Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_create_envi_lib(self):
     '''Can resample spectra and create an ENVI spectral library.'''
     bands = read_aviris_bands(AVIRIS_BAND_FILE)
     cursor = self.db.query('SELECT SpectrumID FROM Spectra')
     ids = [r[0] for r in cursor]
     bands.centers = [x / 1000. for x in bands.centers]
     bands.bandwidths = [x / 1000. for x in bands.bandwidths]
     slib = self.db.create_envi_spectral_library(ids, bands)
     assert(slib.spectra.shape == (3, 220))
Ejemplo n.º 2
view.class_alpha = 0.5

# Interactive Class Labeling
# 交互式类标签

# Saving RGB Image Files
# save_rgb('rgb.jpg', img, [29, 19, 9])
# 调色板colors必须指定参数,否则是single-band灰度图展示
# save_rgb('gt2.jpg', gt, colors=spy_colors)

# Spectrum Plots
# 将光谱频带信息和图像关联起来,x轴显示波段
# 光谱图旨在快速查找图像中的光谱信息,如果想要更漂亮的数据图,可以使用Spy从图像中读取光谱,并直接使用matplotlib创建自定义图
import spectral.io.aviris as aviris

img.bands = aviris.read_aviris_bands('92AV3C.spc')

# Hypercube Dispaly
view_cube(img, bands=[19, 19, 9])

# N-Dimensional Feature Display
# 由于高光谱图像包含数百个窄的连续波段,因此波段(特别是相邻波段)之间通常存在强相关性,为了增加所显示的信息量,通常将图像的维度降低到具有较高信息密度的较小特征集上(例如,
# 主成分变换)。然而,在变换图像中通常仍然存在多余三个以上的特征,因此需要决定哪些最佳三个特征以突出数据集的某些方面(例如,光谱类别可分性)
# In most cases, the display will be more useful by first performing dimensionality reduction prior to viewint the data
# (e.g., by selecting some number of principal components)
data = open_image('92AV3C.lan').load()
gt = open_image('92AV3GT.GIS').read_band(0)
pc = principal_components(data)
xdata = pc.transform(data)
w = view_nd(xdata[:, :, :15], classes=gt)