Ejemplo n.º 1
class VectorWind(object):
    """Vector Wind computations (standard `numpy` interface)."""

    def __init__(self, u, v, gridtype='regular', rsphere=6.3712e6):
        """Initialize a VectorWind instance.


        *u*, *v*
            Zonal and meridional wind components respectively. Their
            types should be either `numpy.ndarray` or
            `numpy.ma.MaskedArray`. *u* and *v* must have matching
            shapes and contain no missing values. *u* and *v* may be 2
            or 3-dimensional with shape (nlat, nlon) or
            (nlat, nlon, nt), where nlat and nlon are the number of
            latitudes and longitudes respectively and nt is the number
            of fields. The latitude dimension must be oriented
            north-to-south. The longitude dimension should be
            oriented west-to-east.

        **Optional argument:**

            Type of the input grid, either 'regular' for evenly-spaced
            grids, or 'gaussian' for Gaussian grids. Defaults to

        **See also:**



        Initialize a `VectorWind` instance with zonal and meridional
        components of the vector wind on the default regular
        (evenly-spaced) grid:

            from windspharm.standard import VectorWind
            w = VectorWind(u, v)

        Initialize a `VectorWind` instance with zonal and meridional
        components of the vector wind specified on a Gaussian grid:

            from windspharm.standard import VectorWind
            w = VectorWind(u, v, gridtype='gaussian')

        # For both the input components check if there are missing values by
        # attempting to fill missing values with NaN and detect them. If the
        # inputs are not masked arrays then take copies and check for NaN.
            self.u = u.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
            self.u = u.copy()
            self.v = v.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
            self.v = v.copy()
        if np.isnan(self.u).any() or np.isnan(self.v).any():
            raise ValueError('u and v cannot contain missing values')
        # Make sure the shapes of the two components match.
        if u.shape != v.shape:
            raise ValueError('u and v must be the same shape')
        if len(u.shape) not in (2, 3):
            raise ValueError('u and v must be rank 2 or 3 arrays')
        nlat = u.shape[0]
        nlon = u.shape[1]
            # Create a Spharmt object to do the computations.
            self.gridtype = gridtype.lower()
            self.s = Spharmt(nlon, nlat, gridtype=self.gridtype,
        except ValueError:
            if self.gridtype not in ('regular', 'gaussian'):
                err = 'invalid grid type: {0:s}'.format(repr(gridtype))
                err = 'invalid input dimensions'
            raise ValueError(err)
        # Method aliases.
        self.rotationalcomponent = self.nondivergentcomponent
        self.divergentcomponent = self.irrotationalcomponent

    def magnitude(self):
        """Wind speed (magnitude of vector wind).


            The wind speed.


        Magnitude of the vector wind::

            spd = w.magnitude()

        return (self.u ** 2 + self.v ** 2) ** 0.5

    def vrtdiv(self, truncation=None):
        """Relative vorticity and horizontal divergence.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *vrt*, *div*
            The relative vorticity and divergence respectively.

        **See also:**

        `~VectorWind.vorticity`, `~VectorWind.divergence`.


        Compute the relative vorticity and divergence::

            vrt, div = w.vrtdiv()

        Compute the relative vorticity and divergence and apply spectral
        truncation at triangular T13::

            vrtT13, divT13 = w.vrtdiv(truncation=13)

        vrtspec, divspec = self.s.getvrtdivspec(self.u,
        vrtgrid = self.s.spectogrd(vrtspec)
        divgrid = self.s.spectogrd(divspec)
        return vrtgrid, divgrid

    def vorticity(self, truncation=None):
        """Relative vorticity.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The relative vorticity.

        **See also:**

        `~VectorWind.vrtdiv`, `~VectorWind.absolutevorticity`.


        Compute the relative vorticity::

            vrt = w.vorticity()

        Compute the relative vorticity and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13::

            vrtT13 = w.vorticity(truncation=13)

        vrtspec, divspec = self.s.getvrtdivspec(self.u,
        vrtgrid = self.s.spectogrd(vrtspec)
        return vrtgrid

    def divergence(self, truncation=None):
        """Horizontal divergence.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The divergence.

        **See also:**



        Compute the divergence::

            div = w.divergence()

        Compute the divergence and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13::

            divT13 = w.divergence(truncation=13)

        vrtspec, divspec = self.s.getvrtdivspec(self.u,
        divgrid = self.s.spectogrd(divspec)
        return divgrid

    def planetaryvorticity(self, omega=None):
        """Planetary vorticity (Coriolis parameter).

        **Optional argument:**

            Earth's angular velocity. The default value if not specified
            is 7.292x10**-5 s**-1.


            The planetary vorticity.

        **See also:**



        Compute planetary vorticity using default values::

            pvrt = w.planetaryvorticity()

        Override the default value for Earth's angular velocity::

            pvrt = w.planetaryvorticity(omega=7.2921150)

        if omega is None:
            # Define the Earth's angular velocity.
            omega = 7.292e-05
        nlat = self.s.nlat
        if self.gridtype == 'gaussian':
            lat, wts = gaussian_lats_wts(nlat)
            if nlat % 2:
                lat = np.linspace(90, -90, nlat)
                dlat = 180. / nlat
                lat = np.arange(90 - dlat / 2., -90, -dlat)
            cp = 2. * omega * np.sin(np.deg2rad(lat))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise ValueError('invalid value for omega: {!r}'.format(omega))
        indices = [slice(0, None)] + [np.newaxis] * (len(self.u.shape) - 1)
        f = cp[indices] * np.ones(self.u.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        return f

    def absolutevorticity(self, omega=None, truncation=None):
        """Absolute vorticity (sum of relative and planetary vorticity).

        **Optional arguments:**

            Earth's angular velocity. The default value if not specified
            is 7.292x10**-5 s**-1.

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The absolute (relative + planetary) vorticity.

        **See also:**

        `~VectorWind.vorticity`, `~VectorWind.planetaryvorticity`.


        Compute absolute vorticity::

            avrt = w.absolutevorticity()

        Compute absolute vorticity and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13, also override the default value for Earth's
        angular velocity::

            avrt = w.absolutevorticity(omega=7.2921150, truncation=13)

        pvrt = self.planetaryvorticity(omega=omega)
        rvrt = self.vorticity(truncation=truncation)
        return pvrt + rvrt

    def sfvp(self, truncation=None):
        """Streamfunction and velocity potential.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *sf*, *vp*
            The streamfunction and velocity potential respectively.

        **See also:**

        `~VectorWind.streamfunction`, `~VectorWind.velocitypotential`.


        Compute streamfunction and velocity potential::

            sf, vp = w.sfvp()

        Compute streamfunction and velocity potential and apply spectral
        truncation at triangular T13::

            sfT13, vpT13 = w.sfvp(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.s.getpsichi(self.u, self.v, ntrunc=truncation)
        return psigrid, chigrid

    def streamfunction(self, truncation=None):

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The streamfunction.

        **See also:**



        Compute streamfunction::

            sf = w.streamfunction()

        Compute streamfunction and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13::

            sfT13 = w.streamfunction(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.sfvp(truncation=truncation)
        return psigrid

    def velocitypotential(self, truncation=None):
        """Velocity potential.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The velocity potential.

        **See also:**



        Compute velocity potential::

            vp = w.velocity potential()

        Compute velocity potential and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13::

            vpT13 = w.velocity potential(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.sfvp(truncation=truncation)
        return chigrid

    def helmholtz(self, truncation=None):
        """Irrotational and non-divergent components of the vector wind.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *uchi*, *vchi*, *upsi*, *vpsi*
            Zonal and meridional components of irrotational and
            non-divergent wind components respectively.

        **See also:**



        Compute the irrotational and non-divergent components of the
        vector wind::

            uchi, vchi, upsi, vpsi = w.helmholtz()

        Compute the irrotational and non-divergent components of the
        vector wind and apply spectral truncation at triangular T13::

            uchiT13, vchiT13, upsiT13, vpsiT13 = w.helmholtz(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.s.getpsichi(self.u, self.v, ntrunc=truncation)
        psispec = self.s.grdtospec(psigrid)
        chispec = self.s.grdtospec(chigrid)
        vpsi, upsi = self.s.getgrad(psispec)
        uchi, vchi = self.s.getgrad(chispec)
        return uchi, vchi, -upsi, vpsi

    def irrotationalcomponent(self, truncation=None):
        """Irrotational (divergent) component of the vector wind.

        .. note::

           If both the irrotational and non-divergent components are
           required then `~VectorWind.helmholtz` should be used instead.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *uchi*, *vchi*
            The zonal and meridional components of the irrotational wind

        **See also:**



        Compute the irrotational component of the vector wind::

            uchi, vchi = w.irrotationalcomponent()

        Compute the irrotational component of the vector wind and apply
        spectral truncation at triangular T13::

            uchiT13, vchiT13 = w.irrotationalcomponent(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.s.getpsichi(self.u, self.v, ntrunc=truncation)
        chispec = self.s.grdtospec(chigrid)
        uchi, vchi = self.s.getgrad(chispec)
        return uchi, vchi

    def nondivergentcomponent(self, truncation=None):
        """Non-divergent (rotational) component of the vector wind.

        .. note::

           If both the non-divergent and irrotational components are
           required then `~VectorWind.helmholtz` should be used instead.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *upsi*, *vpsi*
            The zonal and meridional components of the non-divergent
            wind respectively.

        **See also:**



        Compute the non-divergent component of the vector wind::

            upsi, vpsi = w.nondivergentcomponent()

        Compute the non-divergent component of the vector wind and apply
        spectral truncation at triangular T13::

            upsiT13, vpsiT13 = w.nondivergentcomponent(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.s.getpsichi(self.u, self.v, ntrunc=truncation)
        psispec = self.s.grdtospec(psigrid)
        vpsi, upsi = self.s.getgrad(psispec)
        return -upsi, vpsi

    def gradient(self, chi, truncation=None):
        """Computes the vector gradient of a scalar field on the sphere.


            A scalar field. Its shape must be either (nlat, nlon) or
            (nlat, nlon, nfields) where nlat and nlon are the same
            as those for the vector wind components that initialized the
            `VectorWind` instance.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *uchi*, *vchi*
            The zonal and meridional components of the vector gradient


        Compute the vector gradient of absolute vorticity::

            avrt = w.absolutevorticity()
            avrt_zonal, avrt_meridional = w.gradient(avrt)

        Compute the vector gradient of absolute vorticity and apply
        spectral truncation at triangular T13::

            avrt = w.absolutevorticity()
            avrt_zonalT13, avrt_meridionalT13 = w.gradient(avrt, truncation=13)

            chi = chi.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
        if np.isnan(chi).any():
            raise ValueError('chi cannot contain missing values')
            chispec = self.s.grdtospec(chi, ntrunc=truncation)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('input field is not compatitble')
        uchi, vchi = self.s.getgrad(chispec)
        return uchi, vchi

    def truncate(self, field, truncation=None):
        """Apply spectral truncation to a scalar field.

        This is useful to represent other fields in a way consistent
        with the output of other `VectorWind` methods.


            A scalar field. Its shape must be either (nlat, nlon) or
            (nlat, nlon, nfields) where nlat and nlon are the same
            as those for the vector wind components that initialized the
            `VectorWind` instance.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation. If not specified it will default to
            *nlats - 1* where *nlats* is the number of latitudes.


            The field with spectral truncation applied.


        Truncate a scalar field to the computational resolution of the
        `VectorWind` instance::

            scalar_field_truncated = w.truncate(scalar_field)

        Truncate a scalar field to T21::

            scalar_field_T21 = w.truncate(scalar_field, truncation=21)

            field = field.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
        if np.isnan(field).any():
            raise ValueError('field cannot contain missing values')
            fieldspec = self.s.grdtospec(field, ntrunc=truncation)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('field is not compatible')
        fieldtrunc = self.s.spectogrd(fieldspec)
        return fieldtrunc
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TransformsEngine(object):
    """A spectral transforms engine based on pyspharm."""
    def __init__(self, nlon, nlat, truncation, radius=6371200.):
        Initialize the spectral transforms engine.
        * nlon: int
            Number of longitudes in the transform grid.
        * nlat: int
            Number of latitudes in the transform grid.
        * truncation: int
            The spectral truncation (triangular). This is the maximum
            number of spherical harmonic modes retained in the discrete
            truncation. More modes means higher resolution.
        self.sh = Spharmt(nlon, nlat, gridtype='regular', rsphere=radius)
        self.radius = radius
        self.nlon = nlon
        self.nlat = nlat
        self.truncation = truncation

    def vrtdiv_spec_from_uv_grid(self, u, v):
        Compute spectral vorticity and divergence from grid u and v.
            vrt, div = self.sh.getvrtdivspec(u, v, ntrunc=self.truncation)
        except ValueError:
            msg = ('u and v must be 2d or 3d arrays with shape ({y}, {x}) '
                   'or ({y}, {x}, :)'.format(y=self.nlat, x=self.nlon))
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return vrt, div

    def uv_grid_from_vrtdiv_spec(self, vrt, div):
        Compute grid u and v from spectral vorticity and divergence.
            u, v = self.sh.getuv(vrt, div)
        except ValueError:
            nspec = (self.truncation + 1) * (self.truncation + 2) // 2
            msg = ('vrt and div must be 1d or 2d arrays with shape '
                   '(n) or (n, :) where n <= {}'.format(nspec))
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return u, v

    def spec_to_grid(self, scalar_spec):
        Transform a scalar field from spectral to grid space.
            scalar_grid = self.sh.spectogrd(scalar_spec)
        except ValueError:
            nspec = (self.truncation + 1) * (self.truncation + 2) // 2
            msg = ('scalar_spec must be a 1d or 2d array with shape '
                   '(n) or (n, :) where n <= {}'.format(nspec))
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return scalar_grid

    def grid_to_spec(self, scalar_grid):
        Transform a scalar field from grid to spectral space.
            scalar_spec = self.sh.grdtospec(scalar_grid,
        except ValueError:
            msg = ('scalar_grid must be a 2d or 3d array with shape '
                   '({y}, {x}) or ({y}, {x}, :)'.format(y=self.nlat,
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return scalar_spec

    def grad_of_spec(self, scalar_spec):
        Return zonal and meridional gradients of a spectral field.
            dsdx, dsdy = self.sh.getgrad(scalar_spec)
        except ValueError:
            nspec = (self.truncation + 1) * (self.truncation + 2) // 2
            msg = ('scalar_spec must be a 1d or 2d array with shape '
                   '(n) or (n, :) where n <= {}'.format(nspec))
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return dsdx, dsdy

    def wavenumbers(self):
        Wavenumbers corresponding to the spectral fields.
        return getspecindx(self.truncation)

    def grid_latlon(self):
        Return the latitude and longitude coordinate vectors of the
        model grid.
        lats, _ = gaussian_lats_wts(self.nlat)
        lons = np.arange(0., 360., 360. / self.nlon)
        return lats, lons
Ejemplo n.º 3
class VectorWind(object):
    """Vector Wind computations (standard `numpy` interface)."""
    def __init__(self, u, v, gridtype='regular', rsphere=6.3712e6):
        """Initialize a VectorWind instance.


        *u*, *v*
            Zonal and meridional wind components respectively. Their
            types should be either `numpy.ndarray` or
            `numpy.ma.MaskedArray`. *u* and *v* must have matching
            shapes and contain no missing values. *u* and *v* may be 2
            or 3-dimensional with shape (nlat, nlon) or
            (nlat, nlon, nt), where nlat and nlon are the number of
            latitudes and longitudes respectively and nt is the number
            of fields. The latitude dimension must be oriented
            north-to-south. The longitude dimension should be
            oriented west-to-east.

        **Optional arguments:**

            Type of the input grid, either 'regular' for evenly-spaced
            grids, or 'gaussian' for Gaussian grids. Defaults to

            The radius in metres of the sphere used in the spherical
            harmonic computations. Default is 6371200 m, the approximate
            mean spherical Earth radius.

        **See also:**



        Initialize a `VectorWind` instance with zonal and meridional
        components of the vector wind on the default regular
        (evenly-spaced) grid:

            from windspharm.standard import VectorWind
            w = VectorWind(u, v)

        Initialize a `VectorWind` instance with zonal and meridional
        components of the vector wind specified on a Gaussian grid:

            from windspharm.standard import VectorWind
            w = VectorWind(u, v, gridtype='gaussian')

        # For both the input components check if there are missing values by
        # attempting to fill missing values with NaN and detect them. If the
        # inputs are not masked arrays then take copies and check for NaN.
            self.u = u.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
            self.u = u.copy()
            self.v = v.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
            self.v = v.copy()
        if np.isnan(self.u).any() or np.isnan(self.v).any():
            raise ValueError('u and v cannot contain missing values')
        # Make sure the shapes of the two components match.
        if u.shape != v.shape:
            raise ValueError('u and v must be the same shape')
        if len(u.shape) not in (2, 3):
            raise ValueError('u and v must be rank 2 or 3 arrays')
        nlat = u.shape[0]
        nlon = u.shape[1]
            # Create a Spharmt object to do the computations.
            self.gridtype = gridtype.lower()
            self.s = Spharmt(nlon,
        except ValueError:
            if self.gridtype not in ('regular', 'gaussian'):
                err = 'invalid grid type: {0:s}'.format(repr(gridtype))
                err = 'invalid input dimensions'
            raise ValueError(err)
        # Method aliases.
        self.rotationalcomponent = self.nondivergentcomponent
        self.divergentcomponent = self.irrotationalcomponent

    def magnitude(self):
        """Wind speed (magnitude of vector wind).


            The wind speed.


        Magnitude of the vector wind::

            spd = w.magnitude()

        return (self.u**2 + self.v**2)**0.5

    def vrtdiv(self, truncation=None):
        """Relative vorticity and horizontal divergence.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *vrt*, *div*
            The relative vorticity and divergence respectively.

        **See also:**

        `~VectorWind.vorticity`, `~VectorWind.divergence`.


        Compute the relative vorticity and divergence::

            vrt, div = w.vrtdiv()

        Compute the relative vorticity and divergence and apply spectral
        truncation at triangular T13::

            vrtT13, divT13 = w.vrtdiv(truncation=13)

        vrtspec, divspec = self.s.getvrtdivspec(self.u,
        vrtgrid = self.s.spectogrd(vrtspec)
        divgrid = self.s.spectogrd(divspec)
        return vrtgrid, divgrid

    def vorticity(self, truncation=None):
        """Relative vorticity.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The relative vorticity.

        **See also:**

        `~VectorWind.vrtdiv`, `~VectorWind.absolutevorticity`.


        Compute the relative vorticity::

            vrt = w.vorticity()

        Compute the relative vorticity and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13::

            vrtT13 = w.vorticity(truncation=13)

        vrtspec, divspec = self.s.getvrtdivspec(self.u,
        vrtgrid = self.s.spectogrd(vrtspec)
        return vrtgrid

    def divergence(self, truncation=None):
        """Horizontal divergence.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The divergence.

        **See also:**



        Compute the divergence::

            div = w.divergence()

        Compute the divergence and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13::

            divT13 = w.divergence(truncation=13)

        vrtspec, divspec = self.s.getvrtdivspec(self.u,
        divgrid = self.s.spectogrd(divspec)
        return divgrid

    def planetaryvorticity(self, omega=None):
        """Planetary vorticity (Coriolis parameter).

        **Optional argument:**

            Earth's angular velocity. The default value if not specified
            is 7.292x10**-5 s**-1.


            The planetary vorticity.

        **See also:**



        Compute planetary vorticity using default values::

            pvrt = w.planetaryvorticity()

        Override the default value for Earth's angular velocity::

            pvrt = w.planetaryvorticity(omega=7.2921150)

        if omega is None:
            # Define the Earth's angular velocity.
            omega = 7.292e-05
        nlat = self.s.nlat
        if self.gridtype == 'gaussian':
            lat, wts = gaussian_lats_wts(nlat)
            if nlat % 2:
                lat = np.linspace(90, -90, nlat)
                dlat = 180. / nlat
                lat = np.arange(90 - dlat / 2., -90, -dlat)
            cp = 2. * omega * np.sin(np.deg2rad(lat))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise ValueError('invalid value for omega: {!r}'.format(omega))
        indices = [slice(0, None)] + [np.newaxis] * (len(self.u.shape) - 1)
        f = cp[indices] * np.ones(self.u.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        return f

    def absolutevorticity(self, omega=None, truncation=None):
        """Absolute vorticity (sum of relative and planetary vorticity).

        **Optional arguments:**

            Earth's angular velocity. The default value if not specified
            is 7.292x10**-5 s**-1.

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The absolute (relative + planetary) vorticity.

        **See also:**

        `~VectorWind.vorticity`, `~VectorWind.planetaryvorticity`.


        Compute absolute vorticity::

            avrt = w.absolutevorticity()

        Compute absolute vorticity and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13, also override the default value for Earth's
        angular velocity::

            avrt = w.absolutevorticity(omega=7.2921150, truncation=13)

        pvrt = self.planetaryvorticity(omega=omega)
        rvrt = self.vorticity(truncation=truncation)
        return pvrt + rvrt

    def sfvp(self, truncation=None):
        """Streamfunction and velocity potential.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *sf*, *vp*
            The streamfunction and velocity potential respectively.

        **See also:**

        `~VectorWind.streamfunction`, `~VectorWind.velocitypotential`.


        Compute streamfunction and velocity potential::

            sf, vp = w.sfvp()

        Compute streamfunction and velocity potential and apply spectral
        truncation at triangular T13::

            sfT13, vpT13 = w.sfvp(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.s.getpsichi(self.u, self.v, ntrunc=truncation)
        return psigrid, chigrid

    def streamfunction(self, truncation=None):

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The streamfunction.

        **See also:**



        Compute streamfunction::

            sf = w.streamfunction()

        Compute streamfunction and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13::

            sfT13 = w.streamfunction(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.sfvp(truncation=truncation)
        return psigrid

    def velocitypotential(self, truncation=None):
        """Velocity potential.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


            The velocity potential.

        **See also:**



        Compute velocity potential::

            vp = w.velocity potential()

        Compute velocity potential and apply spectral truncation at
        triangular T13::

            vpT13 = w.velocity potential(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.sfvp(truncation=truncation)
        return chigrid

    def helmholtz(self, truncation=None):
        """Irrotational and non-divergent components of the vector wind.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *uchi*, *vchi*, *upsi*, *vpsi*
            Zonal and meridional components of irrotational and
            non-divergent wind components respectively.

        **See also:**



        Compute the irrotational and non-divergent components of the
        vector wind::

            uchi, vchi, upsi, vpsi = w.helmholtz()

        Compute the irrotational and non-divergent components of the
        vector wind and apply spectral truncation at triangular T13::

            uchiT13, vchiT13, upsiT13, vpsiT13 = w.helmholtz(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.s.getpsichi(self.u, self.v, ntrunc=truncation)
        psispec = self.s.grdtospec(psigrid)
        chispec = self.s.grdtospec(chigrid)
        vpsi, upsi = self.s.getgrad(psispec)
        uchi, vchi = self.s.getgrad(chispec)
        return uchi, vchi, -upsi, vpsi

    def irrotationalcomponent(self, truncation=None):
        """Irrotational (divergent) component of the vector wind.

        .. note::

           If both the irrotational and non-divergent components are
           required then `~VectorWind.helmholtz` should be used instead.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *uchi*, *vchi*
            The zonal and meridional components of the irrotational wind

        **See also:**



        Compute the irrotational component of the vector wind::

            uchi, vchi = w.irrotationalcomponent()

        Compute the irrotational component of the vector wind and apply
        spectral truncation at triangular T13::

            uchiT13, vchiT13 = w.irrotationalcomponent(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.s.getpsichi(self.u, self.v, ntrunc=truncation)
        chispec = self.s.grdtospec(chigrid)
        uchi, vchi = self.s.getgrad(chispec)
        return uchi, vchi

    def nondivergentcomponent(self, truncation=None):
        """Non-divergent (rotational) component of the vector wind.

        .. note::

           If both the non-divergent and irrotational components are
           required then `~VectorWind.helmholtz` should be used instead.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *upsi*, *vpsi*
            The zonal and meridional components of the non-divergent
            wind respectively.

        **See also:**



        Compute the non-divergent component of the vector wind::

            upsi, vpsi = w.nondivergentcomponent()

        Compute the non-divergent component of the vector wind and apply
        spectral truncation at triangular T13::

            upsiT13, vpsiT13 = w.nondivergentcomponent(truncation=13)

        psigrid, chigrid = self.s.getpsichi(self.u, self.v, ntrunc=truncation)
        psispec = self.s.grdtospec(psigrid)
        vpsi, upsi = self.s.getgrad(psispec)
        return -upsi, vpsi

    def gradient(self, chi, truncation=None):
        """Computes the vector gradient of a scalar field on the sphere.


            A scalar field. Its shape must be either (nlat, nlon) or
            (nlat, nlon, nfields) where nlat and nlon are the same
            as those for the vector wind components that initialized the
            `VectorWind` instance.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation.


        *uchi*, *vchi*
            The zonal and meridional components of the vector gradient


        Compute the vector gradient of absolute vorticity::

            avrt = w.absolutevorticity()
            avrt_zonal, avrt_meridional = w.gradient(avrt)

        Compute the vector gradient of absolute vorticity and apply
        spectral truncation at triangular T13::

            avrt = w.absolutevorticity()
            avrt_zonalT13, avrt_meridionalT13 = w.gradient(avrt, truncation=13)

            chi = chi.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
        if np.isnan(chi).any():
            raise ValueError('chi cannot contain missing values')
            chispec = self.s.grdtospec(chi, ntrunc=truncation)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('input field is not compatitble')
        uchi, vchi = self.s.getgrad(chispec)
        return uchi, vchi

    def truncate(self, field, truncation=None):
        """Apply spectral truncation to a scalar field.

        This is useful to represent other fields in a way consistent
        with the output of other `VectorWind` methods.


            A scalar field. Its shape must be either (nlat, nlon) or
            (nlat, nlon, nfields) where nlat and nlon are the same
            as those for the vector wind components that initialized the
            `VectorWind` instance.

        **Optional argument:**

            Truncation limit (triangular truncation) for the spherical
            harmonic computation. If not specified it will default to
            *nlats - 1* where *nlats* is the number of latitudes.


            The field with spectral truncation applied.


        Truncate a scalar field to the computational resolution of the
        `VectorWind` instance::

            scalar_field_truncated = w.truncate(scalar_field)

        Truncate a scalar field to T21::

            scalar_field_T21 = w.truncate(scalar_field, truncation=21)

            field = field.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
        if np.isnan(field).any():
            raise ValueError('field cannot contain missing values')
            fieldspec = self.s.grdtospec(field, ntrunc=truncation)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('field is not compatible')
        fieldtrunc = self.s.spectogrd(fieldspec)
        return fieldtrunc
Ejemplo n.º 4
class spectral:
    def __init__(self, lat, lon, rsphere=6.3712e6, legfunc='stored'):

        # Length of lat/lon arrays
        self.nlat = len(lat)
        self.nlon = len(lon)

        if self.nlat % 2:
            gridtype = 'gaussian'
            gridtype = 'regular'

        self.s = Spharmt(self.nlon,

        # Reverse latitude array if necessary
        #        self.ReverseLat = False
        #        if lat[0] < lat[-1]:
        #            lat = self._reverse_lat(lat)
        #            self.ReverseLat = True

        # lat/lon in degrees
        self.glat = lat
        self.glon = lon

        # lat/lon in radians
        self.rlat = np.deg2rad(lat)
        self.rlon = np.deg2rad(lon)

        self.rlons, self.rlats = np.meshgrid(self.rlon, self.rlat)

        # Constants
        # Earth's angular velocity
        self.omega = 7.292e-05  # unit: s-1
        # Gravitational acceleration
        self.g = 9.8  # unit: m2/s

        # Misc
        self.dtype = np.float32

    def _reverse_lat(self, var):
        if len(np.shape(var)) == 1:
            return (var[::-1])
        if len(np.shape(var)) == 2:
            return (var[::-1, :])
        if len(np.shape(var)) == 3:
            return (var[:, ::-1, :])

    def planetaryvorticity(self, omega=None):

    def uv2vrt(self, u, v, trunc=None):
        Calculate relative vorticity from horizonal wind field
        Input:  u and v  (grid)
        Output: relative vorticity (grid)

        vrts, _ = self.s.getvrtdivspec(u, v, ntrunc=trunc)
        vrtg = self.s.spectogrd(vrts)
        return (vrtg)

    def uv2div(self, u, v, trunc=None):

    def uv2sfvp(self, u, v, trunc=None):
        Calculate geostrophic streamfuncion and 
        velocity potential from u and v winds

        psig, chig = self.s.getpsichi(u, v, ntrunc=trunc)
        return (psig, chig)

    def uv2vrtdiv(self, u, v, trunc=None):
        Calculate relative vorticity and divergence
        from u and v winds

        vrts, divs = self.s.getvrtdivspec(u, v, ntrunc=trunc)
        vrtg = self.s.spectogrd(vrts)
        divg = self.s.spectogrd(divs)
        return (vrtg, divg)

    def vrtdiv2uv(self, vrt, div, realm='grid', trunc=None):
        # Get u,v from vrt, div fields
        # Input either in grid space
        # or in spectral space
        if realm in ['g', 'grid']:
            vrts = self.s.grdtospec(vrt, trunc)
            divs = self.s.grdtospec(div, trunc)
        elif realm in ['s', 'spec', 'spectral']:
            vrts = vrt
            divs = div
        ug, vg = self.s.getuv(vrts, divs)
        return (ug, vg)

    def gradient(self, var, trunc=None):
        Calculate horizontal gradients

        # if self.ReverseLat is True:
        #    var = self._reverse_lat(var)

            var = var.filled(fill_value=np.nan)
        except AttributeError:
        if np.isnan(var).any():
            raise ValueError('var cannot contain missing values')
            varspec = self.s.grdtospec(var, ntrunc=trunc)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('input field is not compatitble')
        dxvarg, dyvarg = self.s.getgrad(varspec)
        return (dxvarg, dyvarg)