:
    #    suffix or operands invalid for `movq'"
    path = get_path('PATH')
    for p in path:
        if '/macports/' in p:
            env.remove_path('PATH', p)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def clean_environment():
    # Stuff in here sanitizes the build environment to eliminate
    # anything the user has set that may interfere. We apply it immediately
    # unlike the other functions so it doesn't overwrite what the modules load.
    env = EnvironmentModifications()

    # Remove these vars from the environment during build because they
    # can affect how some packages find libraries.  We want to make
    # sure that builds never pull in unintended external dependencies.

    build_lang = spack.config.get('config:build_language')
    if build_lang:
        # Override language-related variables. This can be used to force
        # English compiler messages etc., which allows parse_log_events to
        # show useful matches.
        env.set('LC_ALL', build_lang)

    # Remove any macports installs from the PATH.  The macports ld can
    # cause conflicts with the built-in linker on el capitan.  Solves
    # assembler issues, e.g.:
    #    suffix or operands invalid for `movq'"
    path = get_path('PATH')
    for p in path:
        if '/macports/' in p:
            env.remove_path('PATH', p)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def setup_package(pkg, dirty):
    """Execute all environment setup routines."""
    spack_env = EnvironmentModifications()
    run_env = EnvironmentModifications()

    if not dirty:

    set_compiler_environment_variables(pkg, spack_env)
    set_build_environment_variables(pkg, spack_env, dirty)
    pkg.architecture.platform.setup_platform_environment(pkg, spack_env)

    # traverse in postorder so package can use vars from its dependencies
    spec = pkg.spec
    for dspec in pkg.spec.traverse(order='post',
                                   deptype=('build', 'test')):
        spkg = dspec.package

        # Allow dependencies to modify the module
        dpkg = dspec.package
        dpkg.setup_dependent_package(pkg.module, spec)
        dpkg.setup_dependent_environment(spack_env, run_env, spec)

    if (not dirty) and (not spack_env.is_unset('CPATH')):
        tty.debug("A dependency has updated CPATH, this may lead pkg-config"
                  " to assume that the package is part of the system"
                  " includes and omit it when invoked with '--cflags'.")

    pkg.setup_environment(spack_env, run_env)

    # Loading modules, in particular if they are meant to be used outside
    # of Spack, can change environment variables that are relevant to the
    # build of packages. To avoid a polluted environment, preserve the
    # value of a few, selected, environment variables
    # With the current ordering of environment modifications, this is strictly
    # unnecessary. Modules affecting these variables will be overwritten anyway
    with preserve_environment('CC', 'CXX', 'FC', 'F77'):
        # All module loads that otherwise would belong in previous
        # functions have to occur after the spack_env object has its
        # modifications applied. Otherwise the environment modifications
        # could undo module changes, such as unsetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
        # after a module changes it.
        for mod in pkg.compiler.modules:
            # Fixes issue https://github.com/spack/spack/issues/3153
            if os.environ.get("CRAY_CPU_TARGET") == "mic-knl":

        if pkg.architecture.target.module_name:


    # Make sure nothing's strange about the Spack environment.
    validate(spack_env, tty.warn)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_set_build_environment_variables(config, mock_packages, working_env,
    """Check that build_environment supplies the needed library/include
    directories via the SPACK_LINK_DIRS and SPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS environment

    root = spack.spec.Spec('dt-diamond')

    for s in root.traverse():
        s.prefix = '/{0}-prefix/'.format(s.name)

    dep_pkg = root['dt-diamond-left'].package
    dep_lib_paths = ['/test/path/to/ex1.so', '/test/path/to/subdir/ex2.so']
    dep_lib_dirs = ['/test/path/to', '/test/path/to/subdir']
    dep_libs = LibraryList(dep_lib_paths)

    dep2_pkg = root['dt-diamond-right'].package
    dep2_pkg.spec.prefix = str(installation_dir_with_headers)

    setattr(dep_pkg, 'libs', dep_libs)
        pkg = root.package
        env_mods = EnvironmentModifications()


        def normpaths(paths):
            return list(os.path.normpath(p) for p in paths)

        link_dir_var = os.environ['SPACK_LINK_DIRS']
        assert (normpaths(link_dir_var.split(':')) == normpaths(dep_lib_dirs))

        root_libdirs = ['/dt-diamond-prefix/lib', '/dt-diamond-prefix/lib64']
        rpath_dir_var = os.environ['SPACK_RPATH_DIRS']
        # The 'lib' and 'lib64' subdirectories of the root package prefix
        # should always be rpathed and should be the first rpaths
        assert (normpaths(rpath_dir_var.split(':')) == normpaths(root_libdirs +

        header_dir_var = os.environ['SPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS']

        # The default implementation looks for header files only
        # in <prefix>/include and subdirectories
        prefix = str(installation_dir_with_headers)
        include_dirs = normpaths(header_dir_var.split(':'))

        assert os.path.join(prefix, 'include') in include_dirs
        assert os.path.join(prefix, 'include', 'boost') not in include_dirs
        assert os.path.join(prefix, 'path', 'to') not in include_dirs
        assert os.path.join(prefix, 'path', 'to', 'subdir') not in include_dirs

        delattr(dep_pkg, 'libs')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setup_package(pkg, dirty):
    """Execute all environment setup routines."""
    build_env = EnvironmentModifications()

    if not dirty:

    set_compiler_environment_variables(pkg, build_env)
    set_build_environment_variables(pkg, build_env, dirty)
    pkg.architecture.platform.setup_platform_environment(pkg, build_env)

        modifications_from_dependencies(pkg.spec, context='build')

    if (not dirty) and (not build_env.is_unset('CPATH')):
        tty.debug("A dependency has updated CPATH, this may lead pkg-config"
                  " to assume that the package is part of the system"
                  " includes and omit it when invoked with '--cflags'.")


    # Loading modules, in particular if they are meant to be used outside
    # of Spack, can change environment variables that are relevant to the
    # build of packages. To avoid a polluted environment, preserve the
    # value of a few, selected, environment variables
    # With the current ordering of environment modifications, this is strictly
    # unnecessary. Modules affecting these variables will be overwritten anyway
    with preserve_environment('CC', 'CXX', 'FC', 'F77'):
        # All module loads that otherwise would belong in previous
        # functions have to occur after the build_env object has its
        # modifications applied. Otherwise the environment modifications
        # could undo module changes, such as unsetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
        # after a module changes it.
        for mod in pkg.compiler.modules:
            # Fixes issue https://github.com/spack/spack/issues/3153
            if os.environ.get("CRAY_CPU_TARGET") == "mic-knl":

        # kludge to handle cray libsci being automatically loaded by PrgEnv
        # modules on cray platform. Module unload does no damage when
        # unnecessary
        module('unload', 'cray-libsci')

        if pkg.architecture.target.module_name:


    implicit_rpaths = pkg.compiler.implicit_rpaths()
    if implicit_rpaths:

    # Make sure nothing's strange about the Spack environment.
    validate(build_env, tty.warn)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Executable(object):
    """Class representing a program that can be run on the command line."""

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.exe = shlex.split(str(name))
        self.default_env = {}
        from spack.util.environment import EnvironmentModifications  # no cycle
        self.default_envmod = EnvironmentModifications()
        self.returncode = None

        if not self.exe:
            raise ProcessError("Cannot construct executable for '%s'" % name)

    def add_default_arg(self, arg):
        """Add a default argument to the command."""

    def add_default_env(self, key, value):
        """Set an environment variable when the command is run.

            key: The environment variable to set
            value: The value to set it to
        self.default_env[key] = value

    def add_default_envmod(self, envmod):
        """Set an EnvironmentModifications to use when the command is run."""

    def command(self):
        """The command-line string.

            str: The executable and default arguments
        return ' '.join(self.exe)

    def name(self):
        """The executable name.

            str: The basename of the executable
        return os.path.basename(self.path)

    def path(self):
        """The path to the executable.

            str: The path to the executable
        return self.exe[0]

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Run this executable in a subprocess.

            *args (str): Command-line arguments to the executable to run

        Keyword Arguments:
            _dump_env (dict): Dict to be set to the environment actually
                used (envisaged for testing purposes only)
            env (dict or EnvironmentModifications): The environment with which
                to run the executable
            extra_env (dict or EnvironmentModifications): Extra items to add to
                the environment (neither requires nor precludes env)
            fail_on_error (bool): Raise an exception if the subprocess returns
                an error. Default is True. The return code is available as
            ignore_errors (int or list): A list of error codes to ignore.
                If these codes are returned, this process will not raise
                an exception even if ``fail_on_error`` is set to ``True``
            ignore_quotes (bool): If False, warn users that quotes are not needed
                as Spack does not use a shell. Defaults to False.
            input: Where to read stdin from
            output: Where to send stdout
            error: Where to send stderr

        Accepted values for input, output, and error:

        * python streams, e.g. open Python file objects, or ``os.devnull``
        * filenames, which will be automatically opened for writing
        * ``str``, as in the Python string type. If you set these to ``str``,
          output and error will be written to pipes and returned as a string.
          If both ``output`` and ``error`` are set to ``str``, then one string
          is returned containing output concatenated with error. Not valid
          for ``input``
        * ``str.split``, as in the ``split`` method of the Python string type.
          Behaves the same as ``str``, except that value is also written to
          ``stdout`` or ``stderr``.

        By default, the subprocess inherits the parent's file descriptors.

        # Environment
        env_arg = kwargs.get('env', None)

        # Setup default environment
        env = os.environ.copy() if env_arg is None else {}

        from spack.util.environment import EnvironmentModifications  # no cycle

        # Apply env argument
        if isinstance(env_arg, EnvironmentModifications):
        elif env_arg:

        # Apply extra env
        extra_env = kwargs.get('extra_env', {})
        if isinstance(extra_env, EnvironmentModifications):

        if '_dump_env' in kwargs:

        fail_on_error = kwargs.pop('fail_on_error', True)
        ignore_errors = kwargs.pop('ignore_errors', ())
        ignore_quotes = kwargs.pop('ignore_quotes', False)

        # If they just want to ignore one error code, make it a tuple.
        if isinstance(ignore_errors, int):
            ignore_errors = (ignore_errors, )

        input  = kwargs.pop('input',  None)
        output = kwargs.pop('output', None)
        error  = kwargs.pop('error',  None)

        if input is str:
            raise ValueError('Cannot use `str` as input stream.')

        def streamify(arg, mode):
            if isinstance(arg, string_types):
                return open(arg, mode), True
            elif arg in (str, str.split):
                return subprocess.PIPE, False
                return arg, False

        ostream, close_ostream = streamify(output, 'w')
        estream, close_estream = streamify(error,  'w')
        istream, close_istream = streamify(input,  'r')

        if not ignore_quotes:
            quoted_args = [arg for arg in args if re.search(r'^"|^\'|"$|\'$', arg)]
            if quoted_args:
                    "Quotes in command arguments can confuse scripts like"
                    " configure.",
                    "The following arguments may cause problems when executed:",
                    str("\n".join(["    " + arg for arg in quoted_args])),
                    "Quotes aren't needed because spack doesn't use a shell. "
                    "Consider removing them.",
                    "If multiple levels of quotation are required, use "

        cmd = self.exe + list(args)

        cmd_line = "'%s'" % "' '".join(
            map(lambda arg: arg.replace("'", "'\"'\"'"), cmd))


            proc = subprocess.Popen(
            out, err = proc.communicate()

            result = None
            if output in (str, str.split) or error in (str, str.split):
                result = ''
                if output in (str, str.split):
                    outstr = text_type(out.decode('utf-8'))
                    result += outstr
                    if output is str.split:
                if error in (str, str.split):
                    errstr = text_type(err.decode('utf-8'))
                    result += errstr
                    if error is str.split:

            rc = self.returncode = proc.returncode
            if fail_on_error and rc != 0 and (rc not in ignore_errors):
                long_msg = cmd_line
                if result:
                    # If the output is not captured in the result, it will have
                    # been stored either in the specified files (e.g. if
                    # 'output' specifies a file) or written to the parent's
                    # stdout/stderr (e.g. if 'output' is not specified)
                    long_msg += '\n' + result

                raise ProcessError('Command exited with status %d:' %
                                   proc.returncode, long_msg)

            return result

        except OSError as e:
            raise ProcessError(
                '%s: %s' % (self.exe[0], e.strerror), 'Command: ' + cmd_line)

        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            if fail_on_error:
                raise ProcessError(
                    str(e), '\nExit status %d when invoking command: %s' %
                    (proc.returncode, cmd_line))

            if close_ostream:
            if close_estream:
            if close_istream:

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return hasattr(other, 'exe') and self.exe == other.exe

    def __neq__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((type(self), ) + tuple(self.exe))

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<exe: %s>' % self.exe

    def __str__(self):
        return ' '.join(self.exe)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def clean_environment():
    # Stuff in here sanitizes the build environment to eliminate
    # anything the user has set that may interfere. We apply it immediately
    # unlike the other functions so it doesn't overwrite what the modules load.
    env = EnvironmentModifications()

    # Remove these vars from the environment during build because they
    # can affect how some packages find libraries.  We want to make
    # sure that builds never pull in unintended external dependencies.

    # These vars affect how the compiler finds libraries and include dirs.

    # On Cray "cluster" systems, unset CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH to avoid
    # interference with Spack dependencies.
    # CNL requires these variables to be set (or at least some of them,
    # depending on the CNL version).
    hostarch = arch.Arch(arch.platform(), 'default_os', 'default_target')
    on_cray = str(hostarch.platform) == 'cray'
    using_cnl = re.match(r'cnl\d+', str(hostarch.os))
    if on_cray and not using_cnl:
        for varname in os.environ.keys():
            if 'PKGCONF' in varname:

    # Unset the following variables because they can affect installation of
    # Autotools and CMake packages.
    build_system_vars = [
        'CPPFLAGS',  # C variables
        'CXXCPP',  # C++ variables
        'FLIBS',  # Fortran77 variables
        'FCLIBS',  # Fortran variables
        'LIBS'  # linker variables
    for v in build_system_vars:

    # Unset mpi environment vars. These flags should only be set by
    # mpi providers for packages with mpi dependencies
    mpi_vars = ['MPICC', 'MPICXX', 'MPIFC', 'MPIF77', 'MPIF90']
    for v in mpi_vars:

    build_lang = spack.config.get('config:build_language')
    if build_lang:
        # Override language-related variables. This can be used to force
        # English compiler messages etc., which allows parse_log_events to
        # show useful matches.
        env.set('LC_ALL', build_lang)

    # Remove any macports installs from the PATH.  The macports ld can
    # cause conflicts with the built-in linker on el capitan.  Solves
    # assembler issues, e.g.:
    #    suffix or operands invalid for `movq'"
    path = get_path('PATH')
    for p in path:
        if '/macports/' in p:
            env.remove_path('PATH', p)

Ejemplo n.º 9
def setup_package(pkg, dirty):
    """Execute all environment setup routines."""
    spack_env = EnvironmentModifications()
    run_env = EnvironmentModifications()

    if not dirty:

    set_compiler_environment_variables(pkg, spack_env)
    set_build_environment_variables(pkg, spack_env, dirty)
    pkg.architecture.platform.setup_platform_environment(pkg, spack_env)

    # traverse in postorder so package can use vars from its dependencies
    spec = pkg.spec
    for dspec in pkg.spec.traverse(order='post',
                                   deptype=('build', 'test')):
        # If a user makes their own package repo, e.g.
        # spack.pkg.mystuff.libelf.Libelf, and they inherit from
        # an existing class like spack.pkg.original.libelf.Libelf,
        # then set the module variables for both classes so the
        # parent class can still use them if it gets called.
        spkg = dspec.package
        modules = parent_class_modules(spkg.__class__)
        for mod in modules:
            set_module_variables_for_package(spkg, mod)
        set_module_variables_for_package(spkg, spkg.module)

        # Allow dependencies to modify the module
        dpkg = dspec.package
        dpkg.setup_dependent_package(pkg.module, spec)
        dpkg.setup_dependent_environment(spack_env, run_env, spec)

    set_module_variables_for_package(pkg, pkg.module)
    pkg.setup_environment(spack_env, run_env)

    # Loading modules, in particular if they are meant to be used outside
    # of Spack, can change environment variables that are relevant to the
    # build of packages. To avoid a polluted environment, preserve the
    # value of a few, selected, environment variables
    # With the current ordering of environment modifications, this is strictly
    # unnecessary. Modules affecting these variables will be overwritten anyway
    with preserve_environment('CC', 'CXX', 'FC', 'F77'):
        # All module loads that otherwise would belong in previous
        # functions have to occur after the spack_env object has its
        # modifications applied. Otherwise the environment modifications
        # could undo module changes, such as unsetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
        # after a module changes it.
        for mod in pkg.compiler.modules:
            # Fixes issue https://github.com/spack/spack/issues/3153
            if os.environ.get("CRAY_CPU_TARGET") == "mic-knl":

        if pkg.architecture.target.module_name:


    # Make sure nothing's strange about the Spack environment.
    validate(spack_env, tty.warn)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def setup_package(pkg, dirty):
    """Execute all environment setup routines."""
    spack_env = EnvironmentModifications()
    run_env = EnvironmentModifications()

    if not dirty:

    set_compiler_environment_variables(pkg, spack_env)
    set_build_environment_variables(pkg, spack_env, dirty)
    pkg.architecture.platform.setup_platform_environment(pkg, spack_env)

    # traverse in postorder so package can use vars from its dependencies
    spec = pkg.spec
    for dspec in pkg.spec.traverse(order='post', root=False,
                                   deptype=('build', 'test')):
        # If a user makes their own package repo, e.g.
        # spack.pkg.mystuff.libelf.Libelf, and they inherit from
        # an existing class like spack.pkg.original.libelf.Libelf,
        # then set the module variables for both classes so the
        # parent class can still use them if it gets called.
        spkg = dspec.package
        modules = parent_class_modules(spkg.__class__)
        for mod in modules:
            set_module_variables_for_package(spkg, mod)
        set_module_variables_for_package(spkg, spkg.module)

        # Allow dependencies to modify the module
        dpkg = dspec.package
        dpkg.setup_dependent_package(pkg.module, spec)
        dpkg.setup_dependent_environment(spack_env, run_env, spec)

    set_module_variables_for_package(pkg, pkg.module)
    pkg.setup_environment(spack_env, run_env)

    # Loading modules, in particular if they are meant to be used outside
    # of Spack, can change environment variables that are relevant to the
    # build of packages. To avoid a polluted environment, preserve the
    # value of a few, selected, environment variables
    # With the current ordering of environment modifications, this is strictly
    # unnecessary. Modules affecting these variables will be overwritten anyway
    with preserve_environment('CC', 'CXX', 'FC', 'F77'):
        # All module loads that otherwise would belong in previous
        # functions have to occur after the spack_env object has its
        # modifications applied. Otherwise the environment modifications
        # could undo module changes, such as unsetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
        # after a module changes it.
        for mod in pkg.compiler.modules:
            # Fixes issue https://github.com/spack/spack/issues/3153
            if os.environ.get("CRAY_CPU_TARGET") == "mic-knl":

        if pkg.architecture.target.module_name:


    # Make sure nothing's strange about the Spack environment.
    validate(spack_env, tty.warn)