Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, predicate, arguments, *args):

        :param predicate:
        :param arguments:
        :param args:
        super(Literal, self).__init__()
        self.predicate = predicate
        self.arguments = tuple(arguments)

        if len(args) == 0:
            from spf.mr.lambda_.logic_language_services import LogicLanguageServices

            type_comparator = LogicLanguageServices.get_type_comparator()
            type_repository = LogicLanguageServices.get_type_repository()
        elif len(args) == 2:
            type_comparator = args[0]
            type_repository = args[1]
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong number of arguments")

        if not predicate.get_type().is_complex():
            raise LogicalExpressionRuntimeError("Predicate must have a complex type, not %s" % predicate.get_type())

        literal_typing = Literal.compute_literal_typing(
            self.predicate.get_type(), [arg.get_type() for arg in self.arguments], type_comparator, type_repository
        self.type_ = None if literal_typing is None else literal_typing[0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def read(cls, string, mapping=None, type_repository=None, type_comparator=None):
        if mapping is None:
            mapping = {}
        if type_repository is None:
            type_repository = LogicLanguageServices.get_type_repository()
        if type_comparator is None:
            type_comparator = LogicLanguageServices.get_type_comparator()

        flat_string = cls.WHITE_SPACE.sub(string, " ")
            for reader in cls.readers:
                if reader.is_valid(flat_string):
                    return reader.read(flat_string, mapping, type_repository, type_comparator, cls)
            raise AttributeError("Invalid logical expression syntax: %s" % string)
        except Exception, e:
            cls.LOG.error("Logic expression syntax error: %s" % flat_string)
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def of(func, arg):

        :param func:
        :param arg:
        if (not func.get_type().is_complex() or
                not LogicLanguageServices.get_type_comparator().verfiy_arg_type(
                    func.get_type().get_domain(), arg.get_type())):
            return None
        elif isinstance(func, Lambda):
            lambda_ = func
            variable = lambda_.get_argument()
            visitor = ApplyAndSimplify(arg, variable)
            return visitor.temp_return
        elif isinstance(func, Literal):
            return Simplify.of(ApplyAndSimplify.literal_application(func, arg))
        elif isinstance(func, Term):
            return Simplify.of(ApplyAndSimplify.term_application(func, arg))
            raise LogicalExpressionRuntimeError('Impossible condition: unhandled logical expression object.')