Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_pr(pr_number):
    logging.debug("Updating pull request %i" % pr_number)
    pr = Issue.get_or_create(pr_number)
    issue_response = raw_github_request(get_pulls_base() + '/%i' % pr_number,
                                        oauth_token=oauth_token, etag=pr.etag)
    if issue_response is None:
        logging.debug("PR %i hasn't changed since last visit; skipping" % pr_number)
        return "Done updating pull request %i (nothing changed)" % pr_number
    pr.pr_json = json.loads(issue_response.content)
    pr.etag = issue_response.headers["ETag"]
    pr.state = pr.pr_json['state']
    pr.user = pr.pr_json['user']['login']
    pr.updated_at = \

    for issue_number in pr.parsed_title['jiras']:
            link_issue_to_pr("%s-%s" % (app.config['JIRA_PROJECT'], issue_number), pr)
            logging.exception("Exception when linking to JIRA issue %s-%s" %
                              (app.config['JIRA_PROJECT'], issue_number))
            start_issue_progress("%s-%s" % (app.config['JIRA_PROJECT'], issue_number))
                "Exception when starting progress on JIRA issue %s-%s" %
                (app.config['JIRA_PROJECT'], issue_number))

    pr.put()  # Write our modifications back to the database

    subtasks = [".update_pr_comments", ".update_pr_review_comments", ".update_pr_files"]
    for task in subtasks:
        taskqueue.add(url=url_for(task, pr_number=pr_number), queue_name='fresh-prs')

    return "Done updating pull request %i" % pr_number
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_pr(pr_number):
    logging.debug("Updating pull request %i" % pr_number)
    pr = Issue.get_or_create(pr_number)
    issue_response = raw_github_request(PULLS_BASE + '/%i' % pr_number,
                                        oauth_token=oauth_token, etag=pr.etag)
    if issue_response is None:
        logging.debug("PR %i hasn't changed since last visit; skipping" % pr_number)
        return "Done updating pull request %i (nothing changed)" % pr_number
    pr.pr_json = json.loads(issue_response.content)
    pr.etag = issue_response.headers["ETag"]
    pr.state = pr.pr_json['state']
    pr.user = pr.pr_json['user']['login']
    pr.updated_at = \

    for issue_number in pr.parsed_title['jiras']:
            link_issue_to_pr("SPARK-%s" % issue_number, pr)
            logging.exception("Exception when linking to JIRA issue SPARK-%s" % issue_number)
            start_issue_progress("SPARK-%s" % issue_number)
                "Exception when starting progress on JIRA issue SPARK-%s" % issue_number)

    pr.put()  # Write our modifications back to the database

    subtasks = [".update_pr_comments", ".update_pr_review_comments", ".update_pr_files"]
    for task in subtasks:
        taskqueue.add(url=url_for(task, pr_number=pr_number), queue_name='fresh-prs')

    return "Done updating pull request %i" % pr_number
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_pr(number):
    Triggers a parametrized Jenkins build for testing Spark pull requests.
    if not (g.user and g.user.has_capability("jenkins")):
        return abort(403)
    pr = Issue.get_or_create(number)
    commit = pr.pr_json["head"]["sha"]
    target_branch = pr.pr_json["base"]["ref"]
    # The parameter names here were chosen to match the ones used by Jenkins' GitHub pull request
    # builder plugin: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Github+pull+request+builder+plugin
    # In the Spark repo, the https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/dev/run-tests-jenkins
    # script reads these variables when posting pull request feedback.
    query = {
        'token': app.config['JENKINS_PRB_TOKEN'],
        'ghprbPullId': number,
        'ghprbActualCommit': commit,
        'ghprbTargetBranch': target_branch,
        'ghprbPullTitle': pr.raw_title,
        # This matches the Jenkins plugin's logic; see
        # https://github.com/jenkinsci/ghprb-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/ghprb/GhprbTrigger.java#L146
        # It looks like origin/pr/*/merge ref points to the last successful test merge commit that
        # GitHub generates when it checks for mergeability.  This API technically isn't documented,
        # but enough plugins seem to rely on it that it seems unlikely to change anytime soon
        # (if it does, we can always upgrade our tests to perform the merge ourselves).
        # See also: https://developer.github.com/changes/2013-04-25-deprecating-merge-commit-sha/
        'sha1': ("origin/pr/%i/merge" % number) if pr.is_mergeable else commit,
    trigger_url = "%sbuildWithParameters?%s" % (
        app.config["JENKINS_PRB_JOB_URL"], urllib.urlencode(query))
    logging.debug("Triggering Jenkins with url %s" % trigger_url)
    response = urlfetch.fetch(trigger_url, method="POST")
    if response.status_code not in (200, 201):
        logging.error("Jenkins responded with status code %i" %
        return response.content
        return redirect(app.config["JENKINS_PRB_JOB_URL"])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_pr(number):
    Triggers a parametrized Jenkins build for testing Spark pull requests.
    if not (g.user and g.user.has_capability("jenkins")):
        return abort(403)
    pr = Issue.get_or_create(number)
    commit = pr.pr_json["head"]["sha"]
    target_branch = pr.pr_json["base"]["ref"]
    # The parameter names here were chosen to match the ones used by Jenkins' GitHub pull request
    # builder plugin: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Github+pull+request+builder+plugin
    # In the Spark repo, the https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/dev/run-tests-jenkins
    # script reads these variables when posting pull request feedback.
    query = {
        'token': app.config['JENKINS_PRB_TOKEN'],
        'ghprbPullId': number,
        'ghprbActualCommit': commit,
        'ghprbTargetBranch': target_branch,
        'ghprbPullTitle': pr.raw_title.encode('utf-8'),
        # This matches the Jenkins plugin's logic; see
        # https://github.com/jenkinsci/ghprb-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/ghprb/GhprbTrigger.java#L146
        # It looks like origin/pr/*/merge ref points to the last successful test merge commit that
        # GitHub generates when it checks for mergeability.  This API technically isn't documented,
        # but enough plugins seem to rely on it that it seems unlikely to change anytime soon
        # (if it does, we can always upgrade our tests to perform the merge ourselves).
        # See also: https://developer.github.com/changes/2013-04-25-deprecating-merge-commit-sha/
        'sha1': ("origin/pr/%i/merge" % number) if pr.is_mergeable else commit,
    trigger_url = "%sbuildWithParameters?%s" % (app.config["JENKINS_PRB_JOB_URL"],
    logging.debug("Triggering Jenkins with url %s" % trigger_url)
    response = urlfetch.fetch(trigger_url, method="POST")
    if response.status_code not in (200, 201):
        logging.error("Jenkins responded with status code %i" % response.status_code)
        return response.content
        return redirect(app.config["JENKINS_PRB_JOB_URL"])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def update_pr(number):
    return "Done updating pull request %i" % number
Ejemplo n.º 6
def update_issue(number):
    return "Done updating issue %i" % number
Ejemplo n.º 7
def update_issue(number):
    return "Done updating issue %i" % number
Ejemplo n.º 8
def update_pr(number):
    return "Done updating pull request %i" % number