Ejemplo n.º 1
 class Taxon(
             "kingdom phylum class order family genus species subspecies")):
     """A node in a hierarchical taxonomy to be used in determinations."""
     common_name = Text()
     source = Text()
     protected_status = Text()
     author = Text()
     accepted = Link("Taxon")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 class Preparation(Record):
     preparer = Link(KUFish.Agent)
     prep_date = Date()
     prep_type = Text(required, vocab=vocabularies.TissuePrepType)
     count = Integer()
     on_loan = Boolean()
     tubes = Integer()
     used_up = Boolean()
     storage = Text()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    class CollectingEvent(Record):
        field_number = Text(format=formatters.field_number)
        collecting_date = Date()
        gear = Text()
        locality = Link("Locality")
        trip = Link("CollectingTrip")

        class Collector(Record):
            agent = Link("Agent", required)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    class Agent(Record):
        """A person, group or organization that objects in collection refer to."""
        agent_type = Text(required)
        title = Text()
        job_title = Text()
        last_name = Text()
        first_name = Text()
        middle_initial = Text()
        abbreviation = Text()
        email = Text()
        url = Text()

        class Address(Record):
            """An agent's address."""
            is_current = Boolean()
            address1 = Text()
            address2 = Text()
            city = Text()
            state = Text()
            country = Text()
            postal_code = Text()
            room_building = Text()
            phone1 = Text()
            phone2 = Text()
            fax = Text()
Ejemplo n.º 5
 class DNASequence(Record):
     bold_barcode_id = Text()
     molecule_type = Text()
     genbank_accession_number = Text()
     gene_sequence = Text()
     total_residues = Integer()
     comp_a = Integer()
     comp_c = Integer()
     comp_g = Integer()
     comp_t = Integer()
     ambiguous_residues = Integer()
     sequenced_by = Link(KUFish.Agent)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 class Address(Record):
     """An agent's address."""
     is_current = Boolean()
     address1 = Text()
     address2 = Text()
     city = Text()
     state = Text()
     country = Text()
     postal_code = Text()
     room_building = Text()
     phone1 = Text()
     phone2 = Text()
     fax = Text()
Ejemplo n.º 7
    class Accession(Record):
        accession_number = Text(required)
        status = Text()
        accession_type = Text()
        accession_date = Date()
        received_date = Date()
        number_of_lots = Integer()
        number_of_specimens = Integer()
        description = Text()

        class AccessionAgent(Record):
            agent = Link("Agent", required)
            role = Text()
Ejemplo n.º 8
 class Locality(Record):
     name = Text(required)
     geography = Link("Geography")
     water_type = Text()
     section = Text()
     township = Text()
     range = Text()
     island = Text()
     island_group = Text()
     water_body = Text()
     drainage = Text()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    class CollectionObject(Record):
        catalog_number = Text(format=formatters.catalog_number)
        cataloged_date = Date()
        preservation = Text()
        tissue_type = Text()
        size = Text()
        sex = Text()
        cataloger = Link(KUFish.Agent)
        accession = Link(KUFish.Accession)
        collecting_event = Link(KUFish.CollectingEvent)
        voucher = Link(KUFishVoucher.CollectionObject)

        class Determination(Record):
            determiner = Link(KUFish.Agent)
            determination_date = Date()
            type_status = Text()
            taxon = Link(KUFish.Taxon)

        class Preparation(Record):
            preparer = Link(KUFish.Agent)
            prep_date = Date()
            prep_type = Text(required, vocab=vocabularies.TissuePrepType)
            count = Integer()
            on_loan = Boolean()
            tubes = Integer()
            used_up = Boolean()
            storage = Text()

        class DNASequence(Record):
            bold_barcode_id = Text()
            molecule_type = Text()
            genbank_accession_number = Text()
            gene_sequence = Text()
            total_residues = Integer()
            comp_a = Integer()
            comp_c = Integer()
            comp_g = Integer()
            comp_t = Integer()
            ambiguous_residues = Integer()
            sequenced_by = Link(KUFish.Agent)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    class ReferenceWork(Record):
        type_of_work = Text()
        title = Text()
        publisher = Text()
        place_of_publication = Text()
        volume = Text()
        pages = Text()
        date_of_work = Text()
        url = Text()
        journal = Link("Journal")

        class Author(Record):
            agent = Link("Agent", required)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    class CollectionObject(Record):
        catalog_number = Text(format=formatters.catalog_number)
        cataloged_date = Date()
        size = Text()
        sex = Text()
        weight = Text()
        cataloger = Link(KUFish.Agent)
        accession = Link(KUFish.Accession)
        collecting_event = Link(KUFish.CollectingEvent)

        class Determination(Record):
            determiner = Link(KUFish.Agent)
            determination_date = Date()
            type_status = Text()
            taxon = Link(KUFish.Taxon)

        class Preparation(Record):
            preparer = Link(KUFish.Agent)
            prep_date = Date()
            prep_type = Text(required, vocab=vocabularies.VoucherPrepType)
            count = Integer()
            on_loan = Boolean()
Ejemplo n.º 12
 class AccessionAgent(Record):
     agent = Link("Agent", required)
     role = Text()
Ejemplo n.º 13
 class Journal(Record):
     name = Text()
     abbreviation = Text()
Ejemplo n.º 14
 class Determination(Record):
     determiner = Link(KUFish.Agent)
     determination_date = Date()
     type_status = Text()
     taxon = Link(KUFish.Taxon)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 class Preparation(Record):
     preparer = Link(KUFish.Agent)
     prep_date = Date()
     prep_type = Text(required, vocab=vocabularies.VoucherPrepType)
     count = Integer()
     on_loan = Boolean()
Ejemplo n.º 16
 class CollectingTrip(Record):
     vessel = Text()
     cruise = Text()
     haul = Text()