Ejemplo n.º 1
    def process_image_node(self, node, docname, standalone=False):
        process an image node

        This method will process an image node for asset tracking. Asset
        information is tracked in this manager and other helper methods can be
        used to pull asset information when needed.

            node: the image node
            docname: the document's name
            standalone (optional): ignore hash mappings (defaults to False)

            the key, document name and path

        uri = str(node['uri'])
        if not uri.startswith('data:') and uri.find('://') == -1:
            logger.verbose('process image node: %s' % uri)
            path = self._interpret_asset_path(node)
            if path:
                return self._handle_entry(path, docname, standalone)

        return None, None, None
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _interpret_asset_path(self, node):
        find an absolute path for a target assert

        Returns the absolute path to an assert. For unsupported asset types,
        this method will return ``None`` values. This method should not be
        invoked on external assets (i.e. URLs).

            node: the node to parse

            the absolute path
        path = None
        if isinstance(node, nodes.image):
            # uri's will be relative to documentation root.
            path = str(node['uri'])
        elif isinstance(node, addnodes.download_reference):
            # reftarget will be a reference to the asset with respect to the
            # document (refdoc) holding this reference. Use reftarget and refdoc
            # to find a proper path.
            docdir = os.path.dirname(node['refdoc'])
            path = os.path.join(docdir, node['reftarget'])

        abspath = find_env_abspath(self.env, self.outdir, path)

        if not abspath:
            logger.verbose('failed to find path: %s' % path)

        return abspath
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def remove_page(self, page_id):
        if self.dryrun:
            self._dryrun('removing page', page_id)
        elif self.onlynew:
            self._onlynew('page removal restricted', page_id)

                self.rest_client.delete('content', page_id)
            except ConfluenceBadApiError as ex:
                if str(ex).find('Transaction rolled back') == -1:
                logger.warn('delete failed; retrying...')

                self.rest_client.delete('content', page_id)

        except ConfluenceBadApiError as ex:
            # Check if Confluence reports that this content does not exist. If
            # so, we want to suppress the API error. This is most likely a
            # result of a Confluence instance reporting a page descendant
            # identifier which no longer exists (possibly a caching issue).
            if str(ex).find('No content found with id') == -1:

            logger.verbose('ignore missing delete for page '
                           'identifier: {}'.format(page_id))
        except ConfluencePermissionError:
            raise ConfluencePermissionError(
                """Publish user does not have permission to delete """
                """from the configured space.""")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def process_file_node(self, node, docname, standalone=False):
        process an file node

        This method will process an file node for asset tracking. Asset
        information is tracked in this manager and other helper methods can be
        used to pull asset information when needed.

            node: the file node
            docname: the document's name
            standalone (optional): ignore hash mappings (defaults to False)

            the key, document name and path

        target = node['reftarget']
        if target.find('://') == -1:
            logger.verbose('process file node: %s' % target)
            path = self._interpret_asset_path(node)
            if path:
                return self._handle_entry(path, docname, standalone)

        return None, None, None
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def register_title(docname, title, config):
        register the title for the provided document name

        In Confluence, a page is identified by the name/title of a page (at
        least, from the user's perspective). When processing a series of
        document names, the title value used for a document is based off the
        first heading detected. This register method allows a builder to track
        a document's title name name, so it may provide a document's contents
        and target title when passed to the publish operation.

        If a prefix (or postfix) value is provided, it will be added to the
        beginning (or at the end) of the provided title value.
        try_max = CONFLUENCE_MAX_TITLE_LEN
        base_tail = ''
        postfix = None
        prefix = None

        if config and (not config.confluence_ignore_titlefix_on_index
                       or docname != config.root_doc):
            postfix = config.confluence_publish_postfix
            prefix = config.confluence_publish_prefix

        if prefix:
            title = prefix + title

        if postfix:
            base_tail += postfix

        if len(title) + len(base_tail) > try_max:
            warning = 'document title has been trimmed due to length: %s' % title
            if len(base_tail) > 0:
                warning += '; With postfix: %s' % base_tail
            title = title[0:try_max - len(base_tail)]

        base_title = title
        title += base_tail

        # check if title is already used; if so, append a new value
        offset = 2
        while title.lower() in ConfluenceState.title2doc:
            if offset == 2:
                logger.warn('title conflict detected with '
                            "'{}' and '{}'".format(

            tail = ' ({}){}'.format(offset, base_tail)
            if len(base_title) + len(tail) > try_max:
                base_title = base_title[0:(try_max - len(tail))]

            title = base_title + tail
            offset += 1

        ConfluenceState.doc2title[docname] = title
        ConfluenceState.title2doc[title.lower()] = docname
        logger.verbose('mapping %s to title: %s' % (docname, title))
        return title
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def register_toctree_depth(docname, depth):
        register the toctree-depth for the provided document name

        Documents using toctree's will only use the first toctree's 'maxdepth'
        option [1]. This method provides the ability to track the depth of a
        document before toctree resolution removes any hints at the maximum
        depth desired.

        [1]: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/toctree.html#id3
        ConfluenceState.doc2ttd[docname] = depth
        logger.verbose('track %s toc-depth: %s' % (docname, depth))
Ejemplo n.º 7
        def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            # apply any user-set delay on an api request
            if self.config.confluence_publish_delay:
                delay = self.config.confluence_publish_delay
                logger.verbose('user-set api delay set; '
                               'waiting {} seconds...'.format(math.ceil(delay)))

            # if confluence asked us to wait so many seconds before a next
            # api request, wait a moment
            if self.next_delay:
                delay = self.next_delay
                logger.verbose('rate-limit header detected; '
                               'waiting {} seconds...'.format(math.ceil(delay)))
                self.next_delay = None

            # if we have imposed some rate-limiting requests where confluence
            # did not provide retry information, slowly decrease our tracked
            # delay if requests are going through
            self.last_retry = max(self.last_retry / 2, 1)

            attempt = 1
            while True:
                    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                except ConfluenceRateLimited as e:
                    # if max attempts have been reached, stop any more attempts
                    if attempt > RATE_LIMITED_MAX_RETRIES:
                        raise e

                    # determine the amount of delay to wait again -- either from the
                    # provided delay (if any) or exponential backoff
                    if self.next_delay:
                        delay = self.next_delay
                        self.next_delay = None
                        delay = 2 * self.last_retry

                    # cap delay to a maximum
                    delay = min(delay, RATE_LIMITED_MAX_RETRY_DURATION)

                    # add jitter
                    delay += random.uniform(0.3, 1.3)

                    # wait the calculated delay before retrying again
                    logger.warn('rate-limit response detected; '
                                'waiting {} seconds...'.format(math.ceil(delay)))
                    self.last_retry = delay
                    attempt += 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def register_target(refid, target):
        register a reference to a specific (anchor) target

        When interpreting a reference in reStructuredText, the reference could
        point to an anchor in the same document, another document or an anchor
        in another document. In Confluence, the target name is typically
        dependent on the document's title name (auto-generated targets provided
        by Confluence; ex. title#header). This register method allows a builder
        to track the target value to use for a provided reference (so that a
        writer can properly prepare a link; see also `target`).
        ConfluenceState.refid2target[refid] = target
        logger.verbose('mapping %s to target: %s' % (refid, target))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def register_upload_id(docname, id_):
        register a page (upload) identifier for a docname

        When a publisher creates/updates a page on a Confluence instance, the
        resulting page will have an identifier for it. This state utility class
        can help track the Confluence page's identifier by invoking this
        registration method. This method is primarily used to help track/order
        published documents into a hierarchical fashion (see
        `registerParentDocname`). It is important to note that the order of
        published documents will determine if a page's upload identifier is
        tracked in this state (see also `uploadId`).
        ConfluenceState.doc2uploadId[docname] = id_
        logger.verbose("tracking docname %s's upload id: %s" % (docname, id_))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def register_parent_docname(docname, parent_docname):
        register a parent docname for a provided docname

        When using Sphinx's toctree, documents defined in the tree can be
        considered child pages (see the configuration option
        'confluence_page_hierarchy'). This method helps track a parent document
        for a provided child document. With the ability to track a parent
        document and track publish upload identifiers (see `registerUploadId`),
        the publish operation can help ensure pages are structured in a
        hierarchical fashion (see also `parentDocname`).

        [1]: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/toctree.html#directive-toctree
        ConfluenceState.doc2parentDoc[docname] = parent_docname
        logger.verbose('setting parent of %s to: %s' %
                       (docname, parent_docname))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def unknown_visit(self, node):
        node_name = node.__class__.__name__
        ignore_nodes = self.builder.config.confluence_adv_ignore_nodes
        if node_name in ignore_nodes:
            ConfluenceLogger.verbose('ignore node {} (conf)'.format(node_name))
            raise nodes.SkipNode

        # allow users to override unknown nodes
        # A node handler allows an advanced user to provide implementation to
        # process a node not supported by this extension. This is to assist in
        # providing a quick alternative to supporting another third party
        # extension in this translator (without having to take the time in
        # building a third extension).
        handler = self.builder.config.confluence_adv_node_handler
        if handler and isinstance(handler, dict) and node_name in handler:
            handler[node_name](self, node)
            raise nodes.SkipNode

        raise NotImplementedError('unknown node: ' + node_name)
def build_intersphinx(builder):
    build intersphinx information from the state of the builder

    Attempt to build a series of entries for an intersphinx inventory resource
    for Confluence builder generated content. This is only supported after
    processing a publishing event where page identifiers are cached to build URI

        builder: the builder
    def escape(string):
        return re.sub("\\s+", ' ', string)

    if builder.cloud:
        pages_part = 'pages/{}/'
        pages_part = 'pages/viewpage.action?pageId={}'

    with open(path.join(builder.outdir, INVENTORY_FILENAME), 'wb') as f:
        # header
        f.write(('# Sphinx inventory version 2\n'
                 '# Project: %s\n'
                 '# Version: %s\n'
                 '# The remainder of this file is compressed using zlib.\n' %

        # contents
        compressor = zlib.compressobj(9)

        for domainname, domain in sorted(builder.env.domains.items()):
            if domainname == 'std':
                for name, dispname, typ, docname, raw_anchor, prio in sorted(

                    page_id = ConfluenceState.uploadId(docname)
                    if not page_id:

                    target_name = '{}#{}'.format(docname, raw_anchor)
                    target = ConfluenceState.target(target_name)

                    if raw_anchor and target:
                        title = ConfluenceState.title(docname)
                        anchor = 'id-' + title + '-' + target
                        anchor = anchor.replace(' ', '')

                        # confluence will convert quotes to right-quotes for
                        # anchor values; replace and encode the anchor value
                        anchor = anchor.replace('"', '”')
                        anchor = anchor.replace("'", '’')
                        anchor = requests.utils.quote(anchor)
                        anchor = ''

                    uri = pages_part.format(page_id)
                    if anchor:
                        uri += '#' + anchor
                    if dispname == name:
                        dispname = '-'
                    entry = ('%s %s:%s %s %s %s\n' %
                             (name, domainname, typ, prio, uri, dispname))
                    ConfluenceLogger.verbose('(intersphinx) ' + entry.strip())

Ejemplo n.º 13
    def storePage(self, page_name, data, parent_id=None):
        uploaded_page_id = None

        if self.config.confluence_adv_trace_data:
            ConfluenceLogger.trace('data', data['content'])

        if self.dryrun:
            _, page = self.getPage(page_name, 'version,ancestors')

            if not page:
                self._dryrun('adding new page ' + page_name)
                return None
                misc = ''
                if parent_id and 'ancestors' in page:
                    if not any(a['id'] == parent_id for a in page['ancestors']):
                        if parent_id in self._name_cache:
                            misc += '[new parent page {} ({})]'.format(
                                self._name_cache[parent_id], parent_id)
                            misc += '[new parent page]'

                self._dryrun('updating existing page', page['id'], misc)
                return page['id']

        can_labels = 'labels' not in self.config.confluence_adv_restricted
        expand = 'version'
        if can_labels and self.append_labels:
            expand += ',metadata.labels'

        _, page = self.getPage(page_name, expand=expand)

        if self.onlynew and page:
            self._onlynew('skipping existing page', page['id'])
            return page['id']

            # new page
            if not page:
                newPage = {
                    'type': 'page',
                    'title': page_name,
                    'body': {
                        'storage': {
                            'representation': 'storage',
                            'value': data['content'],
                    'space': {
                        'key': self.space_name

                if can_labels:
                    self._populate_labels(newPage, data['labels'])

                if parent_id:
                    newPage['ancestors'] = [{'id': parent_id}]

                    rsp = self.rest_client.post('content', newPage)

                    if 'id' not in rsp:
                        api_err = ('Confluence reports a successful page ' +
                                  'creation; however, provided no ' +
                            api_err += 'DATA: {}'.format(json.dumps(
                                rsp, indent=2))
                        except TypeError:
                            api_err += 'DATA: <not-or-invalid-json>'
                        raise ConfluenceBadApiError(api_err)

                    uploaded_page_id = rsp['id']
                except ConfluenceBadApiError as ex:
                    # Check if Confluence reports that the new page request
                    # fails, indicating it already exists. This is usually
                    # (outside of possible permission use cases) that the page
                    # name's casing does not match. In this case, attempt to
                    # re-check for the page in a case-insensitive fashion. If
                    # found, attempt to perform an update request instead.
                    if str(ex).find('title already exists') == -1:

                    ConfluenceLogger.verbose('title already exists warning '
                        'for page {}'.format(page_name))

                    _, page = self.getPageCaseInsensitive(page_name)
                    if not page:

                    if self.onlynew:
                        self._onlynew('skipping existing page', page['id'])
                        return page['id']

            # update existing page
            if page:
                last_version = int(page['version']['number'])
                updatePage = {
                    'id': page['id'],
                    'type': 'page',
                    'title': page_name,
                    'body': {
                        'storage': {
                            'representation': 'storage',
                            'value': data['content'],
                    'space': {
                        'key': self.space_name
                    'version': {
                        'number': last_version + 1

                if can_labels:
                    labels = list(data['labels'])
                    if self.append_labels:
                            for lbl in page.get('metadata', {}).get(
                                'labels', {}).get('results', {})

                    self._populate_labels(updatePage, labels)

                if not self.notify:
                    updatePage['version']['minorEdit'] = True

                if parent_id:
                    updatePage['ancestors'] = [{'id': parent_id}]

                    self.rest_client.put('content', page['id'], updatePage)
                except ConfluenceBadApiError as ex:
                    if str(ex).find('unreconciled') != -1:
                        raise ConfluenceUnreconciledPageError(
                            page_name, page['id'], self.server_url, ex)

                    # Confluence Cloud may (rarely) fail to complete a
                    # content request with an OptimisticLockException/
                    # StaleObjectStateException exception. It is suspected
                    # that this is just an instance timing/processing issue.
                    # If this is observed, wait a moment and retry the
                    # content request. If it happens again, the put request
                    # will fail as it normally would.
                    if str(ex).find('OptimisticLockException') == -1:
                        'remote page updated failed; retrying...')
                    self.rest_client.put('content', page['id'], updatePage)

                uploaded_page_id = page['id']
        except ConfluencePermissionError:
            raise ConfluencePermissionError(
                """Publish user does not have permission to add page """
                """content to the configured space."""

        if not self.watch:
            self.rest_client.delete('user/watch/content', uploaded_page_id)

        return uploaded_page_id
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def storeAttachment(self, page_id, name, data, mimetype, hash, force=False):
        request to store an attachment on a provided page

        Makes a request to a Confluence instance to either publish a new
        attachment or update an existing attachment. If the attachment's hash
        matches the tracked hash (via the comment field) of an existing
        attachment, this call will assume the attachment is already published
        and will return (unless forced).

            page_id: the identifier of the page to attach to
            name: the attachment name
            data: the attachment data
            mimetype: the mime type of this attachment
            hash: the hash of the attachment
            force (optional): force publishing if exists (defaults to False)

            the attachment identifier
        HASH_KEY = 'SCB_KEY'
        uploaded_attachment_id = None

        _, attachment = self.getAttachment(page_id, name)

        # check if attachment (of same hash) is already published to this page
        comment = None
        if attachment and 'metadata' in attachment:
            metadata = attachment['metadata']
            if 'comment' in metadata:
                comment = metadata['comment']

        if not force and comment:
            parts = comment.split(HASH_KEY + ':')
            if len(parts) > 1:
                tracked_hash = parts[1]
                if hash == tracked_hash:
                    ConfluenceLogger.verbose('attachment ({}) is already '
                        'published to document with same hash'.format(name))
                    return attachment['id']

        if self.dryrun:
            if not attachment:
                self._dryrun('adding new attachment ' + name)
                return None
                self._dryrun('updating existing attachment', attachment['id'])
                return attachment['id']
        elif self.onlynew and attachment:
            self._onlynew('skipping existing attachment', attachment['id'])
            return attachment['id']

        # publish attachment
            data = {
                'comment': '{}:{}'.format(HASH_KEY, hash),
                'file': (name, data, mimetype),

            if not self.notify:
                # using str over bool to support requests pre-v2.19.0
                data['minorEdit'] = 'true'

            if not attachment:
                url = 'content/{}/child/attachment'.format(page_id)
                rsp = self.rest_client.post(url, None, files=data)
                uploaded_attachment_id = rsp['results'][0]['id']
                url = 'content/{}/child/attachment/{}/data'.format(
                    page_id, attachment['id'])
                rsp = self.rest_client.post(url, None, files=data)
                uploaded_attachment_id = rsp['id']

            if not self.watch:
        except ConfluencePermissionError:
            raise ConfluencePermissionError(
                """Publish user does not have permission to add an """
                """attachment to the configured space."""

        return uploaded_attachment_id
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def store_page(self, page_name, data, parent_id=None):
        request to store page information to a confluence instance

        Performs a request which will attempt to store the provided page
        information and publish it to either a new page with the provided page
        name or update an existing page with a matching page name. Pages will be
        published at the root of a Confluence space unless a provided parent
        page identifier is provided.

            page_name: the page title to use on the updated page
            data: the page data to apply
            parent_id (optional): the id of the ancestor to use
        uploaded_page_id = None

        if self.config.confluence_adv_trace_data:
            logger.trace('data', data['content'])

        if self.dryrun:
            _, page = self.get_page(page_name, 'version,ancestors')

            if not page:
                self._dryrun('adding new page ' + page_name)
                return None
                misc = ''
                if parent_id and 'ancestors' in page:
                    if not any(a['id'] == parent_id
                               for a in page['ancestors']):
                        if parent_id in self._name_cache:
                            misc += '[new parent page {} ({})]'.format(
                                self._name_cache[parent_id], parent_id)
                            misc += '[new parent page]'

                self._dryrun('updating existing page', page['id'], misc)
                return page['id']

        expand = 'version'
        if self.append_labels:
            expand += ',metadata.labels'

        _, page = self.get_page(page_name, expand=expand)

        if self.onlynew and page:
            self._onlynew('skipping existing page', page['id'])
            return page['id']

            # new page
            if not page:
                new_page = self._build_page(page_name, data)
                self._populate_labels(new_page, data['labels'])

                if parent_id:
                    new_page['ancestors'] = [{'id': parent_id}]

                    rsp = self.rest_client.post('content', new_page)

                    if 'id' not in rsp:
                        api_err = ('Confluence reports a successful page ' +
                                   'creation; however, provided no ' +
                            api_err += 'DATA: {}'.format(
                                json.dumps(rsp, indent=2))
                        except TypeError:
                            api_err += 'DATA: <not-or-invalid-json>'
                        raise ConfluenceBadApiError(-1, api_err)

                    uploaded_page_id = rsp['id']

                    # if we have labels and this is a non-cloud instance,
                    # initial labels need to be applied in their own request
                    labels = new_page['metadata']['labels']
                    if not self.cloud and labels:
                        url = 'content/{}/label'.format(uploaded_page_id)
                        self.rest_client.post(url, labels)

                except ConfluenceBadApiError as ex:
                    # Check if Confluence reports that the new page request
                    # fails, indicating it already exists. This is usually
                    # (outside of possible permission use cases) that the page
                    # name's casing does not match. In this case, attempt to
                    # re-check for the page in a case-insensitive fashion. If
                    # found, attempt to perform an update request instead.
                    if str(ex).find('title already exists') == -1:

                    logger.verbose('title already exists warning '
                                   'for page {}'.format(page_name))

                    _, page = self.get_page_case_insensitive(page_name)
                    if not page:

                    if self.onlynew:
                        self._onlynew('skipping existing page', page['id'])
                        return page['id']

            # update existing page
            if page:
                self._update_page(page, page_name, data, parent_id=parent_id)
                uploaded_page_id = page['id']

        except ConfluencePermissionError:
            raise ConfluencePermissionError(
                """Publish user does not have permission to add page """
                """content to the configured space.""")

        if not self.watch:
            self.rest_client.delete('user/watch/content', uploaded_page_id)

        return uploaded_page_id
Ejemplo n.º 16
def confluence_supported_svg(builder, node):
    process an image node and ensure confluence-supported svg  (if applicable)

    SVGs have some limitations when being presented on a Confluence instance.
    The following have been observed issues:

    1) If an SVG file does not have an XML declaration, Confluence will fail to
       render an image.
    2) If an `ac:image` macro is applied custom width/height values on an SVG,
       Confluence Confluence will fail to render the image.

    This call will process a provided image node and ensure an SVG is in a ready
    state for publishing. If a node is not an SVG, this method will do nothing.

    To support custom width/height fields for an SVG image, the image file
    itself will be modified to an expected lengths. Any hints in the
    documentation using width/height or scale, the desired width and height
    fields of an image will calculated and replaced/injected into the SVG image.

    Any SVG files which do not have an XML declaration will have on injected.

        builder: the builder
        node: the image node to check

    uri = node['uri']

    # ignore external/embedded images
    if uri.find('://') != -1 or uri.startswith('data:'):

    # invalid uri/path
    uri_abspath = find_env_abspath(builder.env, builder.outdir, uri)
    if not uri_abspath:

    # ignore non-svgs
    mimetype = guess_mimetype(uri_abspath)
    if mimetype != 'image/svg+xml':

        with open(uri_abspath, 'rb') as f:
            svg_data = f.read()
    except (IOError, OSError) as err:
        builder.warn('error reading svg: %s' % err)

    modified = False
    svg_root = xml_et.fromstring(svg_data)

    # determine (if possible) the svgs desired width/height
    svg_height = None
    if 'height' in svg_root.attrib:
        svg_height = svg_root.attrib['height']

    svg_width = None
    if 'width' in svg_root.attrib:
        svg_width = svg_root.attrib['width']

    # try to fallback on the viewbox attribute
    viewbox = False
    if svg_height is None or svg_width is None:
        if 'viewBox' in svg_root.attrib:
                _, _, svg_width, svg_height = \
                    svg_root.attrib['viewBox'].split(' ')
                viewbox = True
            except ValueError:

    # if tracking an svg width/height, ensure the sizes are in pixels
    if svg_height:
        svg_height, svg_height_units = extract_length(svg_height)
        svg_height = convert_length(svg_height, svg_height_units, pct=False)
    if svg_width:
        svg_width, svg_width_units = extract_length(svg_width)
        svg_width = convert_length(svg_width, svg_width_units, pct=False)

    # extract length/scale properties from the node
    height, hu = extract_length(node.get('height'))
    scale = node.get('scale')
    width, wu = extract_length(node.get('width'))

    # if a percentage is detected, ignore these lengths when attempting to
    # perform any adjustments; percentage hints for internal images will be
    # managed with container tags in the translator
    if hu == '%':
        height = None
        hu = None

    if wu == '%':
        width = None
        wu = None

    # confluence can have difficulty rendering svgs with only a viewbox entry;
    # if a viewbox is used, use it for the height/width if these options have
    # not been explicitly configured on the directive
    if viewbox and not height and not width:
        height = svg_height
        width = svg_width

    # if only one size is set, fetch (and scale) the other
    if width and not height:
        if svg_height and svg_width:
            height = float(width) / svg_width * svg_height
            height = width
        hu = wu

    if height and not width:
        if svg_height and svg_width:
            width = float(height) / svg_height * svg_width
            width = height
        wu = hu

    # if a scale value is provided and a height/width is not set, attempt to
    # determine the size of the image so that we can apply a scale value on
    # the detected size values
    if scale:
        if not height and svg_height:
            height = svg_height
            hu = 'px'

        if not width and svg_width:
            width = svg_width
            wu = 'px'

    # apply scale factor to height/width fields
    if scale:
        if height:
            height = int(round(float(height) * scale / 100))
        if width:
            width = int(round(float(width) * scale / 100))

    # confluence only supports pixel sizes -- adjust any other unit type
    # (if possible) to a pixel length
    if height:
        height = convert_length(height, hu, pct=False)
        if height is None:
            builder.warn('unsupported svg unit type for confluence: ' + hu)
    if width:
        width = convert_length(width, wu, pct=False)
        if width is None:
            builder.warn('unsupported svg unit type for confluence: ' + wu)

    # if we have a height/width to apply, adjust the svg
    if height and width:
        svg_root.attrib['height'] = str(height)
        svg_root.attrib['width'] = str(width)
        svg_data = xml_et.tostring(svg_root)
        modified = True

    # ensure xml declaration exists
    if not svg_data.lstrip().startswith(b'<?xml'):
        svg_data = XML_DEC + b'\n' + svg_data
        modified = True

    # ignore svg file if not modifications are needed
    if not modified:

    fname = sha256(svg_data).hexdigest() + '.svg'
    outfn = os.path.join(builder.outdir, builder.imagedir, 'svgs', fname)

    # write the new svg file (if needed)
    if not os.path.isfile(outfn):
        logger.verbose('generating compatible svg of: %s' % uri)
        logger.verbose('generating compatible svg to: %s' % outfn)

            with open(outfn, 'wb') as f:
        except (IOError, OSError) as err:
            builder.warn('error writing svg: %s' % err)

    # replace the required node attributes
    node['uri'] = outfn

    if 'height' in node:
        del node['height']
    if 'scale' in node:
        del node['scale']
    if 'width' in node:
        del node['width']