Ejemplo n.º 1
	def testProper(self):
		Testing everything that there is to test along the happy path:
			nested and parallel variables
			dwell time

		res_bufs = [[], [], [], []]
		measurement_counts = [0] * 2

		def setter(i, value):

		def getter(i):
			measurement_counts[i] += (-1) ** i

			return measurement_counts[i]

		dwell_time = Quantity(50, 'ms')

		# Output.
		res0 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 0))
		res0.units = 'cm-1'
		res1 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 1))
		res2 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 2))
		res3 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 3))

		var0 = OutputVariable(name='Var 0', order=2, enabled=True, const=0.0)
		var0.config = LinSpaceConfig(-1.0, -2.0, 2)
		var0.smooth_steps = 2
		var0.smooth_from, var0.smooth_to, var0.smooth_transition = [True] * 3
		var0.type = 'quantity'
		var0.units = 'cm-1'

		var1 = OutputVariable(name='Var 1', order=1, enabled=True, const=-1.0)
		var1.config = LinSpaceConfig(1.0, 4.0, 4)
		var1.smooth_steps = 3
		var1.smooth_from, var1.smooth_to, var1.smooth_transition = [True] * 3

		var2 = OutputVariable(name='Var 2', order=1, enabled=True, const=1.23, use_const=True)

		var3 = OutputVariable(name='Var 3', order=1, enabled=True, const=-9.0, wait=str(dwell_time))
		var3.config = LinSpaceConfig(-1.0, 2.0, 4)
		var3.smooth_steps = 2
		var3.smooth_from, var3.smooth_to, var3.smooth_transition = True, True, False

		var4 = OutputVariable(name='Var 4', order=3, enabled=True, const=-20.0)
		var4.config = LinSpaceConfig(-10.0, 20, 1)
		var4.smooth_steps = 2
		var4.smooth_from = True

		# Input.
		meas_res0 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 0))
		meas_res1 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 1))

		meas0 = InputVariable(name='Meas 0')
		meas1 = InputVariable(name='Meas 1')

		vars, num_items = sort_output_variables([var0, var1, var2, var3, var4])
		ctrl = sweep.SweepController([(('Res 2', res2),), (('Something', None),), (('Res 0', res0),),
				(('Res 1', res1), ('Res 3', res3))], vars, num_items,
				[('Meas res 0', meas_res0), ('Meas res 1', meas_res1)], [meas0, meas1])

		# Callback verification buffers.
		actual_values = []
		actual_measurement_values = []
		actual_writes = []
		actual_reads = []
		closed = [0]

		# Callbacks.
		def data_callback(cur_time, values, measurement_values):
		ctrl.data_callback = data_callback

		def close_callback():
			closed[0] += 1
		ctrl.close_callback = close_callback

		def write_callback(pos, i, value):
			actual_writes.append((pos, i, value))
		ctrl.write_callback = write_callback

		def read_callback(i, value):
			actual_reads.append((i, value))
		ctrl.read_callback = read_callback

		# Let it run.
		start_time = time()
		elapsed_time = time() - start_time

		expected_time = num_items * dwell_time.value
		assert expected_time < elapsed_time, 'Took {0} s, expected at least {1} s.'.format(elapsed_time, expected_time)

		expected_res1 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
		expected_res2 = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0]

		expected_inner_writes = list(flatten(((3, 0, x), (3, 1, x - 2.0)) for x in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]))
		expected_writes = [(0, 0, 1.23), (1, 0, -10.0)] + list(flatten([(2, 0, x)] + expected_inner_writes
				for x in [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [-1.0, -2.0]]))

		eq_(res_bufs, [
			[Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [0.0, -1.0, -1.0, -2.0, -2.0, 0.0]],
			[-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] + expected_res1 + [4.0, 2.5, 1.0] + expected_res1 + [4.0, 1.5, -1.0],
			[-9.0, -1.0] + expected_res2 + expected_res2 + [2.0, -9.0],
		eq_(measurement_counts, [8, -8])
		eq_(actual_values, [(1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0)
				for x in [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [-1.0, -2.0]]
				for y in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]])
		eq_(actual_measurement_values, [(x, -x) for x in xrange(1, 9)])
		eq_(actual_writes, expected_writes)
		eq_(actual_reads, list(flatten(((0, x), (1, -x)) for x in xrange(1, 9))))
		eq_(closed, [1])
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def testConditionsSweep(self):
		Tests a setup with condition variables and output variables.  Similar to testProper, but with
		conditions mixed in.

		res_bufs = [[], [], [], []]
		measurement_counts = [0] * 2

		def setter(i, value):

		def getter(i):
			measurement_counts[i] += (-1) ** i

			return measurement_counts[i]

		dwell_time = Quantity(50, 'ms')

		# Output.
		res0 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 0))
		res0.units = 'cm-1'
		res1 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 1))
		res2 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 2))
		res3 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 3))

		var0 = OutputVariable(name='Var 0', order=2, enabled=True, const=0.0)
		var0.config = LinSpaceConfig(-1.0, -2.0, 2)
		var0.smooth_steps = 2
		var0.smooth_from, var0.smooth_to, var0.smooth_transition = [True] * 3
		var0.type = 'quantity'
		var0.units = 'cm-1'

		var1 = OutputVariable(name='Var 1', order=1, enabled=True, const=-1.0)
		var1.config = LinSpaceConfig(1.0, 4.0, 4)
		var1.smooth_steps = 3
		var1.smooth_from, var1.smooth_to, var1.smooth_transition = [True] * 3

		var2 = OutputVariable(name='Var 2', order=1, enabled=True, const=1.23, use_const=True)

		var3 = OutputVariable(name='Var 3', order=1, enabled=True, const=-9.0, wait=str(dwell_time))
		var3.config = LinSpaceConfig(-1.0, 2.0, 4)
		var3.smooth_steps = 2
		var3.smooth_from, var3.smooth_to, var3.smooth_transition = True, True, False

		var4 = OutputVariable(name='Var 4', order=3, enabled=True, const=-20.0)
		var4.config = LinSpaceConfig(-10.0, 20, 1)
		var4.smooth_steps = 2
		var4.smooth_from = True
		# Condition variables.
		## Resources used for checking the conditions.
		iters = [cycle([0,1]), cycle([0,1,2]), cycle([0,-1,-2])]
		def cres_getter(i):
			return iters[i].next()
		cres0 = Resource('cres0', getter=partial(cres_getter,0))
		cres1 = Resource('cres1', getter=partial(cres_getter,1))
		cres2 = Resource('cres2', getter=partial(cres_getter,2))
		condition_resources = [(('cres0',cres0),),(('cres1',cres1),('cres2',cres2),)]
		cond0 = Condition('resource name','integer','cres0','==',1)
		cond1 = Condition('resource name','integer','cres1','==',2)
		cond2 = Condition('resource name','integer','cres2','==',-2)

		cvar0 = ConditionVariable(name='cvar0',order=0,enabled=True,wait=str(dwell_time),
		cvar1 = ConditionVariable(name='cvar1',order=1,enabled=True,wait=str(dwell_time),
		cvar2 = ConditionVariable(name='cvar2',order=1,enabled=True,wait=str(dwell_time),

		# Input.
		meas_res0 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 0))
		meas_res1 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 1))

		meas0 = InputVariable(name='Meas 0')
		meas1 = InputVariable(name='Meas 1')

		vars, num_items = sort_output_variables([var0, var1, var2, var3, var4])
		cvars = sort_condition_variables([cvar0,cvar1,cvar2])
		ctrl = sweep.SweepController([(('Res 2', res2),), (('Something', None),), (('Res 0', res0),),
				(('Res 1', res1), ('Res 3', res3))], vars, num_items,
				[('Meas res 0', meas_res0), ('Meas res 1', meas_res1)], [meas0, meas1],
				condition_resources, cvars)

		# Callback verification buffers.
		actual_values = []
		actual_measurement_values = []
		actual_writes = []
		actual_reads = []
		closed = [0]

		# Callbacks.
		def data_callback(cur_time, values, measurement_values):
		ctrl.data_callback = data_callback

		def close_callback():
			closed[0] += 1
		ctrl.close_callback = close_callback

		def write_callback(pos, i, value):
			actual_writes.append((pos, i, value))
		ctrl.write_callback = write_callback

		def read_callback(i, value):
			actual_reads.append((i, value))
		ctrl.read_callback = read_callback

		# Let it run.
		start_time = time()
		elapsed_time = time() - start_time

		expected_time = num_items * dwell_time.value
		assert expected_time < elapsed_time, 'Took {0} s, expected at least {1} s.'.format(elapsed_time, expected_time)

		expected_res1 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
		expected_res2 = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0]

		expected_inner_writes = list(flatten(((3, 0, x), (3, 1, x - 2.0)) for x in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]))
		expected_writes = [(0, 0, 1.23), (1, 0, -10.0)] + list(flatten([(2, 0, x)] + expected_inner_writes
				for x in [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [-1.0, -2.0]]))

		eq_(res_bufs, [
			[Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [0.0, -1.0, -1.0, -2.0, -2.0, 0.0]],
			[-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] + expected_res1 + [4.0, 2.5, 1.0] + expected_res1 + [4.0, 1.5, -1.0],
			[-9.0, -1.0] + expected_res2 + expected_res2 + [2.0, -9.0],
		eq_(measurement_counts, [24, -24])
		# Construct predicted actual values. 
		expected_actual_values = []
		for x in [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [-1.0, -2.0]]:
			for y in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]:
				# We append twice since the 0th order condition will create an extra measurement
				# for every non_conditionally based measurement
				expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))
				expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))
				# If were at the end of order 1, we append 4 more times to have a total of 6
				# This is because in the condition checking stage, we require the 0th order condition
				# and the 1st order conditions to all be true. So, cycling through entries in [0,1]
				# and [0,1,2], it will take a total of 6 condition checks to get 1 in [0,1], and 2 in
				# [0,1,2].
				if y == 4:
					expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))
					expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))
					expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))
					expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))

		eq_(actual_values, expected_actual_values)

		eq_(actual_measurement_values, [(x, -x) for x in xrange(1, 25)])
		eq_(actual_writes, expected_writes)
		eq_(actual_reads, list(flatten(((0, x), (1, -x)) for x in xrange(1, 25))))
		eq_(closed, [1])
	def testEvaluateCondition(self):
		Test if evaluating conditions works properly
		for different combinations of types.
		# Some variables to use for tests.
		res_bufs = [[], [], [], []]

		def setter(i, value):
		def getter(i):
			return res_bufs[i][0]
		a = Quantity('5 T')
		b = Quantity('50 kG')
		c = 'on'

		res0 = Resource(getter=partial(getter,0), setter=partial(setter, 0))
		res0.units = 'T'
		res1 = Resource(getter=partial(getter,1), setter=partial(setter, 1))
		res1.units = 'kG'
		res2 = Resource(getter=partial(getter,2), setter=partial(setter, 2))
		res2.allowed_values = ['on','off']
		res0.value = a
		res1.value = b
		res2.value = c

		# Check 2 quantities of equivalent units.
		c1 = variables.Condition('quantity','quantity',a,'==',b)
		eq_(c1.evaluate(), True)
		# Check a resource against a quantity.
		c2 = variables.Condition('resource','quantity',res0,'==',a)
		eq_(c2.evaluate(), True)
		# Check a resource with a resource.
		c3 = variables.Condition('resource','resource',res0,'==',res1)
		eq_(c3.evaluate(), True)
		# Check a resource that has an allowed value with a string.
		c4 = variables.Condition('resource','string',res2,'==',c)
		eq_(c4.evaluate(), True)
		# Test evaluating resource names.
		resources = [('res0',res0),('res1',res1),('res2',res2)]
		c3 = variables.Condition('resource name','resource name','res0','==','res1')
		eq_(c3.evaluate(resources), True)
		# Check some things that should mess up.
		## string instead of quantity.
			c5 = variables.Condition('resource','string',res0,'==','5 T')
			eq_(c5.evaluate(), True)
		except TypeError:
			assert False, 'Expected TypeError.'
		## not matching units.
			c6 = variables.Condition('quantity','quantity',Quantity('5 A'),'==',Quantity('5 T'))
			eq_(c6.evaluate(), True)
		except IncompatibleDimensions:
			assert False, 'Expected IncompatibleDimensions error.'
    def testProper(self):
		Testing everything that there is to test along the happy path:
			nested and parallel variables
			dwell time

        res_bufs = [[], [], [], []]
        measurement_counts = [0] * 2

        def setter(i, value):

        def getter(i):
            measurement_counts[i] += (-1)**i

            return measurement_counts[i]

        dwell_time = Quantity(50, 'ms')

        # Output.
        res0 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 0))
        res0.units = 'cm-1'
        res1 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 1))
        res2 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 2))
        res3 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 3))

        var0 = OutputVariable(name='Var 0', order=2, enabled=True, const=0.0)
        var0.config = LinSpaceConfig(-1.0, -2.0, 2)
        var0.smooth_steps = 2
        var0.smooth_from, var0.smooth_to, var0.smooth_transition = [True] * 3
        var0.type = 'quantity'
        var0.units = 'cm-1'

        var1 = OutputVariable(name='Var 1', order=1, enabled=True, const=-1.0)
        var1.config = LinSpaceConfig(1.0, 4.0, 4)
        var1.smooth_steps = 3
        var1.smooth_from, var1.smooth_to, var1.smooth_transition = [True] * 3

        var2 = OutputVariable(name='Var 2',

        var3 = OutputVariable(name='Var 3',
        var3.config = LinSpaceConfig(-1.0, 2.0, 4)
        var3.smooth_steps = 2
        var3.smooth_from, var3.smooth_to, var3.smooth_transition = True, True, False

        var4 = OutputVariable(name='Var 4', order=3, enabled=True, const=-20.0)
        var4.config = LinSpaceConfig(-10.0, 20, 1)
        var4.smooth_steps = 2
        var4.smooth_from = True

        # Input.
        meas_res0 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 0))
        meas_res1 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 1))

        meas0 = InputVariable(name='Meas 0')
        meas1 = InputVariable(name='Meas 1')

        vars, num_items = sort_output_variables([var0, var1, var2, var3, var4])
        ctrl = sweep.SweepController([(('Res 2', res2), ),
                                      (('Something', None), ),
                                      (('Res 0', res0), ),
                                      (('Res 1', res1), ('Res 3', res3))],
                                     vars, num_items,
                                     [('Meas res 0', meas_res0),
                                      ('Meas res 1', meas_res1)],
                                     [meas0, meas1])

        # Callback verification buffers.
        actual_values = []
        actual_measurement_values = []
        actual_writes = []
        actual_reads = []
        closed = [0]

        # Callbacks.
        def data_callback(cur_time, values, measurement_values):

        ctrl.data_callback = data_callback

        def close_callback():
            closed[0] += 1

        ctrl.close_callback = close_callback

        def write_callback(pos, i, value):
            actual_writes.append((pos, i, value))

        ctrl.write_callback = write_callback

        def read_callback(i, value):
            actual_reads.append((i, value))

        ctrl.read_callback = read_callback

        # Let it run.
        start_time = time()
        elapsed_time = time() - start_time

        expected_time = num_items * dwell_time.value
        assert expected_time < elapsed_time, 'Took {0} s, expected at least {1} s.'.format(
            elapsed_time, expected_time)

        expected_res1 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
        expected_res2 = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0]

        expected_inner_writes = list(
                ((3, 0, x), (3, 1, x - 2.0)) for x in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]))
        expected_writes = [(0, 0, 1.23), (1, 0, -10.0)] + list(
            flatten([(2, 0, x)] + expected_inner_writes
                    for x in [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [-1.0, -2.0]]))

        eq_(res_bufs, [
            [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [0.0, -1.0, -1.0, -2.0, -2.0, 0.0]],
            [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] + expected_res1 + [4.0, 2.5, 1.0] +
            expected_res1 + [4.0, 1.5, -1.0],
            [-9.0, -1.0] + expected_res2 + expected_res2 + [2.0, -9.0],
        eq_(measurement_counts, [8, -8])
            [(1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0)
             for x in [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [-1.0, -2.0]]
             for y in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]])
        eq_(actual_measurement_values, [(x, -x) for x in xrange(1, 9)])
        eq_(actual_writes, expected_writes)
        eq_(actual_reads, list(flatten(
            ((0, x), (1, -x)) for x in xrange(1, 9))))
        eq_(closed, [1])
    def testConditionsSweep(self):
		Tests a setup with condition variables and output variables.  Similar to testProper, but with
		conditions mixed in.

        res_bufs = [[], [], [], []]
        measurement_counts = [0] * 2

        def setter(i, value):

        def getter(i):
            measurement_counts[i] += (-1)**i

            return measurement_counts[i]

        dwell_time = Quantity(50, 'ms')

        # Output.
        res0 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 0))
        res0.units = 'cm-1'
        res1 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 1))
        res2 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 2))
        res3 = Resource(setter=partial(setter, 3))

        var0 = OutputVariable(name='Var 0', order=2, enabled=True, const=0.0)
        var0.config = LinSpaceConfig(-1.0, -2.0, 2)
        var0.smooth_steps = 2
        var0.smooth_from, var0.smooth_to, var0.smooth_transition = [True] * 3
        var0.type = 'quantity'
        var0.units = 'cm-1'

        var1 = OutputVariable(name='Var 1', order=1, enabled=True, const=-1.0)
        var1.config = LinSpaceConfig(1.0, 4.0, 4)
        var1.smooth_steps = 3
        var1.smooth_from, var1.smooth_to, var1.smooth_transition = [True] * 3

        var2 = OutputVariable(name='Var 2',

        var3 = OutputVariable(name='Var 3',
        var3.config = LinSpaceConfig(-1.0, 2.0, 4)
        var3.smooth_steps = 2
        var3.smooth_from, var3.smooth_to, var3.smooth_transition = True, True, False

        var4 = OutputVariable(name='Var 4', order=3, enabled=True, const=-20.0)
        var4.config = LinSpaceConfig(-10.0, 20, 1)
        var4.smooth_steps = 2
        var4.smooth_from = True

        # Condition variables.

        ## Resources used for checking the conditions.

        iters = [cycle([0, 1]), cycle([0, 1, 2]), cycle([0, -1, -2])]

        def cres_getter(i):
            return iters[i].next()

        cres0 = Resource('cres0', getter=partial(cres_getter, 0))
        cres1 = Resource('cres1', getter=partial(cres_getter, 1))
        cres2 = Resource('cres2', getter=partial(cres_getter, 2))

        condition_resources = [(('cres0', cres0), ),
                                   ('cres1', cres1),
                                   ('cres2', cres2),

        cond0 = Condition('resource name', 'integer', 'cres0', '==', 1)
        cond1 = Condition('resource name', 'integer', 'cres1', '==', 2)
        cond2 = Condition('resource name', 'integer', 'cres2', '==', -2)

        cvar0 = ConditionVariable(name='cvar0',
        cvar1 = ConditionVariable(name='cvar1',
        cvar2 = ConditionVariable(name='cvar2',

        # Input.
        meas_res0 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 0))
        meas_res1 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 1))

        meas0 = InputVariable(name='Meas 0')
        meas1 = InputVariable(name='Meas 1')

        vars, num_items = sort_output_variables([var0, var1, var2, var3, var4])
        cvars = sort_condition_variables([cvar0, cvar1, cvar2])
        ctrl = sweep.SweepController([(('Res 2', res2), ),
                                      (('Something', None), ),
                                      (('Res 0', res0), ),
                                      (('Res 1', res1), ('Res 3', res3))],
                                     vars, num_items,
                                     [('Meas res 0', meas_res0),
                                      ('Meas res 1', meas_res1)],
                                     [meas0, meas1], condition_resources,

        # Callback verification buffers.
        actual_values = []
        actual_measurement_values = []
        actual_writes = []
        actual_reads = []
        closed = [0]

        # Callbacks.
        def data_callback(cur_time, values, measurement_values):

        ctrl.data_callback = data_callback

        def close_callback():
            closed[0] += 1

        ctrl.close_callback = close_callback

        def write_callback(pos, i, value):
            actual_writes.append((pos, i, value))

        ctrl.write_callback = write_callback

        def read_callback(i, value):
            actual_reads.append((i, value))

        ctrl.read_callback = read_callback

        # Let it run.
        start_time = time()
        elapsed_time = time() - start_time

        expected_time = num_items * dwell_time.value
        assert expected_time < elapsed_time, 'Took {0} s, expected at least {1} s.'.format(
            elapsed_time, expected_time)

        expected_res1 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
        expected_res2 = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0]

        expected_inner_writes = list(
                ((3, 0, x), (3, 1, x - 2.0)) for x in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]))
        expected_writes = [(0, 0, 1.23), (1, 0, -10.0)] + list(
            flatten([(2, 0, x)] + expected_inner_writes
                    for x in [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [-1.0, -2.0]]))

        eq_(res_bufs, [
            [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [0.0, -1.0, -1.0, -2.0, -2.0, 0.0]],
            [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0] + expected_res1 + [4.0, 2.5, 1.0] +
            expected_res1 + [4.0, 1.5, -1.0],
            [-9.0, -1.0] + expected_res2 + expected_res2 + [2.0, -9.0],

        eq_(measurement_counts, [24, -24])

        # Construct predicted actual values.
        expected_actual_values = []
        for x in [Quantity(x, 'cm-1') for x in [-1.0, -2.0]]:
            for y in [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]:

                # We append twice since the 0th order condition will create an extra measurement
                # for every non_conditionally based measurement
                expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))
                expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))

                # If were at the end of order 1, we append 4 more times to have a total of 6
                # This is because in the condition checking stage, we require the 0th order condition
                # and the 1st order conditions to all be true. So, cycling through entries in [0,1]
                # and [0,1,2], it will take a total of 6 condition checks to get 1 in [0,1], and 2 in
                # [0,1,2].
                if y == 4:
                    expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))
                    expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))
                    expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))
                    expected_actual_values.append((1.23, -10.0, x, y, y - 2.0))

        eq_(actual_values, expected_actual_values)

        eq_(actual_measurement_values, [(x, -x) for x in xrange(1, 25)])
        eq_(actual_writes, expected_writes)
            list(flatten(((0, x), (1, -x)) for x in xrange(1, 25))))
        eq_(closed, [1])
    def testEvaluateCondition(self):
		Test if evaluating conditions works properly
		for different combinations of types.
        # Some variables to use for tests.

        res_bufs = [[], [], [], []]

        def setter(i, value):

        def getter(i):
            return res_bufs[i][0]

        a = Quantity('5 T')
        b = Quantity('50 kG')
        c = 'on'

        res0 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 0), setter=partial(setter, 0))
        res0.units = 'T'
        res1 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 1), setter=partial(setter, 1))
        res1.units = 'kG'
        res2 = Resource(getter=partial(getter, 2), setter=partial(setter, 2))
        res2.allowed_values = ['on', 'off']

        res0.value = a
        res1.value = b
        res2.value = c

        # Check 2 quantities of equivalent units.
        c1 = variables.Condition('quantity', 'quantity', a, '==', b)
        eq_(c1.evaluate(), True)

        # Check a resource against a quantity.
        c2 = variables.Condition('resource', 'quantity', res0, '==', a)
        eq_(c2.evaluate(), True)

        # Check a resource with a resource.
        c3 = variables.Condition('resource', 'resource', res0, '==', res1)
        eq_(c3.evaluate(), True)

        # Check a resource that has an allowed value with a string.
        c4 = variables.Condition('resource', 'string', res2, '==', c)
        eq_(c4.evaluate(), True)

        # Test evaluating resource names.
        resources = [('res0', res0), ('res1', res1), ('res2', res2)]
        c3 = variables.Condition('resource name', 'resource name', 'res0',
                                 '==', 'res1')
        eq_(c3.evaluate(resources), True)

        # Check some things that should mess up.

        ## string instead of quantity.
            c5 = variables.Condition('resource', 'string', res0, '==', '5 T')
            eq_(c5.evaluate(), True)
        except TypeError:
            assert False, 'Expected TypeError.'

        ## not matching units.
            c6 = variables.Condition('quantity', 'quantity', Quantity('5 A'),
                                     '==', Quantity('5 T'))
            eq_(c6.evaluate(), True)
        except IncompatibleDimensions:
            assert False, 'Expected IncompatibleDimensions error.'