Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_issue3410():
    texts = ["Hello world", "This is a test"]
    nlp = English()
    matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
    phrasematcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_threads=4))
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        docs = list(nlp.tokenizer.pipe(texts, n_threads=4))
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        list(matcher.pipe(docs, n_threads=4))
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        list(phrasematcher.pipe(docs, n_threads=4))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_issue3410():
    texts = ["Hello world", "This is a test"]
    nlp = English()
    matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
    phrasematcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        docs = list(nlp.pipe(texts, n_threads=4))
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        docs = list(nlp.tokenizer.pipe(texts, n_threads=4))
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        list(matcher.pipe(docs, n_threads=4))
    with pytest.deprecated_call():
        list(phrasematcher.pipe(docs, n_threads=4))
Ejemplo n.º 3
IS_HASHTAG = nlp.vocab.add_flag(lambda text: False)

def merge_hashtag(matcher, doc, i, matches):
    match_id, start, end = matches[i]
    span = doc[start : end]
    span.merge() # merge hashtag
    span.set_flag(IS_HASHTAG, True) # set IS_HASHTAG to True

# nlp = English() # we only want the tokenizer, so no need to load a model
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)

pos_emoji = [u'🍷', u'😃', u'😂', u'🤣', u'😊', u'😍'] # positive emoji
neg_emoji = [u'🍱', u'😠', u'😩', u'😢', u'😭', u'😒'] # negative emoji

# add patterns to match one or more emoji tokens
pos_patterns = [[{'ORTH': emoji}] for emoji in pos_emoji]
neg_patterns = [[{'ORTH': emoji}] for emoji in neg_emoji]

matcher.add('HAPPY', None, *pos_patterns) # add positive pattern
matcher.add('SAD', None, *neg_patterns) # add negative pattern

# add pattern to merge valid hashtag, i.e. '#' plus any ASCII token
matcher.add('HASHTAG', merge_hashtag, [{'ORTH': '#'}, {'IS_ASCII': True}])

LOTS_OF_TWEETS = 'Bienvenido @JCamilOrt. ¿🍷🍻🍜🌯🍱? ¡Por favor! Abrazo.'

docs = nlp.pipe(LOTS_OF_TWEETS)
matches = matcher.pipe()

Ejemplo n.º 4
class RefMatcher:
    def __init__(self, nlp):
        self.nlp = nlp
        self.matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)

    def clean_matcher(self):
        # no native method to clean spaCy matcher
        # or retrieve pattern names
        # so always add ints, starting from zero
        # and clean ints from 0 till not found
        i = 0
        while len(self.matcher) > 0 and i < 100:
            if i in self.matcher:
            i += 1

    def is_negative(p):
        if "OP" in p and p["OP"] == "!":
            return True
        return False

    def is_droppable(p):
        if "OP" in p and p["OP"] in ["*", "?"]:
            return True
        return False

    def is_multitoken(p):
        if "OP" in p and p["OP"] in ["*", "+"]:
            return True
        return False

    def remove_skipped_ops(self, span, pattern):
        skipped_idx = []

        op_tokens = [
            i for (i, p) in enumerate(pattern) if RefMatcher.is_droppable(p)

        for op in op_tokens:
            op_pattern = copy.deepcopy(pattern)
            # remove "?" to require 1 instead of 0
            if op_pattern[op]["OP"] == "?":
                if len(op_pattern[op]) == 1:
                    # if no more props,
                    # add dummy string that will never match
                    # since its not 1 token :)
                    op_pattern[op]["TEXT"] = "alice and bob"
                    op_pattern[op]["OP"] = "!"
                del op_pattern[op]["OP"]
            # change "*" to "+", to require 1+ instead of 0+
            elif op_pattern[op]["OP"] == "*":
                op_pattern[op]["OP"] = "+"
            self.matcher.add(op, None, op_pattern)

        # check whether it still matches
        matches = self.matcher(span.as_doc())
        max_matches = [
            m for (m, s, e) in matches if (s == 0) and (e == len(span))

        # clean the matcher

        non_op_pattern = []
        for i, p in enumerate(pattern):
            # is optional
            if "OP" in p:
                # but not found
                if not i in max_matches and not RefMatcher.is_negative(p):
                    # => to do marked non matched, skip
                    if p["OP"] == "+":
                        if len(p) == 1:
                            # if no more props,
                            # add dummy string that will never match
                            # since its not 1 token :)
                            p["TEXT"] = "alice and bob"
                            p["OP"] = "!"
                            del p["OP"]
                    elif p["OP"] == "*":
                        p["OP"] = "+"

        return non_op_pattern, skipped_idx

    def insert_empty_idx(self, pattern_ref, idx):
        pattern_ref_insert = {}
        for p, v in pattern_ref.items():
            if p >= idx:
                pattern_ref_insert[p + 1] = v
                pattern_ref_insert[p] = v
        pattern_ref_insert[idx] = []
        return pattern_ref_insert

    def shift_pattern_ref(self, pattern_ref, skipped_idx):
        for idx in skipped_idx:
            pattern_ref = self.insert_empty_idx(pattern_ref, idx)
        return pattern_ref

    def __call__(self, span, orig_pattern):

        pattern = copy.deepcopy(orig_pattern)

        # remove props not supported by SpaCy matcher:
        for p in pattern:
            if "TEMPLATE_ID" in p:
                del p["TEMPLATE_ID"]

        # case I: tokens <-> patterns
        # if lengths match
        # if no OP
        # => everything has been matched
        if len(span) == len(pattern) and not any(["OP" in p for p in pattern]):
            return {k: [k] for k in range(len(pattern))}

        # check which tokens are matched, remove non matched
        non_op_pattern, skipped_idx = self.remove_skipped_ops(span, pattern)

        # case II:
        # if lengths match
        # if no multitoken OPs
        # => everything has been matched
        if len(span) == len(non_op_pattern) and not any(
            [RefMatcher.is_multitoken(p) for p in non_op_pattern]):
            pattern_ref = {k: [k] for k in range(len(non_op_pattern))}
            return self.shift_pattern_ref(pattern_ref, skipped_idx)

        # case III:
        # worst case
        # get shifts for multitokens
        # ie rematching cropped spans and patterns

        # A. get cropped patterns
        for i in range(len(non_op_pattern)):
            self.matcher.add(i, None, non_op_pattern[i:])

        # B. get cropped spans
        docs = [span[i:].as_doc() for i in range(len(span))]

        # C. rematch
        matches = self.matcher.pipe(docs,

        # D. get pattern_ref
        pattern_ref = {}

        for i, (d, m) in enumerate(matches):
            # take max span match for doc
            if len(m):
                # len 0 shouldn't happen except weird white spaces
                m_id, m_start, m_end = max(m, key=lambda x: x[2] - x[1])

                # if cropped span matches cropped pattern
                # 1st token of cropped span belongs to 1st cropped pattern item
                if not m_id in pattern_ref:
                    pattern_ref[m_id] = [i]
                    # no changes in pattern
                    # pattern item had more tokens matched
                    # ex. "very fast ..." & "fast ... "
                    # matched with {"POS": "ADJ", "OP": "+"} ...

        # clean

        # shift by skipped ops
        pattern_ref = self.shift_pattern_ref(pattern_ref, skipped_idx)
        return pattern_ref