Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_nddataset_swapdims(nd1d, nd2d, ref_ds, ds1):
    nd1 = nd1d.copy()
    nd2 = nd2d.copy()
    nd3 = ds1.copy()
    # swapdims needs 2D at least
    assert nd1.shape == (10,)
    nd1s = nd1.swapdims(1, 0)
    assert_equal(nd1s.data, nd1.data)
    nd2s = nd2.swapdims(1, 0)
    assert nd2s.dims == nd2.dims[::-1]
    assert nd3.shape == ref_ds.shape
    nd3s = nd3.swapdims(1, 0)
    ref = ref_ds
    refs = np.swapaxes(ref, 1, 0)
    assert nd3.shape == ref.shape  # original unchanged
    assert nd3s.shape == refs.shape
    assert nd3s is not nd3
    assert nd3s.dims[:2] == nd3.dims[:2][::-1]
    nd3s = nd3.swapdims(1, 0, inplace=True)
    assert nd3.shape == refs.shape  # original changed
    assert nd3s is nd3  # objects should be the same
    # use of the numpy method
    nd3s = np.swapaxes(nd3, 1, 0)
    assert nd3.shape == refs.shape  # original unchanged (but was already
    # swapped)
    assert nd3s.shape == ref.shape
    assert nd3s is not nd3  # TODO: add check for swapdims of all elements  # of a dataset such as meta
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_ndcomplex_real_imag():
    d = np.random.random((2, 2)) * np.exp(.1j)
    d3 = NDComplexArray(d)
    new = d3.copy()
    new.data = d3.real.data + 1j * d3.imag.data
    assert_equal(d3.data, new.data)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_nmr_1D_apodization(NMR_dataset_1D):
    dataset = NMR_dataset_1D.copy()
    dataset /= dataset.real.data.max()  # normalize

    lb = 0
    arr, apod = dataset.em(lb=lb, retapod=True)

    # arr and dataset should be equal as no em was applied
    assert_equal(dataset.data, arr.data)

    lb = 0.0
    gb = 0.0
    arr, apod = dataset.gm(lb=lb, gb=gb, retapod=True)

    # arr and dataset should be equal as no em was applied
    assert_equal(dataset.data, arr.data)

    lb = 100
    arr, apod = dataset.em(lb=lb, retapod=True)

    # arr and dataset should not be equal as inplace=False
    assert not np.array_equal(dataset.data, arr.data)
    assert_array_almost_equal(apod[1], 0.9987, decimal=4)

    # inplace=True
    dataset.plot(xlim=(0.0, 6000.0))

    dataset.em(lb=100.0 * ur.Hz, inplace=True)
    dataset.plot(c="r", data_only=True, clear=False)

    # successive call
    dataset.em(lb=200.0 * ur.Hz, inplace=True)
    dataset.plot(c="g", data_only=True, clear=False)

    dataset = NMR_dataset_1D.copy()

    dataset.em(100.0 * ur.Hz, inplace=True)
    dataset.plot(c="r", data_only=True, clear=False)

    # first test gm
    dataset = NMR_dataset_1D.copy()
    dataset /= dataset.real.data.max()  # normalize

    dataset.plot(xlim=(0.0, 6000.0))

    dataset, apod = dataset.gm(lb=-100.0 * ur.Hz,
                               gb=100.0 * ur.Hz,
    dataset.plot(c="b", data_only=True, clear=False)
    apod.plot(c="r", data_only=True, clear=False)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_nddataset_slicing_by_label(ds1):
    da = ds1
    # selection
    planeb = da['b']
    assert type(planeb) == type(da)
    plane1 = da[1]
    assert_equal(planeb.data, plane1.data)
    assert planeb.ndim == 3
    assert planeb.size == 300
    bd = da['b':'f']  # the last index is included
    assert bd.shape == (5, 100, 3)
    b1 = da[1:6]
    assert_equal(bd.data, b1.data)
    bc = da['b':'f', :, "hot"]
    assert bc.shape == (5, 100, 1)
    assert bc.z.labels[0] == 'b'
    da[..., "hot"]  # TODO: find a way to use such syntax  # hot2 = da[  #  # "x.hot"]  # assert hot == hot2
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_ndarray_slicing(refarray, ndarray):
    ref = refarray
    nd = ndarray.copy()
    assert not nd.is_masked
    assert nd.dims == ['y', 'x']

    # slicing is different in scpy than with numpy. We always return
    # unsqueezed dimensions, except for array of size 1, which are considered as scalar

    nd1 = nd[0, 0]
    assert_equal(nd1.data, nd.data[0:1, 0:1])
    assert nd1 is not nd[0, 0]
    assert nd1.ndim == 2  # array not reduced
    assert nd1.size == 1
    assert nd1.shape == (1, 1)
    assert isinstance(nd1, NDArray)
    assert isinstance(nd1.data, np.ndarray)
    assert isinstance(nd1.values, TYPE_FLOAT)

    nd1b, id = nd.__getitem__((0, 0), return_index=True)
    assert nd1b == nd1

    nd1a = nd[0, 0:2]
    assert_equal(nd1a.data, nd.data[0:1, 0:2])
    assert nd1a is not nd[0, 0:2]
    assert nd1a.ndim == 2
    assert nd1a.size == 2
    assert nd1a.shape == (1, 2)
    assert isinstance(nd1a, NDArray)
    assert nd1a.dims == ['y', 'x']

    # returning none if empty when slicing
    nd1b = nd[11:, 11:]
    assert nd1b is None

    # nd has been changed, restore it before continuing
    nd = ndarray.copy()

    nd2 = nd[7:10]
    assert_equal(nd2.data, nd.data[7:10])
    assert not nd.is_masked

    nd3 = nd2[1]
    assert nd3.shape == (1, ref.shape[1])
    assert nd3.dims == ['y', 'x']

    nd4 = nd2[:, 1]
    assert nd4.shape == (3, 1)
    assert nd4.dims == ['y', 'x']

    # squezzing
    nd5 = nd4.squeeze()
    assert nd5.shape == (3, )
    assert nd5.dims == ['y']

    # set item
    nd[1] = 2.
    assert nd[1, 0] == 2

    # set item mask
    nd[1] = MASKED
    assert nd.is_masked

    # boolean indexing
    nd = ndarray.copy()
    nd[nd.data > 0]

    # fancy indexing
    df = nd.data[[-1, 1]]

    ndf = nd[[-1, 1]]
    assert_array_equal(ndf.data, df)

    ndf = nd[[
        -1, 1
    ], INPLACE]  # TODO: check utility of this (I remember it should be related to setitem)
    assert_array_equal(ndf.data, df)

    # use with selection from other numpy functions
    am = np.argmax(nd.data, axis=1)
    assert_array_equal(am, np.array([7, 3]))
    amm = nd.data[..., am]
    assert_array_equal(nd[..., am].data, amm)