Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time_cpmg_setup(self):
        """U{Bug #21665<https://gna.org/bugs/?21665>} catch, the failure due to a a CPMG analysis recorded at two fields at two delay times, using minimise.calculate()."""

        # Load the state.
        statefile = status.install_path + sep+'test_suite'+sep+'shared_data'+sep+'dispersion'+sep+'bug_21665.bz2'
        state.load_state(statefile, force=True)

        # Original data
        ncyc_1 = [20, 16, 10, 36, 2, 12, 4, 22, 18, 40, 14, 26, 8, 32, 24, 6, 28]
        sfrq_1 = 499.86214*1E6
        time_T2_1 = 0.04
        cpmg_1 = sorted([ncyc/time_T2_1 for ncyc in ncyc_1])

        ncyc_2 = [28, 4, 32, 60, 2, 10, 16, 8, 20, 52, 18, 40, 6, 12, 24, 14, 22]
        sfrq_2 = 599.8908587*1E6
        time_T2_2 = 0.06
        cpmg_2 = sorted([ncyc/time_T2_2 for ncyc in ncyc_2])

        # Test the loop function.
        # First initialize index for the two lists.
        i = -1
        j = -1
        for exp_type, frq, offset, point, time, ei, mi, oi, di, ti in loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time(return_indices=True):
            if frq == sfrq_1:
                i += 1
                self.assertEqual(time, time_T2_1)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(point, cpmg_1[i], 3)
            if frq == sfrq_2:
                j += 1
                self.assertEqual(time, time_T2_2)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(point, cpmg_2[j], 3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time_cpmg_setup(self):
        """U{Bug #21665<https://web.archive.org/web/https://gna.org/bugs/?21665>} catch, the failure due to a a CPMG analysis recorded at two fields at two delay times, using minimise.calculate()."""

        # Load the state.
        statefile = status.install_path + sep + 'test_suite' + sep + 'shared_data' + sep + 'dispersion' + sep + 'bug_21665.bz2'
        state.load_state(statefile, force=True)

        # Original data
        ncyc_1 = [
            20, 16, 10, 36, 2, 12, 4, 22, 18, 40, 14, 26, 8, 32, 24, 6, 28
        sfrq_1 = 499.86214 * 1E6
        time_T2_1 = 0.04
        cpmg_1 = sorted([ncyc / time_T2_1 for ncyc in ncyc_1])

        ncyc_2 = [
            28, 4, 32, 60, 2, 10, 16, 8, 20, 52, 18, 40, 6, 12, 24, 14, 22
        sfrq_2 = 599.8908587 * 1E6
        time_T2_2 = 0.06
        cpmg_2 = sorted([ncyc / time_T2_2 for ncyc in ncyc_2])

        # Test the loop function.
        # First initialize index for the two lists.
        i = -1
        j = -1
        for exp_type, frq, offset, point, time, ei, mi, oi, di, ti in loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time(
            if frq == sfrq_1:
                i += 1
                self.assertEqual(time, time_T2_1)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(point, cpmg_1[i], 3)
            if frq == sfrq_2:
                j += 1
                self.assertEqual(time, time_T2_2)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(point, cpmg_2[j], 3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time_cpmg(self):
        """Unit test of the loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time() function.

        This uses the data of the saved state attached to U{bug #21665<https://gna.org/bugs/?21665>}.

        # Load the state.
        statefile = status.install_path + sep+'test_suite'+sep+'shared_data'+sep+'dispersion'+sep+'bug_21665.bz2'
        state.load_state(statefile, force=True)

        # Original data (exp_type, frq, offset, point).
        data = [
            ['SQ CPMG', 499862140.0, 0, [50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 1000.0], 0.04],
            ['SQ CPMG', 599890858.69999993, 0, [33.3333, 66.666, 100.0, 133.333, 166.666, 200.0, 233.333, 266.666, 300.0, 333.333, 366.666, 400.0, 466.666, 533.333, 666.666, 866.666, 1000.0], 0.06]

        # Original indices (ei, mi, oi).
        indices = [
            [0, 0, 0, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], 0],
            [0, 1, 0, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], 0]

        # Check the number of iterations.
        print("Checking the number of iterations of the loop.")
        count = 0
        for exp_type, frq, offset, point, time, ei, mi, oi, di, ti in loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time(return_indices=True):
            print(exp_type, frq, offset, point, time, ei, mi, oi, di, ti)
            count += 1
        self.assertEqual(count, 34)

        # Check the values.
        print("Checking the values returned by the loop.")
        frq_index = 0
        disp_index = 0
        for exp_type, frq, offset, point, time, ei, mi, oi, di, ti in loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time(return_indices=True):
            # Check the experiment info.
            self.assertEqual(exp_type, data[frq_index][0])
            self.assertEqual(ei, indices[frq_index][0])

            # Check the frequency info.
            self.assertEqual(frq, data[frq_index][1])
            self.assertEqual(mi, indices[frq_index][1])

            # Check the offset info.
            self.assertEqual(offset, data[frq_index][2])
            self.assertEqual(oi, indices[frq_index][2])

            # Check the dispersion point info.
            self.assertAlmostEqual(point, data[frq_index][3][disp_index], 2)
            self.assertEqual(di, indices[frq_index][3][disp_index])

            # Check the time point info.
            self.assertEqual(time, data[frq_index][4])
            self.assertEqual(ti, indices[frq_index][4])

            # Increment the data index.
            if disp_index == 16:
                frq_index += 1
                disp_index = 0
                disp_index += 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time_cpmg(self):
        """Unit test of the loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time() function.

        This uses the data of the saved state attached to U{bug #21665<https://web.archive.org/web/https://gna.org/bugs/?21665>}.

        # Load the state.
        statefile = status.install_path + sep + 'test_suite' + sep + 'shared_data' + sep + 'dispersion' + sep + 'bug_21665.bz2'
        state.load_state(statefile, force=True)

        # Original data (exp_type, frq, offset, point).
        data = [[
            'SQ CPMG', 499862140.0, 0,
                50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0,
                500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 1000.0
            ], 0.04
                    'SQ CPMG', 599890858.69999993, 0,
                        33.3333, 66.666, 100.0, 133.333, 166.666, 200.0,
                        233.333, 266.666, 300.0, 333.333, 366.666, 400.0,
                        466.666, 533.333, 666.666, 866.666, 1000.0
                    ], 0.06

        # Original indices (ei, mi, oi).
        indices = [
                0, 0, 0,
                [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], 0
                0, 1, 0,
                [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], 0

        # Check the number of iterations.
        print("Checking the number of iterations of the loop.")
        count = 0
        for exp_type, frq, offset, point, time, ei, mi, oi, di, ti in loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time(
            print(exp_type, frq, offset, point, time, ei, mi, oi, di, ti)
            count += 1
        self.assertEqual(count, 34)

        # Check the values.
        print("Checking the values returned by the loop.")
        frq_index = 0
        disp_index = 0
        for exp_type, frq, offset, point, time, ei, mi, oi, di, ti in loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time(
            # Check the experiment info.
            self.assertEqual(exp_type, data[frq_index][0])
            self.assertEqual(ei, indices[frq_index][0])

            # Check the frequency info.
            self.assertEqual(frq, data[frq_index][1])
            self.assertEqual(mi, indices[frq_index][1])

            # Check the offset info.
            self.assertEqual(offset, data[frq_index][2])
            self.assertEqual(oi, indices[frq_index][2])

            # Check the dispersion point info.
            self.assertAlmostEqual(point, data[frq_index][3][disp_index], 2)
            self.assertEqual(di, indices[frq_index][3][disp_index])

            # Check the time point info.
            self.assertEqual(time, data[frq_index][4])
            self.assertEqual(ti, indices[frq_index][4])

            # Increment the data index.
            if disp_index == 16:
                frq_index += 1
                disp_index = 0
                disp_index += 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
def calculate_r2eff():
    """Calculate the R2eff values for fixed relaxation time period data."""

    # Data checks.

    # Printouts.
    print("Calculating the R2eff/R1rho values for fixed relaxation time period data.")

    # Loop over the spins.
    for spin, mol_name, resi, resn, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
        # Spin ID printout.
        print("Spin '%s'." % spin_id)

        # Skip spins which have no data.
        if not hasattr(spin, 'peak_intensity'):

        # Initialise the data structures.
        if not hasattr(spin, 'r2eff'):
            spin.r2eff = {}
        if not hasattr(spin, 'r2eff_err'):
            spin.r2eff_err = {}

        # Loop over all the data.
        for exp_type, frq, offset, point, time in loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time():
            # The three keys.
            ref_keys = find_intensity_keys(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=None, time=time)
            int_keys = find_intensity_keys(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point, time=time)
            param_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point)

            # Check for missing data.
            missing = False
            for i in range(len(ref_keys)):
                if ref_keys[i] not in spin.peak_intensity:
                    missing = True
            for i in range(len(int_keys)):
                if int_keys[i] not in spin.peak_intensity:
                    missing = True
            if missing:

            # Average the reference intensity data and errors.
            ref_intensity = average_intensity(spin=spin, exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=None, time=time)
            ref_intensity_err = average_intensity(spin=spin, exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=None, time=time, error=True)

            # Average the intensity data and errors.
            intensity = average_intensity(spin=spin, exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point, time=time)
            intensity_err = average_intensity(spin=spin, exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point, time=time, error=True)

            # Check for math domain errors or log for values less than 0.0.
            if ref_intensity == 0.0:
                skip_data = True
            elif float(intensity) / ref_intensity <= 0.0:
                skip_data = True
                skip_data = False

            if skip_data:
                spin_string = generate_spin_string(spin=spin, mol_name=mol_name, res_num=resi, res_name=resn)
                msg = "Math log(I / I_ref) domain error for spin '%s' in R2eff value calculation for fixed relaxation time period data.  I=%3.3f, I_ref=%3.3f.  The point is skipped." % (spin_string, intensity, ref_intensity)
                warn(RelaxWarning("%s" % msg))
                point_info = "This happened for '%s' at %3.1f MHz, for offset=%3.1f ppm and dispersion point %3.1f Hz and time %1.2f s.\n" % (exp_type, frq/1E6, offset, point, time)
                # Calculate the R2eff value.
                spin.r2eff[param_key] = calc_two_point_r2eff(relax_time=time, I_ref=ref_intensity, I=intensity)

                # Calculate the R2eff error.
                spin.r2eff_err[param_key] = calc_two_point_r2eff_err(relax_time=time, I_ref=ref_intensity, I=intensity, I_ref_err=ref_intensity_err, I_err=intensity_err)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def calculate_r2eff():
    """Calculate the R2eff values for fixed relaxation time period data."""

    # Data checks.

    # Printouts.
    print("Calculating the R2eff/R1rho values for fixed relaxation time period data.")

    # Loop over the spins.
    for spin, mol_name, resi, resn, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
        # Spin ID printout.
        print("Spin '%s'." % spin_id)

        # Skip spins which have no data.
        if not hasattr(spin, 'peak_intensity'):

        # Initialise the data structures.
        if not hasattr(spin, 'r2eff'):
            spin.r2eff = {}
        if not hasattr(spin, 'r2eff_err'):
            spin.r2eff_err = {}

        # Loop over all the data.
        for exp_type, frq, offset, point, time in loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time():
            # The three keys.
            ref_keys = find_intensity_keys(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=None, time=time)
            int_keys = find_intensity_keys(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point, time=time)
            param_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point)

            # Check for missing data.
            missing = False
            for i in range(len(ref_keys)):
                if ref_keys[i] not in spin.peak_intensity:
                    missing = True
            for i in range(len(int_keys)):
                if int_keys[i] not in spin.peak_intensity:
                    missing = True
            if missing:

            # Average the reference intensity data and errors.
            ref_intensity = average_intensity(spin=spin, exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=None, time=time)
            ref_intensity_err = average_intensity(spin=spin, exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=None, time=time, error=True)

            # Average the intensity data and errors.
            intensity = average_intensity(spin=spin, exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point, time=time)
            intensity_err = average_intensity(spin=spin, exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point, time=time, error=True)

            # Check for math domain errors or log for values less than 0.0.
            if ref_intensity == 0.0:
                skip_data = True
            elif float(intensity) / ref_intensity <= 0.0:
                skip_data = True
                skip_data = False

            if skip_data:
                spin_string = generate_spin_string(spin=spin, mol_name=mol_name, res_num=resi, res_name=resn)
                msg = "Math log(I / I_ref) domain error for spin '%s' in R2eff value calculation for fixed relaxation time period data.  I=%3.3f, I_ref=%3.3f.  The point is skipped." % (spin_string, intensity, ref_intensity)
                warn(RelaxWarning("%s" % msg))
                point_info = "This happened for '%s' at %3.1f MHz, for offset=%3.1f ppm and dispersion point %3.1f Hz and time %1.2f s.\n" % (exp_type, frq/1E6, offset, point, time)
                # Calculate the R2eff value.
                spin.r2eff[param_key] = calc_two_point_r2eff(relax_time=time, I_ref=ref_intensity, I=intensity)

                # Calculate the R2eff error.
                spin.r2eff_err[param_key] = calc_two_point_r2eff_err(relax_time=time, I_ref=ref_intensity, I=intensity, I_ref_err=ref_intensity_err, I_err=intensity_err)