Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_missing_reference_pydomain(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)

    # no context data
    kwargs = {}
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'func', 'func', 'func()', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None

    # py:module context helps to search objects
    kwargs = {'py:module': 'module1'}
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'func', 'func', 'func()', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == 'func()'

    # py:attr context helps to search objects
    kwargs = {'py:module': 'module1'}
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'attr', 'Foo.bar', 'Foo.bar', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == 'Foo.bar'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_missing_reference_stddomain(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'cmd': ('https://docs.python.org/', inv_file),
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)

    # no context data
    kwargs = {}
    node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'option', '-l', '-l', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None

    # std:program context helps to search objects
    kwargs = {'std:program': 'ls'}
    node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'option', '-l', 'ls -l', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == 'ls -l'

    # refers inventory by name
    kwargs = {}
    node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'option', 'cmd:ls -l', '-l', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == '-l'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_missing_reference_cppdomain(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)

    html = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text()
    assert ('<a class="reference external"'
            ' href="https://docs.python.org/index.html#cpp_foo_bar"'
            ' title="(in foo v2.0)">'
            '<code class="xref cpp cpp-class docutils literal notranslate">'
            '<span class="pre">Bar</span></code></a>' in html)
    assert ('<a class="reference external"'
            ' href="https://docs.python.org/index.html#foons"'
            ' title="(in foo v2.0)"><span class="pre">foons</span></a>'
            in html)
    assert ('<a class="reference external"'
            ' href="https://docs.python.org/index.html#foons_bartype"'
            ' title="(in foo v2.0)"><span class="pre">bartype</span></a>'
            in html)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_load_mappings_fallback(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # connect to invalid path
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/', '/invalid/inventory/path'),
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)
    assert "failed to reach any of the inventories" in warning.getvalue()

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'foo')
    assert rn is None

    # clear messages

    # add fallbacks to mapping
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'fallback': ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/',
                     ('/invalid/inventory/path', inv_file)),
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)
    assert "encountered some issues with some of the inventories" in status.getvalue(
    assert "" == warning.getvalue()

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'foo')
    assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_missing_reference_stddomain(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'cmd': ('https://docs.python.org/', inv_file),
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly

    # no context data
    kwargs = {}
    node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'option', '-l', '-l', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None

    # std:program context helps to search objects
    kwargs = {'std:program': 'ls'}
    node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'option', '-l', 'ls -l', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == 'ls -l'

    # refers inventory by name
    kwargs = {}
    node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'option', 'cmd:ls -l', '-l', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == '-l'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_load_mappings_fallback(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # connect to invalid path
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'fallback': ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/', '/invalid/inventory/path'),
    assert "failed to reach any of the inventories" in warning.getvalue()

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'foo')
    assert rn is None

    # clear messages

    # add fallbacks to mapping
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'fallback': ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/', ('/invalid/inventory/path',
    assert "encountered some issues with some of the inventories" in status.getvalue()
    assert "" == warning.getvalue()

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'foo')
    assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_domain_c_build_intersphinx(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    # a splitting of test_ids_vs_tags0 into the primary directives in a remote project,
    # and then the references in the test project
    origSource = """\
.. c:member:: int _member
.. c:var:: int _var
.. c:function:: void _function()
.. c:macro:: _macro
.. c:struct:: _struct
.. c:union:: _union
.. c:enum:: _enum

    .. c:enumerator:: _enumerator

.. c:type:: _type
.. c:function:: void _functionParam(int param)
"""  # noqa
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
# Sphinx inventory version 2
# Project: C Intersphinx Test
# Version: 
# The remainder of this file is compressed using zlib.
''' + zlib.compress(b'''\
_enum c:enum 1 index.html#c.$ -
_enum._enumerator c:enumerator 1 index.html#c.$ -
_enumerator c:enumerator 1 index.html#c._enum.$ -
_function c:function 1 index.html#c.$ -
_functionParam c:function 1 index.html#c.$ -
_functionParam.param c:functionParam 1 index.html#c._functionParam -
_macro c:macro 1 index.html#c.$ -
_member c:member 1 index.html#c.$ -
_struct c:struct 1 index.html#c.$ -
_type c:type 1 index.html#c.$ -
_union c:union 1 index.html#c.$ -
_var c:member 1 index.html#c.$ -
'''))  # noqa
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://localhost/intersphinx/c/': inv_file,
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0
    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)

    ws = filter_warnings(warning, "index")
    assert len(ws) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_inventory_not_having_version(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'module1', 'foo')
    assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'https://docs.python.org/foo.html#module-module1'
    assert rn['reftitle'] == '(in foo)'
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'Long Module desc'
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_inventory_not_having_version(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'module1', 'foo')
    assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'https://docs.python.org/foo.html#module-module1'
    assert rn['reftitle'] == '(in foo)'
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'Long Module desc'
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_missing_reference_cppdomain(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly

    html = (app.outdir / 'index.html').text()
    assert ('<a class="reference external"'
            ' href="https://docs.python.org/index.html#cpp_foo_bar"'
            ' title="(in foo v2.0)"><code class="xref cpp cpp-class docutils literal">'
            '<span class="pre">Bar</span></code></a>' in html)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_load_mappings_warnings(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    load_mappings issues a warning if new-style mapping
    identifiers are not alphanumeric
    inv_file = tempdir / "inventory"
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        "https://docs.python.org/": inv_file,
        "py3k": ("https://docs.python.org/py3k/", inv_file),
        "repoze.workflow": ("http://docs.repoze.org/workflow/", inv_file),
        "django-taggit": ("http://django-taggit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", inv_file),

    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0
    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    assert warning.getvalue().count("\n") == 2
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_load_mappings_warnings(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    load_mappings issues a warning if new-style mapping
    identifiers are not alphanumeric
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'http://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
        'py3k': ('http://docs.python.org/py3k/', inv_file),
        'repoze.workflow': ('http://docs.repoze.org/workflow/', inv_file),
        'django-taggit': ('http://django-taggit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/',

    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0
    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    assert warning.getvalue().count('\n') == 2
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_load_mappings_warnings(tempdir, app):
    load_mappings issues a warning if new-style mapping
    identifiers are not alphanumeric
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    write_file(inv_file, inventory_v2)
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'http://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
        'py3k': ('http://docs.python.org/py3k/', inv_file),
        'repoze.workflow': ('http://docs.repoze.org/workflow/', inv_file),
        'django-taggit': ('http://django-taggit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/',

    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0
    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    assert len(app._warning.content) == 2
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_intersphinx_role(app, warning):
    inv_file = app.srcdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'inv': ('http://example.org/', inv_file),
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0
    app.config.nitpicky = True

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)

    content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text()
    wStr = warning.getvalue()

    html = '<a class="reference external" href="http://example.org/{}" title="(in foo v2.0)">'
    assert html.format('foo.html#module-module1') in content
    assert html.format('foo.html#module-module2') in content
    assert "WARNING: external py:mod reference target not found: module3" in wStr
    assert "WARNING: external py:mod reference target not found: module10" in wStr

    assert html.format('sub/foo.html#module1.func') in content
    assert "WARNING: external py:meth reference target not found: inv:Foo.bar" in wStr

    assert "WARNING: role for external cross-reference not found: py:nope" in wStr

    # default domain
    assert html.format('index.html#std_uint8_t') in content
    assert "WARNING: role for external cross-reference not found: nope" in wStr

    # std roles without domain prefix
    assert html.format('docname.html') in content
    assert html.format('index.html#cmdoption-ls-l') in content

    # explicit inventory
    assert html.format('cfunc.html#CFunc') in content
    assert "WARNING: inventory for external cross-reference not found: invNope" in wStr

    # explicit title
    assert html.format('index.html#foons') in content
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_load_mappings_warnings(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    load_mappings issues a warning if new-style mapping
    identifiers are not string
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
        'py3k': ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/', inv_file),
        'repoze.workflow': ('http://docs.repoze.org/workflow/', inv_file),
        'django-taggit': ('http://django-taggit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/',
        12345: ('http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/', inv_file),

    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0
    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    assert warning.getvalue().count('\n') == 1
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_load_mappings_warnings(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    load_mappings issues a warning if new-style mapping
    identifiers are not string
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
        app, {
            'py3k': ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/', inv_file),
            'repoze.workflow': ('http://docs.repoze.org/workflow/', inv_file),
            ('http://django-taggit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/', inv_file),
            12345: ('http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/', inv_file),

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)
    assert warning.getvalue().count('\n') == 1
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_missing_reference_jsdomain(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly

    # no context data
    kwargs = {}
    node, contnode = fake_node('js', 'meth', 'baz', 'baz()', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None

    # js:module and js:object context helps to search objects
    kwargs = {'js:module': 'foo', 'js:object': 'bar'}
    node, contnode = fake_node('js', 'meth', 'baz', 'baz()', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == 'baz()'
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_missing_reference_jsdomain(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly

    # no context data
    kwargs = {}
    node, contnode = fake_node('js', 'meth', 'baz', 'baz()', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None

    # js:module and js:object context helps to search objects
    kwargs = {'js:module': 'foo', 'js:object': 'bar'}
    node, contnode = fake_node('js', 'meth', 'baz', 'baz()', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == 'baz()'
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_missing_reference_pydomain(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)

    # no context data
    kwargs = {}
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'func', 'func', 'func()', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None

    # py:module context helps to search objects
    kwargs = {'py:module': 'module1'}
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'func', 'func', 'func()', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == 'func()'

    # py:attr context helps to search objects
    kwargs = {'py:module': 'module1'}
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'attr', 'Foo.bar', 'Foo.bar', **kwargs)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn.astext() == 'Foo.bar'

    # pending_xref_condition="resolved"
    node = addnodes.pending_xref('', reftarget='Foo.bar', refdomain='py', reftype='attr')
    node['py:module'] = 'module1'
    node += addnodes.pending_xref_condition('', 'Foo.bar', condition='resolved')
    node += addnodes.pending_xref_condition('', 'module1.Foo.bar', condition='*')
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, nodes.Text('dummy-cont-node'))
    assert rn.astext() == 'Foo.bar'
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_missing_reference(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
        'py3k': ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/', inv_file),
        'py3krel': ('py3k', inv_file),  # relative path
        'py3krelparent': ('../../py3k', inv_file),  # relative path, parent dir
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)
    inv = app.env.intersphinx_inventory

    assert inv['py:module']['module2'] == \
        ('foo', '2.0', 'https://docs.python.org/foo.html#module-module2', '-')

    # check resolution when a target is found
    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'foo')
    assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'https://docs.python.org/sub/foo.html#module1.func'
    assert rn['reftitle'] == '(in foo v2.0)'
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'foo'

    # create unresolvable nodes and check None return value
    assert reference_check(app, 'py', 'foo', 'module1.func', 'foo') is None
    assert reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None
    assert reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None

    # check handling of prefixes

    # prefix given, target found: prefix is stripped
    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'py3k:module2')
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'

    # prefix given, but not in title: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'module2')
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'

    # prefix given, but explicit: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check(app,
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'py3k:module2'

    # prefix given, target not found and nonexplicit title: prefix is stripped
    node, contnode = fake_node('py',
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == 'unknown'

    # prefix given, target not found and explicit title: nothing is changed
    node, contnode = fake_node('py',
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == 'py3k:unknown'

    # check relative paths
    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3krel:module1', 'foo')
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'py3k/foo.html#module-module1'

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3krelparent:module1', 'foo')
    assert rn['refuri'] == '../../py3k/foo.html#module-module1'

    rn = reference_check(app,
    assert rn['refuri'] == '../../py3k/foo.html#module-module1'

    rn = reference_check(app,
    assert rn['refuri'] == '../../../../py3k/foo.html#module-module1'

    # check refs of standard domain
    rn = reference_check(app, 'std', 'doc', 'docname', 'docname')
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'https://docs.python.org/docname.html'
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_missing_reference_disabled_domain(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    set_config(app, {
        'inv': ('https://docs.python.org/', inv_file),

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    normalize_intersphinx_mapping(app, app.config)

    def case(*, term, doc, py):
        def assert_(rn, expected):
            if expected is None:
                assert rn is None
                assert rn.astext() == expected

        kwargs = {}

        node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'term', 'a term', 'a term', **kwargs)
        rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
        assert_(rn, 'a term' if term else None)

        node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'term', 'inv:a term', 'a term',
        rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
        assert_(rn, 'a term')

        node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'doc', 'docname', 'docname',
        rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
        assert_(rn, 'docname' if doc else None)

        node, contnode = fake_node('std', 'doc', 'inv:docname', 'docname',
        rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
        assert_(rn, 'docname')

        # an arbitrary ref in another domain
        node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'func()',
        rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
        assert_(rn, 'func()' if py else None)

        node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'func', 'inv:module1.func', 'func()',
        rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
        assert_(rn, 'func()')

    # the base case, everything should resolve
    assert app.config.intersphinx_disabled_reftypes == []
    case(term=True, doc=True, py=True)

    # disabled a single ref type
    app.config.intersphinx_disabled_reftypes = ['std:doc']
    case(term=True, doc=False, py=True)

    # disabled a whole domain
    app.config.intersphinx_disabled_reftypes = ['std:*']
    case(term=False, doc=False, py=True)

    # disabled all domains
    app.config.intersphinx_disabled_reftypes = ['*']
    case(term=False, doc=False, py=False)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_missing_reference(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
        'py3k': ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/', inv_file),
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    inv = app.env.intersphinx_inventory

    assert inv['py:module']['module2'] == \
        ('foo', '2.0', 'https://docs.python.org/foo.html#module-module2', '-')

    # create fake nodes and check referencing

    def fake_node(domain, type, target, content, **attrs):
        contnode = nodes.emphasis(content, content)
        node = addnodes.pending_xref('')
        node['reftarget'] = target
        node['reftype'] = type
        node['refdomain'] = domain
        node += contnode
        return node, contnode

    def reference_check(*args, **kwds):
        node, contnode = fake_node(*args, **kwds)
        return missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)

    # check resolution when a target is found
    rn = reference_check('py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'foo')
    assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'https://docs.python.org/sub/foo.html#module1.func'
    assert rn['reftitle'] == '(in foo v2.0)'
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'foo'

    # create unresolvable nodes and check None return value
    assert reference_check('py', 'foo', 'module1.func', 'foo') is None
    assert reference_check('py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None
    assert reference_check('py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None

    # check handling of prefixes

    # prefix given, target found: prefix is stripped
    rn = reference_check('py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'py3k:module2')
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'

    # prefix given, but not in title: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check('py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'module2')
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'

    # prefix given, but explicit: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check('py',
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'py3k:module2'

    # prefix given, target not found and nonexplicit title: prefix is stripped
    node, contnode = fake_node('py',
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == 'unknown'

    # prefix given, target not found and explicit title: nothing is changed
    node, contnode = fake_node('py',
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == 'py3k:unknown'
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_missing_reference(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
        'py3k': ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/', inv_file),
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    inv = app.env.intersphinx_inventory

    assert inv['py:module']['module2'] == \
        ('foo', '2.0', 'https://docs.python.org/foo.html#module-module2', '-')

    # create fake nodes and check referencing

    def fake_node(domain, type, target, content, **attrs):
        contnode = nodes.emphasis(content, content)
        node = addnodes.pending_xref('')
        node['reftarget'] = target
        node['reftype'] = type
        node['refdomain'] = domain
        node += contnode
        return node, contnode

    def reference_check(*args, **kwds):
        node, contnode = fake_node(*args, **kwds)
        return missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)

    # check resolution when a target is found
    rn = reference_check('py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'foo')
    assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'https://docs.python.org/sub/foo.html#module1.func'
    assert rn['reftitle'] == '(in foo v2.0)'
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'foo'

    # create unresolvable nodes and check None return value
    assert reference_check('py', 'foo', 'module1.func', 'foo') is None
    assert reference_check('py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None
    assert reference_check('py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None

    # check handling of prefixes

    # prefix given, target found: prefix is stripped
    rn = reference_check('py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'py3k:module2')
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'

    # prefix given, but not in title: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check('py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'module2')
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'

    # prefix given, but explicit: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check('py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'py3k:module2',
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'py3k:module2'

    # prefix given, target not found and nonexplicit title: prefix is stripped
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'mod', 'py3k:unknown', 'py3k:unknown',
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == 'unknown'

    # prefix given, target not found and explicit title: nothing is changed
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'mod', 'py3k:unknown', 'py3k:unknown',
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == 'py3k:unknown'
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_missing_reference(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / "inventory"
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        "https://docs.python.org/": inv_file,
        "py3k": ("https://docs.python.org/py3k/", inv_file),
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    inv = app.env.intersphinx_inventory

    assert inv["py:module"]["module2"] == ("foo", "2.0", "https://docs.python.org/foo.html#module-module2", "-")

    # create fake nodes and check referencing

    def fake_node(domain, type, target, content, **attrs):
        contnode = nodes.emphasis(content, content)
        node = addnodes.pending_xref("")
        node["reftarget"] = target
        node["reftype"] = type
        node["refdomain"] = domain
        node += contnode
        return node, contnode

    def reference_check(*args, **kwds):
        node, contnode = fake_node(*args, **kwds)
        return missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)

    # check resolution when a target is found
    rn = reference_check("py", "func", "module1.func", "foo")
    assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
    assert rn["refuri"] == "https://docs.python.org/sub/foo.html#module1.func"
    assert rn["reftitle"] == "(in foo v2.0)"
    assert rn[0].astext() == "foo"

    # create unresolvable nodes and check None return value
    assert reference_check("py", "foo", "module1.func", "foo") is None
    assert reference_check("py", "func", "foo", "foo") is None
    assert reference_check("py", "func", "foo", "foo") is None

    # check handling of prefixes

    # prefix given, target found: prefix is stripped
    rn = reference_check("py", "mod", "py3k:module2", "py3k:module2")
    assert rn[0].astext() == "module2"

    # prefix given, but not in title: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check("py", "mod", "py3k:module2", "module2")
    assert rn[0].astext() == "module2"

    # prefix given, but explicit: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check("py", "mod", "py3k:module2", "py3k:module2", refexplicit=True)
    assert rn[0].astext() == "py3k:module2"

    # prefix given, target not found and nonexplicit title: prefix is stripped
    node, contnode = fake_node("py", "mod", "py3k:unknown", "py3k:unknown", refexplicit=False)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == "unknown"

    # prefix given, target not found and explicit title: nothing is changed
    node, contnode = fake_node("py", "mod", "py3k:unknown", "py3k:unknown", refexplicit=True)
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == "py3k:unknown"
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_missing_reference(tempdir, app, status, warning):
    inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
    app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
        'https://docs.python.org/': inv_file,
        'py3k': ('https://docs.python.org/py3k/', inv_file),
        'py3krel': ('py3k', inv_file),  # relative path
        'py3krelparent': ('../../py3k', inv_file),  # relative path, parent dir
    app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0

    # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
    inv = app.env.intersphinx_inventory

    assert inv['py:module']['module2'] == \
        ('foo', '2.0', 'https://docs.python.org/foo.html#module-module2', '-')

    # check resolution when a target is found
    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'foo')
    assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'https://docs.python.org/sub/foo.html#module1.func'
    assert rn['reftitle'] == '(in foo v2.0)'
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'foo'

    # create unresolvable nodes and check None return value
    assert reference_check(app, 'py', 'foo', 'module1.func', 'foo') is None
    assert reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None
    assert reference_check(app, 'py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None

    # check handling of prefixes

    # prefix given, target found: prefix is stripped
    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'py3k:module2')
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'

    # prefix given, but not in title: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'module2')
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'

    # prefix given, but explicit: nothing stripped
    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'py3k:module2',
    assert rn[0].astext() == 'py3k:module2'

    # prefix given, target not found and nonexplicit title: prefix is stripped
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'mod', 'py3k:unknown', 'py3k:unknown',
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == 'unknown'

    # prefix given, target not found and explicit title: nothing is changed
    node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'mod', 'py3k:unknown', 'py3k:unknown',
    rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
    assert rn is None
    assert contnode[0].astext() == 'py3k:unknown'

    # check relative paths
    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3krel:module1', 'foo')
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'py3k/foo.html#module-module1'

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3krelparent:module1', 'foo')
    assert rn['refuri'] == '../../py3k/foo.html#module-module1'

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3krel:module1', 'foo', refdoc='sub/dir/test')
    assert rn['refuri'] == '../../py3k/foo.html#module-module1'

    rn = reference_check(app, 'py', 'mod', 'py3krelparent:module1', 'foo',
    assert rn['refuri'] == '../../../../py3k/foo.html#module-module1'

    # check refs of standard domain
    rn = reference_check(app, 'std', 'doc', 'docname', 'docname')
    assert rn['refuri'] == 'https://docs.python.org/docname.html'