Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_get_fft_funcs():
    m, n = [int(2 ** nextpow2(randint(5, 10))) for _ in xrange(2)]
    x = randn(m, n)
    xc = x + 1j

    ifft, fft = get_fft_funcs(xc, xc)
    assert fft is np.fft.fft, 'fft is not np.fft.fft'
    assert ifft is np.fft.ifft, 'ifft is not np.fft.ifft'
    ravelxc = xc.ravel()
    assert_allclose(ifft(fft(ravelxc)), ravelxc)

    ifft, fft = get_fft_funcs(x, x)
    assert fft is np.fft.rfft
    assert ifft is np.fft.irfft
    ravelx = x.ravel()
    assert_allclose(ifft(fft(ravelx)), ravelx)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def matrixcorr(x, nfft):
    """Cross-correlation of the columns of a matrix.

    x : array_like
        The matrix from which to compute the cross correlations of each column
        with the others

    nfft : int
        The number of points used to compute the FFT (faster when this number
        is a power of 2).

    c : array_like
        The cross correlation of the columns `x`.
    _, n = x.shape
    ifft, fft = get_fft_funcs(x)
    X = fft(x.T, nfft)
    Xc = X.conj()
    mx, nx = X.shape
    c = np.empty((mx ** 2, nx), dtype=X.dtype)
    mult_mat_xcorr(X, Xc, c, n, nx)
    return ifft(c, nfft).T
Ejemplo n.º 3
def crosscorr(x, y, nfft):
    """Compute the cross correlation of `x` and `y` using an FFT.

    x, y : array_like
        The arrays of which to compute the cross correlation.

    nfft : int
        The number of fft points.

    c : array_like
        Cross correlation of `x` and `y`.
    ifft, fft = get_fft_funcs(x, y)
    return ifft(fft(x, nfft) * fft(y, nfft).conj(), nfft)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def autocorr(x, nfft):
    """Compute the autocorrelation of `x` using a FFT.

    x : array_like
        Input array.

    nfft : int
        Number of FFT points.

    r : array_like
        The autocorrelation of `x`.
    ifft, fft = get_fft_funcs(x)
    a = np.abs(fft(x, nfft))
    a *= a
    return ifft(a, nfft)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_mult_mat_xcorr():
    x = randn(randint(2, 4), randint(4, 5))
    m, n = x.shape
    ifft, fft = get_fft_funcs(x)
    nfft = int(2 ** nextpow2(m))
    X = fft(x.T, nfft)
    Xc = X.conj()
    mx, nx = X.shape

    c = np.empty((mx ** 2, nx), dtype=X.dtype)
    oc = c.copy()

    mult_mat_xcorr(X, Xc, oc, n, nx)

    for i in xrange(n):
        c[i * n:(i + 1) * n] = X[i] * Xc

    assert_allclose(c, oc)

    cc, occ = map(lambda x: ifft(x, nfft).T, (c, oc))

    assert_allclose(cc, occ)