Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_bounds():

    # Single subregion
    sr = SpectralRegion(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um)
    assert sr.bounds == (0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um)

    # Multiple subregions
    sr = SpectralRegion([(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um), (0.3 * u.um, 1.0 * u.um),
                         (0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um),
                         (0.04 * u.um, 0.05 * u.um)])
    assert sr.bounds == (0.04 * u.um, 1.0 * u.um)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_adding_spectral_regions():

    # Combine two Spectral regions into one:
    sr = (SpectralRegion(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um))

    assert set(sr.subregions) == set([(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um),
                                      (0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um)])

    # In-place adding spectral regions:
    sr1 = SpectralRegion(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um)
    sr2 = SpectralRegion(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um)
    sr1 += sr2

    assert set(sr1.subregions) == set([(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um),
                                       (0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um)])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_delitem():

    # Single subregion
    sr = SpectralRegion(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um)

    del sr[0]
    assert sr.subregions == []

    # Multiple sub-regions
    sr = SpectralRegion([(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um), (0.3 * u.um, 1.0 * u.um),
                         (0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um),
                         (0.04 * u.um, 0.05 * u.um)])
    del sr[1]

    assert sr[0].subregions == [(0.04 * u.um, 0.05 * u.um)]
    assert sr[1].subregions == [(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um)]
    assert sr[2].subregions == [(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um)]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_getitem():
    sr = SpectralRegion([(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um), (0.3 * u.um, 1.0 * u.um),
                         (0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um),
                         (0.04 * u.um, 0.05 * u.um)])

    assert sr[0].subregions == [(0.04 * u.um, 0.05 * u.um)]
    assert sr[1].subregions == [(0.3 * u.um, 1.0 * u.um)]
    assert sr[2].subregions == [(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um)]
    assert sr[3].subregions == [(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um)]
    assert sr[-1].subregions == [(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um)]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_iterate():

    # Create the Spectral region
    subregions = [(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um), (0.3 * u.um, 1.0 * u.um),
                  (0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um), (0.04 * u.um, 0.05 * u.um)]
    sr = SpectralRegion(subregions)

    # For testing, sort our subregion list.
    subregions.sort(key=lambda k: k[0])

    for ii, s in enumerate(sr):
        assert s.subregions[0] == subregions[ii]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_invert():
    sr = (SpectralRegion(0.15 * u.um, 0.2 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(0.3 * u.um, 0.4 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(1.0 * u.um, 1.2 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(1.3 * u.um, 1.5 * u.um))

    sr_inverted_expected = [
        (0.05 * u.um, 0.15 * u.um), (0.2 * u.um, 0.3 * u.um),
        (0.4 * u.um, 0.45 * u.um), (0.6 * u.um, 0.8 * u.um),
        (0.9 * u.um, 1.0 * u.um), (1.2 * u.um, 1.3 * u.um),
        (1.5 * u.um, 3.0 * u.um)

    # Invert from range.
    sr_inverted = sr.invert(0.05 * u.um, 3 * u.um)

    for ii, expected in enumerate(sr_inverted_expected):
        assert sr_inverted.subregions[ii] == sr_inverted_expected[ii]

    # Invert from spectrum.
    spectrum = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=np.linspace(0.05, 3, 20) * u.um,
                          flux=np.random.random(20) * u.Jy)
    sr_inverted = sr.invert_from_spectrum(spectrum)
    for ii, expected in enumerate(sr_inverted_expected):
        assert sr_inverted.subregions[ii] == sr_inverted_expected[ii]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_lower_upper():
    # Spectral region with just one range (lower and upper bound)
    sr = SpectralRegion(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um)

    assert sr.lower == 0.45 * u.um
    assert sr.upper == 0.6 * u.um

    # Spectral region with just two ranges
    sr = SpectralRegion([(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um), (0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um)])

    assert sr.lower == 0.45 * u.um
    assert sr.upper == 0.9 * u.um

    # Spectral region with multiple ranges and not ordered
    sr = SpectralRegion([(0.3 * u.um, 1.0 * u.um), (0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um),
                         (0.04 * u.um, 0.05 * u.um), (0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um)])

    assert sr.lower == 0.04 * u.um
    assert sr.upper == 1.0 * u.um

    # Get lower bound of a single sub-region:
    assert sr[0].lower == 0.04 * u.um
    assert sr[0].upper == 0.05 * u.um
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_slicing():

    sr = (SpectralRegion(0.15 * u.um, 0.2 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(0.3 * u.um, 0.4 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(0.45 * u.um, 0.6 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(1.0 * u.um, 1.2 * u.um) +
          SpectralRegion(1.3 * u.um, 1.5 * u.um))

    subsr = sr[3:5]

    assert subsr[0].subregions == [(0.8 * u.um, 0.9 * u.um)]
    assert subsr[1].subregions == [(1.0 * u.um, 1.2 * u.um)]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_from_list_list():
    g1 = Gaussian1D(1, 4.6, 0.2)
    g2 = Gaussian1D(2.5, 5.5, 0.1)
    g3 = Gaussian1D(-1.7, 8.2, 0.1)

    x = np.linspace(0, 10, 200)
    y = g1(x) + g2(x) + g3(x)

    spectrum = Spectrum1D(flux=y * u.Jy, spectral_axis=x * u.um)

    lines = find_lines_derivative(spectrum, flux_threshold=0.01)

    spec_reg = SpectralRegion.from_line_list(lines)
    expected = [(4.072864321608041 * u.um, 5.072864321608041 * u.um),
                (4.977386934673367 * u.um, 5.977386934673367 * u.um),
                (7.690954773869347 * u.um, 8.690954773869347 * u.um)]

    for i, reg in enumerate(expected):
        assert_quantity_allclose(reg, (spec_reg[i].lower, spec_reg[i].upper))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def load_spectral_regions(setting: str, detector: list, orders: list):
        # Spectral regions
        # from https://www.astro.uu.se/crireswiki/Instrument?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=crmcfgWLEN_20200223_extracted.csv
        fname = join(dirname(__file__), "crires_wlen_extracted.csv")
        data = pd.read_csv(fname, skiprows=[1])

        detector = np.atleast_1d(detector)
        norders = [0 for _ in detector]

        if orders is None:
            orders = range(1, 11)

        idx = data["setting"] == setting
        regions = []
        for order in orders:
            for i, det in enumerate(detector):
                if data[f"O{order} Central Wavelength"][idx].array[0] != -1:
                    wmin = data[f"O{order} BEG DET{det}"][idx].array[0] * u.nm
                    wmax = data[f"O{order} END DET{det}"][idx].array[0] * u.nm
                    regions += [SpectralRegion(wmin, wmax)]
                    norders[i] += 1

        # regions = np.sum(regions)
        return regions, norders
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_from_center_error(center, width):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        SpectralRegion.from_center(center=center, width=width)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_from_center(center, width, lower, upper):
    # Spectral region from center with width
    sr = SpectralRegion.from_center(center=center, width=width)
    assert_quantity_allclose(sr.lower, lower)
    assert_quantity_allclose(sr.upper, upper)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def norm_spectrum(spec, median_window=3, order=3):
    Normalize a spectrum

    spec:           specutils.Spectrum1D
        Spectrum to normalize
    median_window:  int()
        Window in Pixel used in median smoothing
    order:          int()
        Order of the polynomial used to find the continuum

    norm_spec:      specutils.Spectrum1D
        Normalized spectrum

    #   Regions that should not be used for continuum estimation,
    #   such as broad atmospheric absorption bands
    exclude_regions = [
        SpectralRegion(4295. * u.AA, 4315. * u.AA),
        #SpectralRegion(6860.* u.AA, 6880.* u.AA),
        SpectralRegion(6860. * u.AA, 6910. * u.AA),
        #SpectralRegion(7590.* u.AA, 7650.* u.AA),
        SpectralRegion(7590. * u.AA, 7680. * u.AA),
        SpectralRegion(9260. * u.AA, 9420. * u.AA),
        #SpectralRegion(11100.* u.AA, 11450.* u.AA),
        #SpectralRegion(13300.* u.AA, 14500.* u.AA),

    #   First estimate of the continuum
    #   -> will be two for late type stars because of the many absorption lines
    #   -> to limit execution time use simple LinearLSQFitter()
    #       -> reduces normalization accuracy
    _cont = fit_generic_continuum(

    #   Normalize spectrum
    norm_spec = spec / _cont

    #   Sigma clip the normalized spectrum to rm spectral lines
    clip_flux = sigma_clip(

    #   Calculate mask
    mask = np.invert(clip_flux.recordmask)

    #   Make new spectrum
    spec_mask = Spectrum1D(

    # Determine new continuum
    _cont = fit_generic_continuum(

    #   Normalize spectrum again
    norm_spec = spec / _cont

    return norm_spec, mad_std(norm_spec.flux)
Ejemplo n.º 14
interactive_mode = False

#trim spectrum
mask = (wl > lamb1) & (wl < lamb2)
wl = wl[mask]
fl = fl[mask]

spectrum = Spectrum1D(flux=fl * u.Jy, spectral_axis=wl * u.AA)

#         start   end    start    end
regions = [8489.0, 8563.0, 8642.0, 8697.0]

if interactive_mode == False:
    g1_fit = fit_generic_continuum(spectrum,
                                       SpectralRegion(regions[0] * u.AA,
                                                      regions[1] * u.AA),
                                       SpectralRegion(regions[2] * u.AA,
                                                      regions[3] * u.AA)
    y_continuum_fitted = g1_fit(wl * u.AA)

    spec_normalized = spectrum / y_continuum_fitted
    print(FILENAME + 'was normalized automaticaly... \n')

#add a spline with a selected dots


if interactive_mode == True:
    f0 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
    ax0 = f0.add_subplot(111)